Fishy Man Goat Terrifies Couples Parked at Lake Worth [ParaBreakdown]

In 1969, the Texas town of Lake Worth was terrorized by an unknown creature that roamed the shore of Greer Island. Despite hundreds of eye witness reports, the frightening beast still remains a mystery.


  1. you must be so proud.... put that on your resume...dipshit.

    1. Stretch that smile a mile! Turn that frown upside down! Don't be a gloomy Gus!

  2. Sheepsquatch is lame compared to FishyManGoat.

    We need cryptid hunter extraordinaire Mikey B on the case NOW.

    10m for a BF? How much for a FishyManGoat?

    We're gonna be rich bitches!



    1. I have done, and will again if you like; post documented facts of giant skeletons being found and then sent to institutions such as the Smithsonian. I certainly believe you when you say you skip my posts because if you had read them, you would have realised that this is pretty much indisputable. Hell, didn't you agree with me once that the Ohio remains were fascinating? It is pretty hysterical to me that you should deny of that, and then claim that anyone else is crazy. These studies would normally be very reliable to you should they do the complete opposite, I can even post articles from the scientific american... Crazy?? For you to say that you can account for everything that is kept within the catacombs is pretty hilarious to me too, cause I'm living in Wales and I can assure you 100% you don't.

      Now, let's look at your average comment Harry, shall we? I don't care to really read " Hey mother f*****s let's tear this up!" like some John Belushi wanna be, living his party mood out on a blog? I don't want to read that, I don't want to hear about how much of a party god you think you are, swearing thinking you are pretty cool?

      So when you suggest that people's posts are pretty lame, take a look at yours, take a look at how much you back down and are suddenly 'open to the idea' when intelligently confronted and take a your crap somewhere else bro, cause I can see now that you are full of it bro. Anyone who jumps all over what this sicko is posting is pretty much the same to me.

    2. Jew forking forners using too much my space,you go now!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Don't even worry joe like I said you do your thing I do mine no hard feelings man just two different pages it's all good man

    5. I deleted that to re-word it; I apologise whole heartedly but retract nothing from the people who got some earlier.

      You are a good man Harry.

    6. "Now, let's look at your average comment Harry, shall we? I don't care to really read " Hey mother f*****s let's tear this up!" like some John Belushi wanna be, living his party mood out on a blog? I don't want to read that, I don't want to hear about how much of a party god you think you are, swearing thinking you are pretty cool?

      So when you suggest that people's posts are pretty lame, take a look at yours, take a look at how much you back down and are suddenly 'open to the idea' when intelligently confronted and take a your crap somewhere else bro, cause I can see now that you are full of it bro." - Joefitz on Bandini

  3. Hey Joe! What the fuck! Do you live in your computer? Holy shit man, your always on here!

    But keep going my friend, Fuck the Sketards and Trolls. Keep given us all that useful information. It hurts the mindless idiots. They're "H" brain can't hold the power of Joe! (Watch Forbidden Planet around 1954, in color to)! Great movie!

    Do you know who I am?

    1. I wish I did, much respect. Also... iPhone bro.

      ; )

    2. Joe, I'm surprised, you didn't figure me out?

    3. Bro... If it's who I think it is, then HA! Thank you ma boy!!

    4. Jesus Ass Christ Joe! Think about a book coming out! So there!,

      My dear Welsh brother!

  4. Buuny Man is currently kept in a cage deep in the catacombs of the Smithsonian.
    Unless you can prove that he isn't.

    1. If you had official documents from the same institution saying there was... Then how could you disagree with it?

    2. Proof Matilda is bisexual

    3. Boring.Hey, you guys want to start a Furbies blog.Think of all the fun we could have with that. I'm just sayin'. I know our President would endorse it.

    4. If it's brony-friendly I'm in.


    5. Looked it up.Frightening! We are brony- friendly! I love ponies!

    6. Then you'll love footers.

    7. What about them exactly is it the dead thousand mile stare or aimless meandering

  5. The Smithsonian keeps my poop in a jar.


    Plenty of documents.

    Archives full of jars full of poop.

    1. They are building a new wing just to house your massive collection Mr. President! I was on the design comitee.I think you'll enjoy the special touches I did like coffee and doughnuts in each bathroom stall and bidet's for the hard of hearing.

    2. Who's in charge of the jars keeping and sorting when I'm out in the woods pooping in my jar?

  6. I wonder how many habituators get smoked when the snows fall and they realize they been feeding raccoons all summer?

  7. My misinformed counterpart, the real delusional mulder at bff is drunk of Munns kool aid.

    Poor mulders drooling all over is cock proclaiming the hollowest of victories and allcapsing PROVEN every chance he gets.

    Poor delusional fucktard mulder is almost as bad as Joe.

    Joe = DWA btw,

    1. Thanks for the desperate dribblings.

      If you really think DWA is Joe you have severe mental issues that need to addressed immediately.


  8. They had a Fishy Man Goat in a zoo once, but it broke out and butted the first person it encountered.

  9. This was simply yet another Dog Man misidentification.

    Goaters are SO stupid!

  10. A couple once spied in the murk
    A Man Goat who'd started to lurk.
    The fellow remarked on a smell,
    Which prompted the woman to yell,
    "That isn't the Man Goat, you jerk!"

  11. Don't mess with goats. They will mess you up.

  12. Phil is obviously a curator at the Smithsonian covering up the TRUTH of the Goatman!!!!!!!!!

    WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!!!!!!!!


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