Facebook Find Bigfoot Writes Scathing Review of Morgan Mathew's Movie "Shooting Bigfoot"
The group Facebook Find Bigfoot made it clear earlier this year that they would shut down their page if the film by Morgan Mathews featuring Rick Dyer did not show the "tent" video in full HD. It now appears they didn't get what they were looking for at the premiere and is now blaming Morgan Mathews for "manipulating his audience". Their statement begs the question: Who's the real manipulator here? Dyer or Mathews? In the review we posted by @rougemount last night, it's clear that Dyer was the person trying to fool Mathews. The "Shooting Bigfoot" director may have gotten the last laugh in all this. Here's the "scathing" review by FBFB:
A Scathing Review of “Shooting Bigfoot” A film by Morgan Matthews.
The opening credits have high production value, a great deal of money was spent to capture crazy misadventures of the three crews as they search for the mythical beast. From there the film plunges faster than Niagara Falls. It feels as if Morgan Matthews is manipulating his audience from the very start. The film is heavily edited over what appears to be many years.
Anyone who has followed the saga of Rick Dyer and the Camper Video knows that it is a compelling piece of film with Morgan’s voice calling “Rick Rick RICK!” His voices causes the Sasquatch to turn and look at the film (Dyer). The problem with this film is the Rick, Rick RICK is at night and seems highly edited. The ribs are shown but never nailed to the tree, there is no eating ribs, the ribs just disappear. We are made to think that Matthews is a solo embedded journalist, even though we know Morgan brought a crew along with him.
The film ends with Morgan being bowled over by what appears to be a very strong, very large and angry man-shaped creature. His face is shown for once second and it is very shocking. The viewer is left to wonder if it is a real Sasquatch or not. Clearly Morgan did not fly out and head to the airport in the middle of the night (the final scene is him in an airplane). Surely if someone had been attacked like that you would endeavor to understand what happened. Morgan’s face is beat up badly as he is shown in both hospital and on a plane. So it is definite that something dramatic happened as he is hurled to the ground by the Sasquatch. Dyer asks if he can see the film footage and the film is rewound and the viewer gets to see the attacker again for maybe two seconds. Again, there is no conclusive ending.
Security was heavy at the venue and the crowd was being watched for cameras, so it is not possible to look again at the footage. If it is real, then it is by far the closest footage ever seen of a Sasquatch. If it is fake, it is like no mask we have ever seen and the sight of the creature is dramatic. True to many of the reviews, this ending will not leave Bigfoot believers or skeptics satisfied, in fact it is completely and totally unsatisfying.
[via Facebook Find Bigfoot]
Update: Thanks to Dr. Matthew Johnson for sharing this post with us in his group, Team Squatching USA:
Posted in "Facebook/Find Bigfoot" : JIM KLEINSMITH: Since no one is pointing it out I will. I was at the premiere in which Morgan mathews states that he was attacked by what he can only assume was a man in a costume and that he had nothing to do with tent video 2. Mathews spells it out and all in the theater heard it. The crowd did not gasp at the Bigfoot footage, we laughed out loud..... twice.
This is incorrect info as pointed out by Robert Lindsay. This movie review is not factual at all.
ReplyDeleteWhat is this movie rated? I am 12 years old and my mom won't let me see anything that is bad Melissa
DeleteRated T for turd
DeleteI never heard of that rating. I will ask my mom about that
DeleteMy mom says I can't see the movie because it must be bad. Thank you
Your mom says you're adopted
DeleteMelissa, your mom is much smarter than most of the people on this blog. Someday you'll thank her.
DeleteThank you. Lunch break is over. Have to go. Bye
DeleteFirst and loving it!
DeleteRemember what I said. Part of the hoax was that FB/FB would get to this point like the stupid Daisy in a box crap and now say they were hoaxed or mislead. All the same stuff all the time. They just gave to play the innocent part by saying they were scammed.
ReplyDelete5 Stages of a "Big" Bigfoot Announcement #5 Claim, you are a Victim of a Hoax
DeleteIt is a fake and a very good fake. But still a fake.
ReplyDeleteI pooped my pants!
ReplyDeleteI am eighty six years old. I poop my pants every day. You don't see me bragging about it. Grow up kid
DeleteYeah pops slung that shit hard.... Fuckn youngsters
DeleteIf people believe in a myth they will no doubt get the piss taken out of them.
ReplyDeleteOnto the next hoax. People are so stupid.
Dyer has a body though.
I want your body Melba
DeleteMelba is on vacation for a long time.
ReplyDeletemissed you ENOCH YA guy
DeleteYa, chocktock chocktock ya. Enoch, chactuck, chack, Enoch ya!
DeleteBody, parts of a body, a live specimen, or enough fossil material to identify a fossilized animal as an unknown primate equivalent to sasquatch, is what is needed. No amount of testimoney, footage, video feeds, and DNA will ever do. Body, major body parts, captured animal, substantial fossil evidence is all that counts.
ReplyDeleteThe above is just a fact. Nothing more nothing less..
FB/FB released that extended version of the tent video where there was s possible gunshot at the end suggesting he shot it at that moment , Bigfoot is clearly visible with plenty of light now in the trailer and the reviews they were running around in the dark shooting and getting run over by BF and shit ... what is up with that?
ReplyDeleteWho knows its all irrelevant. All you need to know is bigfoot is a myth. There's no magic monkey man running around North America.
DeleteMaybe it was a Liger It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic.
Deleteits all bullshit. latest news is he is releasing the body august 15th.... remember that date from 2008. why are we even still giving this clown the time of day. he should be in jail.
ReplyDeleteClowns scare me
DeleteI think FBFB truly convinced themselves that it was real, they were maybe in on it, but they are a couple of dupes who get fooled by youtube videos of leaves moving and call it a real 100% sasquatch. These guys dont know anything about people or bigfoot and proved it in this case
ReplyDeletethey were in on it. they probably thought it was going to be a bigger pay off.
DeleteYes, they were in on it. And they are still. 'Watch what they do, they will tell on themselves.
I think Charles Bronson hit the nail on the head. I find particularly insightful, 'These guys dont know anything about people or bigfoot and proved it in this case'.
DeleteHe's right.
Rick Dyer & FBFB & Chris Noel & Musky Allen & Ketchum DNA Paper & Justin Smeja & Tim Fasano & Stacy Brown and many more - Hoaxers and they sucks the biggest donkey balls ever!
Justin and maybe stacy brown are cool.
DeleteDon't forget to include the whole Erickson Project bunch in the Hoaxer column.
DeleteI agree except for Stacy B and co.They are the Hell's Angels of footing.They seem not to give a fuck about what others think in general.They seem to sincerly want to find the truth and work harder than most that Iv'e seen on these investigations.You gotta admit his thermal image by far is the best and being a sceptic,I had to say wow.I don't know why they call them the Hell's Angel of Bigfoot,he kinda looks like Jesus. Maybe a little like Zakk Wydle and would shoot you in the face.!
DeleteI like turtles and stacy.I hate the rest.
DeleteStacy is a hoaxer as much as the rest of them. That thermal image video sucks, looks totaly fake. A bunch of losers just trying ride the BF wave. How much of an education do these people have? None? Just because you camp out or take walks in the woods does not mean you are a researcher.
DeleteAnd you camp out on your computer because the porn sites no longer intrest you doesn't make your coments anymore credible. Take awalk t-fats.
DeleteWonder what Chris Noel has to say about all this? He must really feel like a damn fool.
Deleteomg FB when the film is stopped it clearly shows a mask people in the audience actually laughed(looked like a werewolf mask lol).Plus the final scene is Morgan on a plane he did not get the injuries from the bigfoot attack,it was the Dyer attack.
ReplyDeleteOnce again bigfoot has been proven not to exist.
ReplyDeleteIf you footers think theres something out there then get some f*cking evidence of it. Otherwise shut up and close down the community for good.
Thanks for sharing
DeleteNothing has been proven except that once again,
Deleteyour a dick!
Wait, wait, wait wait wait.
ReplyDeleteBigfoot's not real?
wait until the special director's cut extended edition comes on as a two disc set folks.
ReplyDeleteHahaha, suckers
I can't wait to see the gag reel
DeletePwned as much as the day ketchum self published. Footers look dumb and really are pwned. "2013 is the year of the sasquatch" remember that? Yea? Pwned.
ReplyDeleteIts ok folks gold members get a free copy of dyers book
ReplyDeleteI was sobbing so deeply I could hardly breathe...
ReplyDeleteWhy do all bigfoot nuts write like a 3rd grader?
ReplyDeleteBecause a lot of these comments are written by habituated sasquatches. I've taught several of the young ones in the tribe I've habituated to write on blogs for me. All it takes is some M&M's and colored beads. Who did you think the "Taterhole Alarm" guy was?
DeleteHilarious! This is why I come to this site.
Troubling Trend Of Thigh Gaps Gaining Popularity
ReplyDeleteYou can it see it when models walk down the runway. A visible gap between their thighs, or a thigh gap. Teens and women are becoming dangerously infatuated with acquiring the thin legs and wide thigh gaps.
Thin legs are the envy of young girls and women around the country, feeding their insecurities. More and more are going to dangerous lengths to create a thigh gap, or a visible space between your legs.
“People are working excessively at exercising in order to maybe change the way their body is or restricting what they eat,” said University of Miami body consultant, Tammy Sifre.
Bigfoot believers have a "brain gap" where a 7-12 foot magic ape lives.
DeleteAll of that chafing from their fat thighs rubbing together is heating up the planet.
DeleteThigh gaps rule. Hula girl reigns.
DeleteBeneath her hair diaper, Patty sports a Brazillian and a well-sculpted thigh gap.
DeleteSEXY!! HMMM!!
DeleteI also love the "bikini bridge".
DeleteWhat dat??? pant. pant..pant..
DeleteThigh gaps rock!
DeleteHey, that's "Dr. Matthew Johnson, one of the most credible people in the bigfoot world," not just plain old Dr. Matthew Johnson. Geeze.
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine if he were your shrink?
DeleteCould you pay him with imaginary money?
And of course the first thirty minutes would be him reminding you about how he's not only one of the most credible people in the bigfoot world, he's also the most modest.
DeleteNow that was funny. And true.
DeleteShawn. Stop telling us that Dr Johnson is credible.
DeleteHis group (well him and his kids) are called Team Squatchin USA for Christ's sake.
There are many embarrassing things in BF. This guy is one of them.
Scofftics, skeptard and trolls to the left of me, bleevers, footers and Zagnutters to the right.
ReplyDeleteSykes will have something. Definitive proof one way or another.
Body, parts of a body, a live specimen, or enough fossil material to identify a fossilized animal as an unknown primate equivalent to sasquatch, is what is needed. No amount of testimoney, footage, video feeds, and DNA will ever do. Body, major body parts, captured animal, substantial fossil evidence is all that counts.
DeleteThe above is just a fact. Nothing more nothing less..
Sykes will deliver the final death knell to footery. There really will be no excuses left. Tumbleweed will roll accross the bff with the only signs of life coming from sasfooty and a couple of the loons in the pgf section. The big Internet and media boom of footery in the last few years is done. 50 episodes of finding bigfoot turned up precisely zero evidence. There simply is no monkey it really is that simple.
DeleteBigfoot is done. Im off to pwn some alien nuts, good day.
See yer, y'all don't come back now.
DeleteI'm staying for hula girl. Gimme your email; I'll let you know when the Erickson doc is released....
DeleteMattews is doing a q&a at tonight's showing. Hopefully he gets asked some tough questions.
ReplyDeleteYeah like, "do you need to see a shrink?", wait a minuet..he is a shrink!!
DeleteGosh!! Enoch ya!!
I hop someone asks him if hes going to sue Dyer for knocking the crap out of him.
DeleteDyer is being investigated by the FBI I read over on "Phantoms and Monsters" he is in for some big trouble.
DeleteI think he will pay a heffty amount of time and money to get through this latest sociopathic gig.
Dr. Matthew Johnson is just a
attention seeker- and not asking for money. He is doing a book though..which is legal and will probably make money on it. But, a sucker is born every second (he knows) and plays the "mind game" in a legal way.
You can be a stupid liar and get busted or a smart liar and not get busted...
The only downside to this whole inevitable Dyer meltdown is now Bear Meat Smeja is in the wings waiting to swoop down with his ridiculous hoax.
ReplyDeleteAnd unlike the Dyer BS, this blog will be right there to support, exploit and promote the hell out of it instead of calling him on it like they did with Dyer.
This is true. I wonder why? Why not just show serious bigfoot investigations here??
DeleteIs it so hard (she asked) well is it?
He may swoop down off of his tree limb but most of us will see the rope tied around his waist and know that hes not really flying.
DeleteNeeds to go to Peter Pan flying sckool
DeleteThe classic 5 stages of a hoax. FB/FB is now claiming they were hoaxed. This is classic. So many people have previously said this is exactly what they would do, and now they have done it. Personally, I've thought and commented on their U-Tube channel from the beginning, that they were in on the whole "movie" deal to cash in. They promoted it to the best of their ability, between their little Facebook page and you tube channel. By the looks of the empty theatre, the pay-off is not what they expected, now they are in classic stage 5 of the hoax. Denial, and claiming to be hoaxed themselves. The sad part is, the continued internet traffic generated by everyone looking into this, they still keep cashing in, along with Dyer the Liar cashing in also. See, they don't care if you talk trash about them, as long as people keeptalking about either Dyer or FB/FB. Then they continue making money via internet hits on their sites. The creators of FB/FB have always stayed off camera,(until yesterday)and those are not their real names in case you didn't know that. Sound convenient for a scam? Of course it does, That way, when all is said and done, and they have cashed in all they can get, they shut their facebook and U Tube accounts and take the cash and start working for their money again, no-one really knowing their true identity. Instead of waiting for them to shut everything down (which they probably won't do until this has run its course since it was all part of the promotion to make things sound better)I say we just all boycott their lies and garbage and completely stop visiting their sites. That means stop typing either if their names etc. Let the "self proclaimed experts" vanish as they should have a long time ago. Dyer the liar will ride this for a while yet, (like he still makes money on the 2008 hoax) until he has milked every penny of internet traffic possible. As far as he's concerned, he's accomplished his goal, he's back in the limelight and attracting traffic on his sites whether you believe him or not. BF is a real creature, I saw one first hand about 20' from me. I know they exist. Skeptics should not let this Liar and crappy film scam, be a determination of the creatures real existence. JM
ReplyDeleteTo much reading
DeleteGood post JM, good shit.
DeleteDyer is being investigated by the FBI I read over on "Phantoms and Monsters" he is in for some big trouble.
ReplyDeleteI think he will pay a heffty amount of time and money to get through this latest sociopathic gig.
Dr. Matthew Johnson is just a
attention seeker- and not asking for money. He is doing a book though..which is legal and will probably make money on it. But, a sucker is born every second (he knows) and plays the "mind game" in a legal way.
You can be a stupid liar and get busted or a smart liar and not get busted...
In the aftermath of the films post-mortem, people forget that the tent video subject, with heretofore never witnessed bushy mustache and human balding patterns, did not match the minnows film attacker. Therefore, the tent video was a complete hoax. Since the tent video was effectively the movie trailer for quite some time, the movie is therefore a complete hoax. Please notice above, that FB/FB does not MAN UP to admitting that the Bigfoot in the movie was a hoax. But instead, you are witness to what they refer to in the business world as, CORPORATE OBFUSCATION.
ReplyDeletelol, no shit sherlock.just when you think the retards on here cant get dumber someone writes this.wtf
DeleteThey will claim there were 3 bigfoots: the one in the tent video, the shooting victim, and the one in the flick. Texas is lousy with bigfoots I tell ya....
Deletewell i for 1 am shocked that the magic mney is still at large. they 10k of them must be reathing a huge sigh of relief that they still manage,against increasing technological advances, to remain hidden. it cant be easy being 8-10ft 700pd and not get seen once ver by someone with a non grainy, parkinson sufferer.
ReplyDeletehis luck will run out 1 day,mark my words
the magic monkey will be on our screens in HD ths year. this is the year of bigfoot.
either that or u ar eall a bunch of retarded fuck wits who are clueless werido singletons who need a life
im starting to think its the latter
I don't know what you are trying to type but you gotta get a new keyboard or maybe some more practice.
DeleteFB/FB was duped into a corner like Tom Biscardi....he had no choice but to go along with it when it was too late.
ReplyDeleteRated T for taterhole!