1924 Ape Canyon Cabin Found: Evidence From The Site

That's right! The 1924 Ape Canyon cabin has finally been found. The Dark Waters Paranormal Group has all the details if you're interested in this historic discovery. Marc, a member of the group writes:

The Nail, The Spoon, The Wire. Here's a photo of physical evidence found at the cabin site. However, the "paydirt" evidence was the find of the horizontal log, about 6" underground with the nails driven in to it.

All the site clues gathered from the document research all line up. But read all about it on the recent post on the Dark Waters FB site. Much, much more to do...


Click here to visit the Dark Waters Paranormal Group on Facebook.


  1. Pwned like mulder in the dark by bob h in a monkey suit doing some footy flirting.

  2. Pwned like a sceptic spending all his time on a Bigfoot site.

    How does this happen? Lol!


  3. Evidence of a prospector's cabin is evidence said prospector sat around about 90% of the time telling bald faced lies to cats and idiots.

    1. ^ and you spend 90 percent of your life on a site you don't believe in! LMFAO! Poor little Village Idiot!

    2. and you waste 99% of your time attacking them! Moron! Idiot! Butthurt bleever!

    3. Ah .... No! Just .000000001%. Not worth my time Nerd!

    4. Butt hurt from what????? Little Trolling Piss Ant like you Anon 6:22? I prefer to spend time on things I enjoy even if it involves taking pot shots at Chicken Shits like you ha ha ha! You ----waste time on crap that makes you miserable and a jerk.

    5. Less time than you monkey hypocrites spend on it.

    6. It's a prospectors cabin site. How do you leap to creature attack evidence from a historical fiction?

      Prospectors aren't reliable for anything. That's why they prospect. They can't do anything honest. Before hobos there was prospectors and Albert Ostman was one too. Now they just hoax like AO taught them.

  4. are those bigfoot bones?-credulous footer

    1. ^ it's your lame ass granparents bones that should have never breeded to have yo momma and you!

    2. ^^you angry male sibling?

    3. When some fool pops up on you tube and says they are bigfoot bones, naive people will take it as gospel and spread the word..peace..lol...

  5. Scared little skeptics; needed to much reassurance of the boogeyman when they were small... they've got to allocate the time these days to visit blog sites they know nothing about and try and muster their own therapeutic reassurance with anonymity and ignorance... sad little nobodies and it says a lot about their personal lives and how they allocate their time & priorities. Get a life guys! There's reassurance in real friends out there in the big wide world... not so much on blog sites where you get schooled regularly. It can't do much for your self esteem hence their safety net in anonymity.


    1. The biggest contradiction in the Bigfoot world is the way Bigfoot skeptics cling on to rumors & stories like Bob H and then try and play down the enthusiast's ever accumulating evidence and scientific recognition as 'myth'... What clan of stupidity are these people bread from? Can someone please try and help me understand??

    2. Only white trash and drunken Indians believe in Squatch. And I'm 1/64th drunken Indian and the rest pure white trash.

    3. Joe is crushing the little maggot again!! Good work Joe! So far it looks like the same Lame Ass posted all of the comments today ( Village Idiot).

    4. I love that 'village idiot' label... I thought it was unique to the UK, but very aptly used for these types. Great stuff buddy.

    5. in your dreams footers! we come here to practice our trolling skills and enjoy what is a very entertaining site, thanks to butthurt bleevers like yourself.

      remind us- where are those clear images of those giant creatures again? surely you must have more than PG by now. it's beem 45 years!

    6. Check out 'Leaping Russian Yeti' on YouTube; the MK Davis version... Try and explain that away pal!

      Sorry Footers, I know this is getting old but I just love the way these idiots try and explain it away!!


    7. Are you fucking serious? YEEEEESH. How many times has MK Davis been laughed out of the bigfoot community? 2? 3? 4?

    8. MK Davis didn't film the footage you idiot!!! HA HA HA HA!!! I merely use his version because there are screen shots that YOU can't explain away!! HA HA HA HA!!!


    9. Who is " We " anon 6:26 ? It's just you! 24/7. Moron!

    10. Who was the most hated man in the bigfoot community just before Dyer's Georgia hoax?

    11. Just watch the 'Leaping Russian Yeti' and suck it up...

    12. Joe is wiping his ass with the magic monkey troll again! Keep up the good work Joe!

    13. MK Davis is highly inconsistent.

      His PGF work = Excellent.
      His Bluff Creek Slaughter Theory = Laughable.
      His Leaping Yeti analysis = Excellent.
      His Mike Sells stance = Embarrassing.


    14. Anon 7:09's comment exhibits some Sharon Shill characteristics.


    15. Those researchers they know have figured out the truth, like MK or Melba, they'll call all sorts of names.

  6. Looks like this is the real deal here, folks.

    1. Hell yeah! According to Stretch Fitzgerald you would have to be insane not to believe now! Just look at all that useless crap they dug up!

    2. Thank you for sucking my balls last night. You drained them like the champion ball sucker that you are.;-)

    3. Anon 6:48...
      The things these researchers have found are being used to determine whether there was a cabin that was used to house miners on that site, which would give an idea as to the whereabouts of a legendary encounter with multiple Bigfoot that occurred.

      Government officials are the reason you are so ignorant of the facts and you must understand that there is a mountain of evidence that backs up our claims that this species is real.

      William Jevning, a respectable author with I believe four books published on Bigfoot, stated that in 1995 two of his fellow investigators came across a series of tracks near Mount St Helens in Washington State. In temporarily leaving the tracks in order to fetch Jevning, they came across a forest service supervisor and in their excitement, told the supervisor of these tracks thinking nothing of it. By the time these two gentleman this time accompanied with Jevning got to the site (some four hours later); the tracks had been deliberately destroyed; sprayed with water with the earth re-arranged to look like they had never been there.

      Wildlife consultant john miedzinski when working for the fish and game in the State of Wyoming had his job threatened because of his involvement into an investigation into Bigfoot prints and an encounter. He had to remain silent for 30 years and is now an researcher and adviser to Jeff Meldrum.


    4. Oh, so that's why we've never got a decent picture or body. Thanks for clearing that up!

      Peace? Got to hell.

    5. If the village is full of footers that is the best compliment you could give me. Thank you!

      Go back to the BFF you pantywaists!

    6. I am about to paste (for the ninth time) a comment that a very brave gentleman posted regarding the giant skeletons cover-up story a few weeks ago...

      "... I live in N. Utah, am an equipment operator, and have signed a total of of 5 non-disclosure agreements concerning the large hairy dude. LOL
      Can't say much more than that, until I retire in '18.
      Believe me or don't, I dont care. But mining and oil companies FOR SURE take this stuff seriously.
      Hang in there."

      Anon 7:20.. Your ignorance of the truth is not attributed to your stupidity, but the level your comments definitely highlight it.


    7. Anon 7:34 & 7:20!

      Check out 'Russian Leaping Yeti' and chill... No need to get so frustrated about getting schooled guys, learn something.


    8. Joe is a thousand times more intelligent than anon 7:20. Keep up the good work Joe. It's nice to see someone on here who knows what he is talking about and actually backs up his claims and gives sources unlike ol magic monkey boy your so called Village Idiot. Does anyone feel maybe it's just Shawn all along planting himself antagonizing the Footers to just get more clicks? Just my theory because there couldn't be any human alive without real mental issues who can keep getting Body slammed on here by Footers and coming back to a site everyday he doesn't believe in. Seems very Silly so I think it must be Shawn.

    9. I was a heavy equipment operator for a mining company. When we would find fossils the boss man would have us cover it up and tell us not to tell anyone. He didn't want the mine shut down.

    10. WOO -HOOO!!! Thank you sir!! CAN YOU ELABORATE ON THIS PLEASE????


    11. Yeah right. So everybody passed on the chance to get fame and fortune because they didn't want to lose their mining job.

      Pssst- sneak back and dig it up. Get your picture with your wonderful, sacred Dr. Meldrum.

    12. What fame and fortune? The mine would have been shut down and NO more job.

    13. If you had unmistakable evidence of a giant primate that is living or has lived in North America, and your boss told you to cover it up, you wouldn't mark the spot somehow? Possibly the evidence all you little footers have been waiting for for 45 years, and you just walk away. There isn't one gonad's worth of testosterone in the entire BF community. Just a bunch of ridiculous looking conspiracy theorists.

    14. How do you know you wouldn't react the same way if your boss told you to move on and keep quiet? There are sometimes millions of dollars involved in such sites and the boss man signs the checks over at the end of the day and that means food and clothes for these peoples' children. You'd be the first to ridicule this gentleman if he came out with this story publicly, yet you contradictively condemn him for looking after his job. You sir, are a typical one sided skeptic who thinks he knows all the answers and uses hindsight as his logic.


    15. 8:15, hello Sharon Shill. Things must be slow on the Puff 'n' Stuff Blog today, what?

    16. I love how the trolls think there are no conspiracies by denial that's how you keep secrets, dorks. Like Jim Marrs says, he doesn't believe anything is true until the Government's denied it.

    17. LOL @ clueless Joe and his mythical mountain of evidence. Yeah boy, a "mountain" of evidence he says, yet, NOBODY can see this mountain.....unless you're clueless Joe.

    18. Have I really got to school you again? It can't be doing your self esteem any good??

    19. Mythical mountain of evidence? Is Anon 11:01 serious? What a Nut Job.

    20. You're on fire today Joe,good streak,Joe may readily believe everything he reads on the internet a little too easily but he is right about bigfoot existing

    21. Look Rum... I wanna like you. I don't believe everything I read except for the things I can back up with expert opinion. I never get the chance to voice my skeptical theories cause I'm too busy putting ignorant people straight on this blog. I do have some wacky theories on infrasound and sub-atomic particles, but can you really knock me for trying to apply a little imagination and scientific theory to something's we can't explain about this creature?


    22. Clueless Joe strikes again. He never fails to entertain the logical/rational minds with his never ending unparalleled displays of complete incompetence. Clueless Joe is a perfect nickname for him.

    23. Lol!

      This is the same guy Joe pumps on a daily basis. No wonder his ass is so sore.

      Taking this blog back.


    24. Really? Who's clueless when they can't proving points wrong and resort to silly names?? I can handle names; it comforts me in a way that you have to resort to such as opposed to challenging me any other way; you are doing your theory group proud sir. Ha ha ha ha ha!!

    25. I agree with Joe! The Village Idiot keeps touting a rational mind but he exhibits no rational or logic! Joe slammed him again!

  7. I said we found fossils. What kind of fossils, I don't know. When we dug down and hit this purplish clay the fossils would be under it. So the boss told us when we hit the purplish clay to cover it up and move to a different spot. He signed my paycheck so I did what I was told.

    1. Great stuff buddy, thanks very much for elaborating, it really means a lot.

    2. Indeed Anon. You'll be aware this will be common practice in your industry.

      Nothing stops palms being greased more than an excavation team with a 24 month waiver.


  8. DarkWaters probably needs to recognize that there were probably more then group of miners and more then one cabin up Ape Canyon over the decades. There were also dynamite shacks, storehouses, and outhouses to consider. I recall being told of other miner cabins up there by someone many years ago. I also have an acquaintance who was a close friend with Harry Truman there, and the last person to see him alive and try to convince him to leave before the eruption. He also took care of the scout camp there at Spirit Lake and has had encounters there and seen tracks as well. He knew the area well and I believe may have a good idea of where the cabin was. Just like there were numerous caves up there, there was also many people who sought gold up there over the decades.

    1. Great insight Dave, as usual a wealth of knowledge at your disposal. Hope all is well.

    2. I hope DarkWaters has more evidence than some rusted forks and spoons from an old cabin in the woods. Dave from above has the most logical comment on this article so far.

    3. Well, Beck believed the ape man contacted him telepathically. Finding tin foil hats would seal the deal....

    4. ^ No he didn't ! STFU!

  9. Are there anymore stunk apes in the area to film for proof? I ain't seen real stunk ape pictures that national geographics will put on their TV show.

    1. We've all seen them. We're just not showing you.

  10. I've located a place called Skeptard Canyon. If you sit on the cliffs above you can watch the swarms of skeptards in fluorescent pink jumpsuits with crash helmets on their heads racing around like mad bashing into each other.

  11. And finding the remnants of an old mining cabin proves what exactly in regards to Sasquatch? Oh, that's right, absolutely NOTHING........and.......you like it!

    Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Footards...........

    1. It's not meant to prove the existence of Sasquatch you half-wit? They are trying to identify the location of a legendary location... Learn to read!! Just learn.. You might like it?


    2. Yes, legend. Nothing but a story drummed up to keep other prospectors off of their claim, CLUELESS JOE!

    3. Stick and stones... Getting to people like you is very apparent and I enjoy it very much.

    4. ^ the never went back to the claim moron. They tried to make a story up to scare themselves ? You're a Moron.

    5. It's getting funny the level of intelligence these people are will to express... lucky for them they're anonymous.

    6. Anon 2:53 was responding to Anon 2:15.

    7. I know pal, I was agreeing with 2:53... Sorry I should have made myself clear.

    8. No problem, always trying to help a mate ! Cheers.

  12. Hey PJ, I checked out the Leaping Yeti video. Indeed, pretty cool and intriguing. Although I cannot say for certain what it is at this point, I am not willing to say it's a Sasquatch simply because I don't know what it is. Although, this seems to be exactly what you are doing. Does this make you smarter than me and the rest or am I missing something, here? I want to believe too, but this is by no means undeniable evidence IMO. Freeman video fooled people for years and I think it looks a lot better than this one...and the PGF is just silly at this point in the game. Please, teach us.

    1. Right, firstly... Did you watch the MK Davis version? Forget about MK, just watch that version cause it has still screen shots.

      Secondly... Look at the arm length and girth, the muscle tone in the arss and back, the speed in which it gets to it's last position and the speed in which it changes between bipedal and quadrupedal motion in it's last visible moments... IN THAT TERRAIN? All these things being very consistent with countless eye witness testimony. It is my feeling that it is an adolescent male.

      Thank you for checking it out buddy but please go back and have another look at it, bearing in mind those characteristics. You must understand that this is so consistent with many, many accounts and this is what people look for in determining authenticity in this subject, purely cause that's all we have to go by, and real fully identifiable video is so hard to come by.

      Again, thanks for checking it out.

  13. They found A cabin. That doesn't make it THE cabin.
    Shouldn't there be squatch bones nearby if it's the actual place?

    Or it could have been a tall tale meant to scare other people away from their claim.

    1. ^ they never went back Moron. So they told a tall tale to scare themselves not to go back to their own claim? So you're the idiot trying to convince Footers not to believe? Better sound a little more intelligent. Ha ha!

    2. Moron alert^^^^ Incapable of a rational or logical thought, as usual. Did your mother have any children that actually lived?

    3. ^ you apparently can't think rational or logical Because you are asking him if his mother had any children that lived? I'll let you figure out your logic Einstein. Dumb F*cker.

    4. I'm a moron? Really?

      Even if they didn't go back, that still doesn't make it THE cabin.

      And did you bother reading the rest of the book that this story is from? I'm guessing no.

      This story was part of a book "I FOUGHT THE APEMEN OF MOUNT ST. HELENS, WA." published in the Sept of 1967. Chapter three on is fantastic, let me quote this reliable witness on the background leading up to the incident.

      "Our time spent in Mt. St. Helens was a series of psychic experiences. The method we found our mine was psychic. ..."

      "There was another spiritual being which appeared to us..."

      "There is no doubt in my mind that these beings were present and observing us, but they had not yet appeared in physical form."

      "They are the easiest beings materialized as evidenced by the many reports of their appearances to more people in recent years. In fact, if the vibratory influence right for them is present they can manifest without any human being present at all. This accounts for the many tracks being seen along the mountain ranges of the West Coast and Canada."

      "One day we needed a pencil to make a description of our claim. We found we had not brought one along with us. Everyone was a little put out. But then it came — a pencil was in my hand. It had tooth marks all over it. When that trip was over and I was home, I showed the pencil to my wife, and she said, "Why, that's a pencil I bought when you were gone. How did you get it?" She said my oldest son, then a young tot, was chewing on it and she took it away from him and had put it in a drawer. She went and looked and she found no pencil."

      It goes on and on like that and I skipped some of the best parts. Footers love to refer to this story but they conveniently leave out the part that makes the guy sound out of his mind or full of crap.

      FWIW, I actually believe bigfoot exists but after reading the book I have to say I don't trust the guy telling this story.

  14. Joe, why is there a lion in the foreground of the Russian footage?

  15. ^^the lion is the filmers thoroughly disinterested dog

    1. ^^you're right, I don't know what I was thinking, it's clearly a mermaid...

  16. I thought it was a dog too but since you mentioned lion...I took another look. Very well could be shot at a zoo or wildlife refuge of sorts. Whatever the animal in front is, it doesn't seem to give a shit about the big gorilla jumping around in the background.

  17. If the dog's not bothered then he's just a really tough mutt. Is there a dog there or is it just bad pixel-age?
    It simply doesn't explain the creature's arm length and girth, the muscle tone in the arss and back, the speed in which it gets to it's last position and the speed in which it changes between bipedal and quadrupedal motion in it's last visible moments... all in that terrain. Furthermore, we're not talking about a gorilla, but a type of human.


    1. ^^hey thanks for noticing my muscle tone-I work out five times a week

  18. Dave and Joe certainly do bring up the good point. Find a spoon and a nail does not make it the Venderwhite Cabin. However, I feel that the chances are good that it is. This is based on its location as described in 1922 by the Mining Location record and the 1924 descriptions in the Oregonian, Portland News and Longview Daily News that reported on visiting the site. This is coupled with the absolute remoteness of the site and the nasty life-risking danger that's involved in getting there, making a bunch of other cabins in the immediate vicinity unlikely. Thanks.

    1. ^ nice report. Nice to see good input. You can eliminate the dynamite shed because of the silverware found.

  19. Hiked Ape Canyon (and into Ape Cave) a couple times post 1980 eruption and it's not life threatening. Blast zone is just on the western fringe of the canyon. This guy likely found the cabin site.

    It's a great NW legend and apparently others thought so too...getting a placename is respect.

    But, I made the mistake of reading Fred Beck's book. He piggybacks off of Edgar Cayce and into that realm.

    Maybe you do have to be psychic to see them.

  20. Purplish/bluish clay/gravel is a very interesting thing to dig into. Usually there are interesting 'things' in it. I have found that blue ground, blue clay, or blue gravel is worth digging around in. The very few who have also done this know what I am talking about. Even the smell of the material is quite distinctive. The people not in the 'blue/purple clay, gravel, ground' club, which even includes most geologists unbelieveably, don't have the faintest idea what they do not know of. It is way cool to be in on one of the world's most exclusive inside little community.....cheers Cecil Rhodes de man


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