Analysis: Spanish Passinger Train Crash normal and slowed

Analysis of video of the accident in the northern city of Santiago de Compostela suggested the train was going faster than 85mph on a bend where drivers are supposed to slow down after a straight stretch that allows them to reach up to 125mph. Death toll in the crash as last count was 81.


  1. Replies
    1. attention for the habituator's pride
      attention for our dear monkeys
      attention keeps us alive
      attention I truly believe
      attention is all we need

    2. What in the hell is a "Passinger"? Dammit Shawn I believe you are farming out some of your writing to the flaky dumb old Frank Cali. Frank has been cranking out some real winning literary charms. Anyways, dumb old Frank say everyone stat glued to your TV because there is going to be a 'media explosion' when drug head Dyer releases the body. Soon. Very soon. Very very soon.

  2. bigfoot behind the pylon at 00:13

  3. Replies
    1. ^ It means nothing and you're going to love it!

  4. Sad deal... looks like operator error.

  5. this site does anything for hits

    1. Peace joe got pwned over in teh Matilda thread , spread the word

    2. WBFE plays all the hits, all the time. Stay tuned for more comedy gold from Peace Joe and the Zagnuts with their breakout smash 'Got Monkey? Me Needer.'

    3. Anon 1:25...

      Did I? I think you need to go back and see what I replied, you silly little half-wit... Ha ha ha ha ha!!

    4. Anon 1:38...

      Man up and debate me or put up and shut up.

    5. 1:38 is hilarious. More so than watching joe scroll 3 pages of blog comments for his name to come defend himself.

  6. This magical mystical mythical monkey is tearing us all apart! What happened to Peace, Peace Joe???

    1. Peace.

      Oh and no monkeys, giant hairy people.

      Peace (sincerely).

    2. Anybody seen Steindorf's digital transformation of Patty?


    3. Yep loupe looks like a dead ringer for my mother in law

  7. Think I may get cancel my forthcoming train journey from Alicante to Madrid.

    Might get the bus instead.



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