"Five Bipedal Bears" Were Seen Walking Here

Bears can walk on two legs like like humans, but all five of them at once?! That's impossible! In this video, Mitch Waite investigates a report of an archer hunter who saw five bipedal bears walk across a clearing while he was sitting in his deer stand. Were they bears? Or something else.


  1. Replies
    1. That scat came from a taterhole with about a 2" diameter, huh?

    2. I saw three bipedal bears once,just after i ate their porridge.

  2. The bfro says Sasquatch scat is like ours logs now if I was that guy I would bag it and possibly have it tested I'm no shit expert though! Also some believe which sounds plausible that they bury their dead so I would go take a shovel to those mounds and see if you might have stumbled on a Sasquatch burial sight which would be huge!!!

    1. Watch this; 'America Unearthed: Giants In Minnesota'


      There's all sorts of problems if people just go digging up burial mounds.

      Also, check out some Jim Vieira; he has about four presentations on YouTube, about burial mounds that have uncovered giant skeletons.


    2. Wow just wow^

      The poster boy for butthurt footers is back and pwned as usual.

      No monkey. No giant hairy people. Nothing. Just a hoaxed film in the 60s and a bunch of looney toon conspiracy theorys.

    3. 'Wow just wow guy' is scared of the woods and needs to troll on here for reassurance. Though I can't offer him that, I can offer him some more schooling, which I do multiple times weekly.

      Let me ask you a question 'Einstein'... If Patty isn't real, what is it?


    4. Its a bloke in a suit. Its not important who or how the suit was made.

    5. Ok... Show me a suit half as good 46 years later then? It's 110% important, because if you can't replicate the suit 46 years later with all our technological achievements, then Patty is real and Bigfoot are real...

      Got monkey suit?


    6. You are the one claiming it's a suit so you need to back up your claim and not expect people to swallow it without so much as an explanation... How much of a chip on your shoulder have you got? Get off your arss and make us a suit or troll somewhere else sonny.


    7. The amateur blevins made a suit that exactly matched the proportions of patty - proportions that proponents claim can not be achieved by a man in a suit.

      Of course his suit doesn't look as good as the pgf as he does not have the insight and creativeness of roger but that doesn't matter. The proportions match.

      Now just add the same fur type and colour that roger used along with filming in a creek at a distance with a 60s grainy film camera and there you have it, the pgf folks.

      Before you start crying about lack of muscle tone or the usual nonsense you footers wishfully see in the film please read my comment again because you clearly didn't understand.

    8. You've just answered your own argument, and nobody's crying but rather schooling you.

      To state that the Blevins recreation has the same muscle tone & hair texture and skin folds as Patty is basically not being honest and is clutching at straws. Plus, the pictures you see the Blevins suit in have mostly had the width reduced by 5%... looks like a very good effort and after all this time you'd expect someone to come up with at least one good effort I suppose!

      If we can only just make something a little close to Patty now... Then there's simply no way a Rookie film maker could have made a suit that good back then. If anything; Blevins' suit has helped to strengthen the claim that Patty is real, hominid flesh and blood.


    9. Completely missed the point as predicted.

    10. Ha ha! No, you put yourself to bed and I agreed with you...


    11. Still misses the point but its understandable. Im sorry that you can't grasp such simple concepts. I hope that you can get past your fantasy but you just seem so gullible.

    12. Grainy footage? Anyone can see that there's enough detail in tbe current footage and it's been cleaned up; again, no zippers and just more detail to show it's organic. If you had a HD version it would just show up more organic detail... You can't fit a humans proportions in the frame of Patty, that's nothing to do with film grain. Again, you'll clutch at straws and use anything you can get eh?


    13. When I watched the stabilized footage I laughed out loud. It still amazes me how footers can not see its obviously a suit.

      As for the proportions thing look at my comment above. Thay was put to bed by blevins.

    14. You need to read my comment properly actually, the proportions pf the Blevins photographs had to be helped with the width being reduced by 5% which on a 2D picture is a lot. If that is what is accomplishable 46 years later; it says it all and simply proves my point that a broke cowboy topping all that time span of sexual effects and costume is not reality and desperate.


    15. 'Sexual effects' was meant to be special effects; obviously! Ha ha ha!


    16. Leroy Blevins is an American hero

    17. There is no "wishful thinking" on the matter of muscle and tendon movement, and the shockwave during the stumble which radiates through the flesh and meat of the right thigh.

      To sit there giggling bleeving that a layer of suit is covering that thigh, and that a layer of material can produce these movement details of muscle, tendon, flesh, is more than wishful thinking: it's delusional.

      It would help if you included these facts in your argument, because they are facts which you'll see in the film. You running away from them, avoiding them, causes you to argue from a hopelessly weak position.

      Your claim and belief requires the existence of one miraculous magical mythical majestic monkey man suit.

      That suit doesn't exist.

      Next please!

    18. That's nothing. I saw Bigfoot wearing a human suit.

    19. All this technical talk is confusing,if you put a man in a monkey suit,you get a man in a monkey suit and you can tell!Patty is not a man in a monkey suit,every thing about her look's real.

    20. I guess it is easy to sit on a couch and ignore real evidence. With respect to the Patty film, the rippling thigh muscle is the clincher for me. Those who have gotten out in the woods and had encounters with wood apes have real reason to believe. I have had too many encounters that made my hair stand on end or my heart jump up in my throat, so I have to go with the real evidence collected with my own senses.

  3. oh those crazy bisexual bears

  4. Bigfoot don't exist suckers

    1. I don't think Bigfoot has suckers either because then he would be an Octosquatch

    2. Too many times schooled Anon 4:04, that's why he has to troll about me all the time.


    3. When abuse begins Joe, bank that as a victory.

      To be fair we've has some decent exchanges on here recently but they still resort to name calling in the end...


    4. Well MMG, good to see you post bro. Been a busy weekend?


    5. Pwned like mmg watching x creatures.

    6. Anon 5:46 is schooled and has to troll nonsense as a result.


    7. You say grainy footage, so why didnt the blevens recreate the whole film using a old time camera with grainy footage and see just how badly they did trying to recreate the costume.. hmmmm maybe they did and left that part out because it showed that the pgf creature was real with muscle tone and movement and real hair movements.just trying to recreate a costume that looked like the pgf isnt enough.

    8. Anon is just butthurt because he believes in the Octosquatch

  5. I would like to hear bill munns' opinion on this matter. When it comes to the squatch he knows his stuff. His scientific analysis of the pgf is second to none. Alongside sweaty yeti youve got quite a team!

    1. Bill munns is the real deal!!! By failing to reproduce the patty suit he single handled proved scientifically that bigfoot is real!!! Who could argue with that!! What a guy!!!

    2. What Bill Munns did is prove beyond doubt that Patty is not a suit... If it's not a suit, then what is it... ????


    3. Well its not a creature that don't exist.

      Its a bloke in a suit.

    4. Yes there is a video of the suit in use. Its called the pgf.

    5. No, it's a female Sasquatch in all her glory. We know it is because in all of 46 years of trying to prove it's a suit; none of you can and it is therefore organic. She could probably make your head pop like a water balloon if she sat on your face too.


    6. 46 years... you're right... thats a long time for no matching specimen to be found....

    7. YouTube - 'Leaping Russian Yeti', MK Davis version; there's your matching specimen.


    8. Joe's education of Bigfoot consists of YouTube clips and an old film that has no relevancy anymore. Joe, you are a pathetic troll.

    9. I have so much more than that, it's trolls like you that keep coming on Blogs like this using Patty, not me... I'm just happy to show people like you how wrong you are and that your agenda to dismiss what's clear as day in front of your eyes is clouding your honesty.


    10. If Patty has no relevance anymore, then why do you obsess about it? If it's not a real Bigfoot then it's a man in a suit; if it's a man in a suit then you should be able to replicate it... You can't so you get nasty and keep bringing it up time and time again. I'd happily talk about other Bigfoot subjects, but there are too many to educate it seems.


    11. Anon 6:19...

      'Pathetic' would be someone who prioritises their time visiting blogs with subjecs they don't believe in... Would it not?


    12. Nothing wrong with wanting to educate people

    13. Ohh Joe, you got the wrong guy... No, pathetic is basing your entire belief of Bigfoot on an old film that isn't proven real or fake and never will be, that is why it is simply not relevant anymore. Keep clinging to the PGF for your canon of Bigfoot. Believe? Are we talking about religion? I know Bigfoot is real because I have had an experience and the research group I fund has captured video and photos of Bigfoot, for my eyes only sucker!!

    14. I don't base my belief on Patty. I base it on many other forms of evidence which I accumulate and then draw consistencies that determine that Patty is real; not the other way around. Patty is relevant because if it can't be proven to be fake then it's real; how more significant can you get?

      If you are an enthusiast I find it puzzling why you would challenge me in such a way. I never state anything I can't back up with expert opinion and I also always expect people who make counter claims to do the same. Also; I could come on here and say I have pictures and videos and say 'for my eyes only' and I would expect you want me to back that up, or I would sound like a loon. You call me pathetic cause I claim Patty is real after 46 years of attempts to debunk it have failed, and then claim you have video and photos that nobody else can see?

      Oh dear...


    15. It's not a claim Joe, it's a fact. Why should we show them? People will just say "a bloke in a suit" regardless... Then I would be in your position having to defend something I know is real, you can see how frustrating that is. You will be able to see the videos when our project is complete, there will be full disclosure.

    16. Well you have my complete support and when that happens, know that it will be people like me who defend such hard work and celebrate your accomplishments.


    17. ..Joe, take anonymous claims with a sack of salt.. Having said that, I think there are a number of believers who think Roger hoaxed his film...

    18. I was trying to prove a point... If you read between the lines of my comment.

      There are plenty of believers who think Roger hoaxed. I just don't agree with them and think they're trying to play things as safe as possible. You'll also find that the people who think Patty is fake, tend to think that these creatures are more animalistic than human... I don't have to let you know how I feel about that.


  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQn0MoPnyT4





    1. Peace joe is a gold member.

    2. Old Hank must me getting ripe by now.

    3. Borrrrinnng...Rick disabled the comments on his blog and basically cut himself off from the outside world..I think he is now only interested in hoaxing whatever followers he has and is no longer trying to get new customers....

  7. Anon 12:59 might be on to something

    1. Check out some Jim Vieira on YouTube; you'll be fascinated if you think Anon 12:59's comment was cool... which indeed it was.


    2. Pwned joe is pwned.

      He thinks that it is no issue that it is claimed the film was processed in 2 days.

      He also thinks its no issue that Patterson was a bigfoot promoter prior to the pgf and actually drew a female bigfoot with breasts before the pgf... lol

      Also it is no issue that roger used an imposter gimlin on his money making tour.

    3. Well according to the timeline you maintain is true, on the Friday...

      "Patterson and Gimlin leave Bluff Creek and drive to Eureka, CA, to send the film via airplane to Yakima, WA, to be processed."

      If the film was delivered by late Friday evening and If the processing machine in Yakima was already running there would have been no need to "fire it up" on Saturday. This would leave right through to early hours of Saturday morning, Saturday day & night and some off Sunday to develop the film. They had one of the greatest discoveries in modern times so the effort for this would not have been an issue. Possibly DeAtely had an arrangement with this "friend" to develop any film Roger came up with "under the table".

      Roger expected this film to make him a millionaire. There was no time for a copyright and he might have been concerned about unauthorized copying. Using a tech after hours might have been added insurance - the guy wouldn't risk losing his job for a copy, would he?

      This is going by the timeline YOU maintain is accurate... not me.

      Also, if any of the current researchers were to actually deliver footage of a Bigfoot that you people demand they do; does that mean it's automatically a hoax because they had an obsession with the subject before hand? How can enthusiasts win?

      Also, there were many accounts of female Bigfoot at the turn of the 20th century, to which Patterson drew a lot of sketches of... there are many accounts of female Bigfoot today. Does this mean that all female Bigfoot sightings are hoaxed, or does it mean a fair ratio of female to male Sasquatch?

      Got monkey suit?


    4. If any of the current researchers were to deliver footage of a bigfoot it would automatically be a hoax because bigfoot does not exist, not because they had an obsession with the subject before hand. The fact that they previously had an obession would be very telling though.

      Infact it is interesting that footage mostly comes from the ones that are obsessed. Patterson, freeman, marx, joe black, erickson, etc.

      You don't ever see a claimed bigfoot from a wildlife enthusiast that does not even think about the possibility of bigfoot.

    5. Even if one of those researchers were to deliver crystal clear footage, you'd claim is was CGI or another man in a suit anyway, why do you want footage so badly; if you can't see that Patty is organic, then you simply aren't gonna get any better than that and are either scared or in denial.

      I'm not sure what rock you have been under for this long, but there are plenty of wildlife enthusiasts that encounter Bigfoot, in fact I have many friends who are Bigfoot enthusiasts who have 30-40 years hunting and wilderness experience under their belts who have seen Bigfoot... Their experiences are life changing and the reasons behind not capturing them on camera is because either camera phones were not invented then, or they were more preoccupied with getting out of the area as quietly and as safely as possible.


    6. Cool well as camera phones now exist we should see the footage start rolling in...

      Lol. We both know this won't happen. I know why. You think you know why but its not based on reality.

      These things don't exist. Not denial just facts.

    7. How d'you think the leaping Russian yeti was filmed? And yes, we should see the footage roll in, though it won't be good enough for you. The fact is that science has started asking the questions and that is a fact and reality that you will have to swallow.


    8. There are a lot of examples of footage that would be acceptable even if it wasn't that clear. Examples like these will never occur. Instead you get blokes in suits awkwardly strolling along.

    9. Joe. I have seen 5 bears walking bipedallly. I was at one of the last Greatful Dead Shows before Gerry died. They gave me this packet. 5 bears were walking back to back. Had I not eaten the contents of that packet I would have proof for you my friend. It was only later that the told me it was LSD.

    10. I watched the Jim Veira tunes on Giants and mounds many years ago. I grew up not far from Cahokia Illinois. I have seen them. Incredible stuff

    11. Amazing Mike! There is a such a massive hidden history of the America's that too many would rather kept under wraps. You cannot destroy a culture in that of the Native Americans to make way for your own, and celebrate it at the same time.

      Peace Mike.

    12. Joe they didn't even try to hide it. They used the mounds for gravel fill to build highways. As earth fill for landfill waste dump sites. They systematically tore it down and noone said a word because it was a culture they claim didn't exist. I thinks it's as great of a cultural and archaeological loss as any of the grave robbers in Egypt have accomplished throughout their pitiful ham handed careers. I agree with you. So very sadly

    13. Profound Mike; great post.

      Peace bro.

    14. When he was a young boy, he'd never thought he'd see
      People stand in line, to see the boy king..
      King Tut! Funky Tut!

      ..lol..Steve Martin from back in the day when Saturday Night Live was actually very funny...

    15. Instructing Skeptard Anon 4 09Monday, July 22, 2013 at 8:56:00 AM PDT

      Skeptard 4:09, you stumbled into your land of care bears and candy canes again:

      Patterson drew the female sasquatch and three others to illustrate Ostman's story. The drawing of the female and all of them are according to Ostman's descriptions, not Patterson's.

      As you'll note, the adult female Patterson drew doesn't look like Patty. For one thing the creature depicted is a flat-top while Patty has a conical skull. They are hardly similar.

      Your claim is only disinformation.

    16. ^that describes the Ostman female, but he also drew the female that Roe said he encountered. The latter does not have a flat head....

    17. Like I stated before; there are many reports of female Sasquatch, it does not make it any less credible to people who are aware of such accounts, but merely make it more credible. People never seem to discuss the pictures Patterson drew of male Sasquatch like he only ever drew females or something; all were copied from previous drawings or were of accounts of Bigfoot from around about the turn of the 20th century.


  8. Anon 12:59. Since you are no expert on shit, try to contact the Poop in a Jar guy. He is the worlds formost authority on anything shit related.

  9. Wow! Another bigfoot story; what a shock.

    1. As the stories increase but the evidence remains at zero it becomes ever so clear that bigfoot is BS.

    2. Patty and Leaping Russian Yeti; there's your evidence. Sykes is coming, better get your excuses straight if I were you...


    3. Joe, this Russian yeti is just another blobsquatch with 0 provenance..When MK freezes and zooms it becomes distorted and grainy and may acquire a superficial simian aspect, but it is just a blobsquatch. One of hundreds....

    4. I can't disagree more. You can see the muscle tone in the arss (if that is supposed to be a fake suit arss then explain how it maintains it's stealth), the muscle in it's back, the arm length & girth, the speed in which it leaps, changes from bipedal motion to quadrupedal motion (in that terrain! Look in it's last few moments) and the how fast it gets to it's last position in the video is too consistent with too many credible accounts. It is simply not being honest by claiming it's a 'blobsquatch' and any one can argue the toss but you simply don't explain how a human in a bulky 'suit' can achieve that stealth.


    5. Furthermore, I have skeptics try and explain the footage as it being in a wildlife park, it merely being a young gorilla; various explanations that outline the admission that it is way too stealthy to be a homo sapien. To you it's a blob; to me you're not being honest.


    6. Why no unambiguous photos of bigfoot joe?

    7. ..No sorry, Joe. Myself and countless others have watched this footage and can come to no conclusion-therefore, in all honesty, it is a blobsquatch..you and MK Davis seem to be the only ones who think otherwise...If you want to see something a little better, check out the Georgia "Hey, Bigfoot" video...Researchers tried to interview the kids parents but were rebuffed, so this one is also worthless-but still looks ok...

    8. No, I disagree yet further; countless people have seen it, including skeptics and decided it's not a human. There is a breakdown that Phil appears very undecided and in either one of his scenarios (either a man or a Sasquatch; his words) he does not claim it to be a mere 'blobsquatch' anyway. You still offer no explanation for it's motion and speed, and to label it a blob is just cheap... I mean that respectfully of course as I enjoy our dialogue which is regular now to which I am pleased.

      I am going to check out that video you recommended at the first opportunity so thanks for that.


    9. Anon 9:12...

      Because Bigfoot photos can always be a man in a suit to the skeptical and not even to just the skeptical at that.


    10. If they can be a man a suit why would we ever think otherwise?

    11. Because we have tens of thousands of eye witness accounts, a lot of them multiple person and thousands of years of Native American culture to back up that theory. That's not to mention the other sources of evidence there is... You would have to be a very stupid person to dress up in a furry suit and prance around in the wilderness during hunting season... That's not to say people haven't done that either, but you look for consistencies and make an educated decision based on the knowledge there already is. There are too many hoaxes which effect any credibility also.


    12. This is not something that started with a film or a photo, but the other way around.


  10. Under Gerhards working hypothesis. There can be no habituation without a subject and a habituator. So Gerhards followers including myself believe that you cannot cry out habituation without some showing of proof. Doctor Johnson. I believe Gerhard is talking to you. Won't you stop whistling John Prine tunes to them and please snap one photo? As for you Bigfoot is BS. Noone puts Joe in a corner.

  11. I usually don't like to get involved with those that argue that "Big foots" do not exist, so I say this; I find that most of you have never been hunting, never camped out, and are never in the woods!

    i also say this; I know they exist because I've had numerous encounters and sightings in The Catskill Mountains of New York state for the past 10 years or so. I am a retired Fur trapper/hunter married to a native American.

    i have several videos of them approaching my blind, plus some still pictures, yet if i show them to you, you will say the typical; "Man in a monkey suit" answer.

    if anybody you included did get lucky and get a Video of them, Yours will also be deemed a hoax, or a "Man in a monkey suit'!

    Several years ago, I took a non-believer with me 'Big footing" we planned to stay out camping and looking for a week, but after only 2 days and nights, my non-believer wanted to go home, wanted his "Mommy"! It was just to rough for him, he said I was an animal for living this Outdoor life.

    That's the problem with many non-believers, they love to sit at their precious computers all day and argue with people like Joe that believe they exist.

    I also say this; the P/G film is of a real "Big foot"! If you saw them, you just know the P/G film is unlike any other! go to "Youtube" a view hundreds of the fake videos, then watch the P/G film again, You will see the difference and how real the P/G film was! Think about it, 4 or more decades later, and no-body can copy that film! enough said!

    my name is John w. Jones, my Email address is healthyhappylawns@reagan.com

    1. Heeeeey John!! Good to see you post, I'll drop you an email soon for a chat!

      Amazing post buddy, people with the experience as you have NEED to post more often!

      Much respect John, your knowledge is so important, if you post more often, people will listen.

    2. Justin. Pleasure meeting you. Now I can comment on the subject matter at hand. This man Justin knows. He isn't seeking answers. As an avid hunter and outdoorsman who owns a farm on the Black River in the Ozark National Scenic Riverway as well as a ranch in the Texas Hillcountry. So Do I. As soon as u head that a Bow Hunter was frightened to return to a prime hunting spot I knew exactly what that meant. Make no mistake about it. Bow Hunters are not afraid enough of Bears Lions Wolves Moose attack Exposire Dehydration Nothing scares them. They track endlessly. Claim their spot. Erect their stand. This guy was using tree climbing spikes for Gods Sakes. Something. Apparently a number of Somethings scared him enough to abandon not just his prime hunting spot. But to reveal its location. Give up his tree stand and Never go back.

    3. John, it the only comment i actually read on this article, thanks for sharing!

  12. Apologies John. I'm outside and there's a storm brewing. Very dark. Sorry about your name. And yes. Thank You for sharing I hope you keep posting. You have a great deal to impart

    1. Michael Merchant used to have an amazing interview with a bow hunter called Michael Phillips on YouTube, I believe it was called 'Alaska Colorado Sasquatch Sighting', or something along those lines; and it was brilliant and extremely compelling. The guy is an ex-paratrooper and extremely tough and experienced and is just too believable. Why the video's been pulled is beyond me, but here is a link to another short interview the guy did...



    2. Joe. Right again. Do you remember this guy has had two encounters. The one I liked the best was when the dog got scared. What happened to SWP? Did He have a falling out with Shawn and Ro and the fellas. I mean he just vanished.

    3. Yeah, that was the account he had in Alaska! I'd have shit myself!

      As for SWP; that's a question a few people would like answering. It's strange that now he has started to believe fully in the species, he's gone underground??

      The 'Allagash Sasquatch' interview was the most compelling thing I'd ever heard... Again pulled??


  13. Shawn. What happened to SWP and Zen Yetis loose affiliation with this blog? I was no minion but I certainly enjoyed the interviews. ?

  14. Shawn. Just rest But when you do get up today we would like to know what ultimately went down with SWP. I'll keep checking in. Joe. Have a great day my man

    1. You too Mike! Speak to you real soon bro!


    2. Salutations joe.! I can remember the first time I was introduced to Patty in the late 60's. My father, an avid outdoorsman,brought home a copy of Argosy with the the story of the P/GF. I remember him saying,"Do they even know the repercussions if this really exsist"? Not yet even a teenager, I didn't understand what he meant. As I grew older, my fears, my curiosity's, lead me to investigate the possibilities and repercussions of such an existence.
      I often wonder, this thing, is it a missing link between man and animal with possible lingual and a thought processing mind ? I thought would this have rights and if so would it be under laws govern by man or an endangered animal or both. This could lead to protected areas, which leads to economical situations under protective guidelines for the logging communities. It also leads to the possibilities of complications if one was killed.
      You definitely have to think of religious side of things too. There seems to be laws in some states now on hurting one of these creatures that many believe that it doesn't exists.
      Joe Fritzgerald once said that the Native Americans say that it is bad medicine to prove its existence. I will have to agree. I also believe that some footers do not want it discovered due to simple logic of the down side of possible logical creature and what it would have to face in todays society...Long live new discoveries. It's what makes us grow..! Till next time joe because you are the real star..

    3. Steve!! Where you been bro?!! It's been too long you need to post more often!!

      I actually lost that blog page that had a means of contacting you, shall I contact you through your YouTube channel?

      Hope all is well bro, always good when you post; just look at the what you've got to share; priceless!!

      Much respect my friend!! It's an honor to have such good things said by someone of your experience. Go get em Steve!!


    4. Thanx joe for the kind words.! Life is busy with work, being a father, writing music, finishing the horror film cameo, and the ongoing Myakka mystery. And yes you can contact me thru the channel link..thanx friend and never abandon your stance my brother from a different mother..stevie.s



    5. HA HA HA!! Good stuff Steve, and I'll be picking your brains as to that cameo alright!!

      Peace bro!

    6. It will done editing hopefully by fall.It has Bill Moseley(Devils Rejects' Otis)also in it..scary shit if ya hate clowns..! Here's the trailer link..enjoy.!


    7. Wow Steve! Looks F*****g crazy bro!! Looking forward to seeing that!!

      Peace bro.

  15. Replies
    1. Got a taterhole? Got a Heartbeat? Oh heartbeat is optional.

  16. Anon 6:29pm, Show us the photos. If it looks like a man in a monkey suit then it probably is. I base this on the fact I have never seen a photo of an actual Gorilla, Chimp, Orangatan, bonobo, or any animal for that matter that I thought wow thats not a real chimp. Some one find a purported photo of a real actual animal that looks like it was faked. Real animal are unmistakable. No one will ever produce a chimp suit that would convince anyone but the gullible. That includes Munns

    1. Amen brother. Patty does not look anything like a real creature. No creature would evolve a diaper butt and thigh subduction... lol

    2. Anon 8:45 and 8:57...

      You are basing that mindset on the theory that Bigfoot is an animal; it's not. It is a type of human and that would explain why it moves like a human. If you don't think that the creature looks convincing, then it should have been replicated by now, should it not?


    3. Why it moves like a human? So all that talk about compliant gait is now redundant? Lol you footers just spout any old crap.

    4. The complaint gate is not something that you notice at first, and to the skeptical eye it would seem it moves like a human at first and therefore render the footage a man in a suit... Most people would expect Sasquatch to be hunched over like some cartoon caveman. That was my point.


    5. Lunch Break my brother. Got caught up. Steve's correct about you Joe. Compliments embarras some people more than insults. But I will flat out tell you I would have never posted if I hadn't seen your script. Just keep it coming man. It is very good for this site.

    6. You have a friend in me bro, never forget that. Don't ever go away.


    7. I gave myself a small window while my 11 year old son was away at Cowboy Camp to open it up for a truly free exchange of humor and ideas. Your posts allowed me to do that. But he comes home Sundayi. So I'll shut it down then. I can't have him reading hyper critical potshots at his father. He and I are very close. So my email is mkbrookreson@aol com. I would enjoy a contact now and then. Maybe we could even do an outdoor wildlife excursion. I just wanted to thank you personally and give you my information

    8. I'll be in touch my friend and that scenario would be fantastic buddy. I'll be in touch very soon bro. Thank you my friend.


    9. Oh and I'm sure if an adult version of your son could see how witty you are in writing; he'd be proud of his dad, no doubt. Speak soon bro.


  17. Excellent stuff guys!!

    So good to see so many folks take the time to actually discuss all things BF. A few months ago it was 'got monkey' and little else. Now we have much more substance as well as the off beat humour.

    Great to see.


    1. Still no monkey though huh?

    2. No monkeys... Just giant hairy people.

    3. "Well said sir".! ****'s

    4. No monkey, but we never run out of Skeps to pound.

      Like shooting fish in a very small barrel.

      Taken this blog BACK.


  18. ^still no giant hairy people either

  19. My bear friends tell me they fake being bigfoots all the time, especially during bear season, so they won't get shot. Then I told them about Justin Smeja and they said "well shit, there goes that plan !"

    1. Lucky for them Smeja already has some steaks in his freezer. But those are his last ones.

  20. "Just giant hairy people"

    They're people? Wow, cool, you've spoken with them? What kind of culture do they have? Why don't they make contact with us? Do they like music? I bet they do!

    1. ^mostly adult contemporary, some easy listening

    2. Anon 3:57...

      Scott Nelson - they have language which indicates culture

      Jim Vieira - they bury their dead which indicates social bonds

      Dumb animals would have been found by now too... (Duh?)


  21. Proof at last !!!!
    Bears DO shit in the woods !!!
    now i can confidently answer with a big "yes",
    when asked the question !!!
    now to solve the "does the pope wear a funny hat" question.

  22. Interesting poop, perhaps bear, perhaps not.

  23. Can the author of this blog write a little more text in the posts? There are times when we can access the videos and would love to just read an article to know what's going on. But 90% of the posts on this blog comprise 5 sentences and an attached YouTube video. Laziness or a lack of passion for reporting/writing?


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