Watch This Documentary On Native Americans And Bigfoot (Watch For Bobo and Cliff!)

In this classic documentary, Monster Quest examines ancient Native American  legends and folklore to uncover the truth about the myth of the Bigfoot beast. This documentary features Bigfooters Cliff Barackman and James "Bobo" Fay from way back when.


  1. Replies
    1. Ah yes...first again. And all while working over 80 hours this week. The rest of you will get nothing and like it....

    2. Impressive. However some would claim that 'working' hinders success in this field. Tell your boss where to stick it go on to become a firsting legend.

      Food and shelter is so over rated.


  2. I got nothing and its great. Thanks for nothing.

  3. yeah, i just got mine!! oh yeah, thanks 4 notta!!

  4. Nothing tastes better the second time, but its never filling. Just leaves me wanting more of nothing. It should be packaged and sold. Just let me know if I can help. I am great at giving footers nothing and having them want more.


  5. Lol, help fight child hunger advertisement, then underneath it shows Bobo's fat ass.

  6. I'm hearing some strange things out here in these streets about you and dave paulides Melba.. What's up with that shit?!

    1. I like it strange and Dave knows my tastes. Buckle up cowboy!


  7. Bobo's new 'Protect the Squatch'campaign need more publicity. Having his fat ass do a public service announcement would be great. For one penny a day you can help feed this poor little squatch blueberry bagels. Please protect the squatch, they're homos too.

    1. Homos can marry now. We need a squatch wedding. I can handle the bachelor party. Maybe take the groom to the zoo and watch some primate ass before heading to the Bare Elegance to make it rain.

    2. Thats great hobos can marry

    3. You're a dick. Bobes has the mind of a child.
      ( )<Sh*t whats the town from mad max?

  8. The rock art is pretty good evidence: legends usually are based on real animals. The problem is there is not much else. Those pictographs may only be an anthropomorphic interpretation of some kind of woodland spirits...

    1. I think that could be possible, also that the woodland spirits are sasquatch to begin with is a possibility.

    2. Yes, that is the case with other elements in these animistic religions-gods or whatever based on wolves and eagles etc. I hope that applies to sasquatch but, again, not much evidence...

  9. why didn't the wildlife veterinarian consider the possibility that it was a human making those sounds?

    Most people, especially hunters out in the woods will whoop to one another as opposed to yelling "hey Bob! heeeey Bob!"

    1. Most people, especially hunters out in the woods wouldn't make a damn peep much less yell hey bob or whoop!

  10. zero evidence.

    no monkey.

    just looney toons.

  11. Cliff needs to bring the beard back!


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