Listen To Last Night's Coast to Coast AM Show With Guest Cliff Barackman Here

If you didn't catch last night's C2C AM show with guests Scott Stevens and Cliff Barackman, the archive is now on YouTube. Barackman comes on in the second half of the show:

Weather Modification / Searching for Bigfoot - July 10 2013 - Coast to Coast Am - C2CAM Date: 07-10-13

George Noory Scott Stevens and Cliff Barackman.

About the show:

In the first half, meteorologist Scott Stevens discussed strange weather patterns, weather modification, and chemtrails. We've seen a recurrent pattern for years now, where it seems that storms are going to develop, but they just don't deliver what they should, and this is a sign that the natural weather is being altered, he indicated. He believes, without a doubt, that chemtrails are real, and they represent part of a larger, geo-engineering program. The oft sighted aerial triangular crafts may be the home base for the chemtrail planes, which never have to touch ground, he continued.

Studying the research of Tom Bearden, Stevens suggested that North America is being subject to full time weather modification by a power-hungry military industrial complex. "If you own the weather, there's just not much else you're not going to own"'s like your "disaster machine of choice," and you can target specific locations for hurricanes, droughts, and floods, he said. Stevens cited current weather anomalies like a squall line (line of thunderstorms) seeming to move backwards, and clouds passing intact through each other as though they hadn't touched, similar to the aerosol-created chemtrails, which don't seem to float with the wind. For more, check out Stevens' YouTube channel.


In the latter half, Bigfoot investigator Cliff Barackman talked about his search for the elusive Sasquatch, what type of evidence stands up, and various projects he's involved in, such as the TV show, Finding Bigfoot on Animal Planet. He's concluded that Bigfoot are a species of ape that mostly exhibit ape-like behaviors (though occasionally he runs across strange stories like the creature becoming invisible or speaking English). Barackman has amassed one of the largest Sasquatch footprint cast collections in the country and has learned a lot about the creatures through them. They show that the anatomy is consistent with samples found from various locations around North America, as well as with what we know about other apes' footprints, which are more flexible than human footprints, he detailed.

Barackman cited the congruency of such evidence which dates back decades. "Sasquatch have their ankle bone pushed forward on the foot between 12 and 16% further than humans; that's because of the bio-mechanics of walking," and you can see this demonstrated in the Patterson-Gimlin film, he said. Further, witness accounts of specific behaviors of the creatures are similar to what was reported as far back as the 1860s, he said. Bigfoot are not monsters, and they deserve our compassion and should not be hunted down, he added. Among the more recent photo evidence, he mentioned an intriguing trail camera photo taken in Vermont. For more, check Barackman's blog and DVD, Bigfoot Roadtrip.

News segment guests: Christian Wilde, Lauren Weinstein



  1. Replies
    1. ...rather be turd than a lame first...

    2. and that you are my friend.and that you are.

  2. Jesus - Scott Stevens has gone off the deep end since he quit @ WRGB in Idaho.

    Last night he's talking the usual geo-engineering/chemtrails, I come back in and he had ventured into the reptilian/human battle.

    1. He is onto something: Last October I spilled coffee on a 4 star general in a Starbucks. After he called me an ass I told him to kiss my taterhole.....3 weeks later my neighborhood was flooded by Sandy...true story...

  3. You are the gayest spambot in the history of spambots...self destruct please....

  4. Your mom was a skilled blower last night

    1. I think the spam bots get filtered to the Paul Hulsey grill cam post in the readers picks section.

      Congrats Bama!

    2. ..lols..spambot took my advice and self destructed...

  5. Cliff is the best person to interview on Bigfoot. He even gave a shout out to the bigfoot lunch club

    1. What in the world are you talking about? There are hosts of equally sociopathic 'cryptozoologists' infesting our forests.

      Take our own Raging Butthurt Footer. He rages against Randi, whom absolutely nobody cares about, because it is a convenient target to mask the object of his true hatred, which is of course, the human race. He is a sick and dangerous bastard.

    2. The resident butthurt footer has many issues. Im pretty sure its one of the BFF flag bearers.

    3. ^^just you wait till the raging butthurt footer gets here you're gonna be sorry...

    4. Well? Where is the cocksmoker?

    5. Randall Zwinge and Hames Moseley sittin in a tree, F-U-C....first comes magic, then comes trickery, last is no offspring for the amazing Randi. Class A encounters with narcissistic personality disorder, tonight's episode: James Randi.

    6. Rodfather ain't no two cent BFF fag. They stroke each other almost as much as jREF sack tappers do. Not sure why it's hard to grasp the Rodfather enjoys not creating accounts. He doesn't side with footers and he doesn't side with one nut having Randifans.

  6. Replies
    1. ^^^To sum up:

      Still no brain.

      Get on that waiting list for human head transplants complete with brains while you can. Slots are filling up fast.

      In the meantime, after 46 years, still no miraculous magical monkey suit.

      You've got a real problem there.

      The problem is called nothing, and having it. We can only hope you enjoy it.

    2. I'm sorry I can't be flippant about this anymore you footers are fuckin' mental cases, fuckin' certifiable-there's no hope for you...a suit? there has to be a suit produced to show the PGF is fake!...500 fuckin' years of European habitation in North America not one type specimen not one hide not one fossil nothing but one crummy 16mm film and footprints that are entirely fakeable (I don't care what some attention seeking ass-clown "expert" from podunk Conroe TX has to say about it) and a bunch of damn stories on a fake ass made-up website for "bigfoot research"-that's what you have..let me ask you clowns this- who kept bigfoot a secret before the Smithsonian, before the MIBs, before there even was a US government huh? you could no more keep an eight foot tall 800 hundred pound bipedal primate a secret than a moose or a grizzly all rights those damn things-if they existed-should be walking around knocking people down and taking their damn ice cream cones away when they walk out of the fuckin' Dairy Queen...Jesus! And why would they be scared of people? nobody ever kills one, there has never been a systematic effort made to eradicate them like other large predators-if any thing they should be grateful to humans for getting of all the other predators that could pose a threat to them and their offspring...hell we should be pals...but no they're elusive and do everything they can to avoid people...WHAT FOR? Now I'm sure you'll give me shit about being on a blog for a creature I don't believe in like you always do to anyone who questions you're fantasy so I'll tell you why I'm here...for Mayor McCheese, Poop in a Jar guy, YGNALI guy and everybody else with a sense of humor that makes this sight fun instead of just a sounding board for bigfoot kooks to reinforce each others delusions in an endless positive feedback loop of self-deception...

    3. ^OH shit. Joe is gonna show up and yell at you to watch the leaping yeti video and talk about the monkey's ass muscles. You are in big trouble now buddy!!!

    4. I am the YGNALI guy...and I thank you for your support.

      P.S.- PJ is like the large hairy hemroid we never had. Boy's got Moxie though. I'll give him that. Leap on PJ, Leap on!

    5. I'm sorry but every single hunter, police officer, and other professions dedicated to observing details and analytical indetification throughout the last 250 years aren't misidentifying bears as something unknown. Does misidetifiation occur? Yes but not at the rate the debunkers claim. Regardless if the actual truth occurs at only the most minimal rate, there is still a certain degree of something unknown existing. I've personally taken dozens of specimens of dozens of species of wildlife in the past 25 years of hunting across several states. Granted, I've never experienced an unknown creature, never have I witnessed a bear in any situation where it could be misidentified as a naturally bipedal, shaggy haired, 8 foot tall, hominin. For me to lay the assertion out the people much more trained and experienced than I am, in somewhere I've never been, at a high rate are misidentifying bear as an ape man is way too much. Not everyone thinks in darker ways either.

    6. you are not a closet believer?..

      10:54 Yes, but are incidents involving the experienced people you describe limited mostly to the PNW and similar northern regions? If not, why are the northern accounts more compelling than the rest...?

      Its a problem that needs to be addressed in any argument designed to get a professor to take this seriously: the ubiquitous bigfoot scenario is not credible.....

  7. Oh Johnny...little Johnny Fitzgerald...come out and play!

    Nopre. The douche is probably watching 'Sharknado' on Syfy.

    1. yeah it's followed by "2 Headed Shark Attack"'s a double header

  8. Roger Mulderfucking PattersonThursday, July 11, 2013 at 6:33:00 PM PDT

    I did to the Bigfeets whast the Brits did to the blues.

    Ask either of the Bobs

    And keep Mubbs away from my wife

  9. This clown will NEVER be taken seriously by me. Any douchebag who says an owl is a Bigfoot is emphatically retarded.

  10. Lets see what kind of grasp Cliff Barackman has on the Bigfoot population number.
    1. Cliff says that Bigfoot are very rare
    2. list the approved estimated population in North America as between 2000 and 6000 Bigfoot
    3. Yet, Cliff says that "stuff", meaning contact, happens all the time.
    4. Assuming the Bigfoot live only on forested land, that puts 6000 Bigfoot on 6,100,000 square miles of forest in Canada and the U.S.
    5. That works out to 1,000 square miles per Bigfoot.
    6. BFRO expeditions typically cover 100 square miles maximum if that use call blasting.
    7. That means for every 10 BFRO expeditions, then they should finally make contact with one single Bigfoot.
    8. Yet the BFRO would commonly make contact with say 10 Bigfoot per expedition, none of which are actually witnessed. They just make noise.
    9. That BFRO contact number means that there are 100 times more Bigfoot than the BFRO recognizes.
    10. That 100x estimated population pencils out to 600,000 Bigfoot in North America.
    11. The estimates for Black Bear in North America is also 600,000.
    12. Black Bear are not considered rare, just hard to find.
    13. Therefore Bigfoot are not considered either very rare as Cliff claims, or even rare. They should just be hard to find.
    14. From personal experience, Bigfoot are a whole lot easier to find than a Black Bear. Which means that there are a whole lot more Bigfoot than there are Black Bear. I have spotted eight total Black Bear, 6 of which were cubs, and probably had contact with at least 500 Bigfoot. And have called in up to about 30 at a single location.
    15. That ratio would put the North American Bigfoot at over 37 million.
    16. But if there are that many Bigfoot, why don't we see them more often? It is because they are paranormal, and not just normal as Cliff Barackman stated above.
    17. Conclusion: Cliff does not have a good feel as to the actual Bigfoot population, primarily due to his lack of appreciation for the paranormal existence of the Bigfoot people.
    18. Cliff stated that sightings, footprints, hair and blood evidence prove that Bigfoot are just normal. Nooooo. That evidence just proves that they can come into man's dimension any time they want to, leave evidence, and then vaporize before some trigger happy moron can retrieve his gun.

    1. seriously moron? seriously? bigfoot are interdimensional travelers? yeah that's why they're stealing peoples layin' hens out of a chicken coop in Kentucky or eating catfood off some dudes porch in Alabama...all interdimensional travelers do that kind of stuff...get you some damn lithium already and get your mind right...

    2. Travelers? Who said anything about them traveling anywhere? Try reading Paulides 411, and then tell me where all the missing persons went. If you know so much about interdimensional traveling, write a book! If Sasquatch was easy to understand, you wouldn't even be here, wasting you life away in denying that what you don't understand.

  11. David Paulides is just a damn conman like everybody else associated with this bigfoot BS...he wrote a book about people disappearing embellished the stories to make them seem like they had a paranormal explanation and fools like you lapped it up...grow the hell up and get out of your fantasy world

    1. If Sasquatch was easy to understand, then you wouldn't be here, wasting your life away in denying that what you don't understand.


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