Phil Breaks Down Alien Crossing Road Footage -- In His Sleep!

Phil says he was tired when he made this breakdown video of an alien crossing near a busy traffic road. Phil points out several mistakes in the hoax.


  1. Replies
    1. WOOHOO,living the dream!!!

    2. I know I said I would retire from firsting but I just couldn't help myself.I don't know what came over me.

    3. So close. So damn close.


    4. Sorry Ken and MMG,I promise to retire from now own.

    5. No way you will be able to walk away from this noble sport so easily Bigdad.

      Once firsting is in the blood retirement is not an option.

      I look forward to our jousts in the future my friend.


    6. Oh god this is turning into a paranormal alien site!

  2. (Ken).. Dang it, to slow again.

  3. wheres barts thermal footage?

    1. If it was all up in your taterhole you'd know where it was.

    2. Bart's thermal footage will show nothing and you will like it.

  4. Cathiee McMillan is a fat dude named John Preston. He still lives in his dead mothers basement while his mother sucks the devils filthy pig cock in hell.

    1. I am a troll trapped in a skeptics body. I feel his pain....

    2. Oh yeah? Well you fooled me. I would've guessed raging homo...

  5. PU. Nothing takes the funk off a strenuous firsting battle like a potty mouth.

    Shawn- whack his peepee!

  6. April Fools Day is on the Horizon. I wonder what kind of Big Juicy Turd Burger is cookin on the grill for the big day. Maybe a School of Lemurs Back Paddling across the Nile or if we're lucky more of those Phallic looking Amazon Salamanders.

    1. I like the sasquatch crabwalking across the highway while farting the national anthem. I want it to be real.

  7. Or maybe Monkeyfaker will find nothing on the Finding Nothing unreality show which we all anxiously await every Sunday night.

  8. (ken)..I ain't Bitching, but you'd think these younger quicker posters would show some respect, and allow my old, wrinkled, grey, slow, sorry ass, to get a damn first once in a great while, wouldn't you. I feel like Rodney Dangerfield with Arthritic fingers. Sasquatch is so quick, he doesn't cast a shadow, I'll never catch Him.

    1. Ken,I'm 52 years young.But I do know how you feel.

    2. (Ken).. Yep no future in getting old BIGdad. 50 starts slowing down, ain't it so brother.

    3. Bullshit Ken, I know the man, he is on record at the TN sportsman shop with a running 427 yard one shot kill of a rabid coyote. He walks 20 miles through the woods in a night. And if he hits a man and that man doesn't fall, he's being propped up and asleep on his feet. He's a legend in these parts and his nickname is white lightening. His wife and kids like him too. He doesn't deserve any pity or slack. If Bigfoot exists, he in deep shit with Ken on his trail.

    4. Brother Ken, are you related to David Crickett?

    5. You mean Davey Crockette?

  9. weirdness just follows me. I remember four past lives, have talked to my guardian angels and now bigfoot.

  10. Web trsffic down?

    Visit my site: Hot Hairy

    1. I love me some big ass hairy titties.

  11. When is Melba going to say or do something stupid again? Clearly, we are out of lame bigfoot hoax videos. We need some fresh retarded bullshit to mock and troll...

    FIRST!!...just practicing....

  12. dmaker, on 04 March 2013 - 12:09 PM, said:

    FACT: Skeptics are not required to respond to childish challenges of proving a negative. No one can prove something does not exist, nor can we rise to the false-positive challenge. It's impossible to prove that someone who filed a report hallucinated. It can't be done, but people hallucinate and make mistaken identifications all the time. But no one can prove that on a case by case basis.

    FACT: Skeptics always say that so they do not have to engage the evidence. If you want to hold that the body of the evidence is 100% the result of hoaxes, misidentifications, etc, that is YOUR claim to prove. You cannot turn the "negative claims" meme around on proponents and demand we prove the evidence is NOT false.

    It is your positive claim that all the evidence is invalid. Prove your claim. Not that it might be invalid, but that it is invalid.

    Skeptics have to be right 100% of the time for there to be no BF.

    Proponents only have to be right one single time.


    TRUTH:People (like you Mulder) hold a belief that BF exists. It is in no way a fact yet.

    1) It is not a belief. It is knowledge. I saw it, at close range in good light for sufficient time to get a good look at it.

    2) That fact is in no way dependent on your "acceptance". It exists no matter how badly you desire to deny it.

    Squatchy McSquatch, on 04 March 2013 - 11:23 AM, said:

    So where's the monkey?

    Running around out in the wild parts of the continent where it belongs.

    1. Wow, tall order. But ok..
      1) Crew Tracks: Hoaxed by Wallace
      2)PGF: Hoaxed by Patterson
      3) Bossburg Tracks: Hoaxed by Marx
      4)Ostman Story: He is a zany old yarn spinner
      5,567) Mulders Sighting: He is a

    2. (Ken).. Great points brother, However if basic logic, like this is used, should not one use the same logic before totally discounting the possibility of such creatures possibly existing? Are there any undiscovered biological creatures still out there? if so, How do we class what is and is not possible? So logically how do we make an iron clad denouncement or announcement of such. Things we can't honestly prove for, or against at this point, are still just opinions aren't they? It's hard for me to believe in Sasquatch since I haven't seen one, but who am I to tell someone else what they have, or have not seen. I understand both sides of the serious argument for and against, but I sure wish I could be blessed to see one. How could a person not understand a skeptics point of view with all that is and is not going on with the sasquatch evidence right now. Your points made allot of sense to me Mr. Moulder Rage, I hope you see some understanding in mine friend.

    3. Proponents do NOT have to be right one single time. If that one time was the PG film, 45 years ago, chances are that thing dropped dead. Or it was simply a mutation. This guy is a total dick.

    4. Who's the dick anon5:58?

    5. Your Dead on Ken, No one knows every animal out there. We haven't scratched the surface of discovery. How could an individual be so arrogant as to believe they have all the knowledge of species in existence.

  13. Whether or not it is an alien i do not know but it appears to have a nice pert butt. Taterable I would think.

  14. FOX NEWS said this was a real Alien! Lol

  15. The woods are full of giant apes, forest people, giant sloths, hugh Lemurs, and we can't get one in a box? Come on!! Jeeze..oh, and aliens..


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