Live Breakdown: Real Bigfoot Footage From North Carolina

People have no idea just how difficult it is having fun while making videos! Here's a fresh breakdown from Parabreakdown:


  1. Furthermore when your beforehand electric source fails, you still have definitely a very back-up.

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  2. Replies
    1. Just playin by the rules

    2. What rules? There are no rules! You lose!

    3. Oh no. Just typing 1 is for bitches. Like you ^^^^

  3. What is this "1" shit? If you want to miss out on the Golden Age of Firsting go right ahead.

    1. Just who might be the guy posting the 1? We have seen this before...

    2. What does it matter. You bunch of first loosers.

  4. Wish they could find something a little better to breakdown the phony video's are so obvious.

  5. Hey Shawn, what I recommend you do to clean-up your content:

    1. Disable comments;
    2. Get a better forum than Forumotion;
    3. Start a thread for each post & link it, then force Registration; and finally
    4. Kick/ban people by IP Address who don't add anything to the discussion;


    1. you see Shawn? Presto! No more of that annoying ad revenue. Just the same six or seven idiots rehashing the same old garbage.

    2. Wow...what a forum Nazi, huh?

    3. Which is it? Six idiots or seven? Be more specific next time.

    4. Some people just take Bigfoot too seriously. Lighten up and make fun of it all with us.

    5. Sorry- the same seven fucktards.

    6. That's better. I wonder if the Forum Nazi ever got a load of Hula Girl, huh?

    7. JERRY: ...Well what's the show about?

      GEORGE: It's about nothing.

    8. ^ but it worked didn't it?

    9. are there only 6 or 7 idiots? i thought there were at least 8

    10. I keep my poop in a jar.

  6. After WWII, US Marines were charged with accepting the surrender of the Japanese in China and Manchuria, then overseeing their repatriation to Japan. This of course put the Marine 7th special services Regiment in the middle of the Civil war between the Commies and the KMT. The former were very aggressive against the US Marines and attacked and killed US soldiers. Imagine how much that must have sucked having gone all the way through WWII. Anyway, a troop train ferrying Japanese POWs to Tseintsing to ship to Japan was attacked by the Communists. The 300 or so US Marines distributed the captured Japanese weapons to the Japanese soldiers and together they repelled the division strength Communists. The Marines then recollected the weapons from their new Japanese allies and continued their trip to the sea.

    1. That's a better story than Rick Dyer's, huh?

    2. Hey history guy! This is bigfoot evidence, not world war 2 history lesson. I do like that kind of stuff but if you want to blog about that then I'm sure there are other websites to do so.

    3. Yeah-- Stick to the topic like everybody else!

    4. anon 10:53 posted that because he thinks it will chase the trolls off. Pretty dumb huh?

    5. why donesn't anyone talk about all the reports from former Japanese and German soldiers that mention "large hairy ape-like creatures" that seemed to be working alongside US army and marine commando units in WWII as per the Sasquai peoples secret treaty with the US government created by Teddy Roosevelt as a secret corrollary to the establishment of the National Park system, that was in fact a cover for the establishment of safe havens for the Sasquai people in return for occasional "favors" for the US gov

    6. Hey WWII dude, this is not the venue. So shut it.

      By the way, your story is not accurate.

    7. ^^who the fuck are you to tell anybody what they can or can't post on this blog so you shut it, douchelicker

  7. Its been since 1967 since the PGF came out and that film is said to be (maybe) a real bigfoot.

    Since that film scientist say that there is no proof and even the PGF is to grainy and low resolution to tell who what or its a non-issue as far a science is concerned.

    If you want "real science" to look at bigfoot; you'll need a body or at the very least bones of the creature.

    Anything else is a waste of your and my time.

    Go get real proof and I'll wait here.


  8. That was stupid! Whats up whith the Black mans voice and the Burrito refference.

    I think you guys should leave Humor to someone else, your not very good at it!

  9. Fuck REAL SCIENCE, they are WRONG all the time!

  10. ^yeah, like when they didn't make your dad wear a condom.

  11. Sounds like Rebeccas Dad pulled out and shot half of her on her mommies back.

  12. that's no way to talk to a lady...

  13. I believe that bigfoot exists. That said, Nick you are 100% correct.

    The people still going around the woods with video cameras, thermal cameras, audio recording devices, plaster, etc. etc. etc. are wasting their time and everyone else's time.

  14. There are no bigfoot in North Carolina. This footage is more bigfoot BS.

    1. Yup. The only area where sasquatch exist is northern California up through British Columbia. Stories from anywhere else in North America can be immediately dismissed.

  15. Big Bad Schoolyard Bully sez:Monday, May 13, 2013 at 4:06:00 PM PDT

    You would think that people had better things to do than trying to pull off these stupid and oh so obvious hoaxes. Say what we will about Rick Dyer but at least he puts some time and effort into HIS bullshit hoaxes. They're just getting lazy out there. Come on North Carolina-step up the game a couple of notches will ya's?

  16. So why are you wasting your time on this site, and even more time writing comments unless you are just plain stupid.


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