Watch this: The epic duck catcher fail

The people on YouTube are calling this "duckblocking". Is it me or are these cats HUGE!? Creatures from the land of Lemuria?


  1. Replies
    1. Hate to tell you but that's not your duck,Jack.

  2. That reminds me of my cat! He eats chinese food and his eyes get squinty! Haha, so cute.

  3. Replies
    1. True dat.,true dat.

    2. Cats DO suck! They poop in a box, yuck! And they puke hair! They make pretty good bigfoot snacks though.

    3. I like my cats shaved with the sweat glands removed.

  4. Replies
    1. Actually we're only their servants, dogs obey us and cats rule.

  5. (Ken)... Every time I see a cat, I think about the cat vet jokes and Melba,lol. Why did she think to add that LEMUR SHT to an already wild and crazy subject. It's like she is from NASA. When the Moon aint far enough, try Mars. I like ole Melba, but she's a loony cat vet for sure, bless her heart. She is trying something give her that. NO BABY YET, MAYBE TNIGHT.

    1. Nah. Melba is a liar trying to take advantage of people. The "paper" was a means not only to rip a few people off, but to catapult her to the upper echelons of footery. That makes it easy for her to get attention for whatever bigfoot business she comes up with.
      She already wants to move past it, and get on with the protection group. JOKE....

    2. Exactly, she is certifiably cuckoo in some peoples eyes and the Lemur/Human breeding thing has undeniably confirmed that much.

      However, she is of sound enough mind to completely devise a scheme to squeeze every last nickel from donors. Smeja revealed her motives with Hersom already.....she is a sad piece of work.

    3. Melba's not crazy, she just knows some of you dumb shits will believe it and give her money. Every time Melba speaks, her flock grabs the near broom handle and starts banging themselves in the taterhole.

    4. Especially those flaming idiots at the BFF. And I though BF stood for Big Foot.

    5. Gotta adore the troll army diminishing before our very eyes, even the lame Ketchum jokes can't bring the DNA study to its knees.

  6. Cats don't suck as much as men...coming from a cat lady

    1. Oh Ranae! You crusty old lesbian goof!

    2. ^ has 30 cats and a great personality.

    3. Um, sucking is your job, babe.

  7. Are those the cats responsible for putting th AFFLAC duck in the hospital with a broken wing and a fractured beak?

  8. Cat shit Jay and Big Fat Gay Jim sitting in a tree.


    First comes love

    Second comes marriage

    Then comes Big Fat Gay Jim massaging Smelbas old wrinkled ass and corn ridden feet.

    1. (KEN)... Now that's funny, FUNNY. Oh Lord, What an ugly piture just flashed through my imagination. Woooooouug!!

    2. Seems like gay is suppose to be a bad thing? But I can't see why. Everyone I know who is gay are good people. Several are friends I would trust with my life. But since I am not gay, maybe I an missing something? Doubt it.

      Being fat ain't bad either. I know one thing for sure. If I get so sick I can't eat, I have plenty of reserves to live off. Much longer than a skinny meth maggot. Plus it keeps me warm in the water and outside. Blubber is nature's insulation.

      The image is not real funny though as over the years I have been in the medical and mental health fields I have had to do some nasty things. Some of the funk meth maggots get will cause a buzzard to turn vegetarian. Ken, ask the anon to describe his tent in the trailer park for you. He knows all about funk and nasty.

    3. (Ken).. Sorry Big Jim JR. I wasn't thinking of you in the picture, but I apparently missed the connection in name parody friend. But as a country fella with just a few gay friends, my thought went more toward the Smeja Melba twix Mix ass and feet bro. Not a good thought for anybody, and sexual orientation has nothing to add or take away, you know.

    4. Oh God Ken, that Mix and corn message on asses is more than I can bear, Smeja, more than I can bear.

    5. Hey brother Ken, do they allow Gay's out in those woods where you be from? How do you get to be such a cool old country ass guy? Do you really believe in sasqurunch?

    6. (KEN).. Friend people are people, no matter what they do with one and other behind closed doors. A good fella is always welcome around here bro. My wife and I keep the door open and the light on for folks to visit, no matter what color, gender or whatever else makes them tick. I want to believe in the mystery of Bigfoot, although I've never seen such in my neck of the woods. The Native American side of my family describes him as something a little diff.

    7. Ken, I know you just had a mental image pop up by what the anon posted, most did. And it would be funny. Just in my case it is more flashback than anything. Nothing wrong with seeing humor in stuff and no hard feelings.

      The anon guy is just looking for a witty response from me. Apparently I have a following now who like to put stuff up for me to reply on in a way that tells them to go to hell, but makes them enjoy the ride. Or in such a way as to zing them so bad they still feel it two days later.

      I am trying to get the guys to focus on something besides gay though. Gay is not really funny any more. When I was like 12yrs old sure. But not almost 40. Fat, bald, lame, etc can be worked with. But I just have to much respect for my gay friends to crack jokes. Unless they start it anyway.

      This blog has gone to crap so I have cut back on my posting. Even the funny stuff is worn out. It is same silly cracks every day. Go back and look how many times the above anon posted the same thing on me. Times for something else, his material is old.

    8. (Ken) I get it friend, No hard feelings from here, Hope you the best brother. There isn't a joke worth hurting a friend.

    9. Jim, it's a ploy by the Ketchum haters to discredit her and the DNA truth with humor hoping it'll go away. In the past they'd put on their black sunglasses and gone to your house to shut you up, can't do that anymore in our times.

  9. Cats? Lame video. Slow bigfoot day. Someone get the next hoax going already! We are bored. Posting videos of cats for suck sake!

    1. Damn Ken, why, why, I can't get it out, out, out, of my head. Bastard, you freaking Bastards, get it out, out, out, of my HEAD, it hurts, hurts I said. IT'S IN MY BRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Why do I get blue belly lint when I wear a white T-shirt?

    1. because you're wearing blue undies and the lint makes it's way up?

  11. Shawn, post something worth fighting for, if not the beavers are going to chew off their own tails.

  12. I think that the initial Cat was attacking for Breeding Purposes and the 2nd cat was a Bigfoot in disguise.

  13. (Ken).. I would bet on that big ole Tom cat VS Bigfoot any day.

    1. Hey brother Ken, since you all country folk like everybody, what's your thoughts on dem dare Lesbo's? are they welcome to visit you and your wife down there in dem deep dark old woods?

  14. Who's gay? Those cats are gay? Oh... I see now. Those cats are fat and gay.

    1. Like yourself in front of your bathroom mirror.

  15. Can somebody wake me when they actually find a sasquatch? I'm setting my alarm for 05-25-22013.

  16. Top Gear...Clarkson Classic.


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