Breakdown: Yeti Terrifies Russian Woman

In this video, Michael enhances footage of a Yeti scaring a Russian woman. Watch below:


  1. Replies
    1. How was your trip? Did you get any results?

    2. Yeah I just got back home no I didn't personally but I only went out one day but I met everyone except Fasano did you get the mail I met the dude and his son he has me convinced they see something and it wasn't a man in a suit his son is really a bright kid I believe them

    3. My back was just killin me from 20 hrs of driving in three days I was burned out

    4. They ran at it not away the guy asked the lady for her info but she was a tourist and didn't want to give it to him

    5. I hear ya, yeah I got the email, I would have to meet those guys like you did to get a feel about them before I can draw any kind of conclusions about those kinds of things.

    6. My wife and I ended up getting a place down there we are gonna move so I'm gonna check it out again in a few weeks

    7. Damn! I guess it had quite the impact on you brother.

    8. The warm weather was what did it I was regretting coming home to the cold oh I hear ya on that I'd like to see for myself also and just people in general there are a lot nicer then up here

    9. Yeah it was recorded from a cell and there was a jazz fest from Friday till Sunday at the forest so I think it was just to much although I wandered around a trail for 4 hrs without seeing anyone so even full there was lots of space with no people

    10. I haven't seen rum in a min have you seen him

    11. He commented a few days ago, not sure what he's been into lately.

  2. These are so stupid,all I have is a crappy little Sony and not one blurry pic.or vid. not one.Can someone please explain this to me.

  3. Latest Bigfoot news - - copy and paste to see

  4. Don't bother to go to the site above. Just a very closed minded person thinking his gross humor is funny.

  5. Reason why this is a hoax is because a real Bigfoot would move away from the people, once discovered. That Bigfoot probably had no idea that the people did not have guns. Yet he steps out into the open, instead keeping trees between him and the possible cold blooded assassins. Bigfoot can easily run up the hill and outdistance any pursuers. Why didn't the subject do that instead of risking his life?

    Furthermore, the cameraman failed to focus on the scenery, but instead was much more interested in quickly panning to the area where the subject was, and pointed the camera right at it, even before the audio indicated that they had noticed it.

  6. Tell me why I waste my time on these stupid video's!! I wanna shoot that irritating IDIOT narrating! There's nothing to see either!! I'm the idiot!

  7. You gotta draw the line when it comes to watching these fake ass videos. I swear its always like a clearly fake video but yet we always here it could be a Bigfoot, just stop.


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