Southern Oregon Habituation Area (SOHA) Update Report (October 2013)

Editor’s Note: Dr. Matthew A. Johnson is one of the most credible people in the Bigfoot world. In July 1, 2000, Dr. Johnson had a "Class A" Bigfoot encounter with his family while hiking near the Oregon Caves. After his life changing sighting, he went to the public and described one of the most intense encounters ever. You can join him on Facebook at Team Squatchin USA.

The drive up to SOHA in October of 2013 was beautiful…… Fall was definitely in the air…. Upon arrival to the SOHA base camp, we immediately checked on the Peanut Butter Jar that we left behind three weeks earlier.  Once again, they punched holes in the lid and cleaned out the jar.  Amazing!!!

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  1. Replies
    1. They should've named it Oregon's Southern Habituation Area so it could've been OSHA for short

    2. Why is the sticker on the bottom of the pan still white and the rest has been carboned up????? That fucker put the black shit on after. Shenanigans!

  2. This guy is one of the biggest bull-shitters and fucking retards around. He gives footers a bad name.

    1. This dumb fuck leaving out peanut butter jars and is amazed by the "Teeth" marks. there could be 20 or more animals that would eat peanut butter and do that!
      The dumb fuck is chasing squirrels!

    2. Footers don't need the good batshit crazy doctor to give them a bad name. They do just fine by themselves.

    3. I have no clue what this clown is doing. But normally they leave peanut butter jars because only two things can open a peanut butter jar. (Sasquatch and homeless people.) Other animals such as bears would break the jar to get the peanut-butter, where sasquatch somehow know how to twist off the top. With that said... I am pretty sure racoons can do it as well.

      My problem with this is that all of these "Researchers" that claim a Sasquatch is getting peanut butter, are not videotaping this?... Yeah I smell BS here. Never mind the Paranormal CLOAKING Sasquatches.

    4. Putting out food to attract big foots is a waste of time, as it can attract a lot of other animals. And yes, Raccoon can twist off jar lids! No body seems to learn that trail cameras do not work, PERIOD! If they did, we would have a clear picture by now. There's something in trail cameras; smell, vibration, noise etc that scare or alerts them!

      John W. Jones Spoke

    5. I agree on the trail camera thing. I think that they can see infra-red light. (Not emit it. But if their irises work like powerful mirrors collecting infra-red and then intensifying it to true red, it would explain the eye-shine when a light source is lacking.. just my own insignificant theory lol.)

      Whether or not the Hovey pic is real, I think that is the way to go. A motion sensor flash or a trip wire rather than a common trail cam.

    6. Part of the problem with trail pix is, photos are being withheld from publication I bet people have sent their shots to the media/press and got 'rejected'. All part of the cover-up deal.

  3. Woo hoo two in a row, living the dream

  4. Replies
    1. So did an autistic kid I used to work with a long time ago. hmm....

    2. Is that you...Brad?

      "Asperger Syndrome" is a form of autism where the person has a high IQ but deficient social skills, among other things.

      What is Dr. Johnson a Dr. of ? Does he have a PHD ?

      Maybe that stands for "Post Hole Digger"...I have one too.

    3. Dr. J is a master of the erotic arts

    4. Mr. President! Trollandia salutes you!

  5. Pretty sure the good Doctor is just dipping his own junk in the jar of peanut butter and letting his girlfriend lick it off.

    "Hey baby... suck on my habituation area!"


  7. Replies
    1. Self aware disembodied taterhole.

    2. I keep my disembodied taterhole fish in my right pocket.

    3. Don't sit on the thing, you will kill it.

    4. Yes, the acronym is SADE-Tees(sounds like the girls name Sadie when you say it in conversation) which stands for Self Aware Dis-Embodied Taterholes of course..
      .I work for the secret government agency of the same name charged with making sure the public never learns of their existence..Can you imagine what would happen to the toilet paper industry if people knew taterholes may one day go off to start lives of their own lives? NO ONE will stock up...People will quit their jobs and ignore their religions and do nothing but hunt and capture personal self-aware, trainable taterhole sex slaves..Bye bye productivity then bye-bye USA baby...
      My specific task is to troll taterhole blogs to discredit the idea..That reminds me--Only gullible tatertards believe in sentient, free-wheeling taterholes....

      Agent Rectum

  8. Why dud this guy record owl calls last time? Was he joking? I just don't get some and most of the junk u guys put on here it makes this site look so bad!!

    1. When all you have is nothing,'ll get nothing and like it.

  9. When you guys talk about pretty women letting you have sex in their taterhole you guys are just kidding right? You're really just talking about folklore right?

  10. Replies
    1. Sup Ball Boy.How's the ball sack?Still burning from the Nair?

    2. Nope. Not in the real world. Maybe in another 46 years you'll get something. Probably not but hey YGNALI

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Sup Ball Boy.How'd the reconstructed surgery go on the ball bag and taint?Did the Nair burn your taterhole after you fingered it?

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. ^tries to be funny, but comes across as immature and vulgar. Definitely a virgin.

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    8. Whoa,where is the love people?


  11. partial handprint on a "gifting bowl" is one of the most credible voices in the bigfoot community

  12. Finally! Some shockingly fantastic evidence! Way to go Shawn,you can pick them! Today we now have "Poop in a Gifting Bowl Guy" and I couldn't be prouder to introduce him right here.

  13. Hey! You got peanut butter on my sasquatch!

    Hey! You got sasquatch on my penut butter!

    You know what? Together they taste like Andy Kaufman.

  14. I just finished a survey and it shows 99% of the Skeptic Trolls are City bred people who never leave the city, never leave their computer, can't get it up, unless they're jerking off in front of a picture of their mother!

    1. In my defense, my mom is kinda hot. What boy doesn't love his mother?

    2. I for one hate that silly bitch

    3. My mom is dead.

      Just kidding.

  15. Good evening ladies and gentlemen what are you motherfuckers doin tonight woooooooo wooooooooo one day left and party tiiiiiiime
    COME AT ME BRO!!!!

    1. Gonna get a ton of cock this weekend, huh Harry?

    2. Yep,and then he's going to give it to you right in your asshole.

    3. Whoa,come on now,almost Friday

    4. I don't know did your dad and brother confirm their appointments otherwise I have to service your mothers long standing appointment and she's as sure a thing as Dan and joe commenting

    5. I don't understand what's one and the same

  16. Shawn Evidence and his fat little hairy teddy bear Phil Poling brokedown Tim Fatsano's swamp monkey video of Stacey Brown and Rick Dyer tracking TeamBoyGazers pet juvenile Sasquatch 'Baby Enoch' through the palmetto's habituation area. Dr. Johnson showed up in a full body Owl Suit in an attempt to lure 16 juvenile, 8 adolescents, and 5 toddler skunk apes into to play Angry Birds on his cell phone with Grady his hybrid Owl/Squatch/Gypsy son.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anon 4:08 likes to watch his mommy take a donkey dick up the taterhole while his dad is shoving his meat rocket down his throat.

    2. Is school out,shouldn't you kids be studying?

    3. Remember when BE was some what cool..Trash is in over flow..And then there's Shawn the asleep Evidence, who couldn't GIVE A POOP IN THE JAR !..

    4. Especially foul in here tonight. What is the matter with you people?

    5. ^^^^Geez--now this guy should be banned.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. A big one perhaps, but that's actually a valid possibility, subtract the racial undertones. As good a guess as any others I've heard.

      ^^Maybe he's actually on to something?

    2. Thats pretty funny,say it to some black guys

  19. Haha literally a pwned community based on a hoax 50 years ago. So much fucking delusion and bullshit and not a single trace of an actual bigfoot anywhere ever. The funny thing is its not even a good hoax its a bloke in a crappy monkey suit with a ridiculous diaper butt.

    Fucking smoked.

  20. We are witnessing Dr. Johnson's sad and slow descent into madness. Looney Fucking Tunes!

  21. the Sashaying Bulgarian almasty


  22. Oprah, Zana, and Michelle Obama are undercover Sasquatch females spying on our govt.

    You can take that to the Bank! Bitches!

  23. No way. Zana's cool man. She used to be married to Danny Devito.

  24. Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.

    1. hang in there is hope. I discovered my toast this morning displayed a bigfoot holding a baby jesus... that's gotta be an omen

    2. Toast displaying Bigfoot holding a baby Jesus is the most compelling evidence in the Bigfoot community to date. Runaway pet kangaroo and disembodied Taterhole fish are 2nd and 3rd, respectively.

    3. Every week is the wrong week to stop sniffing glue

    4. Honestly, what harm did a few days of huffing paint and snorting eightballs of Peruvian coke ever do to anyone?

    5. HEY, I resemble that statement.

    6. Don't know I'd rather try dmt and meet god

    7. This bag of coke isn't going to snort itself.

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. You know, I've been ridiculing this guy for awhile, I mean "most credible", "most intense encounter", blah blah.
    But think about this idea. Wondered publicly before why they would punch holes in the lids. I've seen accounts about peanut butter jars, but not so much about the lids. There are suggestions elsewhere that their thumbs are not fully opposable, so maybe they can't work the lids like we do. Just a thought.

  27. I hope someone reports this " Dr. Matthew A. Johnson" to the medical board if he indeed does carry some sort of Dr title perhaps he wont be allowed to practice. Insane as bat shit.

    1. He is not a doctor of psychiatric medicine..He has a PhD in psychology. He as much permission to write prescriptions as someone with a PhD in music or math: Zero....

    2. You fail to research. Perhaps this will help. Scary as it seems, he does practice.

    3. ...Thanks but like I said, he has a PhD(if that's what PsyD means)...He is probably a licensed therapist-something you need only a masters for...I don't think this guy is a doctor of psychiatric medicine...

  28. Editor’s Note:Dr. Matthew A. Johnson is one of the most credible people in the looney toon world. In July 1, 2000, Dr. Johnson had an erection for Bigfoot with his family while hiking near the Oregon Caves. After his life changing erection, he went to the public and described one of the most intense erections ever. You can join him on Facebook at Team Erection USA.
    The drive up my taterhole in October of 2013 was beautiful…… Foul was definitely in the air…. Upon arrival to the SOHA base camp, we immediately checked on the poop in a Jar that we left from our behinds three weeks earlier. Once again, they punched me in my face and cleaned out my jar. Amazing!!!

  29. Our president is amused. Well done. Is this the guy who was banned from BE?

  30. Dr. fruit cake Johnson strikes again


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