Get Bent Podcast To Discussing "Living Ptersosaur" Tonight at 9PM PST

Our friend Jaime Arcand is doing a show tonight with David Whitcomb about living Ptersosaurs -- the first vertebrates to evolve powered flights. If you thought they were extinct, think again! Join Jaime and friends in Jurassic Park as they talk all things DinoBird! 2:00 am EST/ 9:00 pm PST! Be there, call in and join the chat!

Wikipedia link:
Show link:


  1. Grow the F&$k up! Flying Dinosaures. Lol

    1. Read below 8:21!!!

      Use your imagination!!!


      As a kid, you used to use it, but then you stopped.

      Reignite it!!!!

      You will not accomplish anything with your LOL attitude!

      Break out of it immediately!!

    2. If Flying Dinosaurs grow the F&$k up! They will be adult Flying Dinosaurs

  2. I am going to point something out:

    The imaginers have always been ahead of the stuck-in-the-mud-science-only people.


    Jules Verne predicted Cape Canaveral, and many other things.

    H.G. Wells, well look him up! Read some stories!

    A recent example:

    Michael Crichton with Jurassic Park!

    Don't you remember what the scientists and science people said about his novel, and the film?

    Claptrap! Could never happen! No way! He's a fictionist, not a science person, so he has to be wrong! Crichton is a fantasist, not a scientist, so OF COURSE he is wrong!

    Well guess bloody what folks:

    Now scientists are looking at replicating dinosaurs via DNA.

    Well then?

    Who has been right all these decades?

    The in-the-box science people, or Crichton the imaginer?



    Tell us!

    Even top science man Einstein declared that "Imagination is more important than knowledge"!!!

    Yes, it has been the dreamers who have given ideas and motivation to open-minded science people!!

    Even if the dreamers don't understand all the science, they are the leap-aheaders, they are the seers, they are the anticipators, they are the IDEA PEOPLE.

    This takes and means right brain work. The right brain is the part which operates by feel, instinct, and imagination, and is the source of poetry and invention.

    The left brain operates by so-called logic, mathematics, science, and is by-the-numbers.

    Yet what happens? The left brained science people are forever trying to insult the imaginers, the dreamers, the anticipators.

    Read Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles, you science people, and see what visions the imagination can provide!

    The science only people are always always always behind the imaginers, the fictionists, the fantasists, yet they are always trying to insult and dismiss the fictionists, the fantatists, the imaginers!!!

    It is time for a re-education!!!!

    Whether you are an imaginer or a science person--or like Da Vinci, both--do not forget Verne and Crichton, for they accurately viewed the bloody future. Accurately!!!! Via imagination!!

    Are they worth listening to?

    They bloody well are.

    The JREF and science-worshipping crowd are all about staying in the box; nothing exists outside the box, just stick in the box and only what is in the box is real.

    How will such a person ever ever ever discover ONE thing with that philosophy and intent? JREFers, please step out of your boxes! Forget those limitations and use your imaginations! Stop self-limiting yourselves!!

    In short: Imagine!!!

    1. Well thank you, John Lennon.

    2. Imagine...LOL

      Science deals in facts not imaginary opinions and delusions.

      Weak weak weaaaakkk argument! Bigfoot's real! Just use your imagination!

    3. So says the guy with acorns for nuts.

    4. All Daniel Campbell does is make up hoaxed stories. He is a hoax himself, he doesn't exist.

  3. Daniel,if Sykes has proof of the Yeti or Bigfoot i hope you're going to do the right thing and apologize to MMG and Joe and all the believers,this message sent with love,Eva xx

    1. I've already said if Sykes has a peer reviewed published paper showing anything bigfoot or yeti, I'd rejoice their names from the mountain tops.

      Now, once Sykes shows jack squat as per scientific evidence on the yeti or bigfoot, will MMG and PJ and all you bleevers do the same?

    2. Why would a 346 Lb. woman need breast augmentation anyways?

  4. Well the thing is,if Sykes doesn't come up with proof that wouldn't disprove bigfoots existence,it just means we will continue to debate until proof is found,xx

    1. Bigfoot doesn't exist. It's not some goddamned 4th dimensional being. It simply doesn't exist for a multitude of reasons. No cryptid ever in history, EVER has been proven! NOT ONE!

      Grow up!

  5. If someone brought in a fresh dead Big foot. It would be deemed a hoax, done by a special effects experts. even when his guts and blood spatter on the Lab's floor, that is ketchup and goat entrails!

    People still believe the Earth is flat, man never set foot on the Moon, 9/11 was caused by George Bush & Co, Barack Obama is the greatest president since Lincoln!


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