M.K. Davis Discusses How Real Patty's Legs Are

Is this Patty a real Bigfoot? M.K. Davis takes a closer look at frame number 364 from the Patterson-Gimlin film. Davis points out several artifacts that appear to be muscle flexing a patch of hair. Watch below:


  1. Replies
    1. If you call Miss Piggy legs prettier.

    2. Kermits fingers smell like pork

    3. Just get this in your head. Not one good clear picture or film of bigfoot ever! Its just a fact.

      We do have over the decades a lot of good bigfoot books and people making money off the books and research projects.

      We need to step back and think about that.

      Why? Why not one good picture of a 7-12 foot tale wood-ape?

      Why do we have lots of good pictures of Mathuew Johnson PHD (the world most famous habi-tater holy man)he is writing a book you know.

      We will keep getting nothing in the order of proof of a giant primate or caveman running around in the woods (thousands of them) and we will like it!!

      We will get stories from people that swear they really saw the big guy and we will like their stories.

      We will watch finding bigfoot and get no proof and we will like it!!

      So...whats up with all that?

    4. You have a good clear film with the PGF.

  2. At least MK is off the Mike Sells videos and back to good ol' diaper butt.


  4. Replies
    1. Only someone who wants to see bigfoot sees bigfoot in the Patterson film. Everyone else sees a guy in a costume.

    2. Only people who are afraid of the boogie man are the ones who refuse to admit what is right in front of their face

    3. What's right in front of their face? A guy in a costume. A hoax created by a con man in order to make money. A con man who is still conning people 40 years after his death.

    4. The solution is most likely the simple one endorsed by science " There is no such thing as Bigfoot, so its a guy in a suit. Duh..."

    5. The P/G film is the footers' Jesus on Toast.

    6. But...but...didn't Bill Munns prove Patty is real..like mathematically and shit? It's true, just ask SweatyYeti or Mulder. We all know Munns is a scientist, right? He sure as shit begs for money like one..

    7. Show me the suit then you string of ignorant sceptards.

      Bob Hilarious: Fail

      BBC: Fail

      Show me the suit then.

      Since you can't produce a suit nor reproduce a comparable Patty individual and film, you have exactly:


      How do you like it, sceptards?

    8. We like nothing, Mulder, thank-you.

    9. Got monkey there, Mulder? No? Didn't think so..

    10. I Found The Costume They Used!!!!Wednesday, May 22, 2013 at 2:56:00 PM PDT


      so realistic, case: CLOSED BF and the PGF is a HOAX

    11. Grainy film with a laughable back story submitted by a showman=Hoax...duh...

    12. So because nobody's pulled the exact moth-eaten suit out of the closet, that's proof that it's a Bigfoot in the video? The logic is impeccable.

    13. Bigfoot's not a monkey Michael, you are. There is no suit look at any monster movie for proof of that, if there were they'd all look like Patty and they don't they look like shit because they're suits. Trolls will troll because they've been owned more than we care to remember. Only someone who wants to see a suit sees a suit in the Patterson film, denying is high in fashion these days. Everyone else sees a proven bigfoot.

  5. First! C'mon, folks, you can't just leave it lying there like that.

    1. First is so yesterday. Give it up. It's over.

    2. First is so yesterday is so the day before yesterday. Today it is cutting edge shit. So there.

  6. "What do ya see there?" I see a pwned footer struggling to come to terms with the fact its a man in a suit and that there are no magic monkey men running around North America.

    1. This skeptard appears to have slipped back into the morass of ignorance in which the lowly skepturds first emerged with dreams of evolving into skeptards.

      4:30 is devolution before your eyes. It's a pity, isn't it?

    2. Cool story bro. Got monkey? Yet again nope. Deluded raging footard.

    3. Grainy footage(of a highly improbable creature) with a laughable back story submitted by a bigfoot showman= Hoax....

    4. You want monkeys so bably Michael you go to the zoo, you deliberate retards.

    5. For all you commentators that say Big foot doesn't exist, I say this; "Your ignorant fools"! You do not know what you are talking about"! Do you even go into the woods? ever camp more than 3 days? Do you even know the difference of a white tale deer from a Mule deer?

      I bet you know the difference between "Starbuck's coffee Vs. "Dunkin donuts" coffee!

      I am a retired fur trapper of 40 years plus an retired hunting guide of 50 years! I know all the different animals and their sounds period! I've hunted and guided all over the U.S. and Canada. I am married to a native American Mohawk. I know all about their legends etc.

      I have had numerous bigfoots sightings/encounters over these many years. I just got back from a 3 week Big foot research trip. This was my third one this year. most of you wouldn't have lasted with me for 2 days, before running home to your momma! seeking Big foots is for real men, little momma boys can stay home with their X box!

      I tell you this! Big foot exist as sure as squirrels, bears Moose exist. And I don't care what you think, I know what I've been seeing! 95% of you non-believers are City bred folks!

      My name is John w. Jones, my E mail is healthyhappylawns@reagan.com

  7. Is Bob Gimlin lying at bigfoot conferences?

    1. Yes, but he is not the only one....

    2. Who else is lying through their teeth? Everyone?

    3. Well bigfoot don't exist (scientific fact) so anyone that claims it does is lying.

    4. Bigfoot Basics for Simple SkeptardsWednesday, May 22, 2013 at 9:27:00 AM PDT

      Bob Hilarious is at the top of the list, 4:52.

      Bob Hilarious is THE hoaxer.

      The claim that the PGF is a hoax is, you guessed it, a hoax.

    5. Bigfoot Basics should know, the voices told him so

    6. Bob H, despite his inelegant and garbled version of events, was telling the truth....

    7. Bob H. is lying thru his jelly mouth undoubtedly payed to lie, some fed dude came by and said "hey fatty here's a bundle to spin a tale (a tale he can't keep straight) and let's fake a poly too you fat moron to help you along. We already have science in on the cover up as well". lol Something like that is how it went down.

  8. >>>>FIRST<<<<<<WOOO HOOOO I am SO cool...hey MAAAAAA, MOMMY!!!!! Guess what ma, I was first this morning, can you bring me my Bosco and milk down the basement now please?

  9. First!!! Roll with it second losers!

  10. Boy, this year has been crap for bigfoot. It was much more exciting with Melba and Daisey in the box (not Rick Dyer he's never exciting just a sociopathic loser) its why people like David Paulides got out of total bigfoot research..its just not there.

    We are left with people like Mathuew Johnson PHD (the most trusted habi-tater hole in bigfoot kingdom and he's all we got and wants us to like it with a gifting bowl full of BS.

    We will have another season of finding bigfoot with-out them finding anything..and we will like that also.

    There are thousands of forest people running around out in the woods and we can't get "one" clear picture of one (never have) and we will like that very much.

    We need to re-think bigfoot. It must be invisible or from space.

    Remember, we have nothing, we like nothing, and nothing is the way to go in the bigfoot circle jerks.

    1. WHY SKEPTARDS ARE A RAGING JOKEWednesday, May 22, 2013 at 9:35:00 AM PDT

      5:41, is that you, Sharon Hill/Bigfoot is BS? It sounds like your mouth, foul as usual.

      It's funny how the skeptards bleeve and bleeve that Ketchum's samples show, according to these blindingly brilliant Aussie-webcast biologists, that panda bears are swinging free and easy throughout North American wilderness, and yet . . . we can't get ONE clear picture of a wild panda in N. America!

      It's pot and kettle when the skeptards are this gullible and will grasp at anything which contradicts the possible existence of Sasquatch, yet accuse believers of doing exactly what they themselves are doing--grasping at straws.

      Come out of the ignorant dark depths of skeptardism to at least the half-daylight of skepticism.

    2. Straws are, at least, graspable. When was the last time you had a fistful of Bigfoot?

    3. Sharon Hill has much better things to do with her time than hang out here, trolling for the likes of you, WSAARJ. Besides, she's pretty, so she automatically gets a pass (from me at least). It's nice to know there is still one bleever to carry the footer torch (and to make fun of). Cheers, dude, have some fun and stop taking this stuff so seriously.

    4. ^^^ Will never get to see Sharon's ⊙⊙


    5. Last year was dominated by speculation about the Erickson, Ketchum and Olympic projects: the future was the issue. Now that those distractions have crashed and burned, we can re-focus on the past- 55 glorious years of nothing.....

    6. Which is why you're here of course, because you're well aware of the press/science truth embargo ordered that prevents the Ketchum study from reaching the mainstream media in a serious manner. You guys are truly fucked up the way you betray your own countrymen and lie to them, you're the enemy within covering up a myth.

  11. CNN is reporting that no bigfoots were found again today.

  12. http://youtu.be/QgsO8fpVo3c

  13. No man or woman is shaped like the Bigfoot in the PG film. Just sayin....

  14. K its a closed case there are thousands of 10ft 700pd apemen ambling[as they do amble going by the films in slow fuckin motion]
    people say this is too grainy".er it is grainy! no mount of saying it isn't wont make it HD.it out of focus,its grainy,its 50 years old ,it was taken by 2 skint cowboys[in every sense of the term] who had 2 mins of film left on their borrowed camera. low and behold for the 1st time in history ,after drawing the EXACT same female,2 years previous. Out walks a BF in full view in daylight when their is tree cover 10 yards behind him[ I say him as its a guy in a suit from the film studio he worked for]

    where is PG 1234567[wtf] now we are in the digital age. not 1 trail cam film of worth yet deer,bears etc..litter every trail cam!wtf

    this is too easy

    if 8-10ft apemen lived,in their thousands[which they would have to too be successful] they would have ripped up the countryside with their presence. they aren't exactly chipmonks. deer carcases, bedding,film on cells,flir,trail cam would abound. not to mention at least 1 dead body, one HD film etc etc etc etc

    wake up I realise w all want there to be something as exciting as a BF out there but not at the expense of common sense
    i'll come back in another 6 months. a i'll be surprised this site is still here and B im sure youll be dissecting the PG film still

    lol,americns u got to love em. at least its stops u bombing tens of thousands of innocents across the world with your inhuman foreign policy

    a truly odious race. you even make muslim states appear humane

  15. The reason why "most" Big foot researchers fail to find one is; They don't know what they are doing'!

    For the past 40 years most big foot researchers have been doing "wood knocks" Doing Call Blasting and searching for them at night (Stupid) All Big mistakes! They think in the Box, not out of it! If something doesn't work after 40 years of trying, wouldn't common sense tell you to change tactic?

    The show "Finding Big Foot' is teaching a whole new generation of what "Not to do" They (The team) are
    the biggest joke on T.V.! They couldn't find Bees in a Beehive! They give us serious researchers a bad rap, and adds to the skeptics fodder.

    Most Big foot researchers are City bred or non-hunters. Because of their lack of "Woodsman skills' they don't have a chance in hell of finding one.

    It is not a question; 'If they exist". It's the question; How good do one has to be in order to find such a smart elusive animal.

    If you took a 'Navy Seal' that also is a skilled hunter/survivalist and let him have a mile head start in to a forest. Then send in 100 very experienced hunters, whose mission it is to capture him, or get a clear Photo of him in a weeks time, I guarantee you that the 100 hunters wouldn't find him!

    Then do it all over again, but this time send in 1,000 City bred or non-hunters to find him. I definitely guarantee that they wouldn't find him! and I bet 80% would quit after only 3 day searching!

    This is why it's taking such a long time to get "proof" they exist.

    Our society is now so far removed from Nature and the Wilderness, that we've lost the skills needed to find such an elusive smart animal. There are less people roaming or using the woods now than 100 years ago. I recently came back from a 3 week Big foot expedition in upstate New York. This was my third trip to these mountains. The area is so remote, so hard to get into that 100 Big foots could easily live there and no one around to see them!

    My name is John W. Jones, my email is healthyhappylawns@Reagan.com write me with only mature remarks!


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