Watch: This Man Was One of The Best Shooters In The World

Tom Knapp was one of the best shotgun shooters the world had ever known. According to a message posted on their Facebook page, CZ-USA has announced that legendary shooting star Tom Knapp has passed away:

The shooting world lost a great man today. Shooting Star Tom Knapp passed away this afternoon. Tom reinvented exhibition shooting almost 30 years after the passing of Herb Parsons. Tom was an inspiration to generations of shooters and he will be missed.

Our thoughts are with Tom’s family and friends.

The article linked below was written by Dave Miller last year covering Tom’s first two years of shooting with CZ.


  1. Replies
    1. Knapp was an early operative. They are occasionally showcased to the public like this. This was before the technology existed to transplant the brain and spinal column into to a genetically engineered cloned body. Knapp simply had some cybernetic implants, similar to the popular television show at the time, The Bionic Man.

      Most of what we do at the agency is revealed as fiction through popular entertainment, it softens the public up to new ideas, and provides cover in case information slips out.

  2. Anyone that can shoot an aspirin thrown into the air is officially a bad ass mofo.

  3. The legends are dwindling away first Bob Munden now Tom Napp RIP

  4. Loved to watch him shoot when I was a kid.

  5. Amazing shooting... What does this have to do with Bigfoot?

  6. That dude would clean house on Call of Duty multiplayer.


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