Tune Into Destination America's Mountain Monster Tonight To See The Ohio Grassman at 10 PM E/P

If you're in the mood for monsters, tonight's Mountain Monster episode featuring the Ohio Grassman premieres tonight (Saturday, June 29 at 10 PM E/P) on Discovery. Here's a preview clip:

Discovering an eyewitness video of the Ohio Grassman, the Appalachian Investigators of Mysterious Sightings (AIMS) travel to Southeastern Ohio to hunt down this 1,000 pound, 8-foot tall cousin of the legendary Sasquatch. Dubbed the Grassman because its fur resembles the color and texture of grass, this creature's size and aggressive nature makes it a threat to any human it encounters. The AIMS crew investigates footprints and nests that appear to be Grassman evidence, then build a camouflaged pit trap to capture this enormous beast. The mountain investigators' goal is to make sure the Grassman does not terrorize Ohio locals and prove the legendary creature's existence.


  1. Replies
    1. ...no firsting allowed... that means you NH with those nice DSL's.

  2. They Just Busted a Meth Lab and they are not happy!

  3. Guys running around at night with loaded guns and spotlights! Recipe for disaster or at a minimum a ticket from the DNR for shining deer.

    1. They've never had an accidental discharge and never will you fear mongering queer. Don't you have a dick to sit on, gay boy?

    2. That big fat stankin ass one cracks me up! hell, they all look rather funky, tho..

  4. The dude with the smackin' log is the shit.

  5. Bipto's group should recruit these guys for their Area X.

    1. No need they found some crushed nuts.

      Case closed.


  6. That squatch is to smart for them mountain folk.

  7. I think Jael from Destination Truth should guest star on this show.

  8. Replies
    1. True dat. True dat.

      - stand-in guy

    2. Joe sure pumps those dis-bleevers. No Wonder these Kidd are mad.

  9. These morons couldn't sneak up on their own shadow.

    1. Looks like they found more in one night investigation than the Finding Bigfoot crew has found in 3 years. Mountain Folk get it done, son. The FB crew is too fat and gay.

    2. Bottom line is....they BOTH haven't found jack shit!!! AND WON'T!!!

    3. P.s. That Fat fella DOES look like Henry May..

  10. Why won't they let the guy with the big stick carry a gun?

    1. One does not simply waka waka into Mordor.

  11. Isn't that fat fella Henry May?


  13. I like the beachball with limbs.

  14. Big Bad Schoolyard Bully sez:Sunday, June 30, 2013 at 8:17:00 AM PDT

    I was wondering if I would read about this anywhere. Those rednecks did get a shot on the trail cam, let's face it a bunch of fat rednecks running around the woods is too tempting for even the Grassdude to not want to mess with. I was sure that one of them would end up in their own trap-I'm sure that's what the Grassdude wanted to happen too...

  15. I personally believe about grassman being an oitdoors man and living on ohio not far from where this took place I believe it. I saw a similar figure last hunting season while deer hunting at about 730am only saw for split second out corner of my eye call me crazy but I know what I saw the figure that is idk what it was but I have an idea so I believe there definitly is somethong out there.

  16. This show is great. If it keeps up it will blow Moneymaker's faggot express away. Hillbillies hear something and charge in. Moneymaker's crew of Homos usually makes excuses for their bullshit and quit. Go Hillbilly, Go!

  17. I love the show but its becoming had to beleive.

    and the trail cam photo looks like a man in a fur Gillie suit posting.

  18. That show has to be staged. Too much noise and too many mistakes are made by these guys. This show is so stupid, that it is funny.

  19. The photos are CGI, FAKE. The "grassman howls" are the same recorded sound blasted over and over from a boombox, probably being held outside camera range by some toothless boob, FAKE. The brushy sleeping nest inside that abandoned house was staged and human-made, the structure probably inspired by the Blair Witch Project, FAKE. Even the time that the young team member (the one that resembles a fat baby gorilla) fell into the creek and got wet seemed completely intentional. Even a fat baby gorilla like him isn't that clumsy when walking through 6 inches of water.
    In summary, I am an engine boss for a wildland firefighting company and I have actually witnessed two adult sasquatches crossing a remote logging road. This happened while working night shift in Hoopa, California in 2008. Because of this sighting I KNOW that the Bigfoot species exist. However, this show is 100% FAKE and should be watched for entertainment only. Please do not think that sasquatch actually behave like that, and that they can be outsmarted by a bunch of 4th grade dropout raccoon eating toothless rednecks. Those guys couldn't catch the clap in a Puerto Rican whore house, and they couldn't hit water if they fell out of a boat.
    I have spoken, good day.


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