Watch: Coon Hunter And Dog Stalked By Bigfoot [Real Bigfoot Encounters]

Here's a brand new Real Bigfoot Encounters story about a coon hunter who was stalked by Bigfoot. To this day, he hasn't said a single word to his friends about his encounter.


  1. Replies
    1. No monkeys just giant hairy people.


    2. That would be all good joe, if you actually had some of those... but nope you don't.

      No monkey.

      No giant hairy people.

      A whole lot of nothing.

    3. Coon hunters?...I thought the feds knocked the KKK out of the box in the sixties...that was bad, I need coffee...

    4. Grab me a Caramel Macchiato with an extra Adderall. Why look. Up in the thread. It's a bird. It's a It's Joe Fitzgerald. The super footer that Robert "Bullet the Blue Sky" Lindsay copied in his blog the other day. Joe. Doesn't he know I own the rights to the name and likeness of Joe Fitzgerald and his trademark (sigh) (tm)

    5. Got brain?

      Got original thought?

      Got life? Ya goofy troll.

    6. Mike! I'm sure good old Lindsay wasn't aware you owned the rights!! Ha ha ha!!

      Oh and to the troll that suggested there's 'no giant hairy people'; check out Patty and Leaping Russian Yeti (MK Davis version) and weep.

      Peace all!

    7. both debunked as nonsense, but you bigfoot/jesus freaks refuse to accept anything rational anyway, so you just ignore the facts. evidence, repeatable verifiable evidence. that's all that's required, yet you keep coming up short...hmmmmmmm


    9. Hill Billy!!

      Show me the sources where those two pieces of footage have been debunked??

      Show us these 'facts'... Or are you just talking s**t again, you're good at that.

      Can anyone smell poo?


    10. Well shit. Since we're all in a revealing mood, how about showing us a real bigfoot? Not a distorted film from 50 years ago, not an incredibly blurry film from a Russian wildlife actual specimen or piece of a bigfoot.

      Oh wait, you can't because they're not real.

    11. We provide a piece of footage; you say it's no good.

      We provide a body; you say find another one it's a one off deformed tramp.

      It wouldn't be good enough for you Campz... This is the level of your denial.

      How would you react if Sykes confirmed this creature?

      Serious question...


    12. You provide terrible quality footage with ambiguous subjects. Why can't you get clear, uninterrupted footage like that of the Bili Ape??

      You've never provided a body or a piece of bigfoot, ever. Despite countless DNA tests across the world...

    13. I'm getting tired so I'll respond like this...

      Find better than Patty... You can't explain that and you want more footage?!

      Ha ha ha ha!!

      Unknown primate DNA has been sequenced and for bodies check out Jim Vieira, BOOOOOMMMM!!

      Sorry to ruin your night bro.


    14. Dan, the "yeti" footage is a blobsquatch but there is nothing ambiguous about the PGF--it is a hoax or a bigfoot....

      Joe, there are no papers that talk about primate dna which matches no known species..Is it at least talked about in some book on cryptozoology?...

  2. Replies
    1. Verlander was the man last night.


    2. Chuck. Could you please explain to them that the St. Louis Cardinals will dominate the field after they destroy the Dodgers and all others!!

    3. Adam Wainright will suplex Verlander if they make WS and finish him with his trademark Hura Conrada!

    4. You may well be right Mike. The Cardinals have been the best baseball organization for the past ten years or more. My father would be proud as he use to talk them up in my younger days since he was from Douglas County. Back then Bob Gibson was all he ever talked about. Then came the magical series in 1968. Growing up in Midland County, MI I was a Tiger for life.

      I am only guessing, are your family roots in the New Madrid and Butler County area?.


    5. Chuck, my grandfather and father opened the first hospital in Butler County long ago. Both doctors. I couldn't pass organic chem or I woulda gone that route. We still have Brookreson farm that runs along 9 miles of Black River. It is called the "Gateway to the Ozarks". And with the Mark Twain National Forest, Irish Wildreness and Ozark Scenic National Riverway is some of the wooliest and prettiest places you'll see. Damn Chuck. Now I'm homesick.

    6. When the tigers hit they usually Win. Need to be up a few runs so the relievers or closers don't blow it. It's gotta be hard to follow behind verlander or scherzer


    7. You are right Saginaw Bay MMC. Bullpen is the weak point and Cabrera's injuries put a woe on their hitting. It is time for Fielder to step up big and Sanchez is due for a better outing.


    8. I have been through the area you describe and it is all you say. Mark Twain National Forest is also on eastern edge of Douglas County and hopefully I can see my loan remaining Aunt in Ava, Mo soon and check it out.

      I read about your father Dr. Alton Davis Brookreson. Sounded like he was one great Dr. and gentleman. Even set up a free clinic. He also had the smarts to set up shop in the great State of Texas also. One of the few state left that respects business people.

      Sorry you lost him two years ago.


    9. Chuck buddy!

      Left you a response on the other page... What is your understanding of the Buggs Texas story? Hoax?? I thought it was pretty credible but many peolpe have highlighted red flags?


    10. Sorry. I do not get the time to read the night stuff much. I heard the C2C with Art Bell live in early 2000s when Art had a guest, I think it was David Paulides on also. Buggs was quite convincing and a couple years earlier he had sent Art a map of the burial location upon Buggs' death. I know some others have flagged it but I do not know these people.

      I will try and get Art's email if he still has one and send a message about his opinion today. The story was very similar to Smeja's. I know the hair on the back of my neck was standing out as Buggs told what happened.

      See ya Joe

    11. Chuck, that would be amazing bro!! Please let me know what you hear!!

      Awesome Chuck.

  3. Hi Shaun, Sharon Hill mentions bigfoot evidence in a review of the book abominable science. Huffington Post Sept 10th 2013. Check it out it is kind of derogatory towards "our blog" Thanks J.D.


      Abominable Science pwns footers.

    2. Utter pwnage:

      "One popular Bigfoot blog posts every crazy claim or video under the heading "Bigfoot Evidence". They get hits regardless that the content can be outwardly sexist and rude and crude comments are allowed. Those that contribute to this site are considered Bigfoot "experts" even though their qualifications are shallow and questionable. Their information comes from one side only and they won't acknowledge skeptical input unless they have an opportunity to mock it. (The exact same methods are used on other paranormal sites that refuse to acknowledge critical pieces about their pet topics. Hmm... cowardly? Yes. And, I would add, intellectually dishonest.) It's seen to be more profitable, socially and economically, to be a Bigfoot believer than a scientific skeptic. While I'd like that to change, I don't think it will."

    3. Well, she is wrong. First, there are almost no 'skeptical scientists' that even give a rats ass about this topic.. When one of the rare ones has something to say Shawn posts it ..Every time Disotell opens his mouth we read about it here...

      God Bless Trollandia, and our dear President For Life Poop in a Jar Guy...



    5. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

      It's hilarious to me that a blog that clearly holds it's own ground against censorship, ridicule, hate, regular attacks and general stupidly, should get described in such a way by the people who have those efforts kicked back at them as they exit the door rubbing their sore bums.

      There are no bigger skeptics than those within the Bigfoot field; we have to be because of the hoaxing and misinformation that goes on, but just because we look at the facts and don't adhere to what we are 'supposed' to believe... Then we are 'shallow and questionable, rude and crude'?!

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      absolutely schooled!!!

      You can tell this blog is doing something right to get that type of response from the people who are set out to attack it.

      Schooled, and that made my day.

    6. Atta girl, Sharon. That's the skeptic babe I love, even though she dumped like a rotten egg.

      Oh, and: Mr. President! Trollandia salutes you!!!

    7. Sharon Shill as quoted there is hypocritical. She comments here regularly. She used to comment as Timmy and as Bigfoot is BS, anonymous, and others. She has been known to be rude and crude in comments, such as on her own I Doubt It mess of a website.

      She would come here to attack and attack, then as Joe said, complain on her way out the door of the resistance and the pointing out of her errors.

      It is absolutely rich and the height of hypocrisy for her to complain of rudeness and crudeness here when she has been the author or rude and crude comments here and elsewhere. The pot is calling the kettle black.

      She makes in income off of this subject while attacking it and while attacking anyone else who makes any income off of the subject.

      She couldn't pwn a flea.

      The Shill has been pwned.

    8. ^ got Pwned by Sharon Hill and can't come to grips with it.

    9. Holy utter shit balls, PJ...

      You did NOT just type the words 'no bigger skeptics than those in the bigfoot field'...?!?!


      That's like Bill Birnes telling Joe Rogan that he's an even bigger UFO skeptic than Rogan!

      You people and your delusions.

    10. About as delusional as someone maintaining Sykes is gonna deliver a skeptical wish list of results, even at this stage?

      How do you know what me or any of the footers are skeptical of? I'm too busy putting you and all the other tards in their place to express my skeptical opinion enough. Coming from someone who lies about his belief, that's pretty rich bro.


    11. Horse shit. The only thing your skeptical of is whether you think bigfoot is 4th dimension paranormal or a collateral hominid.

      You accept before you even critically analyze the situation.

      "Getting put in my place" that's rich, PJ! All the asylum patients feel they school their doctors on a day to day basis too, is that why you can't leave the country? Crazy laws have you pinned down?

      Sykes is without a doubt the proverbial nail in the coffin.

    12. ..PWNer, how in the world can you claim Hill was Timmy and Bigfoot is BS?..I have read her comments on JREF and visited her blog and I don't think the styles are even close..I do think she comments here though--who doesnt?

    13. Campz...

      Answer me summin bro?

      How would you react if Sykes told you Wildmen were real???

      Level with me...

    14. I would say congratulations on a partial validation to your crazy. It's a start, it's no type specimen but it's a start. Also I'd ask where and whom collected the samples.

      Of course, this all only pertains to a scientific journal acceptance and publication, peer reviewed of course.

    15. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!

      Partial validation!! Sample credibility?!! Ha ha ha ha!!! See what I mean Campz; if you had a body you'd merely ask for another one and suggest it's a deformed tramp.

      Your level of denial is scary and I simply refuse to believe you are actually that dumb or scared.

      Peace bro.

    16. Do you ever read what you type?

      You make up scenarios in your head like a looney.

      You have a type specimen? No? That's what I thought. If there is a type specimen of unknown origin, one can't deny it as a 'one-off' ya dunce.

    17. Ha ha ha!!

      And that's what it'll be next eh Campz?

      Type specimen will be next you want and then another type specimen.

      Denialism is not you bro, you're better than that surely?

      Peace bro.

    18. Type specimen isn't what I want, persay, it's what you NEED to fully validate your extraordinary claims.

      You've never been close to having a type specimen, so how about you work on that (oh yeah, you don't actually do field work because you don't want to go where bigfoot's supposedly roam. You just type type type and attach your name to other people's work like a leech) before you attempt to say what the world at large will do after a type specimen is dropped on the table.

      Your delusionals vastly outweigh any feeling of denial that I may possess.

  4. JD. There's the problem. Shawn no longer operates this blog. He put on that wool shirt. Grabbed his rifle. Strapped R2 D2 that Bart gave him to his hood and moved off to the Sierras with Smeja. Now it's all reruns and Mulders World. Ro "Hollywood " Sahebi now controls content. You wil see Shawn Evidence next year on Mountain Men.

  5. Just seen on tv finding Bigfoot is doing a interview on Oprah wow! They made it !

  6. Gentlemen. Headed to the Texas Habituation Site all weekend. Gotta walk and film the whole area. Any volunteers. I could use the help. I think Bigdads from around here. Anyone know how to reach him?

    1. Are you not in Fla. this weekend?

    2. How far are you from Austin?


    3. Hey Mike, if you see any cottonmouth snakes, pick one up for me , OK buddy?

    4. How far are you from Austin?

      Not far enough, I fear.

    5. Shit Mike!

      The word 'Habituation' makes me come out in a rash.

      I predict insanity and cats for you my friend! ;0)


    6. It's a joke. They go where they want savvy. I bait and attract and film subjects......I also go Bigfooting As to Forida, Stacy's coming here. As to Cottonmouths, gladly for your bed. M.

  7. Looking forward to sykes smoking the footers next Sunday.

    1. Skeptards gunna get smoked and like it.

    2. Inmate Number 8 11 has Completely Lost the PlotFriday, October 11, 2013 at 10:14:00 AM PDT

      How can Sykes smoke a footer with only 30 samples to account for the entire Earth? Thirty are all. If he finds 30 squirrels it hardly smokes a footer.

      A paper, a book, and three TV docs, each and all about nothing? You bleeve that? Each will deliver zero? You sound very deluded at this point.

      If he found 30 squirrels, I don't think he'd go to the trouble of the paper, the book, and three TV docs.

      #ToonyTard approved

    3. Dumbass 10:14 - you forget, HE'S the one who stopped the sample collections at 30 because he "found what he needed."

      I can see why too, I'd get tired of putting the costs of testing all those known animal samples on my tab too. How many failed DNA tests do you people need?

      There has been 4 seasons of nothing on Animal Planet, there's been 60 episodes about nothing on History, there's been book after book about nothing.

      Fact is, you don't have the slightest clue about this paradox and what angle Dr. Sykes is coming from. He can easily come out and nearly destroy the whole footer community or validate your crazy.

      Footardism runs deep in you, boy.

    4. Campz...

      The truth is we don't know for sure how many samples he's had, but 30 samples is 30 samples.

      Again... You won't find a single thing with a film crew. End of... Coming from someone who's supposed to be a hunter, you would know this but you simply twist it to your liking.

      Campz, I hope you're still about come Sykes' publishing; it's gonna be very interesting to see you babble away.


    5. I know exactly what angle Sykes is coming from.

      I knew exactly where Sartori was coming from. Sartori was hoping to put crytozoologists 'in their place' with this study. Sartori is very conspicuous by his absence.

      Nekaris has been convinced of the existence of unknown primates for years now. Sykes has heard enough to get involved and it would not surprise me if he does not have a 'wager' with Sartori regarding the 'surprising' results.

      The Sykes results won't 'smoke' anyone but sceptical footers.


  8. Skeptards.... What an interesting moniker. The only tards are those who continually hold out hope (or believe outright in spite of the lack of evidence) for bigfoot's existence. No such beast. Nada.

    1. No you're mistaken about "the only tards." We'll explain it to you. A skeptard is a skeptic extremist who worships skepscience, a special self-made religion. Their specialist move is kneejerk rejection of anything presented. Their specialist position is head in hole in ground, butt wriggling in air.

      You revealed and demonstrated your own pathology in your last two lines: By saying "No such beast. Nada," you are attributing to yourself the power of a god; only a god could have such knowledge.

      What makes this even more hysterical is that you're probably an atheist, so while denying the existence of any god, you at the same time attribute godlike powers to yourself. (Of course to say with authority there is no god, you would have to be a god. It's a logic trap.)

      Ego much there pal?

      For these reasons, we congratulate you, for you have easily qualified as a skeptard.

      Keep on tardin'

    2. Wow. You keep on taking meds. Or maybe you've stopped. In either case, LOL.

  9. Hey, footers: It's Friday again and time to plan your gift baskets for the fuck it. Just put anything in the damn basket. An old sock. An empty beer can. A poster of David Cassidy. It just doesn't matter because...THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BIGSQUATCH!!!!

    1. We are putting out our skeptard gift baskets for the weekend. They contain several books:

      *Avoidance at All Costs
      *How to Ignore Evidence the Professional Way
      *How to Get Nothing and Like It
      *The Skeptard's Guide to Averting Eyes From Evidence *How to Strutt Your Joke of a Skeptardical Ass and Claim to be Godlike While Simultaneously Saying There is No God
      *A Skekptard's Guide to Surviving on the BEB
      *Take Action: The Skeptard's Credo
      *How to Live a Delusion and Like It
      *The Skeptard's Thesaurus (with every page filled with forms of the word "Delusion")
      *How to Debate when You Have no Point
      *This is How a Professional Skeptard Ignores Evidence
      *Skepscience: The Skeptard's Holy Bible
      *How to Psychologically Survive When You Have Nada Zip Zippo Zero Zilch Zilcho

      and others.

      The gift baskets will also contain piles of cheese fries, corn dogs, Mountain Dew, and bubble gum from 7-11.

      We'll see if the skeptards leave anything in return, or if as usual they leave nada zip zilch zero.

    2. The skeptards will take it all. And because it's missing, you ignorants have yer sasquatch proof!

  10. I have been waiting for this information for a long time. Thank you very much for your wonderful post.


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