Why Is This Bigfoot Wearing Shoes?

Is this Bigfoot wearing shoes? According to the poster of this video who alleged captured the Bigfoot on security camera: "Those are not shoes. Our team believes his feet are just really muddy, due to sasquatches' tendency to live near muddy streams." Right...


  1. These giant monkeys don't exist im afraid.

    Its a cool myth and everything but reality is reality im afraid. Its a pretty amazing world out there even without a magic monkey man. Open your eyes folks.

    1. Ain't no Chriss Angel Mindfreak David Blaine Trapdoor shit jumping off here

    2. Anon 1:53...

      No monkeys, just giant hairy people.


    3. No giant hairy people either. But you knew that already.

    4. Yep plenty of monkey suits that can be tailored to any specification. You on the other hand have nothing. Not a single shred of one of these creatures. And what's more we are not talking about a single creature. For bigfoot to be real there would have to be a breeding population which would means numbers in the thousands. Now that just makes you look even more stupid.

    5. Hey stupid,show us the PGF Monkey suit if they can be tailored to any size and specification.You have nothing.

    6. 4:15 how exactly can we do that. Its not like we can ask Roger for his suit specs. Lol footers are silly.

    7. No, Footers merely request the same as what you do request of us... Back up to your claims. It's a suit so show us a suit. You can't so your claim is empty. Isn't it?


    8. Empty? Wow just wow. Its a suit. It looks like a man in a suit. It walks like a man in a suit. We can make suits. Its a man in a suit.

      What there isnt however and what your extraordinary claim is, is an undiscovered primate species in North America.

    9. "4:15 how exactly can we do that. Its not like we can ask Roger for his suit specs. Lol footers are silly."


      So you have no Monkey Suit!

    10. Anon 5:04...

      If it's not a suit, then it's a Bigfoot... See how this works?

      Got monkey suit?


    11. ^facepalm

      1 example of a monkey suit that was custom made to the specifications roger desired which was lost with his death


      Thousands of monkeys running around America leaving zero evidence.

      Which is more likely?

    12. Joe if it could be a suit and bigfoot don't exist then it is a suit. See how that works?

    13. Grasping at straws as the Jrefers always do.

    14. Haha grasping at straws. I like that idea. As if skeptics are struggling to win the debate. Its cute. Shame the footers have no actual bigfoot to speak of to back up any of the nonsense they spout.

    15. How about a pic of DeAtley with Kitakaze standing next to the suit?

      That's all it will take to prove your suit theory.


      But,alas,it won't happen.

      Maybe Kitakaze took it with him to Japan to make a 'Godzilla vs Patty' movie.
      Yea,that makes sense.

    16. Kit does not have access to the suit (its not his).

      Even if the whole thing was bs. There is still no reason what so ever to think the pgf is anything but a man in a suit.

    17. "Haha grasping at straws. I like that idea. As if skeptics are struggling to win the debate. Its cute. Shame the footers have no actual bigfoot to speak of to back up any of the nonsense they spout."

      It's a shame the Jrefers have no Monkey Suit that's identical to Patty.I like that.It's so cute.

      See how that works?

      So have you been in talks with Kitakaze?
      When is the most anticipating 'Godzilla vs Patty' horror movie coming out?Inquiring minds want to know.

    18. Anon 5:17...

      "1 example of a monkey suit that was custom made to the specifications roger desired which was lost with his death"

      ... Claim! Prove it. If you cannot prove that claim then Patty is not a suit and Bigfoot is real.

      Anon 5:19...

      Got monkey suit? See how that works?

      Anon 5:25...

      If you cannot prove that Patty is a suit then it is real then that video evidence contributes to Leaping Russian Yeti and the mounds of other sources of evidence we have to determine proof... It stands up as proof because you do not bring anything other than anonymous cynicism as opposed to researched, expert backed opinion.

      Got monkey suit?

    19. Oh never mind.Kitakaze will just do a remake of 'Godzilla vs King Kong'.

      I hope that King Kong suit looks just like Patty.LMAO..

    20. ..Toho's King Kong is not their finest monster but it is still a great movie...

    21. Any idiot knows Patty doesn't look like a guy in a suit were she a suit we'd seen many more like it but we've seen none before or since. Fact. Instead she resembles to a tee anatomy-wise many sightings. Joe's paid opponents here probably don't even know what Patty is, I doubt those in the know are dumb enough to tell a bunch of freaks about it they're just paid to attack what thousands of people have seen on all continents for centuries. We share the globe with a species probably originating off this planet that the authorities have agreed not to reveal. That's the whole idea of these bigfoot groups, they know folks encounter these beings so something needs to be build up around it in bigfoot's case the ape myth with conspirators like Moneymaker running around like a fool.

    22. The Jolly Rectum Enthusiast's Fellowship members are stuck on their "wow, just wow" catchphrase today. Yes it is a huge WOW as 8:16 noted that we saw no Patty-like suit before or after Patty, but for one recent replica which is good, but it lacks the authenticity of the skin and spinal erectors. The photo of this replica shows a rear view.

      With the incessant attacks on Patty's huge buttocks, I wish BE would repost the "gymnast creature" video. That individual also had an oddly oversized posterior.

    23. Hey Joe, can you produce this bigfoot suit? If not, this garbage can exploring sasquatch is a real bigfoot; therefore, bigfoot exists.

      According to MK Davis, bigfoot sometime wear ponchos. In this instance, bigfoot is wearing shoes.

      Got monkey suit?

    24. You have the debate capabilities of a child... so I will go through the motions with you like a child. This creature is obviously a suit. Patty, not so much. Come at me with something better... please???

      Got monkey suit?

    25. Really? This looks like someone in a suit and so does Patty. If you can't produce the suit of the bigfoot in this clip, then this is a real bigfoot.

      You have the debate capabilities of a child. This is the same capability you use over and over to make a case for Patty being a real bigfoot. Just because you think Patty looks more real doesn't mean Patty looks real to everyone.

    26. No... A child would use a desperately bad suit, like the one above and then compare it to the complexity of Patty. Patty looks real to most; unless you have a cynical, desperate agenda to condemn it outright and want to compare it to desperate examples that ultimately show your logic for what it is... Child like and something I've come to expect (and enjoy).


    27. Well Joe, I'm still waiting for you to produce the Matilda suit and the suit used in this clip. If you can't produce the suits, then both Matilda and this bigfoot are actual sasquatches.

    28. http://www.cryptomundo.com/bigfoot-report/bill-munns-matilda/

      Got monkey suit?

      Oh... and the title of this blog page is the big give away; 'Why Is This Bigfoot Wearing Shoes?'


  2. Now we know where the PGF costume ended up.

  3. Here are two BIG problems with Patty's leg anatomy:1) The popliteal fossa (aka "knee pit") is angled outward (toward the camera) while the subject is closer to perpendicular to the camera. The angle is significant; I'd estimate something like 25 or 30 degrees. Either Patty was extremely pigeon-toed (which does not show up on the alleged footprints), or we're seeing suit artifacts.2) Look at the thigh. Look at it. It's a mess of concave shapes. There is nothing like this showing up on Usain Bolt's leg or anyone else's. A well-muscled leg should appear convex in a photo like this. 'Footers are so obsessed with the apparent convexgastrocnemius looking "anatomically correct" that they are blind to the ridiculous conCAVE appearance to the rectus femoris andvastus lateralis. That's not how it should look.Roger made a pretty good monster suit but it was hardly "masterful". We should give no quarter to those who argue for the film's authenticity because it displays any great knowledge of hominid anatomy. It doesn't.

    1. Got monkey? No chance.

      Asking for a one off monkey suit and asking for a monkey is a whole different ball game.

      The burden of proof is on you to provide the monkey.

    2. No, the burden is with anyone who makes a claim. If you claim suit; show us a suit... See how that works?

      Got monkey suit?


    3. No joe. Read the definition of burden of proof. If you come back and state the same thing "you have to prove its a suit" then you need to go back and read the definition again. Repeat until you understand it. I have given you the guidance but only you can help yourself.

    4. No... If you think that burden's exclude your claim, then you are stupid. Furthermore... As the years roll by and technology gets better and you still cannot show me a suit, then your burden gets heavier as our's gets lighter.

      Got monkey suit?

    5. We know suits can be made to any spec and the pgf is a man in a suit. That's not a wild claim.

      As the years roll by and technology gets better you still have no monkey or giant hairy people. None. Nadda. You make a HUGE claim that bigfoot is a real species. Prove it buddy.

    6. No, I'll rephrase that for you... As science is developing, you are no closer to disproving Bigfoot and we have an acknowledgement... Why is that? Proving it has not been possible to this point because it has come down to people like you believing the evidence we have, you won't be able to ignore Sykes; he'll prove it.

      As for suits being made to any spec; show me a suit... Got monkey suit?


    7. "We know suits can be made to any spec and the pgf is a man in a suit. That's not a wild claim."

      "Hey stupid,show us the PGF Monkey suit if they can be tailored to any size and specification.You have nothing."

      Answer this.Don't skirt the post.
      See,it's a two way street so no one on either side has an answer cause it's a mystery.

      But,Patty is on film but the so called 'SUIT' is no where to be found.

      Show us the Monkey Suit.Until you show us the 'SUIT',Patty is the real deal.

      The onus is on you.Show us the Monkey Suit!

    8. Il show you a suit. Its in the film known as the pgf.

    9. By your logic it fails.
      Where is the suit now?

    10. Joe's right the nutters here know the burden of proof is on them, they can't prove it anyway, but they claim it's a suit so where is it.
      Even anything close. Nada.
      The clip above is about the best the industry can muster still and it's hardly pgf quality.
      Patty's limbs all move down to her fingers and toes, her butt is all muscle and does jiggle as frames from MK Davis showed.
      Not to mention her build and size, wider and taller not allowing for a person don't know what she is but suit she's not that's a physical impossibility.

    11. I disagree with 2:04 and the 2:04 backup comments. I'm familiar enough with the muscle anatomy of the leg to follow that claim, and it doesn't hold up when viewing the PGF during the turn and stumble and visible shockwave radiating through the meat and muscle mass of the right thigh. 2:04's whole claim sidestepped the shockwave.

      It should also be much simpler to produce a credible replica of Patty in costume form, than to catch a Sasquatch. It's reasonable to demand skeptards to do this. It's true, this burden is on the skeptards.

      It's a classic example of circular logic, when challenged to with this burden, to say No need, the suit is in the PGF.

      We all know that is a false premise.

      Circular logic is frankly illogical. It reveals that the arguer has no argument or point. People who use circular logic (really illogic) sound like five year olds arguing at the table over breakfast cereals.

    12. Deluded^

      For the pgf to be real a population of creatures that look like patty must exist.

      However they don't.

      Sorry to break it to ya dude.

    13. Leaping Russian Yeti... Sorry 'dude'.

    14. 'Wake Up and Give Us a Break' person; good post bro.


    15. Regarding the anatomy lesson and claims given by 2:04:

      I've just studied several versions of the PGF to investigate 2:04's claims.

      The popliteal fossa: A 25 to 30 degree outward angle is wishful thinking. Keep in mind the tightrope-walk pattern of many Sasquatch tracks. If the Bluff Creek tracks are anything similar to that method of stride, that will affect the angle of the knee pit. I see no suit artifacts here.

      The thigh being a mess of concave shapes: This appears to be invented; I see no concave shape on either thigh. This claim is misinformation; the right thigh which we get a clear view of during the turn and stumble is massive, muscular, and convex, despite these erroneous assertions.

      The rectus femoris appears concave: The rectus femoris area is visible only on the left leg. It appears relatively flat from the semi-rear views we get, but not concave.

      The vastus lateralis is concave: With this assertion, the claimant has veered from wishful thinking and fantasy into complete delusion. This is the outer thigh clear and visible during the turn and stumble, which exhibits not only a full and convex muscular appearance, but which has a shockwave issue through it during the stumble. Also in this view, at this moment in the PGF, the biceps tendon at the knee is clear and presumably correct, and moving.

      Other interesting PGF points and not in the mind of a hoaxer:

      Long hair visible down upper back.

      Frames 61 and 72 show right fingers curl toward palm. This grossly damages if not destroys the claims of arm extensions.

      Patty strolling away is consistent with almost all later sightings; the almost casual stroll into the forest is typical of later accounts.

      In any case the breasts and huge buttocks and enormous mass through shoulders, traps, neck and arms give lie to suit claims. There is simply too much mass here; she is frankly gargantuan in this region.

      Bear in mind that in your judging of Patty's anatomy, the only things you really have to compare it with are the anatomies of a human, gorilla, orangutan, or gibbon, and that's about it. You don't really know what it would look like, or not look like.

      Also note that Patty is mostly inconsistent with the drawings Patterson did to illustrate Ostman's story. In the drawings are no conical skulls or gigantic buttocks or high, non-sagging breasts.

      The giant buttocks makes sense if the creature weighs 400 or 500 pounds or more--massive glutes would be necessary for locomotion of that kind of bodyweight. They also aren't static, as some assert. There are some excellent clips showing movement and which dispense with that claim.

      Considering all of the above, we shall give no quarter to the suit proponents.

      Since the creatures are supposedly nocturnal and extremely stealthy, they are highly uncooperative when it comes to getting video of them. We might never get clear extended footage of such a creature again. With the proliferation of cameras we probably will, eventually.

    16. Top post by a top man... whoever you are, thank you for your analysis.


    17. Anyone with a basic understanding of anatomy can clearly discern that the staticus diaperus buttus of the subject in the PGF film reveals it to be a person in a costume.

    18. Yeah... the lists of experts concerned with anatomy are cuing up to call it a suit eh?

      Got monkey suit?

    19. Staticus diaperus. Good one. I laughed so hard I just peed my Patty costume.

    20. IT'S A COSTUME!!!! Can you not tell from that big static diaper butt?

      The con man Roger Patterson is still conning people 45 years later. Joe is exhibit A.

  4. It's the real deal folks.
    The proof we've all been waiting for!

    1. Its about as real as its ever gonna get.

    2. Unfortunately, Dr. Sykes will fail because he's mainstream science and he's hanging out with Bart Nadia & co. are you kidding me. If he knew what he's doing (professionally he does) or should be doing, he'd be with Dr. Ketchum right now since he's not he probably won't find diddly because it'll have to match her results and the powers that be didn't want that out. You can guess this is going back to square one, end of the bigfoot craze for a while until the next big wave sometime. Sad but true. Us here all know they exist but the coverup is likely a combination of things, consider foremost how these alien beings aren't interested in contact, this actually works in favor of the authorites so for this to come out a bigfoot would need to be daytime dropped in a big city midtown somewhere. For some reason governments around the world don't want us to know about these ET guys just yet, you have to wonder why but their existence is not so much the mystery anymore it's more interesting why we can't know.

    3. Unfortunately, Dr. Sykes will fail because the samples given to him will turn out to be from animals known to science.

      I like to think that bigfoot exists, but after 35 years of being a bigfoot enthusiast and waiting for proof, I've been let down too many times to expect anything from this Sykes study.

    4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VApv_wyANuo

      ... fast forward to 29mins and enjoy.


  5. I've seen the creature with my own eyes. I've heard the vocalizations.....
    And i freaked out!!!

    You come out in the brush with me and see what its all about. Half of you will go by the wayside in four hours. The rest of you will cry for your momma in the middle of the night.

    1. Superb.

      Anywhere we can see that film yet?

    2. Anon 2:31...

      You'd be so scared out of your basement.


    3. ^your logic states matilda is the real deal. Gutted.

    4. Your logic says Patty and Matilda are comparable... Stupid.


    5. Correct. They are both suits.

    6. ..The only thing in American forests that one needs to be wary of is the grizzly bear...Those thinks can mess you up...Ask Tim Treadwell's head(the only piece they found)...

    7. I suggest you check out some 411... There is one big, 8-11 foot tall, 1000 pounds-worth of 'wariness' you need to be concerned with.


    8. Joe, Paulides is a con man, and a ex dirty cop. Your constant reference of his bullshit book really make you sound ignorant!

    9. Dave Paulides holds two degrees from the University of San Francisco, and has a professional background that includes twenty years in law enforcement and senior executive positions in the technology sector.


    10. "You come out in the brush with me and see what its all about. Half of you will go by the wayside in four hours. The rest of you will cry for your momma in the middle of the night."

      Careful, your plans of aggravated homosexual assault are showing.

    11. His degrees mean nothing Joe. Paulides was removed from the police department after a fraud investigation. He and Melba also scammed large sums of money from Wally Hersom and Erickson!...You really need to get a clue.

    12. Ha! No... You really need to come back with something more substantial than nasty rumors. Pathetic and all you have. You'll resort to anything other than explain hard facts and research, it's the way you guys roll.

      Oh dear... I love it.

    13. They're pretty sad these wannabe debunkers, aren't they Joe.

    14. Totally sad that you keep using the same ridiculous arguments over and over again.

      Hey Joe, where's the Matilda suit? Unless you can produce the suit, don't call Matilda a hoax.

    15. http://www.cryptomundo.com/bigfoot-report/bill-munns-matilda/

      Got monkey suit?

  6. Joe has fuck all evidence and he knows it

  7. Where's MMG? Watching reruns of bill munns' presentation?

    1. What... You mean the guy who put's the fear of life into suit enthusiasts for their screwed up logic?


    2. Funny that. I could say the same about kitekaze putting the fear of life into footers. Damn those footers would run around like headless chickens at kits claims of the suit. They knew the game was up. The monkey suit (they knew deep down the pgf was a suit) had been found and for footers this was unacceptable, knowing that if the pgf falls their whole fantasy based cult comes crashing down.

      Footers showed their true colours. Not a very nice bunch of people at all.

    3. Ha ha ha ha!! What are Footers scared of exactly? An exposed liar? Is that all you have??

      Got monkey suit?

    4. Hi Joe, I need to correct part of my morgellons info from yesterday. It is Joni Mitchell not Joan Baez who had the disease. the study involved 115 people. Hair tests revealed a substantial number tested positive for drugs. Another significant proportion were diagnosed with various mental problems. I don't think these can explain all of the cases though. J.D.

    5. Kitakaze pussed out when it was time to show Munns the suit.That,right there,says it all about the Double Naught Spy Kitakaze.What a joker he was.He had all the Jrefers wallowing in their tears when he skipped out on them.And to pin all your hopes on a troll like Kitakaze shows the mentality of Queen Randis Minions.

      Show us the Monkey Suit.

    6. I hated kitakaze's avatar.

    7. Thanks for update JD. Keep the posts coming bro, they're always a conversation starter!! Have you seen the pictures of the hair fibres that develop as symptoms?

      Peace JD.

    8. True dat.True dat.

    9. That was for Anon@4:50.

    10. I predict 4:20 is either Ro, Shawn or Mikey talking their usual boloney. LOL

    11. ^ What are you talking about? Those people are enthusiasts that provide bigfoot related media like this blog....

  8. Do I really have to list the evidence we have? AGAIN? You never bring anything to the table to counter it anyway... Your too stupid.

    Oh and no monkeys, just giant hairy people.


  9. Wrong. Everything you have ever stated has been countered. Everything has been explained without the need for an 8 foot monkey that noone can find.

    You have to stretch to government coverups to explain why theres no evidence.

  10. No it hasn't, that's all it gets is people like you only saying its been countered... Counter it. Prove that the government isn't covering it up. You can't just say it and not bring me anything more substantial. I never make claims that I can't back, you do the same... You can't because your too stupid... Aren't you?


  11. The government cover up UFO's... Why not Bigfoot? Prove they don't do it. You can't because that's all you have is your claims... Isn't it? Back up your claims like I can you have a case... Right?


  12. "Prove the government arent covering it up" what kind of retarded question is that? Joe that is poor even by your standards.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Paulides?

    Come on joe you can do better than that.

    You are slipping Joe. Losing your arguments. Grasping on to the remaining shards of lunacy.

  15. No... You are resorting to the same dribble of an answer instead of countering my claims. Prove Paulides' research is wrong. You can't and you resort to what comes natural to you. If I was to lose arguments it would mean you contesting them with something substantial, not cynicism... Any debate demands it, those are it's fundementals. It's anonymous 'you' against Dave Paulides, who holds two degrees from the University of San Francisco, and has a professional background that includes twenty years in law enforcement and senior executive positions in the technology sector...

    You lose.

  16. Oh, and another reason for the government to cover up this species? Logging... Too valuable part of the economy to set aside for habitat.


  17. Shawn. Why don't you post this Sasquatch buying those shoes at Footlocker? In the mean time , Anon 2:34, I might whip up some Crawfish right out the Patty hm, maybe get some of those Crab Apples , yea, back when I was a Sous chef in New Orleans before the war......Wait a Minute, Ain't no skeptic doin nothing with No Water Buffalo,in fact, Joe. Headed to ranch today and I'm going to send you the real shit. I'm talking about the Ganja of emails !

    1. Oh Mike, those emails you sent me were amazing, thank you buddy. Please keep em coming, I can't tell you how much of an insight it is to someone like me! Did you get my response email? I am due to send you more as I digest the contents of your emails properly.

      Peace bro.

    2. Joe. I'm going to finish up at that area today and head to the Fouke area for a night of Squatching and then on to our Ozark farm for 4 days of intensity in the Mark Twain National forest. It's a shame to leave here though. It's a hot spot. I need to get that link with Stacy Brown Jr showing how to cast a print. Hell yes I got your response brother. You need to fly your ass down and let me take you to the spot!

    3. Mike, I can't tell you how much that would be a dream... I'm gonna try and make that reality in the near future bro!

      Peace bro, you are the man.

    4. How can u call it a hot spot when you can't even pour a cast?

  18. Common sense trumps 2 degrees if you think monkeys kidnap people and then the government covers it up

  19. No... Sense would be countering research and facts with more. You lose.

  20. Furthermore those Bigfoot Chick seekers have deeper voices than me, more facial hair than Justin Smeja and may very well have big Adams Apples. What I'm saying Shawn is that......these aren't chicks, they may be a man Baby!

  21. Of course it's wearing shoes. It's someone in a suit. It's always someone in a suit. Bigfooters are stupid--some will think this is really a bigfoot. Stupid!

    1. Dear Stupid!, I'm glad you signed your post. Finally you reveal yourself. Gerhard would be proud.

  22. Now you've got to stick with your journalistic integrity Shawn. Would Robert "Machine Gun" Lindsay post something he knew was patently false. Right now his indside source just confirmed that Rick Dyers juvenile Bigfoot in captivity, Hank Jr., has spoken. His first words were a warning that other Sasquatches are coming to rescue him. He told Dyer in front of Musky and an unnamed source that "all his rowdy friends are coming over tonight!" Furthermore. I am willing to solve this for you Shawn. If you, and Ro will split a plane ticket, I'll fly to Geenwhich, give my bags to Eric Roberts, and sleep with the one who is wearing one leather leg chap. It's my final offer Shawn. Take it seriously !!


  23. Lose? What's to lose? There was no bigfoot before your arguments and there is still no bigfoot now. Not seeing how I lose here?

  24. Back up that claim then. I back up my claims, can you do the same?


  25. Ok.

    Claim: there is no bigfoot.

    Back up: there is no bigfoot

  26. I would just like to end my thread today with a little song, for Hank Jr., poor little fella locked away, getting probed and prodded , "Ro s got ketchup on his blue jeans he just burned his hand, Lord it's hard to be a bachelor man, he's got girls that can cook, he's got girls that can clean, he's got girls that can do anything in between, he's had to cut his hair and get everything right ...................

    1. Oh Mike, never go away bro, HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Doesn't he just brighten up a blog page everyone?!


    2. "Got monkey suit". I believe the guy in this video does..Hey Joe and co.

    3. I think Joe is some set-up footer name waiting to admit defeat when Dr. Sykes comes up empty. It's all going according to plan. LOL

  27. Melissa Hovey is the NEW Melba Ketchum! What a turd!!

    1. I am NOT aTURD u FOOL, im a PARALEGAL!!! as always mellissa H.

  28. Melissa Hovey is the NEW Melba Ketchum! What a turd!!

  29. Anon 6:09...

    Sums up your theory group perfectly, thank you.

  30. That looks like the shitty suit Munns tried to pass off as BobH's description.

    1. Oh really?Looks like Bob H and Phillip Morris' lame attempt.

      You lose,we win.

    2. Munns' attempt puts the cowcamp suit to shame.

      He declared he wouldn't be able to recreate the suit in the pgf. Then he failed in his attempt.

      Only in bigfootery is the inability to do something considered professional expertise.

    3. Ha ha ha ha ha!!! Are you serious?! He bases his 30 years of costume expertise to prove a point when not being able to recreate the suit; penny dropped yet?

      Only in Skeptardism would something so profound be overlooked.

  31. Joe, it's the BFE geeks you're arguing with there they're paid to talk anti bf bull, this whole thing is likely government funded to counter the Ketchum study that was smeared and media blocked now they're just breezing along.

  32. This "wow. just wow" generic typical anon who debates Joe all day, the problem with blanket statements is that there is SOME good evidence in the PGF, there is dermal ridge evidence, there are quite a few hair samples DNA tested which came back as Unknown Hominid.

    It is better and frankly necessary for skeptics to include the good evidence in the PGF and others listed above in their arguments. Rejecting the good evidence in the PGF makes you swerve off the road of skepticism straight into the ditch of skeptardism.

    Lots of enthusiasts are skeptical, something skeptards don't understand. Why cross the line from skeptic to skeptard? Why purposely crash into the idiot ditch?

    Skeptards bleeve that Patty is equivalent to a Gilligan's Island baggy gorilla suit. Considering the hair wear patterns, muscularity, and more, that is a huge stretch. The latest skeptardical claim is that Patty's muscle movement was simulated by "water filled sacks." It sounds a bit crazy.

    It's similar to saying that the figure in this video posted here looks like Patty. They are dissimilar; this figure is wearing the store-bought ape suit.

    Skeptards should get back to skepticism, which accepts some evidence. Skeptardism simply rejects all evidence in high speed auto-kneejerk fashion, which is the negative image of believers accepting all evidence in kneejerk fashion. They are both extremes.

    Most believers or enthusiasts are not of the extremist group. They have skepticism.

    Reasonable skeptics will accept the good evidence listed above.

    Skeptards are extremists.

  33. I swear, I'm gonna start my own darn blog and not permit the JREFers to comment. If you have not been in the woods and found out for yourself these beings are real, your comments are pretty much a waste of time, JMHO.

    1. Cool so you can go and see these beings? Excellent! Lets see the photo and video evidence then?

      I won't hold my breath.

    2. YouTube - 'Leaping Russian Yeti', MK Davis version.


    3. Anon 9:13 is a real American Hero.

    4. When joe fitzgerald starts quoting mkdavis he eats cock to the world.

    5. Duh... MK Davis didn't film the Leaping Russian Yeti... He just put screen shots on the video that show up the detail of the creature.


    6. I thought that bigfoot is a type of human. The leaping yeti looks nothing like Patty. Which is the real bigfoot and which is the fake? Or are they both fake?

    7. Bigfoot have evolved to animalistic traits to survive in their respective environments. Though their facial features and intelligence are very human like and are what renders them human, though not homo sapien. The Russian Yeti is in my opinion much younger and therefore more agile and athletic.


  34. Nice try MMG^ but you don't get to do that here.

    Good evidence in the pgf? Erm wat?

    Its a shaky blurry film of a bloke in a suit.

    There is NO dna that has ever come back "unknown hominid" that is simply a lie, a classic footer lie.

    How about you footers put forward some actual real evidence for once instead of crying that skeptics wont accept your hoaxed junk.

    Hint: with real evidence you win the argument and we will be eating crow.

    2nd hint: we both know that won't happen because finding evidence of something that don't exist is erm, a little tricky

  35. You must not be to sure with all the erms..

  36. Anon@8:39--That wow,just wow was for the skeptard.Not for Joe.

  37. Now Bart and Justin are out in the woods while Ro is chillin in Hollywood. They got a big ole tent that will sleep ten and they better watch out for Rictor creeps in. You can do anything that you want to do , but unh unh don't you step on Smejas bigfoot boots. Do you wanna drink? Hey do you wanna party?

  38. All these years later and the technology of monkey suits still can't get rid of sleeves--come on monkey suit makers--your making the case for Patty.

  39. Anon 9:09...

    "There is NO dna that has ever come back "unknown hominid" that is simply a lie, a classic footer lie."

    Samples like scat and hair have been sequenced as DNA and then people like the guy above claim it's not there... Ha! It's like the dumb example up top where people condemn two, three, four, five, TEN eye witnesses after another, and then come out with 'if these things were real we'd see them everywhere'... Only someone as stupid or as desperate to censor information would request it in a debate and then deny it's ever been there without bringing so much as a decent counter argument; that tends to be the way skeptics like to work.

    I know hunters of 30 years that have never come across bear bones. Why should we come across Bigfoot bones? Are bears real because we don't find bones? Secondly, Bigfoot bury their dead; that is why I can call them giant hairy people because that implies culture and a higher intelligence to that of a dumb animal.

    The message here? Skeptics demand things as evidence and then play them down because asking questions... the PROPER scientific method, is too much of a task for them.

    ... But Sykes is coming.


  40. saddest gorilla costume ever !
    fakers like this shot be fed to sharks and not just this week because it's shark week

    1. Indeed, and some trolls still stoop themselves down to calling pgf fake. Total loopy.

  41. Joe, you're relying on third party hearsay stories for some of your claims. We all know that many (most ?) bigfoot stories are BS. So, using them in arguments is of no value.

  42. All my posts are signed.

    Great post Pardon Me. Great to have your input. The skeptics need counselling often.


  43. Joe, you wrote the following above:

    William Jevning, a respectable author with I believe four books published on Bigfoot, stated that in 1995 two of his fellow investigators came across a series of tracks near Mount St Helens in Washington State. In temporarily leaving the tracks in order to fetch Jevning, they came across a forest service supervisor and in their excitement, told the supervisor of these tracks thinking nothing of it. By the time these two gentleman this time accompanied with Jevning got to the site (some four hours later); the tracks had been deliberately destroyed; sprayed with water with the earth re-arranged to look like they had never been there.

    Joe, do you not realize that this type of story is typical bigfoot BS with nothing substantiating it. There is ZERO reason to believe it, yet you present it as if it's factual.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Joe, the story you quoted is entirely unsubstantiated (many would say it's typical bigfoot BS). Why would you believe it as factual and try to convince others that it's factual?

    The fact that you believe it leads to the conclusion that you are naïve. Purveyors of all things bigfoot (i.e. those who make money with bigfoot) love people like you.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.


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