Bigfoot Movie Talk: Beast of Boggy Creek Author, Lyle Blackburn Interview

From his haunted digs in Texas, Lyle Blackburn discusses his book on the Fouke Monster, the Beast of Boggy Creek. We also cover his psychobilly rock and roll band, Ghoultown, zombies, comics and his favorite monster movies. A great conversation with one of the coolest cryptozoologists on the planet.

Get more info on Lyle and his book, The Beast of Boggy Creek at:


  1. Replies
    1. The extra training has paid off big time folks.

      Would like to thank my fellow firsters for their support during what was a long barren firstless spell.

      We did prevail.


    2. Take the week off. you've earned it!

    3. Livin the dream woooooo woooooooo

    4. MMG, livin' the dream!

    5. Way to go brother MMG, Your still the man friend. Been missing out on the Sasquatch debate, missing the whole deal brother. Looks like your not slipping any, go brother go, save a first for me...............Ken......

    6. Ken! How are things my friend. We've all been been thinking about you bro!

      I dedicate this hard earned first to you my friend. Hope the meds aren't taking too much out ya.


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    1. Ahhh, Bali....where muslim extremists bomb nightclubs full of tourists.

  3. Psychobilly is the coolest music, it's straight from hell. There is even a psychobilly band called Sasquatch and the Sickabillys.

    1. I always think it's cool that us Brits manage to kinda repackage a music subgenre that you guys have invented and kinda sell it back to you! Like Rolling Stones repackaging blues, Sex Pistols, Clash repackaging punk and then Stray Cats, Guana Batz and King Kurt repackaging rockabilly into something more hardcore and creating Psychobilly.

    2. YOu haven't sent us shit since the Pistols. Except Boy George and bunch of other Flaming British Homos.
      Send Jeremy Clarkson and keep your crappy music.

    3. Dude has a point, and it's not like we are producing anything of note- that's for damn sure.

    4. We've sent plenty post Pistols! The Clash were bigger in the US than back home, so were the Ruts, then came Crass, Discharge, GBH, the Jam, the Police, the 2 Tone Ska revival (which didn't catch on till nearly 20 years after it ended), Psychobilly, the Cure, Sisters of Mercy, Goth, New Order, Gang of Four, Post Punk, Napalm Death, Iron Maiden, this is just the early 80s to mid 80s and not counting Boy George, Duran Duran and all that shit. After that there's everything from 90s Britpop and early electronica to Grime and Dubstep not saying it's all good just saying

  4. Erm guys... you do know that bigfoot don't exist right?

    1. Yeh, shut your fucking lying face. Don't come on here and try to tell me what i already know.

    2. He does, and he is nice. We love Bigfoot, and he loves us. Be with us, friend. Come and love Bigfoot....

  5. I automatically hate him due to his facial hair and his hat.

  6. They need to remake this movie with a big budget film company. Get going Lyle!

  7. Got to 43 seconds, seen the beard, and bailed!

    1. That's 43 seconds longer than anybody else.

  8. I directed the most successful Bigfoot movie in cinema history. Clawed, the Legend of Sasquatch, was both a box office and critical success. You may have appreciated it under the title "The Unknown."

    Lyle Blackburn is no Karl Kozak. He's more like a Vegas street magician pretending to be a filmmaker.

    My next film Baby Bigfoot: Smallfoot will be in theaters & Redbox simultaneously.

    1. Wow, you think pretty goddamn highly of yourself don't you?

  9. Replies
    1. I am from Saginaw MI. The black people in this town are killing each other left and right. They have a code of silence. Even the preachers do. So why would I want them for my neighbor if they support criminal behavior. Actions speak louder than words.

      When the welfare money runs out they will leave. They know no different. They truly believe that they are victims. Why else would they act the way they do. Unless they are truly incapable of fending for themselves. I can't believe that there ancestors didn't put up a fight when they were shackled. Something has happened to these people and it affects our whole town now.

    2. Wow, it sounds like you folks up in Saginaw MI have a real planet of the apes up there.

    3. It really hasn't panned out, has it. Freeing them was a huge mistake.

    4. Puzzled...don't the crackers kill each other too?

  10. No one (in their right mind)no normal thinking people will take bigfoot seriously until really good films of these creatures are shown (I mean really good film like National Geographic stuff) and a body or capture takes place. Period.

    That's real science folks. Plain and simple. Time to move on until this happens. It will be all over the news anyway if it does.

    1. how bout a porno featuring bigfoot...title-Sploogefoot

    2. "time to move on..." hey you can move on. did you notice the name of this site? it's "bigfoot evidence". why do you bother wasting your time posting here if you're not interested in bigfoot evidence? isn't there a gamer blog you can go back to?

  11. Top 20! I will reach my goal as 1st! One day....

    1. The baby Jesus loves a trier.

      You will prevail.


    2. I dedicate the previous post to anyone who reckons this blog is a cultural wasteland. Thank you anon 9:15.


  12. Good interview, been gone on a health journey for a while, didn't miss much it seems. Oh well no body yet, so still plenty of good debate. I saw two cougars, their not supposed to be here either, so anything is possible I guess. Hope all are having a great one!! good to be alive and in TN,lol.........Ken...........

    1. Hello Brother Ken. Good to have you back man. R U ok? hope your completely healed this time man, we need a nice guy with some real common sense and courtesy on here brother. be praying for U Ken.

    2. Thanks my brother, I need and appreciate that friend..........Ken.........

    3. Hey Ken, glad to see you posting. If you did not see my post about meds etc, click my name on here and send me an email. I will then get back to you with any questions you have that I can answer. Hope you are feeling better.

    4. Ken, If you want to share the cougar sightings with me then email me at I'm trying to investigate such reports. Thanks.

  13. Karl Klux Kozak will always be known as the Billy Barty of squatchploitation films.

  14. You have to wonder about a guy who wraps up all the paranormal crap in with bigfoot. The bigfoot community would do well to not to associate with those types. Bigfoot is hard to accept without all that baggage. Sharon Day/Autumn Forest I am looking at you.


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