This Is What It's Like Skunk Ape Hunting With Tim Fasano In Myakka

Here's a promo clip by Tim Fasano for the Myakka Skunk Ape expedition this weekend with Stacy Brown Jr. and 30+ other researchers:

"Stop watching "Finding Bigfoot" and get out and find him for yourself. Want to join a real night expediton out in the woods miles from help? Are you afraid? Come on, lets have some fun. Join Stacy Brown Jr and his boys at Myakka River State Park Florida next week. You may even meet me. How cool is that!" - Tim Fasano


  1. Replies
    1. Tim is a celeberity now. A legend in his on mind. If I go can I rub his Buddha beer belly for luck?

    2. Bearking here. I have a sexier belly. I was once known in high school as the chug plug. I'd chug six beers in a minute! The sad thng is I would shit myself bad. The beer runs are a bitch!

    3. Ya and if yur nice he may give you the courtesy of a reach around.

  2. Replies
    1. Embarrassing. I have never been first-jected but I'm sure it sucks balls.

  3. The noises their walkie-talkies make can't be good, over and over again.

    1. But the walkies make them covert....and look cool. Special Agent Fatsono..

    2. But Chewie,they're Double Naught Spies!

    3. Now, all we need are backpacks with green lighting. Then we will be cool. Actually, we have a new crew member. She is the Florida asst director of MUFON. She will be there investigating the BF/UFO connection.

    4. Bearking here. Hey fasano, does that mean I can also get to see your high hairy ass crack? I heard its legendary and stinky too! Maybe you are skunk ape! Damn I want your autograph with high ass crack showing. When I show my wife, I know she would cream her panties!

    5. Tim, meet Bearking our new perverted troll. I think he likes you...

    6. There is definitely a BF/UFO connection. Both are bullcrap for the credulous. Enjoy getting nothing Timmy. You can always go back to hoaxing with your bud Ricky.

    7. Tim if your doing a week long expedition, surely you gave the local Dominos Delivery guy a GPS to find your location.

    8. Uncalled for bearking. Lets give Fasano a chance. Who knows,maybe,just maybe he wont try and steal the show. He is a person that does show he's trying to find something.Although that video of him trying to show the escaped monkeys are Skunk Ape was a pitiful attempt at humor. Just do what you do Tim and just make it amicable between researchers.Lets see if all these people can get along.

      Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
      Oh Lord, kumbaya.....

      HEHEHEHEHEHE,this is it Tim.This will show your true colors.

      Can't we all just get along?

      I doubt it but prove us wrong Timmy.

    9. Bearking here. With his high crack and good looks, I'm sure he can make my skunk wife happy. She is a good salad tosser. He can have have her. I'm out of dressing! Her fave is Italian anyways! Oh messy girl!

    10. Fasano will come back with nothing and you will like it.

  4. I went on a Skunk Ape Expedition the weekend of April Fool's Day and all I got was this lousy T-shirt that says "I Got Nothing and Liked it" ...and I like it.

  5. I'm using Rosetta Stone to learn Samuri Chatter. I will find these Hairy Bastards.

  6. I wouldn't feel to comfortable with T-FAT watching my back. He already claims he is world famous after a U.K. station broadcast the clip. He will try to take all the glory

    1. Shit. If Dyer the Master Tracker finds out he will be furious! RD has managed to fool 12 people with his hoax and now Fasano comes along and is the #1 BF celebrity of all time.

      Way to go Tim!


  7. Why are you looking for a mythical creature? Is this a parody thing? I didnt really find it funny.

    1. Its self-admiration: excessive self-admiration and self-centeredness
      personality disorder: in psychiatry, a personality disorder characterized by the patient's overestimation of his or her own appearance and abilities and an excessive need for admiration
      Narcissism thats all.

    2. Biggie lives in my heart.

    3. Biggie Smalls?

    4. Bearking here. Anybody think 2pac is alive?

    5. Tupac is dead but Bigfoot lives in my heart.


    Rule #1 Have lots of people both in front of and behind the cameras.

    Rule #2 Have ultra high frequency video cameras running constantly.

    Rule #3 Have either infra red or white light running constantly.

    Rule #4 Spend a lot of time on field communication devices, in order to both look and sound like you are experienced at this sort of thing and know what you are doing.

    Rule #5 Move around a lot in order to keep the Bigfoot guessing as to where you are going to go next.

    Rule #6 Pretend like Bigfoot does not understand English and is not highly telepathic, so that you can believe that Bigfoot will not hear you plotting and whispering about your next trick or plan of attack.

    Rule #7 Pretend like Bigfoot is a dumb animal and behaves like any other forest animal.

    Rule #8 Ignore concrete evidence that Bigfoot is invisible to both normal spectrum and thermal cameras, when you hear loud nearby branch breaks, but can find nothing with the thermal cams.

    Rule #9 Trample all over territory where they have been seen before, on back to back weekends, so that they learn your habits and hunker down.

    Rule #10 Hunt them down like common dumb forest animals and make bold statements about where they will be moving to next, and why they are doing it, even though you do not have one shred of evidence to back up your bold statements.

    Rule #11 Make a video of your endevour so that you have a permanent record of your incompetancy and lack of understanding for the subject matter.

    1. This poster believes foots are telepathic and understand modern English.

    2. This guy knows what he is talking about. The people that don't make those crucial errors he listed have hundreds of pics of Bigfoot...

    3. If only the NDA's were lifted we get to see them all.

    4. The people that don't make those crucial errors listed above, have success measured in foreign words like "understanding", "mutual respect", and "dozens and dozens of forest people that look forward to his return". Success is not measured in terms of pictures because they do not want there pictures taken. In addition, even the best of pictures will draw paid scoftics off of the benches from JREF, the even more vicious and presumeably the CIA. A perfect example of this was the recent stick throwing attack video that Shawn deleted from the record because it was so compelling. The comments section proved how obsessed certain factions are at depressing compelling proof. Ask Shawn what happened to it and why.

  9. We are very proud to announce that NABS researcher Scott Carpenter has just released his first book about bigfoot investigations in TN. Scott has developed a unique method of capturing bigfoot

    1. Does his "Unique" method involve bending over and baring his Taterhole and yelling "Come and get it boys"?

    2. It involves finding nothing but being totally cool with it, since he likes it so much.

  10. Calling it:

    Someone will either die or get seriously injured.

    1. I think Fasano will get bit on the Taterhole by an 11' Gator and it will do a death roll.

    2. The only thing going to die is a few pizza's.
      I like.the way people do work and find some good evidence and Fasano Cassanova floats in and acts like he's doing somthing special.
      All he's doing now is like us Serious deer hunters term is blow this stealthy animal into the next state from noisy behaviour and body stench. When I kill.a.big Buck that is at least 5yrs old I sure as hell don't invite 30 plus people stinking and farting in the woods.
      Otherwise I think it will be a success.

  11. To;anon 6:56.You didn't specify wyich one would die,the gator or Tim.I believe it wil be Tater Tim.!

    1. It very well could be but the shitter on that critter known as Tom Fasano could be poisoned to kill.You just never know.

    2. I meant Tim not Tom which is his respectable brother.

  12. Great video guys! I can't wait to get down there and be bored shitless! If I bring some calzones can I hold the walkie talkie? Thanks....

    1. If you're lucky you'll get the radio with the crackle. If you're unlucky you'll have to follow Tim around all day and look at his crackle.

    2. would like that...

  13. Will they have pitchforks and torches?

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  15. All T fats is gonna do is fill up three nights of sneaking off and taking Shits and fall back in it.

  16. it's too bad chris farley died i think he would have been the perfect choice for the lead role in "the myakka ape story".

  17. This shit is funny! The Florida DOOFUS-TEAMS!Team up to find the skunk ape and if they DO They scream and run away!!!!!!!!

  18. Tim,
    Couldn't even get past the first couple of minutes because of the poor camera footage. This would be a thousand times better if you just bought or made yourself a simple shoulder rig for your camera. Very easy to make. I sent you plenty of links over a year ago for cheap and easy to build rigs. Do your credibility a favor, since you have numerous detractors and at least improve your video!!


    1. How DARE you! Mr. Fasano has over 1,000,000 hits on his youtube channel! Obviously he knows how to create quality videos...

  19. i'm experiencing considerable guilt for the desire to grab the camera out of fasano's hands and hitting him with it. even a pathetic comedy needs proper camera work.

  20. the skunk apes have taken the bus up to ocala. there were too many scary creatures wandering around in myakka.


    Rule #12 Whenever you hear a substantial sound or howl, walk toward it with your blinding lights and camera crew, in order to catch it by complete surprise.

    Rule #13 By using walkie-talkies, keep track of each other groups location so that you can drive Bigfoot to the other teams, or somehow lure the ones that are already nearby, to follow you to the other team's cameras. Ignore the fact that the Bigfoot are not stupid, are listening to your entire conversation, and can travel in 360 degrees to never be seen by either you or your cameras.

    Rule #14 Have some kind of town hall meeting in order to dredge up old stories about Bigfoot that are long gone, and have since learned to stay out of sight from humans. I am confident that this will be highly productive for you, even though it has a 0% success rate at producing evidence on Finding Bigfoot, just like Rules #1 thru #13 above.

  22. We need a lot more convincing evidence before we could even begin to speculate. Until then, we'll just assume it's a runaway Muppet from a strange experiment that Jim Henson's studio doesn't like to talk about...

    1. Correction: You need more evidence, before you could even begin to speculate. Everyone else has all the evidence that they need, from personal field experience. Sitting on your can and cruising the internet, will never ever produce enough evidence to cause anyone to absolutely confirm that they exist.

    2. If you add up all the amount of Bigfoot evidence we presently have, it amounts to nothing. And apparently Anon 10:45 likes it.

  23. Isn't it suspicious that Fasano continues to get publicity here??? Last time I checked this blog was titled "Bigfoot Evidence" What has he EVER brought to this discussion that was not shown to be tainted??? Shawn, I know you rely on this site to feed your family, I certainly can't blame a man for putting food on the table but DAMN! This man is a fraud! A troll's best friend! And yet you continue to publicize his activities...There can be profit in the pursuit of truth. You don't have to feed the lowest available denominator...

    1. You right.I believe that Stacy Brown an the Saquatch Hunters are a believable factor in this saga.They have the right equipment and know how to make an informed video not full of burbing and 3 minute campfire scence.I also believe that Tim is riding on the coat tails of the Browns because Stacy Brown is to nice of a guy to tell him to "Skunk Off"..

  24. They need to use trained tigers or lions to hunt bigfoot. they can kill 'em and stuff.

    1. It wouldn't work. Why would tigers and lions go after bigfoot when they can feast on the much slower and weaker bigfoot hunters?

  25. Anon at 11:05 you think the title Bigfoot Evidence has anything to DO with evidence? This place is just a bunch of malarky run by someone who has ADD bad. Look at the trolling. The guy Shawn even tried to control it one time because some parent complained but it didn't last long. It probably interefered with hits, This place has nothing to do with "evidence".

  26. Just look at the "Squatchers" that will be outta work when BF is once and for all proven to exist. Otherwise why do they try to debunk each other all the time? It's all about keeping the industry alive, not finding the big fellow.

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