White Bigfoot Spotted In Gold Rush Alaska [ParaBreakdown]

Is the Bigfoot that has been stalking the Hoffman gold mining crew in Alaska a beast, a man or a machine? In this video, Phil breaks it down for us.


  1. Holy Supernatural Shapeshifters, Batman!

  2. I reckon that white bigfoot is looking for the glory hole.

    1. That's because it's drop dead fantastic!

    2. Nope, he's looking for Todd Hoffman's glorious tater-hole!!!

  3. Hell naw ... that's a damned squatch ... or Todd Hoffman's belly!

  4. There was a bigfoot driving the backhoe come on people didn't you see it? ;)

  5. All I see are three assholes with hard hats raping the land.

    1. STFU you stupid fuck. You dips hit hypocrite, unless you live in a cave you support the very land raping you speak of. Fucking moron, never breed.

  6. Simple to the point... Next...

  7. I still don't see how that's clearly heavy equipment...but I'm not saying its a bigfoot, of course. Just another Blobsquatch...

    1. Don't worry Jay, I have the answer for why you don't see it......

      You're a fucking moron. I hope that clears things up for you.

    2. Hmmm....thanks, I understand why now. Great to see there are kind and intelligent people in this world.

  8. If course it's a white Bigfoot there's no black bigfoots in Alaska

  9. George from Toledo, Ohio, described the time he witnessed what appeared to be Labrador with the build of a buffalo running through a park. He speculated that the mysterious creature may have been at least partially mechanical as it moved like it was on railroad tracks.

  10. Add that to the new list of what has been called a bigfoot.

    A backhoe arm. Awesome. Footers aren't gullible. They're just dumb.

    1. Clearly, look at Jay above for the perfect example of a dumb ass footer. He or she is exactly why this field is a fucking joke. When you have dipshits like that involved in anything (let alone a plethora of them) you are already handicapped.

    2. Listen you idiot, I NEVER said that I thought that it was a freaking Bigfoot! All I said was that it wasn't clearly a backhoe arm. I NEVER SAID THAT IT WAS A BIGFOOT, so shut up. I AM NOT a footer. And Jay is not a girl's name, you idiot, so I'm obviously a he. I have spent pretty much all of my spare time researching zoological information, so I am obviously not one of the idiots in this field. You are an example of why people don't take it seriously, your bad language and total rudeness makes you look unintelligent.

    3. Again, I'm sorry for the outburst. I've had a long and stressful week. I'm sorry, and I didn't mean that it was clearly not a backhoe I meant that you couldn't 100% tell that it was. But that is the best explanation, in my opinion.

    4. You're such a girly girl Jay Jay, don't lie about it. You should get that surgery you've been wanting.

      You are a moron, it's an excavator and clearly at that. However, say (for fucks sake)it wasn't a perfectly clear image........what the fuck else would it be at a gold mine that has a steel bucket and hydraulics?

      You are definitely a contributor to the cesspool known as footing.

    5. K, you know all about my life and personality huh? That's a bit creepy. That's ALL I said was that it wasn't a perfectly clear image of an excavator. A huge white thing on a mountain doesn't count as a clear image of an excavator. I JUST said that it is the most likely explanation, maybe you should read. And no I am not, I don't just believe anything I have to examine the data beforehand.

    6. Nailed it didn't I Jay... You're a fuck-tard and as long as you're in footing you will continue to handicap it. Some people just weren't born intelligent and those that weren't didn't try hard enough to enlighten themselves further.

    7. Was it you who just admitted to how smart I was on my Wildmen guest post? Hee hee, I win ;)

  11. Jay don't feed the trolls and they will go away.

  12. Jay don't feed the trolls and they will go away.


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