Happy Easter: Easter Sasquatch Sighting in the ADK

YouTube user TheBdinc writes: "While gathering my eggs on easter morning all by myself. I was fortunate enough to have my iPad to record the very rare Easter Sasquatch!"


  1. He's wearing the same outift as
    luke Skywalker when he was attacked by the Wampa.

  2. That's one minute and four seconds of my life wasted. That was so bad

  3. Looks like the easter "sasquash" is wearing a kevlar vest. Good move, lotta people would like to bag one of those.

  4. Fake as Normal !! am gonna poop my pants !!

    1. Pooping in a jar is passé. The haute couture crowd now poops in Walmart bags. It saves the environment by saving water and it also makes a political statement that we don't support your Chinese slave labor merchandise.

    2. If ain't broke don't fix it.

  5. An Easter saucesquash wow thats some rare footage.

  6. Nice vest why waste our time?

  7. I'm wondering how in the world some people have nothing better to do in their life but doing these things.

  8. He strikes like a Cobra!


  9. Happy Easter everybody! Hope you are having a great day!

  10. Kachinnggggg! More dinero in BE's pocket, suckers!

  11. No time to comment. Finding Bigfoot marathon. I'm on the edge of my OH MY GOD IT"S A SQUATCH!

    1. Nope. Just a Ford Explorer. I thought the tail lights were eyes. I did feel hypnotized though. Are those thing psychic?

    2. Surely they will have found something after an episode marathon!

    3. U should have borrowed the vest it was probably pretty cold!!

  12. Poor Easter Bunny just got Taterholed by that dude in the vest. What a dirtbag.

  13. Its s man dressed as the Easter bunny wearing a vest.

  14. So, how was the expdedition Mr. Bandini? Lay it on us.

  15. Its s man dressed as the Easter bunny wearing a vest.

  16. Hey, H B, RUSH, RUMMY, MAYOR, MMG, BIG JIM JR, AND ALL THE FINE FOLKS ON THE EVIDENCE BLOG!! Happy Easter guys and Gals. I'm on medical parole for a few hours, thought I'd say hello. I'm doing better now, had 17 clots, plus arterial damage in the past few days. Been In the Hosp and taking some meds to keep me in and mostly out so not able to do the comp, sorry for not getting back guys. Hopefully be on a few times in the near future between the meds and such. Thanks so much for the concern and prayers, I think that's why I'm still here, Doc says real lucky so far. Hope I didn't offend anybody if I accidentally left your name out, forgive me, I thank and miss talking to everybody... My wife and I saw two Cougars the other day, in our pasture out our window, great to see, but no Sasquatch YET,lol. still looking even on my medical leave,lol. Hope everybody has a great day........................Ken.........

    1. Happy Easter Ken good to hear your doin ok you ain't getting out of a promise that easy brother lol tell the wife and kids happy Easter

    2. Great news Ken. Thanks for stopping by and giving an update! The prayers and goodwill will continue I'm sure. Keep an eye for the big guy but hey some cougar action is not to be sniffed at right? ;o)


    3. Stop eating all those Bigfoot burgers Ken! Stuck with fruits and veggies! Take care of yourself!

    4. Glad you are fighting the fight. Hang in there. Sounds like you are on the home stretch.

  17. They day I was out there it was a lot of fun I don't want to step on anyone's toes telling you what they did find Stevie strings did a lot of the hard work also ill let him share with you what they found but beside the original video not evidence that would convince me beyond the shadow of a doubt it was a Bigfoot but none the less they got a few good things I don't want to be misconstrued as saying it's nothing good just nothing that would convince me it's absolutely Bigfoot but like I said they all worked very hard and were all good people but I was on the wrong trail and my wife and I on a very busy weekend for the jazz fest didn't see not a single person so something can very well be there I'm convinced enough that I would go back and search with those guys or by ourselves whether it's Bigfoot or not I don't know but the guy who shot the video said it ran on two legs and was at least better then 6'5" tall so I'm in believing there's something there for sure

  18. And I just want to say thanks to Stacy Mike Steve Josh Bill Justin and there was one other guy I didn't catch his name that we had a blast with all very good people treated us very good and with respect though they never me us before

  19. Good to hear Ken take care of yourself!

    1. Thanks friends, good to see you all chatting away today, Got to get some glasses, cant't see shat, either a little eye damage, or meds,making it kinda tough to read. I tried to get back on last week, but ended up having to go back in for a few more tests, they like testing things don't they. Well H B, we are still going walk about brother, might have to go on a horse or atv, but still going bro.Got to take this big handful of meds guys, puts me in la la land, try to get back on in about 3 hours guys, thanks again brothers, talk in a few...............Ken.......

    2. You guys, are tops fella's....................Ken............

  20. My favorite thing to do is lick under the tail of a bunny.

  21. Is that a girl on the bigfoot show? Renae? Today is the first day seeing this show and Im not shure what it is. If it looks like a man and stands like bigfoot itself, what is it?

  22. I got a chocolate squirrel in my gifting, I mean Easter basket.

    1. Ha I knew you were a Sasquatch that's how you're beating me on first you're using your telepathy

    2. Yeah you got me. I don't do mind rape though, just good old fashion smoke and mirrors.

    3. At least you get the gift baskets I leave you thank you for habituating my house and braiding my dogs fur

  23. shaun why don't just post butchy kid videos, at least there funny.

  24. I don't celebrate Easter, Christianity is just an expression of the white male patriarchy. I have been a practising Wiccan for many years now so I celebrated the Solstice on March 20th. Traditionally a maypole is involved but my coven told me that that is another patriarchal expressions, so we just prayed to the Earth Goddess instead. Our coven was out in the forest for a three day celebration, and I kept my eye out for Bigfoots, but I didn't see anything. I'll keep watching, especially on the summer solstice.

  25. Shut up Cyndi, ya stupid Libtard!

  26. wow just wow.

    still a better suit than the crapperson gremlin.

    im sure sweatiyeti is putting together some gifs as we speaking proving this is a real eastersquatch


  27. Slow news day here I see

    F A I L

  28. And I don't like the bible telling me I can't lick my friends muff because Obama says it is ok so it is just an outdated religious rule



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