Our Favorite Bigfoot Prank Ever

This is an old video but we think it's one of the most entertaining Bigfoot pranks ever. Two adults in Iowa decided to take some kids on a peaceful road trip, but it turned out to be one trip they will never forget.


  1. Replies
    1. You know what would have been funnier than this video? Someone would have shot that son of a birch in the ass while he was pretending to shit! Serve that hoaxer and child teaser a lesson! These kids will be in therapy for years! Nice job asshole parents!

    2. Dickwadded bubble boy ^^^^^^^^

      Most likely raised what turned out to be queers.

    3. ^ At least make sense when you rip on someone faggot!

  2. Mayor McCheese makes Richard Simmons look as if he does not even try to be gay!

    1. Hard to believe that little fuzzy haired queer was the bass player for KISS.

    2. lol...The "God of Thunder( and Rock and Roll)" prances around in striped short shorts and a pink tank top...

    3. you guys are thinking about Richard Simmons way to much (gay)

  3. Sassy Glassy Bigfoot pendants are designed to fit in your butt hole, I heard Rictor likes to put them in his spinktore!


  5. The Patterson footage is the best bigfoot prank ever.

    1. Never a truer word spoken. I bet patterson never imagined in 2013 it would get to the state where a guy does a presentation with a bunch of women with their tits out to prove that floppy tits are floppy infront of a roomful of grown men who eat up every last word. RIP Patterson the greatest troll of his generation.

    2. To quote Edna Mode from the Pixar film The Incredibles, "What are you talking about?"

      What 2013 presentation are you referring to?

    3. A made up fantasy Presentation he dreams about.

    4. It's a hoax that the PGF was a hoax.

      Bob Hilarious is the hoaxer.

      His redux video clip is a joke.

      Go watch Bob H in the redux clip in a costume trying to recreate the PGF.

      It's a joke.

      Why did they film it in a weird jerky way which in no manner assists him in trying to ape Patty's walk.

      What a joke, and a hoax.

    5. the presentation is by bill munns there is a thread about it on the bigfoot forums in the pgf section

      and yes bill munns paid women so he could film how their breasts move.

      this is the state of footing.

  6. Let's talk some more about the Patterson footage. Whether you think it's genuine or not, it certainly is intriguing, and it has been for over 45 years.

    Here's a question that perhaps some of you can answer:

    Bob Gimlin has maintained there were only two of them when the footage was shot (the two being Patterson and Gimlin himself). Here's a clip in which someone asked Gimlin during a bigfoot conference Q&A session if it really was just the two of them and if Bob Hieronimus is lying when he says that he was with them. As you will see, Gimlin is adamant that it was just the two of them that day(Patterson and Gimlin):


    Here's a clip of the entire Patterson footage, footage that includes what was shot before they sighted the creature. Patterson is shooting the film. You can see Gimlin on one horse leading another pack horse. When the camera jerkily cuts to the left at 1:05, the horses disappear, and you can see someone standing behind the log, someone who wasn't there seconds before. It happens very quickly and is easy to miss. Is this not evidence that there was someone else with Patterson and Gimlin on that day?


    I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.

    1. Gimlin refuses to acknowledge that Bob h was involved in their schemes at the time when there is photographic evidence he was part of the gang. Also Bob g refuses to do an interview with Bob h present and Bob g will only do interviews with vetted questions. Bob h on the other hand is willing to do all of it and had no problems taking a lie detector test. Pwned.

    2. He is a sociopath., hence he can pass the test and lie.

    3. You nailed it dude. That is obviously a different person behind the log wearing a hat.

      I can't believe that no one saw this before. Of course, no one looks at this part of the film. The only break it down when the bigfoot appears later in the footage.

    4. i'm floored. You just debunked the footagte.

    5. They were there on 2 occasions-once to film the "bigfoot" and later to make tracks and make the false announcement they filmed a bigfoot that afternoon.
      Gimlin is probably telling the truth when he says "Roger and I were the only ones there THAT day.": The day they announced and planted supporting evidence...

    6. Nice try Mr. anonymous fraud at 4:26 AM

      Patterson and Gimlin were in the area for a couple of weeks, before the Bluff Creek footage. They were doing lots of B-roll footage during those 2 weeks. They also did NOT have a pack horse with them that morning at about 10:30 AM, when they stumbled upon a real Sasquatch.

      The B-roll footage that precedes the P-G footage, was not shot on the same day. Nor is there a third person visible in any of the screen shots. So your trickery of attempting to connect film footage from different days and different locations, and accented with the big lie of a third person, is a fraud worthy of a rank amateur. Don't quit your day job. Oops, I guess this is your day job, isn't it!

    7. there were five guys there not three.

    8. How does one know when different clips were shot? I read on BFF that Gimlin said they took scenery shots the day they encountered Patty...

    9. Bob Hilarious is a hoaxer.

      Go watch his joke of an attempt at recreating the PGF.

      You will laugh very hard.

      It's Bob Hilarious's video and book which are hoaxes.

    10. i think patterson's working title for the film was "bigfoot's wild weekend".

    11. ^ too much reading guy.^

    12. Gimlin was suckered by a douche making a messed up documentary for the BBC trying to discredit the PGF. That person's name is Chris Packham on twitter he is @ChrisGPackham. He loves nothing more than footers asking about his sordid little film.

      More info here.



    13. Nice try naive 9:03. You just can't admit that the PGF is a hoax. It doesn't matter if they shot footage all day and night for three weeks. The fact remains that what that guy says seems to be correct. Someone else popped up a fraction of a second before Patterson shut the camera off. That means that Patterson and Gimlin were not alone during that time. That means that Gimlin's story is not true, and that likely means that the PGF is a BS hoax.

      Gimlin himself could tell the world on his death bed that the footage was a hoax and there would still be those who would still refuse to believe that it's a hoax.

    14. Thanks for the response and info MMG...

  7. I just watched it. That's Gimlin and the horses behind the stump. There's not a third person there.

    1. Maybe I'm missing it. Can you be more specific or descriptive of the location you say the third person is?

    2. So no this is not evidence that there was someone else there on that special day.

    3. Look at the downed tree/log in the clip. As the footage rolls, Gimlin's horse and the pack horse begin moving away from the camera. They move forward together and then start moving to the left.

      Watch very carefully at 1:05. The camera jerks to the left and there is a cut. The horses both disappear from the film. Keep your eyes on the downed tree/log in the scene (you can't miss the log). At 1:05, the camera jerks to the left and there is a cut. The horses disappear, and a figure can be seen standing behind the downed tree, a figure that was definitely not there a second earlier.

      I am not a bigfoot skeptic. I believe that bigfoot exists. However, that is a person behind that log. It was not there seconds earlier.

    4. Ther are no horse behnd that stump. Thats somene else.

    5. It's also a different colored hat.

    6. No proof of bigfoot. We need a body for scientific proof to type the animal.

    7. No way dude. You can't see the horses because the one is behind the other and they are all behind that stump. If it was Bob H. Wouldn't he have had to carry that big ass suit all the way out there? It Bob Gimlin on the horse.

    8. No way dude. Thats not the same person. The build is bigger than Gimlins and the hat is a different colr.

    9. I don't know. I watched it again. It goes by too quick. It's too hard to tell.

    10. Why would Gimlin circle around and stop next to the log? He wouldn't. That person is bigger than Gimlin, has a different hat than Gimlin, is wearing different clothes than Gimlin, and is only in the frame for a fraction of a second.

      According to some, it wasn't even just Patterson and Gimlin and one other person. There were five or six buddies together (supposedly including Bob Heironimus) who all went together and helped pull of the hoax.

    11. This is all conspiracy shit . You can make anything look like anything when you don't want to believe patty was real. Same shit with 911 and the moon landing. Grow up and STFU!

    12. Bob Hilarious and his absolutely hi-larious remade costume and remade video are the hoaxes.

      Since the skeptards hold to Bob Hilarious the Hilarious Hoaxer and his ridiculous claims and materials as their Gold Standard, guess what?

      You can dismiss the "opinions" of all skeptards (as if you hadn't already). Imagine the gullible naivete required to believe and embrace Bob Hilarious and his book and video. Good God you've got to be honestly clueless to lap that up.

      Go and watch Bob Hilarious's attempt to recreate the PGF on YT. Oh God, wear your diapers.

    13. Like it or not. The guy way above is right. There is a third person in that clip. Someone who pops up from a crouching position a fraction of a second before Patterson shut the camera off.

      In my book that proves that Gimlin is lying about it just being the two of them and that the whole film is BS.

    14. ^Most likely. The development story\timeline is not credible, and indicates the clip labeled PGF was shot earlier. Not good...

    15. it's a rider with his horse snugged up to the big log. the funny thing is the shirt looks like a darker shade than the previous (gimlin) rider. the rider does look bigger too. the editing, the time line, everything about this film is a mess.

    16. Yup. I think that it points to Patterson and Gimlin not being alone on that expedition.

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    1. I felt free to visit your mom last night

  9. One of the gang was behind the fallen tree and was probably there to cue Gimlin. He popped up from behind the tree a fraction of a second before Patterson shut the camera off.

    1. The whole PGF was done by the same gang of friends who worked with Patterson when Patterson tried to get a fictitious bigfoot move off the ground.

      In this movie, Gimlin was to play the role of an Indian tracking guide who helps a group of cowboys track down a bigfoot.

      Here's a picture of the gang, complete with Gimlin in his long hair Indian wig. Roger Patterson is all the way on the left, Bob Heironimus is all the way on the right, and Gimlin is next to Heironimus:

      Cut and past it into your browser:


    2. Better version:


    3. That picture was taken around Yakima, not Bluff Creek. There are no shots or footage showing anyone else with Roger and Bob at Bluff Creek.
      That may change, if the poster above is correct...

    4. I didnt know that Patterson tried to make a fiction bigfoot movie.

    5. A lot of bigfoot people don't know that. It makes the later PGF film more suspect, doesn't it?

    6. Anyone who does more then a cursory look into the the subject knows the history of Paterson and Gimlin and knows the back story well so you either accept it or not, personally I will go with it unless someone comes up with something new and truthful as opposed to re-spinning old news.

    7. Didn't some homo claim to have found the suit then pretended to move to Japan ?

    8. Anon 7:18 if you believe crap like that how on earth can you rip on Footers for believing in Bigfoot? You truly are a moron! conspiracy jackass!

    9. It's the Sunday morning JREF fraud crew doing their usual trolling, attempting to win newbies over to the dark side. Patterson and Gimlin cannot be identified in that photo, because the photo is taken from too far away. Gimlin claims that they were not in that photo. What are you going to use to identify them, their horse perhaps? They both have many horses. Okay then, how about their clothes? Cowboys all buy their clothes and hats at the same places. Many different cowboys have the same shirts, same hats, etc. You've got nothing Mr. 7:39 AM fraud.

    10. 9:04-You don't know the half of it. The guy you mentioned has an entire thread dedicated to him on the Big Foot Forum: "Kitakaze's suit bombshell". There are strange people on the internet, bro...

    11. unfortunately for the pgf is real folks all they can do is call the skeptics "morons" and "jackasses". as far as supporting arguments go you've got nothing, just name calling and childish frustration. the funny thing is many people who believe the sasquatch hominid exists don't buy into the pgf. the pgf is a cowboy-carny fraud. if this film clip had any integrity the issue would have been done decades ago. the pgf remains nothing as far scientific obectivity goes.

    12. The knowers and believers got nothing? Oh contrare!

      The latest scientific study drives a stake through the hearts of the skeptics and scoftics, who are so desparately clinging to their lies, their rumors and the testament of a fraud named Heironimus.

      Just released:


    13. no stakes have been driven into anything. there are so many uncertainties around pgf and so much time has passed that this film will never stand as proof of anything one way or another. if you want to believe the film is authentic then good for you. you will never really know though. in the mean time maybe it would be good to contemplate what desperate clinging really means.

    14. Just the fact that Patterson tried to make a fictitious bigfoot movie should tell everyone that the later PGF is BS.

  10. Anon 7:39 that is photoshopped! Bullshit! Plus your link has a virus!

  11. ahahaha suckers you don't have a monkey hahahahahaha no monkey suckers

    1. But we have a monkey. We've got you, sucker. You are addicted to discrediting something that your mind cannot deal with. You come here over and over again, as your socalled therapy because you are living in denial of something that is real. SEEK HELP! There are hundreds of shrinks who are in need of your business. Put a shrink back to work and take care of your subconscious phobias of Bigfoot, in one fell swoop. Uncle Sam will thank you. We will thank you. America will thank you.

    2. The JREF butt plugs are the most obsessed footers.

    3. "hi doc, i got a bigfoot problem. can you help me?"

    4. Yes, eat 2 bagels and call me in the morning.

    5. sounds like something for dr. scholls to look at.

  12. Patterson was a shady character. Do you really think that his clip is legitimate? Seriously.

    I agree that the footage mentioned above shows someone entirely different than Patterson or Gimlin behind that log. Of course, many footers are sooooo convinced the footage is of a real bigfoot that nothing will convince them otherwise.

    1. The ones who need help are those who continue to be duped by Patterson. They live in a fantasy world.

    2. Only very, very sick people spend their life hanging out on internet blogs, the subject of which is something that they don't believe in. The core reason of course is that they are living in denial of their phobias. In this case, it would be a phobia against Bigfoot. So they attempt to define Bigfoot out of existence by gaining in their own mind, socalled "wins" on an internet blog. Although they believe that if they can get enough "wins", Bigfoot will no longer exist, the reality is that they have attained no actual wins whatsoever, except in their own sick minds. Eventually, they return to JREF or cryptozoology.com, where they can seek comfort from other persons who enjoy similar psychological disorders.

    3. What is 8:59 talking about? Sickos? I for one believe that bigfoot is real, but I question the validity of the Patterson film. Just because you think that Patterson hoaxed the footage doesn't mean that bigfoot doesn't exist.

      Maybe the sickos are people who thos following every bigfoot thing blindly.

  13. We know the reality. Don't Funk with the Fantasy.


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