Thermal Of Baby Bigfoot? [ParaBreakdown]

YouTube user LosAngeLights says that this is a baby Bigfoot with mommy Bigfoot. It shows two figures recorded on thermal camera walking through the woods. To us, it just looks like two humans, but we could be wrong. Perhaps it's Bigfoots dressed up as people to avoid detection?

Phil breaks it down for us:


  1. Replies
    1. Just stopping by to admire my ^victory. I look good up there...

  2. Thats it! Bigfoot is a hoax and there a kind of people all in one!!

  3. Thermal footage is the worst, why bother.

  4. 2036 year of the bigfoot!

    John Titor - Time Traverler from 2036

    1. ^pwnt footer that will still be bleeving in a mythical creature in 2036

    2. ^So says the dumb ass who thinks he's from the future.

    3. Are u free to go anywhere in time or are u stuck here due to a faulty flux capacitor???????

    4. He's stuck here because he put his time machine in an impala instead of a corvette

  5. so much hand and arm activity from the trailing one.

  6. pretty sad to see thermals of people walking on a path portrayed as bigfoot.

    i guess this is 2013 as ive seen posted. no real bigfoot, so people have to keep the dream alive somehow, else what will all the bigfoot pros do?

    1. Let's see people on thermal first, walking in various types of clothes and outfits, before dismissing it knee-jerk like a jerk.

      The thermal image will show a warm body mass as white. If clothes have some warmth in them from the body, will they also show as white? If these are costumes, how did they warm the entire costume to show this much bulk as a white warm body mass?

      The skeptards will say there are bulky costumes with heaters in them which perfectly warm every crease and hair on the costume?

      Let's see people on thermal walking by, for comparision, in various outfits. Put a human in a gorilla costume and have him walk by. Does every crease and corner of the costume warm up and show as white on the thermal? Probably not. Let's see it done, it can be proven.

      It's like these idiots over and over: PGF is hoax. Until they can reproduce the creature and film exactly per 1967 technology, they have no point or case. Let's see you do it, then you can open your ridiculous trap.

      Until then, it's a big fat bowl of Shut Up for breakfast, lunch and dinner in Skeptardia. I have a feeling that's all the menu will consist of for many years to come.

    2. You sir, have proven to me that a 10 foot undiscovered ape is wandering our forests.

    3. two guys in well tender coveralls with full body gortex seal, boots and hoos included. They even cover and protect to the soles of the boots and include a face mask and connecting gloves. Heat signature will be totally uniform over entire body.

    4. Let me get this straight, this is a hoax? Well gargle my grapes, that's the first one I've seen here

    5. Various outfits, I say we try two pc vs one pc, strapless sundresses, mini's and don't forget daisy dukes, for brother Kenny of course. Hell Patty would look good and HOT all over in any one of those little outfits don't you agree? You'll bleeve anything else.HAPPY GAYS ARE HERE AGAIN.

    6. Hey Happy Days.. you are missing the point. If we actually took the time to compare this video to another of people walking in different clothes, etc. that would mean that we would be trying to be fair, logical, open-minded, etc. How dare you degrade us educated people that way. We are not bleevers. I don't need to see a video. Bigfeet ain't real you fool. If it looked real it still wouldn't matter because it would be a costume or something. Use you head for once Happy Days. Bigfoot isn't real or we would have already caught one or ran it over with a car.

      Educated Skeptic who is Smart.

  7. When is the whitehouse gonna start taking this issue seriously? Is obamas dog going to have to get hypnotized before any action is taken to exterminate these magical menaces?

    1. The Obamabots living across this once great Nation will say/do anything in order to keep those freebies rolling in. Pretty soon bigfoot will be standing down at the welfare office trying to get on stamps and a check. He'll get pissed when he doesn't get his cell phone or high speed internet for his cave. Soon bigfoot will be classified as a Obamaborg.


  8. Yes I agree

    I would say lets try to duplicate what we see in the Video, thats a fair way of doing it.
    I dont have a Thermal Camera.
    How much does one go for, over $ 1,000 I bet.

  9. Something tells me more than half of these thermal hoaxes are from the manufacturers and retailers making and selling these things.

    1. I just picked kodaks new "squatch master 5000" on eBay for 5500 bucks

  10. two sewer sweepers covered in a nice warm layer of fecal matter, and loving it.

    1. two gay men dipped in butter and gently deep fried golden brown and enjoying every minute.

  11. Definitely an Adult and a Baby....I cant tell because the Adult Bigfoot looks to be about 6 ft tall and the baby looks like it's about 5 feet tall.

    Now normally this wouldn't make sense but in Bigfoot culture babies are born almost full grown.

    *Team Moron Approved*

  12. I think it's two teen squatches that snuck out of their cave to go pee on tents and howl

  13. Looked at it a few Times,

    My Gut feeling tells me Human

  14. Ken: I figured it out, it's the teen squatches doing all that howling at the moon, and wood knocking, and tent tipping. After a night of Shrooming and pot patch raiding, they go walk about.

  15. Can the really bigfoot please stand-up!? I'm tired of hoaxes!

  16. So pedo-creepers are shooting Thermal vids of people in the park now?

    Who's the moron that shoots ONLY thermal anyway?

    What? No IR, UV, or night vision in parallel?
    Thought so.

  17. Yes! Now they are going to use ghost hunter equipment! That will sure bring some good footage! Positive proof! In your face trolls!!!!!

  18. Just wondering is weed legal in the year 2036??? And is Justin smeja president of the United states????

  19. Nice video. No stupid commentary.
    I thank you for tour time.

  20. These are secret covert military solder's in training!!! Shawn pull this breakdown ASAP! The MIB will be visiting you very shortly. Run Shawn, Run!!

  21. I hate thermal images. Thermal images are only good for spotting something at night, because our human eye were not built for seeing at night.

    To use it's footage as evidence of the existence of a bipedal cryptid is completely ineffective, since the footage doesn't clearly show what is actually being filmed.

    It's worse than blobsquatch photos and videos.

    1. These are'nt the droids you are looking for.

  22. They'll be back and in larger numbers.

  23. Looks like Casper the Friendly Ghost but it isnt bigfoot.

  24. John Titor was my lover.
    But that was long ago in the future that has now past us by.

  25. He was my love slave in 1957 on Tuesdays when a full moon was in view .
    Bigfoot howls at the moon you know because he is also a time traveler and an avid fan of Deep Purple and Elton John's clothing choices, but I digress................................

  26. I see no variation of heat on the figures in the film. If hands/face are bare, heat should be different signatures. There wouldn't be one consistent color for the whole animal...aka ppl in a suit

  27. I say that is the best thermal image I ever saw! And I should know, I am a Big foot expert! i'm so good that in 30 years, I never gotten any proof. Boy am I jealous of this Thermal! Me and my team members have been trying for 40 episodes to get an image like this!

    I am Matt Moneymaker. . . . .


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