Chupacabra In Mississippi?

A woman spots a strange looking creature near her property in Mississipi. Some believe this is a chupacabra, but aren't they scarier looking than this?


  1. I like how the original chupacabra is 100% different than the American chupacabra.

    'We like your name! Can we use it to describe our canines with mange?'

    But do these canines suck the blood out of goats, leavin them void of marking outside two vampiric fang marks on the neck?

    Well, no...but...America!

  2. Given that the Chupacabra isn't real, it looks like whatever you want it to look like.

  3. There are two different versions of what Chupacabra's are said to look like. (before these things started popping up.)

    One was a humanoid looking creature with wings and the other was a quadruped with spikes on it's back.

    These canine things got the name due to the nature of small livestock and poultry killing where they were sighted. They matched alleged chupacabra -killings.

    They don't have mange, that has been confirmed. They are supposedly a hybrid of wolf and coyote, but I don't buy that either. Wolves are either highly endangered or extinct where these things are spotted, yet they keep growing in number.

    1. If you want to know more about the modern chupacabra, google Dr. Phyllis Canyon. About six weeks ago the Science Channel had a show on these animals, i believe it was an episode of the Unexplained Mysterys Files, or something like that. One was clocked at 45
      mph, hardly characteristic of an animal with the mange. Also Dr. Canyon has one that has been taxidermy and in her office. DNa was performed on it and did not match any canine on file.

      I remember back in the mid 90's when the chupacabra hysteria was going on in Puerto Rico, Florida, Texas, and Mexico. I was living in the Palm Springs, CA area and many Mexican workers had a chupacabra on their shirts. Looked more like the devilish type one at the time with the face of the Mexican President. Seemed pretty funny to me.

      Perhaps Phil should get more aquainted with the modern Chupacabra that Tzieth speaks about before comparing it to a chuhuha.


  4. Just a word about Tzieth. He is one smart guy and flat out knows what he talks about. He has probably forgot more than I will ever know about these type of subjects.


  5. lol Thanks, but the only reason I have been keeping tabs on these things, is because I actually had a sighting of a bunch of weird things that everyone was calling "Chupacabra". Or rather speculating they were.

    So I began looking up these Chupacabera sightings but found these canine things instead. (I still to this day do not know what those things I saw were, but they were pinkish-silver in color as if they had no skin and had ice blue eyes on the sides of their heads with pointed ears on top of their heads.)

    But these Canine Chupacabra's are a classic example of society denying something exists, despite the fact that it can't be a guy in a suit, the pictures are as clear as can be, they are constantly reported by the media and we DO have bodies.

    1. What you describe is exactly like the one Dr. Canyon has had mounted, and hers has ice blue eyes also. No hair or sparse bristly patches. Your last sentence is spot on. Now the real question is where did they come from. They seem to be breeding in large numbers. Is this some lab experiment that was released or escaped.

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