Watch this: Alien looking creature drifting past ROV camera at over 7000ft near ocean floor

This is one of the strangest creatures we've seen yet. This video was taken from a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) off the East Coast of Africa. The location is near a wellhead at a depth of 7165 feet. The image has not been altered.

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  1. Comments of the day...

    "AnonymousWednesday, November 13, 2013 at 6:35:00 AM PST
    I saw a 10 foot Big foot running right along my train, running on all fours. the train was doing 60 miles an hour, and this Big foot had no trouble keeping up with us.
    That Big foot running on all fours at 33 miles an hour, must be one of the SLOW ones!"

    "AnonymousWednesday, November 13, 2013 at 6:41:00 AM PST
    I have a question for anyone who feels like answering it, if I had shot at a sasqwatch in August 2006 and hit it in leg and it never fell just kept going, but it left a blood trail for couple hundred yards and I gathered some of the blood on leaves, sticks etc put it in my pocket than put it in a bag would they still be able to test it even if it's just still in the same bag not frozen or anything? Also if I had it tested at one point and it was 100% human? Any thoughts??"

    ... If the two people who posted these comments are reading, I would very much like them to elaborate on these comments please.


    1. Me thinks they are leading you on Joe... Just a thought.

    2. Wooooooo wooooooo livin the dream Joe congrats

    3. Haha joe got trolled big time

    4. An interesting couple of comments though you must admit... If we could have more info from the posters then we could determine more... Hoepefully they'll read this and respond.


    5. Just shows that joe will believe anything he reads

    6. That's just Joes taterhole trying to find someone or something to talk about Bigfoot.

    7. Wow Joe...trolling THIS place for valid comments? HA, HA, HA. Pure desperation.

    8. Joe, you are the Andy Kaufman of Bigfootdom. Cutting and pasting other people's comments--genius.

  2. Bill munns is the real deal folks

    1. How did u now about the train video it's never been seen buy anyone ????????!? R u joking u must be joking

  3. Wow that creature is actually a self aware disembodied Taterhole. Where can I get one for a pet?

    1. I don't know about it being domesticated yet but that one there looks like a Healthy Happy self aware disembodied taterhole.

    2. You already own one :0 ^^ Get busy with the obedience classes and grooming! Don't over feed the damn thing and take it for walks or it will mess on the kitchen floor.

    3. MR, 306, I HOPE & PRAY TO GOD ! you dont get ahold of one thoese little flappin &swimmin deep sea CORNHOLES, all you 'd do is abuse it you perv..

    4. Someone call the ASPCA as a preemptive strike before it's too late

    5. You must have wounded it--it's blood was on the leaves..
      If it bleeds we can kill it..Get to the choppa!

    6. I had a domesticated disembodied taterhole for years. My best buddy, through good times and bad. Worst day of my life when I had to put it down.

    7. anon 5:58 my worst fears are being realized!!! danny campbell is confessing his sins,,, OOHH MY GOD !!

  4. Hmmm,got here late again,painting the dining room,sucks,looks nice though

    1. You didn't miss a damn thing RL. You got here just in time for the taterhole monster from the deep.


    2. Yeah,its creepy,thats why I fish in the ocean and swim in the pool

    3. Joe,I've got to get back to painting but I'll chat with you tomorrow,you too Harry,Rush I owe you an email

    4. Joe Fitz !!!!!!!! It's the Canadian guy !! How u doing today??? Anyways thanks for asking your friend those questions for me ! Very nice of you, I'm wondering if your friend John W has any videos on utube or if there's any videos on utube or anywhere else u recommend looking at like I said before my computer skills r terrible so any direction there would be great !! Have a great day ttl!!

    5. Don't rush off so quick Rum that'll just lead to you doing ceiling fans and decora switches and receptacles next I know how that goes last week my with my it started with painting her office and ended with me building her a flower box shaped like an L to wrap around the lanai

  5. ..Self-aware disembodied taterhole is the most credible sentient voice in bigfooting today....

  6. Self-aware disembodied taterhole looks like CGI...

  7. (clive squashy)

    We can get a clear pic of taterholes 20,000 leagues under the sea...but not of a bigfoot 20 yds away on land.

    1. That's the most credible thing I've ever read on this site Clive

    2. (clive squashy)

      Thanks Harry, dunno what came over me.

    3. 4:22 - laid off from Starkist.

    4. Yeah what the hell were you thinkin talkin all sensimical and what not lol

    5. (clive squashy)

      The doctors say I'm making real progress.

    6. That's what mine said till I started taking more

  8. Hey Canadian guy, It's John again, The worst thing any "Researcher" or others can do, is post a Video on this site.

    If you, I, anybody, was lucky enough to get a clear, close-up Video or Photo of a Big foot and then post it here, within seconds, These "Trolls" on here would tear it a part and write FAKE, HOAX and, MAN IN A GORRILLA SUIT! No one on here will accept anything that just might be the real thing!
    Most of these "Trolls" are sick, Jealous, envious, Hate everybody, show no respect, cynical, delusional pervert and cowards!

    If you read all the comments, all the negative disgusting remarks are from an Anon listing, that they can hide behind. They would never "to your face" say anything. but on a computer, they turn into brave little men.

    John W. Jones Spoke

    1. How is your mother John? Sorry about last night.

    2. Bullshit, Mr.Jones...Real wild-life photography and videos are like pornography: You know it when you see it(especially if the source is credible). It is accepted as a fact that a species of big-finned squid over 20 feet long exists even though it was only filmed..I saw narwhals on "Frozen Planet" and even if I did not already know it, I would have bet my house I could read about these animals in encyclopedias and magazines...
      At best, if you are not a hoaxer, all you have is blurry pictures of leaves..You convinced yourself they are bigfoots, but deep down you know its crap and would get the ridicule it surely deserves if you posted it..
      Direct your anger over your failure to obtain a decent picture at yourself, not at strangers on the net....

    3. I chose to be anonymous because there are some here who are clearly mentally unstable and I really don't want crazy folk knowing my name. No offense, John W. Jones.

  9. I saw a thing that was as big as a human jump from one tree to another then disappeared. Didn't know what it was. I don't recall the usa having primates.

    1. No you didn't. You are lying.

    2. You know what happened, I know what happened: Bigfoot jumped from one tree to another and then a) cloaked or b) passed into a parallel universe...The only question is was it a) or b).....

  10. It looks like bad CGI was layered over top of an actual sea animal from a video.


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