Is This Bigfoot or a Rodent On Mars?


Check out what the Mars rover Curiosity brought back last September. has posted some images from the NASA website of what they believe to be a "cute rodent" on mars. Some even believe that this is a government experiment and that the government will hear from PETA about this very soon. Here's what they posted:

A friend emailed this in to me today (Original Photo on NASA Website…click here!) and its really amazing and strange. I guess thats why I love this one so much. Its a cute rodent on Mars. Note it's lighter color upper and lower eyelids, it's nose and cheek areas, its ear, its front leg and stomach. Looks similar to a squirrel camouflaged in the stones and sand by its colors. Hey, who doesn't love squirrels right? That doesn't look like a squirrel you say? Then have a look at the photo below of similar squirrel in the same position on Earth. This might have been the big historical announcement that NASA was suppose to make, however they decided life on Mars was a secret worth keeping since they don't want China or Russia to beat America to Mars. So they shut up about it and can take their time to Mars this way. The scientist jumped the gun and told the public about a major historical discovery on Mars…this must be what he was talking about. SCW

Update: A lot of people are emailing me saying that this squirrel was part of a NASA experiment to test how long it would live on the surface of Mars and I do believe this does sound like something they might do. Why would they not tell us about it? Because the squirrel would be expected to die eventually and that would get PETA to fight against them in a court of law. SCW



  1. Replies
    1. ...anti-first... oh yeah, the correct way sucks!!

    2. It's not a rodent. It's definitely a conger eel.

    3. no shadow on the squirrel but shadows on the rocks come on folks you don't have to be fatty Phil to figurevthat out

  2. It's a rock. No mouse, no bigfoot, no enchilada. Just a rock.

  3. First.. The correct way!!!

    1. ^now that is a great false first, congrats!!

  4. A rat got on the set.

    That's why NASA uses low res cameras. Perfect for a time like this

    1. NASA is nothing but a bunch of well-payed fakers hard at work, with their official missions, trying to fool the public and sell an obsolete American dream of flying around in rockets with 20the century smoke still coming out the rear end, while the really cool advanced ET technology stuff goes on behind the scenes. There's two NASAs, the official window we all see which is a front for the secret stuff.

  5. way to keep relavant bigfoot post rolling in......

  6. Now somebody is lying..............

  7. Confirms on:

    buck teeth
    incessant chewing
    tail slapping

    It's a rock that evolved in North America.

  8. dat ain't a rock I tink its a ginnie pig on da red planet.

  9. I've been waiting 10 years for this! That's it for shore!

  10. It's not a rodent. Rabbits are no longer classified as rodents. It's a lagomorph on Mars.

  11. I know what you all are thinking..........and no, pareidolia is not limited to Earth. Just a Martian rock but I bet Joe-Black thinks it's real. Any takers?

  12. clearly looks like a Bigfoot to me.

  13. Its a frikin rock assholes....

    *starts a slow clap*

  14. I think it's Marvin..Where's Bugs.?


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