Is Dr. Melba Ketchum Extracting DNA From a Possible Giant Toddler's Skull?

Is the Peruvian mummy a giant toddler? In 2011, the discovery of a strange-shaped skull in Peru led some to claim it is the remains of an ancient baby giant (or an Alien from outer-space) . They argue that a soft spot in the skull -- called an open fontanelle, is a characteristic of children in their first year of life, yet the skull also has two large molars, only found in much older humans. The unidentified creature also has a strangely shaped skull nearly as large as its 20-inch-tall body. The physical evidence corroborate the existence of giants in accounts by early explorers like Magellan and ancient texts like the Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh, the Hebrew Book of Enoch, and the Book of Giants.

Dr. Melba Ketchum stated last Friday that she's attempting to unlock "history's mysteries" and is currently working on samples from Peruvian mummies. Is it possible that she also has samples from the strange creature found near Cuzco, Peru? Ketchum says she is thinking about raising money to help unlock these types of mysteries:

I am thinking we can raise the research money for an extention to the lab and if so, we will set up a genomics center with a next gen sequencer, bone robots and a good bioinformaticist (I already have one in mind) and we would solve a lot of history's mysteries. There are so many...giants, mummies and others (you can use your imagination). These mysteries fascinate me and it is not difficult to do. A lab geared to this could crank out data quicker and better than a university or govt lab where there is so much red tape and the work is often done by grad students and post-docs.
The large bone is from Dave Paulides since he has put that out publicly and another from Mike Rugg since he has also openly discussed it. We also have samples from Peruvian mummies. That is also not a secret. The other samples though have not been discussed in public so they have to remain anonymous at this time.

Giant Mummy Discovered in Peru:


  1. Replies
    1. you know what, I was the first to ever use "1" and i never really pay attention to what most of you say cause you don't know what your talking about anyway, especially about Bigfoot.

      From here on out know that the statement ------ KISS MY ASS = 1 or first, If you give me any shit, I'll perform a secret manuever that will spin your brain into Bigfoot crap. Just try me and see what happens, ha ha ha.

      Bunch of dumies!

      Why don't you all go read a couple thousand reports over at BFRO.NET and get your self a behavior lesson.

    2. Further more, knowbody ever called foul through multiple use'es, so a precident was set.

      Don't all go crying now. 1 is good!!!

    3. Ps, I may have an interesting surprise comming for the bigfoot world, hint=

      Chomp, chomp, chomp.

    4. You have nothing but tall tales and crazy bullshit

    5. Hey , I can't fix stupid okay!

      I won't ignore my personal experiences or the experiences of THOUSANDS OF OTHERS.

      Your problem is your thimble size brain that barely contains enough gray matter to keep you upright and breathing.

      Chomp, Chomp, Chomp.

    6. It also stops me from believing in crazy stories about magic monkeys

    7. Back in the 50's, scientists said there was no-way drag cars would EVER excede 200 MPH in the quarter mile.

      A very simple little thing like drag racing!

      We went 330 MPH in the quarter mile, then the NHRA said too fast! So they shortened it to a 1000 FEET.

      Now Top Fuel is doing over 320 MPH in a 1000FT.

      Trust in Science you Dipshit!

    8. That's your big anti-science comment the proof that science is full of crap because scientists in the 1950s didn't believe drag racers could go that fast well that's it Leon you've converted me for sure! Damn you science!!! You truely are a modern day prophet Leon, smell that burning in the air? That's all the schools, colleges and libraries burning those nasty science books because of you and your faultless logic

    9. Well, theres thousands of otherexamples, but I don't have time for it, your such a fucking slow idiot!

      And you proove that by hanging around a site all day that discusses what you DON'T believe in!!!!

      Proof your a ragingt fucking IDIOT!

    10. No actually it proves (by the way this is how it's spelled not prooves) that I'm interested in Bigfoot but have yet to see any evidence to convince me it's real. It also proves to be a good site to try and get a decent debate on the subject but with people like you that's a hard thing to achieve. Tell me Leon does wearing the gloves help with the grazes from the floor on your knuckles?

    11. You're very gullible if the evidence so far doesn't convince you, I'd say downright mad or lying then.

    12. By the way do you actually know what the word gullible means?

    13. Leon,shove that bible of yours right up your ass,who cares what mentally unbalanced people think they see?

    14. how about if I come shove it up your ass you stupid drunk.

      I didn't mention it today or for awhile. But, I guess drunks look to pick fights. Blowhard

    15. The way you seem to enjoy the idea of shoving things up asses Leon I think you've blown many men hard

    16. Stupid fuck, look who brought it up. Got no use for Idiots or perverts!

    17. Then quit looking in the mirror Leon and take that bible out your ass

    18. What evidence you ask? There's plenty you're confusing it with proof, that is being withheld and that unintelligent stand makes you gullible. That is, if you weren't already in on it as you are but many people are gullible.

    19. Leon,Leon,what would Jesus say?Turn the other cheek I believe.And it being Easter,tsk,'re a bad christian,I'll continue to pray for you.

    20. i'm sure Jesus will forgive me for kicking the shit out of an ignorant , backwoods, pagan hethanite, drunk piece of crap such as yourself. Jesus also through people out of the church with force.

      Once again, a dumbass (rum to die ) speaks on a subject of which he knows little to nothing!


    22. Jesus weeps for you my son

  2. First to say "First"! Yes bitches!

    Stupid moron above saying "1", it's not valid!

    1. he's right rushferlife, what a wasted opportunity!

    2. Upheld. It's a Firsting content.

    3. He's probably committing suicide now for his mistake

    4. 1 = First. x = First. First = First. Get it?

      Claims of false firsting are frowned upon within the firsting community.

      Nice firsting Rush!


    5. You don't know the rules 9:17! The rules were established clearly by the big Bobo, and because he can't recognize numbers, numbers are not valid! Well done 9:06!

    6. 9:06, you were six minutes behind me, that makes you a strong Second, not a first, or 1.

    7. I was the first to say first, that's what counts. End. The Footers community is with me.

    8. You were second.

      Live with the failure you failure.

    9. It's easy to criticize when you are 27th

    10. According to section 8.39 of the handbook, 1 will suffice for a first, as it is a reasonable expression of firsting and may be a necessary shortcut in extreme firsting situations.

    11. 1rd however, is an insult to all good Americans and Canadians, and will be renounced and nullified.

    12. But according to section 9.78, this was not an extreme firsting situation, as rush had more than 5 minutes of advantage.

    13. 1 = one and is not a First by any stretch of the imagination...same as the magic monkey.

    14. the guy above is totally right, 1=one, is not like 1st, you morons

    15. despite this rush person's claim a "1" does not count as first. it is a sign of panic and fear. At least have the patience and professionalism of a legitimate "firster" like the Mayor and the phenomenal ANON, to type: FIRST.

    16. I would also agree with 10:23. To be first, first needs to be, well.....FIRST!!!

    17. Wow, this is a supreme Court case... Finally a serious debate!

    18. Can't we all just get along?!!!

    19. Who the fuck are these pussies claiming first when they are miles behind the first poster?

      Just get your fingers out of your asses and get here a lot sooner you losers.

  3. Bone robots? Wasn't that a Syfy movie?

    'The large bone is from David Paulides'. Really. I thought it was from Robert Lindsay.

  4. I would love to contribute my hard-earned money to this pioneer of science.

  5. Replies
    1. She is an American hero!

    2. I paid Melba to clone a dwarf version of me and the bitch took my money and is down in Peru buying cocaine.

    3. She did make a Dwarf clone version of you and stuck-it up your ass!

      But your such a Fag, you couldn't feel it!

    4. Then why bother sticking it up your ass if ain't gonna tickle your prostrate?

    5. Giant Toddler Protection Website in the works. 30 Bucks will get you a membership and a year's supply of nothing in which you will like. These Big Headed Kids are a Type of People and they need your support.

  6. Ya good luck there Dr. Ketchum in trying to prove sasquatch with peruvian mummies, enjoy your wild goose chase, and while your at it say hi to the family of five bigfoots for me OK.

  7. Ketchum is always looking for ways to raise money. Anyone willing to shell out some cash for Melba?

  8. If a skull was being shaped from childhood, wouldn't that cause the skull bones to be under constant pressure and moving, preventing the cap to harden.

    1. They used to eleveate pressure on the brain by drilling or using something to hammer a hole to let some of the pressure and blood out. This was done right up till the 20th century, Victorians used it as a cure for madness drill a hole and let them bleed out a little. The Japanese used to do the same thing with women's feet so they remained small, they'd break bones and bind the feet so they weren't able to grow properly.

  9. There is no great mysteries she's just exploiting the people who think there are! Science has already cracked the whole Peruvian mummy "mystery" and not only were they into mummies but they were also into head binding. They used to get babies and but wooden boards either side of their heads and bind them so that as their head grew it changed shape like the one in the photo above, it's not a mystery just a severe form of body modification and child abuse! Oh by the way Melba the Turin Shroud was exposed as a Medieval hoax a very long time ago so you're late to the party again there. If Mike Rugg did have a bone he should have given it to Dr Sykes as his speciality is extracting DNA from very old remains. What next Melba solving the riddle of the bearded woman or the Jackelopes? Melba Ketchum = Sideshow Carny

    1. ^^^9:40 Misguided and confused science worshipper, praying at the altar.

    2. ^^^^Crazy conspiracy theorist who'd rather believe in fairytales than accept reality

    3. your reality you f'in commy!

      Science has know proof for 90% of the crap they say envolving these ancient artifacts and bones.

    4. How do you know that were you there? Commy? What is this 1950s?

    5. shut up 11:14 if you want logic and alleged real science go to another blog! We enjoy our fantasy! If it bothers you get lost!!

    6. Yeah, I noticed that some guys on here love their make believe little worlds.

    7. Science has only cracked what we're allowed to know about, they've already cracked bigfoot and ghosts and ufos but decided that society could become a chaotic mess if we knew, hence the planned ridicule schemes on these subjects.

    8. Yes all this ridicule is government sanctioned and paid for. You are a moron

    9. Small hands, smells like cabbage.

  10. Check out those incisors. That is not the skull of a 1 year old from this planet.

    1. They're not in the right place to be incisors they're molars that the guys in the video talk about.

  11. SHE is NOT doing ANY testing!! Remember, she CLOSED her lab LAST YEAR!! She is running everything through this "Dr. Pat," which is why she was singing his praises the other day.

  12. A friend of mine well informed of the facts said to me that Ketchum is extracting some poop from a jar!!

  13. PT boat headin for Havana
    I used to make a livin by pickin the banana
    Now I'm a guide for the CIA
    Hooray! For the USA!

    Baby, baby make me loco!
    baby, baby make me Mombo!

    1. At last someone talking sense! Joey Ramone RIP

    2. lol..Yes, I wanted this board to have something worthwhile...

  14. you will all be sorry. When bigfoot is proven to exist you will all claim you believed it to be true all along.
    Everyone on this blog believes bigfoot to exist. They are just frustrated by lack of legit evidence. Please be more supportive to the researchers doing the hard work.
    Thank you all

    1. If one of those investigators is Melba Ketchum, no way

  15. I would like to add from a absolutely scientific perspective that I would like to put my Penis in the hole ontop of the skull, give it a good skull fucking, and impregnate it. It will then give birth to a baby Bobo, then we impregnate Bobo and that will produce a baby Moneymaker, then we skull fuck the shit outa him and impregnate him, then he will produce a bouncing baby bigfoot.

    1. See a psychiatrist please.

      homosexuality, incest, necrophylia, petaphylia.

      You pretty much covered every purversion!

      This really tested my poor spelling, I apologize in advanced for miss-spelled words above. ha ha ha

    2. Brain salad surgery I believe

  16. So I decided foolishly but fortuitously that it'd be fun to drive back without lights on. As I rounded the last bend before my school I saw a large bipedal creature standing under that street lamp looking up at it. At that point of rounding the turn i was about 400 yards away. I saw it for about 3 seconds, it looked down, took three swift steps and was out of sight into the vast forest. My initial reaction was to explain it away as something else, but I cannot deny it was anything other than Bigfoot. I was honored to have finally seen one for my own satisfaction and for further verification to their existence beyond my internal feeling, and the observations of others.

    1. Yep, welcome to the club.

    2. I definitely believe that the most elusive and stealthy creature on Earth hangs out on the side of the road, illuminating itself under street lamps.

  17. At first it was amusing to witness all the excitement surrounding the Ketchum DNA paper, knowing it would crash and burn and prove absolutely nothing. But now it's kinda sad to see that there are still people clinging to Ketchum, waiting for her to rebound from her failure to prove Bigfoot's existence and be taken seriously.
    It's time to move on guys, there is no Bigfoot, there are no giants, no ghosts, no alien abductions, no living dinosaurs, no Loch Ness monster. Tupac and Elvis are dead.

    1. it's the STUPID, CLOSED MINDED, RELIGIO-SCIENTIST'S, that are up shit creek without a paddle.

      Give it another month or two and all this anti-God EVOLUTIONISTS will be craw-dadin like a mo-fo, ha ha ha ha

      Look---------- we still don't know the "nature" of the beast, it's origins????

      But she prooved it's there!

      She busted the scientists!

      And she BUSTED you, ya big dummy! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah a hahaha hahah ahahahahah ah ha hah ahah , ooops, I fell out of my chair LAUGHING at YOU!!!

    2. Leon W, you forgot to sign your name...

    3. Yup another idiot, do us a favor and while you're on the floor after falling off your chair just stay there away from your keyboard

    4. Anon 12:01, please share with us what Ketchum has "prooved" with her study. Thanks.

    5. He won't be able to mom says he has to get off the computer and see Grandma before dinner

    6. That there is a "consistant", DNA varriant that is replicatable and matches no known animal in the Genome bank, and further more, it has strange and anomalous qualities that don't seem to follow normal adaptation / TRANSFORMATION of DNA over time.

      And lastly, the oddity comes in conjunction with reported sightings / activity of the Cyptozoological beast know as BIGFOOT.


    7. Not really because she didn't prove any of that she just provided a couple of sequences that matched bears, cats and dogs and talked a load of crap that can not be varified and pretty much proved nothing except that it's unfortunately quite easy to rip off Wally and other footers.

    8. Oh, so science is bullshit because scientists in the 1950s couldn't predict the advances in automobile technology that allow for drag racers to achieve such high speeds over short distances but Melba Ketchum's science is 100% legit? How often do you do crystal meth Leon?

    9. ^ Wanking deniers aplenty.

    10. Stay away from the Doctor when you get sick

    11. I like the new style rum run through the f you f you f you most of all f you I'm out bitches

    12. It's the synopsis most scientist won't venture into, not the fundamentals being wrong. Although they are often wrong too such as carbon dating.

  18. My butthole is itching something fierce!

    1. Remember this is Bigfoot Evidence so that's taterhole not butthole!

    2. Well either quit sticking your fingers in it or clean it free of poop.

    3. When your taterhole is itching means someone's talking bout Ketchum

  19. Its clean enough, I scratch it, put it up to my nostrils then take a good breath in, then I let my wife take a wiff while she's half asleep.

  20. Freaks, geeks and crack-heads

  21. Will this new lab set-up aid Dr. Ketchum in her quest to unlock the secrets of mind-rape? Only time will tell.

    In the meantime, keep 'bleeving, footers. Your girl Dr. Ketchum will come through with the irrefutable evidence any day now.

  22. BigheadPattyandtheManstersfoot

  23. LeonW has now been crowned "MORON OF THE MONTH" for his horrible spelling and grammar, his babbling ridiculous arguments and his adolescent over-aggressive behavior.

    Go Leon, Go! (to night school)


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