Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot writes President Obama requesting Protected Species Status [Press Release]

Peter Wiemer, from the Chautauqua Lake, NY Bigfoot Weekend & Expo announced that in a letter he wrote to President Barack Obama on February 15th that he requested protected species status for Bigfoots / Sasquatches in the USA.

In a letter written to garner National protection, Peter requested from President Obama to consider the recent DNA study claiming Bigfoots are part human and part ape, an indigenous species of America that should be protected prior to being killed by Sport as allowed in Texas. With all of the Bigfoot sightings in Hawaii over the years as well as over 100 in New York State should be of no surprise to the President to receive this kind of request. It really is up to each state to decide on which species are protected but here, it is probably part man, which should garner National Protection as it would onto any man or women in the USA. There has been no response from President Obama as of yet.

Previously, Peter wrote the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (D.E.C.) Commissioner in July, 2012 requesting the same, where the Chief Wildlife Biologist from the NYS DEC wrote back on the Commissioner’s behalf that in so many words, Bigfoots are Mythical and do not exist anywhere in the World.

“When I created the CLBF Weekend & Expo, I had no idea I would be eventually asking anyone, let alone President Obama to consider protecting Bigfoots. After hearing from local eyewitnesses and seeing there are over 100 other documented sightings in New York State, I became a Believer”… The first documented sighting of a Bigfoot in the USA was in Sackets Harbor, NY in a newspaper article in 1818 and can be seen on the 12 minute video trailer at our website.

New York State is the third most populated State in the USA with Chautauqua County and Chautauqua Lake, NY being within a four-hour drive of more then 15 million people from Cleveland to Pittsburgh to Syracuse and to Toronto & Niagara Falls, Canada.

Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot Weekend & Expo, April 26th, 27th & 28th, 2013 events include a “Town Hall Meeting”, a “Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot School” and a “Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot Expo”.

Mary Roller from Chautauqua County whose eyewitness accounts numbers more then 4 separate times she has seen a Bigfoot and in two cases, “Two Bigfoots at the same time” from her lifetime of living on her lands for more then 40 years. A YouTube video of her eyewitness accounts and interview is on YouTube. Seeing is Believing and Mary has known for years what, 30% of Americans believe that Bigfoots are real as reported by LiveScience on March 21, 2012.

Mary will be speaking at the Town Hall Meeting on Friday, April 26th, at the YMCA Camp Onyahsa on the shores of Chautauqua Lake in Dewittville, NY.  This will take place from 5:00 - 9:00 pm and is available by entrance fee. Eyewitnesses to a Bigfoot encounter here in Western New York and Pennsylvania will speak about their experiences.

On Saturday, April 27th a first ever Bigfoot School in North America, the Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot School (CLBFS), at Camp Onyahsa.  This will take place from 10:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. and is available by entrance fee. There will be classes on how to make footprint casts, how to interview eyewitnesses, how to collect evidence, and a class on equipment from the bare necessities to more complex tools and equipment. There will also be a kids fishing class starring kids teaching kids and you how to catch fish conducted by the iKidsFishing Show. Each participant will receive a CLBFS diploma and a Green Ribbon.

These events culminate with the Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot Expo being held Sunday, April 28th at Chautauqua Suites in Mayville, NY.  This event will have six National Bigfoot Researchers including Larry Battson, Billy Willard, Steve Kulls and Melissa Hovey. Special Bigfoot speakers coming in from Washington state is Bob Gimlin, from the famous Patterson - Gimlin Bigfoot Film of 1967 in Orleans, California, and from San Francisco, California will be Tom Yamarone.

Tickets for all of the events went on sale starting March 1st, 2013 at

All of these events are intended for children and adults of all ages. “We really focus on making it something you can do as a family. We are trying to teach everyone about these beings that they are not as scary or   troublesome and are living already among us in peace and harmony here in Chautauqua County. Bigfoots are not a paranormal, they are for real says Peter”.

Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot Weekend Agenda:

Friday, April 26th – Town Hall Meeting – YMCA Camp Onyahsa
4:30 – 5:00 pm                 Attendants sign in
5:00 – 8:00 pm                 Personal Accounts of Encounters
8:00 – 9:00 pm                 Q & A with the Experts

Saturday, April 27th – Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot School – YMCA Camp Onyahsa
9:30 – 10:00 am               Attendants sign in
10:00 – 11:00 am            How to Cast Footprints
                                                Led by Melissa Hovey
                                                Assisted by Billy Willard & Tom Yamarone
11:00 – 12:00 pm           Interviewing Eyewitnesses & Collecting Evidence
                                                Led by Steve Kulls
                                                Assisted by Larry Battson
12:15 – 1:15 pm              Equipment
                                                Led by Billy Willard
                                                Assisted by Steve Kulls
1:15 – 2:15 pm                 Kids Fishing Class lead by the iKidsFishing Show, starring Kids teaching Kids and You How to Catch Fish.

Sunday, April 28th – Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot Expo – Chautauqua Suites
11:00 am                             Doors Open
11:00 – 12:00 pm            Attendants sign in
12:00 – 1:00 pm               Billy Willard – “Sasquatch in Virginia”
1:00 – 2:00 pm                 Tom Yamarone – “Bluff Creek – Then and Now” and Bigfoot Songs
2:00 – 3:00 pm                 Bob Gimlin Q & A with Larry Battson
3:00 – 3:15 pm                 Peter Wiemer - "Bigfoot Sightings in Chautauqua County"
3:15 – 3:30 pm                 Intermission
3:30 – 4:15 pm                 Larry Battson Wildlife Educational Services' Show
4:15 – 5:15 pm                 Melissa Hovey – “Bigfoot Eyeshine – What is it?”
5:15 – 6:15 pm                 Steve Kulls “What would Sasquatch Do?” -Sasquatch behavior and relation to primate behavior
6:15 pm                               Closing statements, Autograph and Picture taking session


  1. I'd go down on Hovey's beaver in a minute I want get a taste of that muff and swan dive on her jewel

    1. Get a hold of yourself, Dude.

    2. that lady drives me crazy. sexy little thing. believe me, I got a hold of myself

  2. Wouldn't it be swell if footers put this much effort into helping REAL animals?

    1. ^
      Is that what your family says to you about your obsession with Bigfoot ?

    2. If footers helped REAL animals as you say, they'd probably get something. They rather help a mythological monkey so they can get nothing and like it.

    3. ^ why don't you get some self-help you Nerd !

  3. He became a believer in lining pockets.

    1. Yeah no kidding. "Look, I wrote President Obama about bigfoot! Also, I have these bigfoot related activities......"

    2. Obama is a god damn communist interloper in the White House, Joe McCarthy was right all along! If Obama found Bigfoot, they'd immediately become another victim group leeching off hard working American Christian men.

  4. Mr. Wiemer will get the protection for Nothing and Like it.

  5. Nice Rush...but i hate your at the the same time.

  6. Thanks for your participation H.

  7. So, how exactly does a female become interested in the Legend of the Hairy Man? What brings you into this world of nothing and liking it? Just curious.

  8. I'm in. You can get a picture and an autograph! I am assuming that is with a bigfoot. Surely, they have a bigfoot....

  9. You fuckin bone heads really need to get lives...holy fuck! The world awaits you. Wow :/

    1. I had a life once, it's overrated.

    2. Bearking here. My life ended when I said I do to my skank ass bitch of a wife!

    3. Bigfoot is a source of wonder and inspiration. Bigfoot is my life. Be with us, friend. Come and love Bigfoot...

    4. The night time is the right time. The night time is th........

  10. Bearking here. Women nowadays are bald. But I like hairy women. Then ones that have hair around their anus too!

  11. There's never been a bigfoot sighting in Hawaii, those were all hairy Italian men.

    1. Did they have Christ head tatoos? That means our mama's are religious :)

  12. Note to Footers:
    If the Chautauqua Lake NY Bigfoot Expo ever holds court in Guyana...DON'T DRINK THE KOOL-AID!

  13. According to the article title, bigfoot wrote to president Obama? I didn't know that bigfoot are literate.

    1. Matt Doughmaker here. Bigfoots are known to write. This confuses people. Why, one even taught Bobo how to right, rite, write. "They're real, I've seen em."

  14. watching this last episode of FB; I'm convinced Cliff is a hoaxer.

    Bigfoot on all 4s would not resemble anything like a human. It's long arms and shorter legs would make it look more like a bear on all 4s than a human.

    And to think, I was giving him the benefit of the doubt that he was just really naive.

    1. Cliff has know idea what the hell he's talking about.

    2. "I believe you saw a squatch, welcome to the club..." -

  15. Are you JREF buttplugs still reeling from losing your matriarch Kitakaze ?

  16. Obama Is a bigfoot SO! just like he dose with his uncle thats here in the usa So he will do for bigfoot NOTHING!!!! His own Uncle he will not help so bigfoot is fucked!

  17. "1:00 – 2:00 pm                 Tom Yamarone – “Bluff Creek – Then and Now” and Bigfoot Songs"


  18. (clive squashy)

    Chautauqua Lake ... That's where they had the big gollywobbler festival last year. wow

  19. Bigfoot in Hawaii ??? WTF! Dumbest post ever. This guy wants Obama to take him serious when he makes a stupid comment like that? Good Greif!

  20. ^^^ same dorks posting every day on here with their immature comments! What a bunch of pencil neck zit faced star trek virgin Mommas boy NERDS! What a bunch of losers you guys are! Skeptards!

  21. Obamas gonna read it and laugh he's ass off, how can you ask to protect something that hasn't been proven, undeniably, to exist. That's.fucken retarded.

    Catch one, or something, get undeniable proof, then yeah.

    I'm gonna head off to my study now to write a letter to obama asking him to protect fairies.

    Zeef zeef

  22. Well anon 6.28.

    I like my mysteries like my men, tall hairy and elusive.

  23. And I'm sure all that got Peter was a bump up on the FBI'S crazy crack pots to keep an eye on list.

  24. Excellent news. A letter to the president about a make believe creature. Should give him a giggle if nothing else.

  25. No one (in their right mind)no normal thinking people will take bigfoot seriously until really good films of these creatures are shown (I mean really good film like National Geographic stuff) and a body or capture takes place. Period.

  26. Obama is fuc-ing this country, i would expect the same for Bigfoot.

  27. Daddy,
    They want me to pass a law to protect you. But a law over here wont protec y'all over there. So jus keep stayin hid. You remember last time they seen ya
    Oh. Bamy


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