New Footage: Hiker Films Tennessee Bigfoot?

This footage was submitted to YouTube user, Legends Beware by a hiker who claims to have shot a video while bird watching near Tennessee / Georgia border on April 21, 2013. According to the witness, the creature in the video is 9ft tall. Is it Bigfoot or a really tall guy in a ghillie suit?


  1. Interesting video, first goes to a bot though

    1. Are Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez back on again? As rumors swirl about the on-again off-again couple's status, Bieber posted a telling photo of the two to his Instagram account.

    2. I'd like to see Selena Gomez work a hula hoop!

      I just checked Lindsay's blog and he's now saying a casino has bought Hank and will feature him in a glorified freak show maybe as soon as August. From the comments, I think Lindsay is losing his credibility even with his faithful readers.

    3. I dont doubt it. It will be a plastic doll shown in dim light. Dyer will most assuredly be doing cartwheels on top of the glass casket. In his underwear!


    4. it's rick dyer's mom just walking naked in the HAIRY BUSH!!!

    5. Are you from Tennessee?

      Because your the only 10 I see....

  2. This video is a hoax. I say this for the following reasons. First. The picture at the start of the video, did not come from the video. Second. The actions by both the cameraman and subject, did not show any form of tension which would have happened at least by the subject. Third. The cameraman seemed to not be able to stay on the subject, when filming birds, one needs a steady hand and a sharp eye. Finally. The subject was not 9 feet tall, it was well within normal human ranges.

    1. Too much reading.

      All that needs to be said is its a hoax because Bigfoot don't exist.

    2. Anonymous above.. that's quite disrespectful to say it was too much reading.
      I don't think anyone can definitively say that Bigfoot doesn't exist considering there is plenty of compelling evidence to suggest they do infact exist. Not to mention the thousands of people who have apparently seen them first hand.. very similar description of very similar attributes throughout the world, from people who have not conversed with other witnesses.. and some of which did not even KNOW anything of the creature before seeing one themselves!
      We have a similar creature here in Australia, the Yowie, and I know that exists!

    3. The same jackass always says "too much reading" when someone writes more than a couple of lines. All it says to me is that you are just too damn stupid to comprehend that much reading.

    4. All films are fake LOL!! What do you all expect!! I can't believe people actually believe a 7-10 foot apeman is really hiding in the world'd mountains and forest. Its more strange to believe that people believe in bigfoot than to have an actual bigfoot!!


    5. Too much reading has just revealed yet another alias since he is our sites "Village Idiot"! Let's see.. he is- BiB, pwnd dude, everybody lies dude, Wake up people, there is no Bigfoot in ...., Poop in a jar, and many more( somebody help me out I'm losing track). He spends most days and nights on here filling this comment area with useless crap and poses as many people and pretends to be others agreeing with his absurd Low IQ rants. Nice way to yet reveal another alias TARD BOY!

    6. I thought when Bigfoots where present,there is supposed to be total silence,I hear birds bugs and an assortment of other things making noises,WHAT'S UP with that !!!

    7. It's fake bro! Plus arms are too short

    8. Another Alias is "Real Deal" guy.

    9. I'm always very suspicious of videos where the bigfoot is just ambling around in slow motion. The one I saw moved very quickly with what looked like minimal effort. It didn't bumble around like Mr. Magoo

    10. Yeah right like bears walk on their back legs! What a moron . 1000's of escaped circus bears hopping around fooling intelligent people. Sounds like you fell off the circus train anon 10:44!

    11. Anon 6:34 you can also add the fag "Looney Toons" and "magic monkey" to the aliases he goes by. He is a bigger Fag than we imagined!

    12. That wasn't too much reading

      Too much reading guy (the real one)

    13. Was an interesting video until the guy moved the camera down just as it was walking into view for the "money shot". I say fake

    14. I actually had an encounter with a bigfoot before so yes, I am a "bleever". With that being said, this thing is fake, hoax, whatever you want to call it. Man is ghilli suit.

  3. Good job rick dyer wasn't around because he would shoot that guy in the costume

    1. This will happen one day!! All bigfoot films are faked (cause its impossible for 7-12 foot ape to be alive today) and it will be a wake up call to all the crazy believers and liars that say they've seen a bigfoot.

      Its so easy to be a liar and make up these stories for decades but, its hard to prove these peole are sociopathic liars because they don't care if they make this crap up....its pretty sick.

      Just remember --no body, no bigfoot. Don't believe these made up stories. Its not smart!!

    2. ^Tard Boy "Village Idiot"!

    3. AH, the I know all guy,and everyone else are the stupid ones,why are you on this web site,there is so much shit for you non believers to be doing on the enter-net,but you always seem to end up on our web-site,just come out of closest,SASQAUTCH IS REAL fan .... !!!!

    4. Anon 7:71? You're a dipshit!

  4. I in a monkeysuit...and some idiot wanting 15 seconds of fame..pitiful!

  5. I guess bigfoot wears a gille suit.

  6. that was bad-subject walks in frame and the camera pans to the dirt to not show a clear shot of a guy in a suit--really pathetic.

  7. Holy.... wait what is that?! Oh my god...Oh shit what the fuck is that! Oh shit,damn what the fuckin fuckitty yank on my balls fuck is that fuckin thing?!!?¿???¿ Oooohhhh shhh...... << all this video was missin. L-L-Lame

  8. arm length is too short to be a bigfoot

  9. Dr W. - I agree with all of your post.
    I was also waiting for the still frame in the video.. red flag there.

  10. Shawn, get out of this house and get a real job.

  11. The more you post em Shawn, the more they will make

  12. So faked and hoaxed!! There will never be a real clear film of bigfoot because they don't exist.

    Real serious scientist will never accept anything but a body. No body no bigfoot.

    All there is so far are Liars making up stories for decades and hoaxed films.

    The bigfoot myth is only alive because a few folks make money off of suckers that believe in agic apes and creatures from La La land.

    This is fun to follow though because I'm making money on bigfoot myself. LOL!!

    1. Shawn? How could you? (weeps)

    2. Make Money?? The Village Idiot has spoken again! Get a job and a life you Action Figure Nerd!

    3. Village Idiot Dude is the hurtest butt footer on earth. What's the matter butt hurt little footer? Are they making fun of your hero? Fag.

    4. 10:05 a rectum-ravaged skeptard?

    5. Cry baby ^ did you just call yourself the village idiot ? At least you finally admit it! Fag!

    6. Sorry anon 10:54 Meant crybaby 10:05.

  13. Just a glance at the screen shot was enough.

    Certainly a Ghillie suit.

    Shawn ask Legends Beware if he wants to sign my petition.


  14. Bigfooting has dried up. Ketchum has gone up in flames. Dyer has run amuck once again and at this point that he cant get cant attention from anyone who isnt insane. Erickson only has Wookies. Fb/bf is gasping its last noisy breath. Anything brought forward is immediately torn up, and 99% of the time this is rightly so. The problem is that there most likely is someone out there with something worth seeing but wont show it for fear of the mob attacks.There is more but why add to it?

    An encounter cant be handed over online. It only comes with hard work and is an experience only worthwhile to you. People wont take your word for it at face value.

    1. Mob attacks? YOu mean like, the Mafia?

    2. Village Idiot has spoken again (anon 5:18) . Tard on .. Tard on dickwad !

    3. Village IDiot isn't gay. He just likes to smoke cocks.

    4. annon 9:44 is needs a new reply. So old and so played. Lame.

    5. ^ that because you are the village idiot posing as someone else and it's getting on your nerves Fag. We have just got started.

  15. When I initially commented I clicked the "Notify me when new comments are added" checkbox and now
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  16. Saw one of these hairy buggers outside Perth while I was hunting wallabys with me boomerang. Tried to steal me didgeridoo!

  17. We need more female midriffs Shawn. Whether it's the hypnotic undulations of hula girl, or the soothing pulsations of Dana P's beer belly, we don't care. Feed your pigs.

  18. Funny how the cameraman panned to a tree halfway thru and was waiting for his buddy to show up, he was kind of late. Maybe having trouble with the suit and terrain. When there was no Squatch, he held pretty steady, but got shaky when he saw Squatch.

  19. That's the way to film a monster in the woods, lower the camera when it comes in to view and stop filming.

  20. 9 ft. tall? It has nothing to go on to show that this subject is 9 ft. tall. Also look at the arm length, too short and the leg lif, 54 degrees and not 71 degrees.

  21. I asked Rick Dyer: Why did you shoot this poor sasquatch?
    He smiled and said: Because I did not get the opportunity to shoot any of these trolls at Bigfoot Evidence!
    I replied: Look, what`s more fun? To shoot them and to put them out of their misery? Or to let them continue to live their little and sad lives with no friends, no girlfriends and no sex with another person?
    Rick looked astonished. Then he smiled again: You are right, brother. Let them live FOREVER!!!

    1. Poor little footer, so ronery and all arone.

  22. I think its hilarious that people always have a piece of crap camera when filming abd its always not focused well. If he filmed a 6 in. bird like he filmed a 9 ft bigfoot you would not be able to see any birds on the tape. Why do people always have a camera but never have a gun. People can shoot him all day with a camera but never with a gun... Furthermore if bigfoot is so elusive he would have heard that guy crunching through the forest. All in all, i still smile every time i see these.

  23. Arm length proportions are same as human.
    Pant leg is same as human pant leg.
    Stride length is same as human stride.
    Body acceleration is same as human.
    Camera work pulls away when the subject steps out in the open.
    Subject makes no sound when it should be snorting.
    Subject acts stupid enough to be a human.
    Nearby traffic noise indicates laziness of cameraman and hoaxer in suit, to put more effort into getting away from humans.
    Nearby traffic noise indicates that man in suit did not want to be further into the boonies, where he might get shot.
    Cameraman showed no fear, which is pretty much impossible if this person was not an habituator.
    Real Sasquatch are normally invisible during daylight.

    1. Yeah what he said..very astute observations.!

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  25. Hoax camera seemed to miss all the money shots on purpose.

  26. So many of the responses to the above video are quick to say "there is no such thing as a Bigfoot". Well, if you don't believe that to be the case, then why are you on this website? That's dumb.

    As to whether or not the video is real, that's up to the viewer to decide.

    Most of us are here because we don't know for sure, but we believe in the possibility, and if and when one of these things is captured, killed, or filmed up close, then we'll know the answer. Until then, we'll continue to be curious.

    Unfortunately we have to wade through the misleading BS of a bunch of crooks who purposely defraud the public for their own personal gain. Anyone associated with them has absolutely no credibility whatsoever. I won't look at a video or read any article that has their names linked to it.

    99% of the folks who visit this site are honest, but you've got that small group that makes a mockery of what other good people try to do. That's sad.

    1. ^ this was the most intelligent well written thing ever on here. +10000

    2. looney tooner alert @ 8:42

      pretends to be on the fence but then says "when one of these things is captured"

      well you cant capture a mythical creature so keep waiting

    3. Too bad skeptards (10:42) are not a kind of people. They aren't skeptical. They are extremists, doing the mirror image of what they accuse everyone else of doing.

      Saying there is no evidence, none exists, is as extremist as saying that every piece of evidence is valid. They are two sides to the same coin. Both are weak and wasted positions. Almost none of the rest of us fall into either extreme category.

      Too much reading?

    4. ^pwned bleevetard that will be waiting all his life for the magic monkey to be proven real

    5. We are never going to see one, that is for sure. How can anyone think otherwise after 60 years of nothing?


  27. Shawn is oversleeping because its sunday. We want a new thread, this one is played. Wake up Shawn!

  28. Calling All Eyewitnesses Of Maine Squatch! CryptoZooNews
    Whaddyaget when you cross Loren Coleman with Finding Bigfoot? A watchable episode! If you fit the bill and want to have fifteen minutes of fame, contact Loren ASAP!

  29. This supposenine foot creature seems to disappear, so where did the still shot of the Bigfoot come from? Nowhere in this video does it show that As part of the footage! Not to mention the arms are not long enough! Hoax hoax hoax!!!!

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  31. You want a new thread? Try this Bigfoot one on youtube:

  32. Lindsay just reported today that the FBI took Dyers computers and is investigating Dyer and wife for fraud.

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  34. it looks like the real deal bigfoot is in every state. I a m northern ca, and there is bigfoot sightings here to in bluff creek. i know for a fact that bigfoot comes out at night and not so much during the day. i have not ever seen a bigfoot personaly so thay are out there.




    1. I don't want to wake up its my nappy time

  36. aint no monkey man to be found

    plenty of deluded people to be found it would seem!!

    1. ^butthurt bleevetard who likely paid money to join the bff super best friends club and definitely paid for a rick dyer gold membership, also dreams of stroking "hanks" pipe.

  37. Easiest way to determine if a bigfoot photo/video is a hoax:

    Does it have a bigfoot in it? Then it's a hoax.

    1. ^same person commented and posed as another and did a response to himself. What a Dork!

    2. ^ same boring butthurt footer that shows how pwned he is time and time again.

      Got monkey?

      Thought not sucker.

  38. Replies
    1. and you know how long the arms on a bigfoot are from when one took you from behind and gave you a reach around?

  39. typical fake ass shit as usual. Save your film for porn

  40. fake but at least it is a decent suit. Looked like it was wearing boots ...but maybe not

  41. If you can't deduct that this is a terribly executed hoax prior to even watching the video then you have no business living.

  42. I think it's fake why does the guy keep paning out of the shot why doesn't he say anything in the video , also if look closely at 1:56 mark , you'll notice what looks like the creature in equation skipping into the shot and then slows down . At that moment it looks more like a guy in a suit rushing into position and slows down so his buddy can get a shot

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  48. I just a call from Matt Moneymaker and he said this was the real deal! Then i got a call from Tom Biscardi, and he swore it wasn't him! The next call was from Rick Dyer and he said he was there but couldn't shoot it as his B.B. gun wasn't loaded!

  49. you all are so fucking stupid .but dam was that funny shit ,thanks

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