Wildmen of the Northwest

A drawing of a "Bushman" based off of sightings (specifically the 1964 sighting by a boy named Jerry and his father)
© Loren Coleman and Patrick Huyghe 1999, 2006; © Harry Trumbore 1999, 2006

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Jay of the Bizarre Zoology blog. For info on weird and amazing facts/theories of zoology, paleontology, and cryptozoology go to bizarrezoology.blogspot.com or follow him on Twitter.

The idea of unknown bipedal primates in North America is controversial enough, but something bizarre seems to be going on. There seem to be certain sightings in the Northwest (specifically areas of the Pacific Northwest, up through the Yukon to Alaska, and even parts of the Northwest Territories) that are referred to as Lost Tribes, Wild People, Bush Indians, Stick Indians, and Bushmen (the term that we will use here) by Native Americans, and are quite different than other "Bigfoot" reports of North America.

It almost seems as if these reports indicate an animal that is totally different than the Sasquatch. While there are no reports of tools, stone weapons, controlled fires, or clothing in the reports of Sasquatch, the reports of the Northwestern Bushmen involve the use of these. Reports of "Bigfoot" across North America seem to indicate a mainly ape like hairy hominoid with no apparent culture (keep in mind that apes have culture but not as advanced as the culture of hominids), while the reports of Northwestern Bushmen are often spoken of as another tribe of humans. The names "Sasquatch-men", "Wild Men", or "Giant Men" that are usually used in these reports show that the eyewitnesses are speaking of something different than the ape like Sasquatch or Bigfoot. So to make it clear once again, reports indicate that there is a population of "Wild People" in the Northwestern regions of North America that are distinctly different than the ape like Sasquatch of the Pacific Northwest and other parts of North America (although they are often lumped under the name of Sasquatch). Before I continue on this article, please note that I am not promoting, endorsing, or trying to prove this theory. I simply wanted to explore the possibility. Please stick with me through this article. Although it may be incredibly long, you will find that the possible evidence for "Bushmen" comes in the form of sightings, footprints, tools, fossils, and even a fresh tooth.

Continue reading Wildmen of the Northwest at bizarrezoology.blogspot.com


  1. Replies
    1. Great subject and link. Question: Have you ever heard of this species using an atlatl (hope I spelled that right) or a bow and arrow?


    2. Not a bad read Mr.Cat Shit Jay, I live in Oregon, I will have to look around for these fuckers next time I go fishing up that way. Funny how the pic of this wild man has shoes that look so well made but he can hardly wrap up his body.

    3. Haha thanks guys! I've spoken to Damian Bravo, and according to him their have been stories of bow and arrow using wildmen in the Northwestern regions. The site he got the information from is down, so I was unable to use the information in my article.

    4. Hey jay would they really grow that much hair natives are practically hairless

    5. I only suggested the 'Native Shaman Gone Wild' theory in my article. I doubt that theory, because of the fact that it wouldn't account for the hairiness of these hominids and also the different anatomical features. Personally, I think they might be relict Neanderthals or Heidelberg Men. I have shown in the article, that a good deal of evidence (including a fresh tooth from California) suggest that there are still relict Neanderthals in the Northwest.

    6. Okay jay you're very correct it could be but now wouldn't their numbers have dwindled with the appearance of the white man with our new diseases we brought with us just like the natives did

    7. A stick Indian is a paranormal being that shape shifts to become a plant or small leafless stick tree. They can suddenly just get up and walk away. When you are out listening for Bigfoot on a windless night, the stick Indians make the sound of two branches rubbing together in the wind. If you walk toward them, that sound will stop. I have heard them a couple of times at the same location.

    8. Yep, I was waiting for this... Bigfoot evolved, right before our eyes... See evolution is real

    9. Anonymous 6:25—I suggested just that h my article. Check out the section 'Future of Bushmen'.

    10. Very good jay you covered all your bases great research buddy

      ---- anon 6:25

  2. Later troll! Jack Ash is faster then Henry May can eat a ding dong

  3. The Spanish explorer, I forget his name wrote about wild men or people in the 1600's in the PNW, I think it's mentioned in the old TV series In Search Of.

    1. The best part of that show was the opening theme music. And oh yeah, Spock was the host. I loved the "Great Lakes Triangle" episode.

    2. I live on the Saginaw Bay. The Great Lakes can be paradise or they can be the death of you. Respect them.


    3. For MMC. Just curios. I have wondered what part of Mid Michigan you are from. Now I know it is on the
      Saginaw Bay. Which City? I grew up in Midland and some of the earliest memories of my life were fishing on the Saginaw Bay with my father, usually out of Linwood. In the 60s he had a 12 foot aluminum boat with a 10hp Johnson motor and we would go out 2 to five miles and catch some large 9 to 13 inch perch in those days. Weather forecasting was not what it is now and there were several times we would have to higtail it off the Bay when a storm would blow in so your point is well taken. In the winters back then before the advent of snowmobiles my father would drive 5 miles out on the bay in a 5000 lb Chevy Bel Aire and we would catch many perch. Talk about being freaked out as a youngster hearing ice cracking wondering what my Dad was thinking, only to get out to a hot fishing spot and finding 30 to 100 other cars there also. In those days perch were plentiful and large, however now you are blessed by sitting on one of the worlds best walleye fisheries. I only get on the bay (live in Ohio) once every couple of years now out of Au Gre, when we have our annual week long family reunion every Fourth of July at my Sister and Brother in Laws lake cabin in the Sand Lake area 10 miles west of Tawas.

      Their lake cabin is on the southern boundary of the Huron National Forest, which in my opinion is an absolute hotbed of Sasquatch activity and quite a few documented sightings have come from here. The past two summers both my wife and myself have heard some possible bigfoot howls come out of this forest late at night while sitting on the porch, based on the volume and duration of the howls. 12 years ago their lake cabin neighbor, Rod, and a friend of mine since 2002 when my sister bought the cabin,( they live in Midland and work for Dow) had a tremendous close sighting of a Bigfoot while bow hunting there. It was not until 2010 when I took my nephews on an overnight camp out to go Squatching in the Huron National Forest outside of Glennie that Rod's wife Nancy told me I needed to talk to Rod as he had seen one. It was something he did not talk about to anyone, for fear of ridicule as they are long standing well respected members of the Sand Lake area, and in a senior management position with a Chrysler supplier in Oakland County. I talked Rod into riding our motorcycles to the Bigfoot Bash in Comins in July 2011. He felt comfortable enough there to speak about his sighting to some BFRO members and other long time researchers, including Robert Daigle.
      He was hiding in the bush when the creature casually strolled along a game trail less than 100 feet away like it did not have a care in the world. Rod described it as huge, muscular, barrel chested, covered in dark hair, and at least 8 feet tall. When he first spotted it his reaction was who in the hell is out walking in the forest in black coveralls with no orange in deer season. Then when it got close enough and he could see the absolute tremendous size and hairy body, he realized what he was witnessing. He had never believed in Bigfoot before, but that day changed him forever. When he talked about this in Comins his voice still crackled with the fear and emotion that he experienced that day, 10 years before. There was no mistaking that he is telling the truth, especially if you know Rod and the emotion in his voice. He stated that he could not imagine why anyone would ever want to see one of these creatures as it was the scariest day of his life, even though he thinks the creature did not see him. It was also the last day he ever went hunting.


    4. If I recall correctly, there have been more ship wrecks in the great lakes than in the oceans around the states. One section or lake has over 500 I think?

    5. The great lakes have claimed over 6000 documented shipwrecks with the most famous being of course the Edmund Fitzgerald. The area has also claimed more than it's share of planes. Some researchers have dubbed this area as another Bermuda type triangle. I have been lucky enough to have spent hundreds of hours on mostly Lake Michigan and Lake Huron and a little on Superior and Erie. You have to have a lot of respect for these lakes as they can be every bit as treacherous as any Ocean.



    6. I thought I remembered right. I was born on a lake that use to be part of the great lakes, Champlain. It has a pretty interesting history too. Ship wrecks, battles, forts, even it's own lake monster Champ. Who I have looked for since I was 3yrs old. A friend of my Grandma's saw Champ.

      That lake has many memories for me. It has HUGE fish in it. I too remember driving out on the ice to jig for perch and smelt. My Dad hooked a musky (not allen) so big, it would not fit through the hole. By the time he chopped it bigger, the fish broke the dacron.

      I myself lost muskies that had to push 50#. There use to be a bait and tackle shop in south Plattsburgh called Gordon's. He was a good friend of my Dad. My Dad and I use to trap minnows and sold them to shops for bait back then. Gordon's wife always reminded me of Dolly Parton. I wonder if he is still alive. Last I talked to him was in '93 I think and he was several years past his six month limit for cancer.

      Damn, what a flood of memories. Those who did not grow up on the water or in the woods just don't understand. It does something to you.

    7. Hey Alpha

      I reside on the sunset side of Saginaw bay. California quality sunsets, sand beaches and fresh water

      I have spend countless days in northern mi Huron forest mio area rifle river areas

      I had two experiences the second one was just east of Fletcher's pond in the spring. Out in the middle of nowhere mid 1980's I heard close by fast hard tree knocking. Did not have a clue as to what it was. Over time I learned about Bigfoot tree knocking. But just a few months ago a friend of mine to me that what I heard was a Pileated woodpecker. They are huge and that would also explain the relentless knocking. I buy that explanation

      Now the first one was on a senior HS father son canoe trip out of Whites Canoe Livery on the Rifle river in the Spring of 1980. There used to be a homemade bridge across the river called the swinging bridge. It was taken down the year before I believe. Dad and I stopped there on the south/west side for a break. I went up the large steep sand/clay thirty foot high ridge to relieve myself. When I got to the top there was a small clearing about twenty five feet in diameter was thick scrub brush about ten feet high all around. As i began my business I heard a very loud exhale that sounded like "huh", immediately followed by this fellow running away on two feet with footsteps so heavy and loud he must have weighted one thousand pounds. I am POISITIVE he was on two feet And as he went away I could see the tops of white bearch trees about four to six inches in diameter being pushed to the ground with increadible force. I mean they were broken down so hard and fast many leaves were torn from the branches and were floating down to the ground. I saw this for about five seconds distance wise about one hundred feet. NOBODY can do that. I could not finish my business and went back to the canoe and got the hell out of there. Looking back I can now see he was trying to intimidate me. I was a kid and it worked. Never told my dad

      A couple years later a couple farmer neighbors and I were talking about getting everybody together for a canoe trip. They are brothers and with no prompting at all they proceeded to tell me about there experience on the Rifle. They said that what they described as a gorilla was following them as they canoes and stuck his head out of the trees five or six times. These guys are straight shooters I did not explain to them my experience for whatever reason

      I retire in just under seven years. I plan on dedicating a Lot of time to the search. You understand the absolute expanse of the wilds of Michigan. In the last few years Michigan has become less populated due to not only the economy but also the tightening of welfare laws

      Bigfoot is the holy trail of crypto and anthropology. To be able to add to the subject would be an honor

      Have a nice day Alpha

      Mid Michigan Calling

    8. Alpha dog

      Will try to be at the Bigfoot bash next year. So glad it's taking off like it is. I will put a name tag on so you will know who I am


    9. MMC. I am hoping to make it again this year. Last year both my sister and her husband where laid up at that time, so I did not go, but it looks good for this year. I will wear a name tag with both Alpha Dog and Chuck, and my friend Rob is up there almost every weekend and I hope to get him there also.

      Thanks for talking about your encounters. I am sure and you are also that the second one was a Sasquatch. There is nothing else in NA that does the things you described. Incredible to say the least. The beast had probably been up above observing canoers for a while. I would not be surprised that they do this all the time. I really think the best place to search are forested rivers, either by canoe,kayak, or on foot, and some day when I have more time I plan to do this.

      Best of Luck


    10. Hey Big Jim. I have been to Plattsburgh once. I actually had to go to the town of Champlain, and stopped in Plattsburgh on the way back. Any further north and I would have had to speak french. Absolutely beautiful area. How lucky you are. Interesting that a friend of your Grandmas has seen champ. I have seen documentaries on champ and being open minded I entertain that it could be real. It certainly is to the folks that have seen it.

      I have never caught a muskie, although some large pike I have netted, and many chinook salmon 25 to 35 lbs out of Lake Michigan. A few years ago on Black Lake in Northern Michigan while walleye fishing a huge sturgeon jumped out of the water right next to my friends boat and soaked us with the splash. They are damn near lake monsters I guess.

      Take care


    11. these taterholes dont know how to troll. Heck, me and Roger been trollin y'all for nigh on fiddy years.

      Word around the squatch patch is Big Jim is a real dandy and chronic habituator.

    12. thanks Chuck and mid Michigan calling! That's why I still sift through the crap on here just to read great stuff like you two have been talking about. Really love the Bigfoot encounter with your friend bow hunting. I'm from Minnesota and we have lots of great encounters here too. Some spots are so isolated that getting in is tough. I'm sad to see though some areas getting so fragmented and mining in northern mn is getting out of hand . I think in my lifetime n. Mn , N Wi, and upper Michigan will succumb to large mining and be eventually a wasteland. This will drive sasquatch into Canada or smaller areas making it hard to reproduce. Keep up the great posts.

    13. Anon 12:43. Sorry to hear about all the mining tearing up the land. It is really beautiful in the areas you described. I went through some of it on our honeymoon in July 1998 on a trip around Lake Superior. My parents in law own a lake cabin on Big Manistique Lake in the eastern U.P. which we go to for a week or two every summer. The land their is staying as it should for now, and I get to do some good Squatching up there.

      I wish more people would elaborate on any encounters they have had. I always love these. There were some who use to up until about early 2012, but they seem to have left for the obvious reasons.

      Best of luck Squatching in MN, land of 10,000 lakes.


  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! Did the animal you saw look anything like the Bushmen being described in this article?

    2. Is that drawing showing him wearing hightops?

  5. its the smae old re hashed story. natives ould ,at times, go out am
    nd live of the land for up to 2 years. thats fact so you can imagine the state they wouldbe in after 6monhs livng of the land.im sure,not many,but a few still do this as individuals as oppossed to right of passage,it once was.

    they would like the pic abv

    ext story
    as long as it doesnt involve some soccer mom seeing a 10ft 800pd bigfoot running parrerrel to her car then just stopped or they were in a park a there 'of to the right' was a bigfoot,'it stared at the children for a mnute; then just vnished

    these are the usual hall meeting sufghtings. so did you take a pic of this event? er ,no i was in shock. shit im surprised we have picsof anythng as evryne is in shock. te firsttime a gorrilla was shown at a zoo the whole zoo had to be treated for shock.1,500people,amazing!

    1. ACHTUNG!

      You have been reported to the grammar gestapo. Expect a knock on your door.

  6. Jay

    That was damn good! It was like reading a really good book on possible unknown wildmen history. A+!!

  7. Tremendous article by you Jay. It is refreshing to me that a youth such as yourself is taking up the gauntlet where most science will not go. There is a lot of effort here and I learned a lot.

    Finding a lost tribe would be like the movie, Last of the Dogman with Tom Berenger and Barbara Hershey, which was a quite good movie.

    I doubt that there is currently any of these Bushmen still around and the sightings are probably just Bigfoot, but I do not dismiss the possibility. The newspaper tales of wildmen in the 1800s were mostly fabrications for readership, although some were probably based on a shred of truth, of unnormal sightings. However I hope you continue your research in this area and keep us up to speed on any findings and just maybe you will prove me and most of science wrong.

    I had not come across the Calico, Barstow area possible ancestorial or other hominid findings of between 100 - 200 thousand years ago, even though I lived in the Mohave Desert for 11 years. I am intrigued by it to say the least. There is so much ancient history that goes against the grain that we have so little knowledge of, that if one does not have an open mind, one will not see the truth.

    Do you have any plans for college, possibly an anthropology degree? Best of luck to you and keep up the good work.


    1. Thank you so much for the feedback! I doubt that there are many Bushmen left, but the most recent activity seems to be occurring n California and Canada. I do have plans for college, and I hope to have a PHD in Zoology (and maybe take some paleoanthropology courses also).

    2. Good for you, I know you will do well.


  8. 32nd bitch squatches! Eat squatch taint! I really do believe these creatures exist. Problem is there is 3x as much bullshit as real evidence or conversation happening. This blog needs to tighten up what it posts to remain credible. The nature of a hoax is that no one realizes it IS a hoax until further analysis. Lets do that before you post blobsquatch vids and pics

  9. I'm diggin dem kicks on da cavetard in da drawin.

  10. I like this article, Cat Shit did a great job on this! I almost feel bad for calling him Cat Shit but I am just a simple Troll. Your a lot smarter than I thought kid!!

    1. Haha, told you so!! I understand, my simple troll friend. I'm glad that you've finally learned that I'm not an idiot!

  11. Gay Jay at it again!!! You get that surgery yet?

    1. Yes, but sadly I ended up like the Bushman in the drawing above :(..

  12. Muthafuckin Cat Shit Gay Jay!

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