This New Book Is Free For a Limited Time: How to Find Bigfoot Vol.1

Here's a book for serious Bigfooters that just popped up on our radar this morning. Based on the description, it looks like these books will be a welcomed addition to the conversation. It appears that every aspect of squatching will be covered, can’t wait till the rest of the volumes are available. Here is the link and description given on Amazon –

How to Find Bigfoot - is a six part series of e-books that are full of high value content that will significantly improve your squatching endeavors. If you have questions about Bigfoot or about bigfooting, How to Find Bigfoot seeks to provide the answers. It is written in a plain straightforward style, based solely on the authors experience and the experience of those he knows and trusts. While, the author does share some interesting experiences, How to Find Bigfoot is not a compilation of stories, far from it. In Vol.1 you will find out how the author got started in this pursuit and the introduction to the series (important). You will also learn how we can know that Bigfoot exists; despite the fact we don't have a body as evidence. You will learn what they look like and how to know the differences between a bigfoot and a bear. In Vol.2 you will learn many things about their behavior, including their diet, hunting methods, sleeping habits, stick structures, vocalizations, infrasound and more. In Vol.3 you will learn what Bigfoot is and where to look for them (they may be closer than you think). In Vol.4 you will learn what gear is needed, what gear is desired and how to choose the gear that is right for you. You will learn how to collect evidence - cast footprints, collect hair etc. In Vol.5 you will learn about the three different kinds of expeditions and what to do in each one. You will learn about the three different kinds of approaches and how to conduct each one. Finally, In Vol.6 you will learn how the principles of looking for Bigfoot can be used as an overlay for success in other areas of your life.

In volume 1 we will learn how many pieces of evidence there are for Bigfoot’s existence and what they are. Would they stand up in a court of law? Would they hold up under the scientific method? Why do some people reject the evidence? If you briefly saw something dark, hairy and upright, how would you know if what you saw was actually a bigfoot? Do you know why confusing sasquatch for a bear is nearly impossible? What does a bigfoot look like? Oh-my, there is so much in that question that you are just going to have to get the book to find out.

According to the author’s website,, if you do not have a Kindle you can download Kindle to your PC or smartphone for free.


  1. Replies
    1. An all caps guy imitator. Shame. Someone already claimed that schtick

    2. There is no way a chick that looks like Jill is visiting this's more likely bigfoot does exist or that this site will someday provide actual evidence.

      Kudos for finding a hot little gal to use as you profile pic though :)

    3. Hi Jill!

      Did you have a nice weekend? I was driving through Willow Creek, CA on Sunday and all the assorted bigfoot murals, statues, and various bigfoot paraphernelia made me think of you.

    4. ^^Since we all like to base our conclusions based on evidence here, where's yours? How did you reach this conclusion?

    5. I thought you were married Travis.

    6. How can you write a book about how to find bigfoot when no one has ever found it?

  2. Bwahahaha. Nothing about Bigfoot is real. It exists in imagination only.
    Everyone is out to make a buck on this mythical creature.

    1. I have determined that nothing about Farmer Jeff is real. He exists in imagination only. Now how can I make a buck off the mythical Farmer Jeff?

    2. Easy. Inside Farmer Jeff's barn is the interdimentional portal where bigfoots can access our world. Charge people to go see this then never deliver.

    3. Even if Jill is a guy I would still do her cause' that picture makes me feel like I'm climbing the rope in gym class.

    4. Feel naughty. Feel naughty. I thought I saw a puddy cat whooaa!

  3. Bigfoot looks JUST LIKE MATILDA.

    1. yep, joe cant prove its a fake hahaha

    2. kinda like you can't prove you're not in love with Joe you silly goose

    3. Anon 12:47..

      I can prove Matilda is fake because her teeth move like rubber... (Sigh) Have you even seen the Matilda footage?

      Your turn with Patty.

      These people really need to up their game, this is getting too easy.

      (Sigh and a head shake at the sheer child-like mentality of Anon 12:47)


    4. prove it joe... prove it

      got magical monkey suit with magical foot pump?

    5. I just did you half-wit... Is there something wrong with you??? Now it's your turn with Patty...

      Got monkey suit?

    6. nope, you still cant prove matilda is a suit, you have tried and failed miserably yet again

    7. Anon 2:50...

      Let's look at why Matilda is fake shall we? Ok... 70's bathroom rug, floppy plastic teeth, looks like a fair ground version of Chewie.

      Now let's look at why Patty is fake...











      Got monkey suit????


  4. SHAUN new bigfoot video out of canada. Google it.

  5. What the fuck are they going to find when they look for bigfoot? Nothing! They will find other freaks looking for bigfoot and they can all pretend together that it's real.

    1. Sykes is coming... Remember to get those excuses ready!


    2. Sykes will be presenting a TV show, not a paper.

      The TV show will be essentially laughing at dumb footers that think its possible that an undiscovered primate exists in north America. One by one he will reveal the DNA results as known animals. Footers will be pwned.

    3. Really? You see... Ro Sahebi stated only three days ago that Sykes has isolated Bigfoot DNA already, but has given himself an extension in order to find just one more sample to confirm his findings. He knows this because Sykes had contacted Justin Smeja to inform him that the boots he submitted didn't bare any recognizable DNA, but also filled him in with the latest...

      Hmmmmm, better get your thinking caps on, these excuses are gonna have to be very creative.


    4. Personally im on the fence, i want him to be real. Sykes will make or break it for me. Ive got a little money riding on the squatch being real. But if Sykes says no - Im done....

    5. Ok. Let's just imagine a minute Sykes does turn out with nothing; it'll only prove that the samples he had were not Bigfoot. It would mean nothing to the people who are aware of the wider picture regarding this subject. I'll still be here schooling people anyway...

      Right, that's enough of imagination time; Sykes will deliver!


    6. Day in and day out, Joe puts his eggs in the Sykes basket on blind faith.

      Now, he says even if the man/team who wrote the book on DNA doesn't find anything it's because they just didn't get a real bigfoot sample from hundreds of possible samples gathered by people whose mission it is to prove bigfoot.

      Where's it going to end, Joe?

      Surely not with alternate dimensions and alien genetic modification...

      Sykes is the nail in the coffin for 95% of bigfooting.

    7. My scenario was a fictitious one but actually quite true. If the situation was to fall in to the hands of the doubters (which it can't because Sykes HAS isolated Bigfoot DNA already) then it will not have any baring on the tens of thousands of people who have seen this creature; furthermore, it wouldn't be a surprise to many who understand that there is an effort to cover-up this species.

      Sykes will deliver and you will have to be very creative to counter one of the most credible people in science.



    8. So what will be different from Sykes' results to Ketchum's ? It's bound to be the same DNA meaning he didn't discover Bigfoot she did, the species can't be a million different things so the apers can't have it both ways. This is an intelligent human-like being not entirely of this earth probably, so how the hell can he really win when that subject is already taboo and blacklisted.

  6. I've never quite understood the fervent reaction among the PGF proponents that one is not entitled to an opinion that the PGF is fake without doing rigorous study to explain how it was done. That is simply not necessary. It looks like an obvious fake to me. Why would I bother with spending any time trying to figure out how it was done? Where is the motivation for that for the average viewer? I look at it, think fake, then move on. As probably do most people. Why do proponents think someone would look, think fake, and then immediately think " and now I simply must figure out how this was done". That is not going to happen many times to be honest. I'm not interested in spending time and effort into deducing how a couple of cow boys faked a Bigfoot before I was even born. Why would I?

    It's kind of like when I watch a science-fiction movie. I know that I am not watching an actual star ship, but I am not in any way compelled to go out and figure out how it was done to prove to folks that is not an actual star ship. I know it is a special effect, I don't need to know how it was done or explain it to any one else. Why is the PGF so different?

    1. I think most people think like you do. Decide its fake, then disregard it. And I dont think most proponents have a problem with just having the opinion.

      It seems to me like most of the attacking is done to people who are claiming its a proven hoax, not who just personally reached a conclusion that its fake.

      If someone bitches at your for having an opinion then they're a bigfoot bully!

    2. Anon 1:38...

      You are indeed entitled to your opinion but you decide to post that on a Bigfoot Blog and not expect people to challenge you? Aren't blogs meant for discussion and debate, especially one like this?? Or are we going down the route of a sensitive messaging board or something? Expecting to drop in, complain that you find it unfair that your point of view is challenged, whilst claiming one of the most sensitive subjects of this field is not 'real' to your understanding, is more often than not going to attract counter argument and surely you can understand that? I am not going to challenge you on your comment because I respect your opinion, but thought I'd drop you that explanation as to why sometimes you get the reaction you did not intend on getting.

      Peace bro.


      Attempts have been done for you...

    4. Ha! Great Bigfoot doc; I've seen it and I finally know why people post I like turtles on hear.

      Thanks, Peace.

    5. Only those unenlightened enough and falsely informed or paid to crusade against it will say they see a suit in the PGF, Patty's not something you see in the movies or with Blevins'. Not even Munns could create anything looking like Patty it's just not possible. Some think it's fake because they've been told to expect an ape of some sort not something so humanlike yet quite obviously different from us, so they just assume it's fake. MK Davis has made tons of videos proving it real, the truth is right there for those that want it to see there's nothing fake about Patty.

  7. Jill is bigfoot in a man costume, impersonating a female online.

  8. "Skeptics:

    I am still waiting for the answer to 4 simple Q's:

    1-Do you observe muscle movements under the fur on ANY part of the film (legs, calf, thigh, and so on)?

    2-Do you observe toes extending when she walks on ANY part of the film?

    3-Do you observe Patty's arms are equal to the length of a typical mans arms?

    4-Do you observe the hands / fingers moving on ANY part of the PGF?

    Thank you for your time.


    OK I will answer your questions Backdoc:

    1) I observe a bloke in a monkey suit.
    2) I observe a bloke in a monkey suit.
    3) I observe a bloke in a monkey suit.
    4) I observe a bloke in a monkey suit.

    1. "I observe a bloke in a monkey suit"

      A JREF homo trying to sound British ?

    2. A bloke is a slang word for a man in Britain.


    3. Bob Heironimus is a bloke

      V douchebag footard V

    4. Bob H can't remember how the 'suit' looked...


    5. A bloke is a brit that takes a banger in the fart box ..thk you... howerd stern

  9. I hate DWA. I hate him, I hate him,I hate him ! I'm trying to pretend to be a skeptic and he keeps arguing and arguing with me. It's not fair! I'm so upset about it I was forced to up my meds !

  10. Randy Scott is the single most credible american hero in the bigfoot commune.

  11. Thanks for the heads up on this Shawn!
    Much appreciated!


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