Sasquatch Hand Print and Language Captured In Canada

YouTube user Ontario Sasquatch woke up to one of the greatest discoveries a Bigfoot researcher could ever hope for. On February 2nd, 2012, not only were foot prints were visible in the show, the hand imprints on the snow were as clear as day (Note: The term "as clear as day" is used loosely here). Besides the prints, this researcher claims he may have captured audio of "Bigfoot language". According to YouTube commenters, the vocalization sounds similar to the "Sierra Sounds" audio.

The Sierra Sounds recordings are one of the most important evidence supporting the existence of Sasquatch. During the early 1970s, Al Berry and his long time friend Ron Morehead went into the woods of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in eastern California and collected a series of alleged Bigfoot vocalizations called the "Sierra Sounds."

Contained within the Sierra Sounds collection are interaction vocalizations also known as "Samurai Chatter." Experts like R. Scott Nelson, a crypto-linguist, have declared the "Samurai Chatter" to be sasquatch language.

The Sierra Sounds Are Even Creepier When Played Back By A Campfire


  1. Replies
    1. It sounds to me that the knocks are also meant to signal strength/verility because of the shear force of the knocks. The neandrataul is alive and well apparently.

      Mid Michigan calling

    2. Hoaxers just ain't what they used to be.

    3. When I was gifting last spring, I saw a foot print on the path leading to the rockshelter I was gifting in. I saw it and stepped right on it. I was sure I was being watched. Soon after that they left me a gift right along the same path. A almost perfectly round quartzite that sparkles in the sunlight.

    4. I have a gifting basket made by indians in the grand canyon. It is a joy to use.

    5. Tonto as a chief's son in the Potawatomi nation. His name translates as "wild one" in his own language.

    6. What you mean "we" white man

    7. Yes my Sasquatch left me a gift too...a big steaming pile of BULLSHIT

    8. E PLURIBUS UNUM. The rise and fall of man. Illuminati we can't take your soul but we will take control.

    9. I saw something inside city limits in broad daylight...this part is wild I know, some large, black, furry creature was sitting on top of the metal roof of an old old house that no one lives in. The entire block that this house sits on is wooded, with weeds almost chest high and there are no other houses on this block. The creature was facing away from me, I was walking w/ my mom (she didn't see it) but me being a nature lover and photographer I'm always looking around. I didn't take my camera bc I felt that walking should be for fun. Long story short, this creature went down the roof the way he was facing and I never heard a single sound. However its rear end had white fur.

    10. You saw a Squatch time warp into our physical dimension! You werent supposed to see it, good thing it faced the other way or he mightve mind-raped you!

      Look not trying to troll so I'll put it nicely: None of this is outside the range of human activity. The prints are PERFECT and look the same whether going uphill or straight in snow....recall the Barrackman hoax fiasco Elbe tracks? Same thing. Handprint is more sliding and natural, only one that looks real in fact, but could easily be bear with some finger prints added to create the hand effect. And the sounds? Well Sierra Sounds is obviously native americans acting like gorillas and speaking some dialect unknown to most....and paved the way for what believers say Bigfoot "language" sounds like. These sounds are easily within human vocalization range, and no real mnemes or phonemes, words or vowel sounds are heard, just mumbling and hooting like Monkeyfaker's merry gang of pirates show you guys on TV.

      Not calling anyone anything, but the logical answer is not giant hairy indians in woods but FAKE. Think Occams Razor, most obvious answer, and how little effort this would really take......not much to connect the events anyway.

    11. Is the most obvious answer a conspiracy involving tens of thousands, going back centuries I would disagree.

    12. Occam's razor is a great rule for things such as medical profession but not so much in string theory so occums razor is not the best answer for every situation

    13. Ok you are right Anon and instead it is a giant hairy 9ft tall relic human we cant track, photograph film or catch. Occams razor doesnt cover everything but I feel very strongly it DOES in the case of Bigfoots

    14. BiBS is right hand lloks like bear track

    15. Bigfoot is BS, the Samurai Chatter has been tested several times. It is not humanly possible to reproduce all of the sounds. Our vocal cords are not long enough. It was also tested to make sure no dubbing or mods were made to the recordings. There were none found.

      The tests were done by the University of Wyoming and published.

      That blows your theory of Indians acting like gorillas up.

      This is what I mean by putting effort into proving your theory or idea first. You jumped in with both feet calling something you obviously knew nothing about a hoax when in fact it was proven the exact opposite.

      Just because you don't think it is possible for bigfoot to exist does not mean you are right. This is just one of many examples proving something is out there.

      Slow down and know what you are talking about before talking shit. You won't look like a total fool as often as you do when you attack things you know nothing on.

    16. And I know first hand about jumping in with both feet.

    17. Pfff these so-called "Sasquatch language" recordings are way too easily hoaxed

    18. @ Big Jim Jr Just b/c you can't reproduce the supposed language doesn't mean someone else couldn't.Have you interviewed every person on Earth to see if they could sound like the recordings? I think not.This is far from hard proof that's irrefutable.I would like to believe in the whole Bigfoot thing but I need undeniable scientific proof before I say it's real.And by scientific proof I mean more scientists than Dr. Jeff Meldrum.The recordings have supposedly been tested.Did you not notice how there were zero doctors &/or professors that wouldn't lend their names to the U of Wyoming report? To me,that just reeks of a hoax when no one is willing to put a name to the "proof".Get real,don't be so naive.Anyone can go out & say "Oh yeah,the U of Wyoming tested this.".But there's absolutely no credibility since no names where attached.Tell ya what,you do the research to find who it was that tested this & then show proof of this & then m/b we can start saying this is real.But until then,it's fake & you bought into the hoax.

    19. @ Big Jim Jr Your statement about how the vocal cords of humans can in no way make these sounds is an asinine fallacy.Guess you've never heard anyone talk that has sucked in some helium.Guess what,there are chemicals that do the exact opposite making your voice deeper & there are also chemicals that do other things to your voice.Your whole argument about Occam's razor applying to Bigffot is yet more ignorance displayed by you.That has absolutely no application here.Next time,Go & do a lotta research to back up what you're saying before you go spouting you ignorant mouth off about things you so painfully obviously know nothing about.Here,allow me to define Occam's razor so you can see just how stupid you really are.Occam's razor-is a principle of parsimony, economy, or succinctness used in logic and problem-solving.Until there is proof beyond a shadow of a doubt there is NO logic that applies to the whole Bigfoot hypothesis.And yes,it is ONLY a hypothesis b/c there is NO concrete evidence to prove otherwise.

  2. good article, this is the stuff I like to see on here.

    1. I agree, this article and vid were not bad at all. Makes coming here worthwhile.

    2. So they should have been able to follow those prints in the snow to Bigfoot's house then, right?

  3. New sound track for Destiny Child , that one did favor Patrick Ewing at the super bowl.

  4. Interesting, but small. My hand is that big and my feet bigger. The snow looks melted where the tracks are. Look at the boot print and you will see what I mean. With a melted track, you have warm feet. If you do not wear shoes, your feet build a layer of callous to protect them from hypothermia. That callous has no blood vessels in it, so heat loss is prevented by minimum heat transfer.

    One track looks stamped in. Perfectly straight edges and nice round heel.

    I can not see a bigfoot which lives outdoors year round having much heat on the soles of it's foot. Even standing still, they won't lose much heat. Otherwise they would lose toes.

    The sounds are cool as are the knocks, but it just is not enough to say one way or the other if it is a hoax or real. Should have put some cameras out too. Snow would reflect light and IR light great and they might have gotten good footage. If they were that comfortable to knock and hoot so long, cameras would likely have been fine.

    Oh well, on to next one.

    1. Fat Jim, you are putting way too much thought into this hoaxed garbage. Go eat a box of doughnuts and think about it some more.

    2. I already ate three boxes of donuts. They were tasty. I also ate MK Davis. I ate him because i got sick of watching his boring video analyses. Now I'm going to go play in traffic while wearing a blind fold..

    3. I got many more rock clacks, wood raps/taps, knocks, clickety-clacks, whistles and etc. than I ever got whoops, power yells (almost absent in my areas), Samurai etc.

    4. Just trying to help those anon's like you who are too stupid to understand that these could be fake tracks. I see you still have a donut fetish. Better get help soon, I explained what that will lead to.

      I see my doppleganger is back too. Cracks me up when I actually agree with most skeptics on so called proof, and still get trolled. Must be speaking the truth too often.

      I should start investigating every noise I hear in the woods instead of only the really wtf moments. I might be able to get some blobsquatch pics.

      Anon 9:23, what area are you in? I have been screeched, whistled and growled at and watched by something but never noticed any of the other sounds before or after the noise. My watcher just shifted around in the brush. Never saw anything either. Only heard the noises. This was in western WA.

  5. Few questions. I don't see then filming the trackway ? They just show a few individual tracks . Did they also get video of many tracks in a row. Also if an open hand print would mean it got down on all fours ( second print) Or it slipped ( if it was on a slope and a corresponding slide and knee print). If it was picking something up it would look a whole lot different. It just seems weird that it would just bend down and open hand stick it's hand in the snow without a reason or purpose.

    1. Oh stop thinking about those little details, they're not important.

  6. Maybe contact Ontario Sasquatch and get more info or background. If researching they need to be more in depth on things then just measurements .

  7. WOW. Tremendous recording and quite close to the mic for a change. I have heard that male voice only a very few times in recordings. I hope this crew can build some trust with their forest friends and bring us more.


  8. Those are some amazing prints. I wonder if they're going to post video of the rest of the trackway. Did they call Cliff?

  9. The most shocking thing about this footage is it only has 160 views!

    The biggest question is where in Ontario is this footage from? Ontario is bigger then most countries.

    1. And you're the only person that even gives a shit.

    2. ^ you just went down the whole page and made a stupid comment on everybody's posts. They are all a few minutes apart. What a moron! People try to have normal conversation and you interjected pure crap remarks on everyone's posts anon 5:15, 5:13, 5:06, 5:17, 5:03, And 5:00! Pretty obvious jackass!

    3. Anon 5:23

      It's dick Ryder trying to spoil this site. He has absolutely nothing better to do

  10. This is very close to the scenario posited by several people in private conversations with me.

  11. When filling your gifting basket, put some candy and cookies in there for the little foots, they like treats too.

    1. Sasquatch don't have dental care remember! Don't give them sweets and cookies.

      Death by tooth decay is a very slow and painful death..

    2. A little treat once in a while, isn't going to hurt the Sasquatooties (that's what I call the little ones). They're so cute.

    3. I just gift fresh fruit in my habitation area. Tje forest people don't even leave the apple core lol! They love melons also!

    4. Jerry you prick I know it's you taking my baskets you broke fuck. I'm knocking you out fucko believe that shit. You fat bitch

    5. If they lived in the US, Obama care should cover that for them.

  12. The problem with this is the fact that none of it can be confirmed. Could just as easily be hoaxed by Mike P and Mike Smith.

    1. If you want, at your home, putt an X stick formation by doors to let them know you know the lingo.

  13. Known hoaxers from Canada. Unlike TGB.

  14. Canadians don't lie! They are a peaceful people!

    1. Canadian Bigfoots are the biggest liars, EVER.

  15. Well if Todd Standing wasn't Canadian I would agree with you.

    1. Damn! I forgot about him! LoL !! He ruined it for the other canuk's! crap!

  16. Replies
    1. Bigfoot was maybe saying, you came too close. Because you talked to them and because you left when growled at, you have your foot in the door, so to speak. (You know they are there, you respected their space, so far so good). When you go back, stay farther from the den area, and carry on. IMO. You can show you know they are there by talking to them, greeting them when going past the den area (not close, like 200 feet away if possible?), leaving this and that as gifts.

  17. Nice! One-upper hoaxer, adding a fake hand print along with fake prints.

  18. There are NO squatches in Ontario.

    1. There is no dick in your pants faggot^



  19. Ya know there are some real interesting things on the vid, tracks, hand prints, and more, vocals are cool too. but there are so many questions left unanswered. It always seems we get just enough to start a good story, but not that happy ending with the proof. go figure.

  20. It was probably very cold that day and perhaps they didn't want to take the risk of getting hypothermia.
    Sometimes a researcher has to cut short his investigation, due to unavoidable circumstances, even when crucial evidence has been found.

    1. well I guess, I'm a retired oil well tender, I spent many 20hour days in below zero weather,arctic shield clothing and gortex. Hypothermia is kinda a thing of the past for a well prepared person with the funds. No, something tells me we' r not getting the whole story for another reason, and the weather and chills has nothing to do with it.

    2. Everyone is different, i work underground which can be 150 F in the summer.


    3. that's my point, you can take it or you'd get out. If a person can't deal with cold, they have no business being out at that time of year.

  21. Homo sapiens are the most amazing animal ever! Actually taking the time to remove boots and gloves to hoax prints in the snow of a mythical beast that does not exist. I love it! Whats next? -penis print?

  22. Pretty Ricky is what they call him, I just found out Daisy is my Aunt, if she had nuts she would be my Uncle.
    Squatch Nuts




    1. OOOOOOOOOH! Sup? How bout some digits?

    2. How - how - HOW DARE YOU!

    3. How-how-HOW DARE YOU…not use spell check!!!

    4. As the original fake DWA I approve of your shenanigans.

      Also, I will not be educated on this topic.

      how DARE you...

  24. Photographic evidence of an anthropoid in the midwestern/southern part of the United States will archivally be discovered clearly demonstrating a distinct breeding population of great apes separate from the unknown hominoids of the Pacific Northwest. The story of their discovery and the clarity of the photographs will be such that a hoax will be out-of-the question.

    1. I know, that's exactly what I was thinking.

    2. Except that you're just just talking out of your ass.

  25. I'm new here and I got questions. I heard this was the place to get answers, so is bigfoot real? Has there been a killing of one in the past few days? Who's Rick Driver? Who's Musky K Davis? Is Melva Ketchup a real person? Is Shawn Hanity the owner of this site? Can anybody out there please help me with my quest?

    1. These are post from a mental hospital in the :I believe in bigfoot" ward. We make gifting baskets and watch you tube and cuss alot.

      Shawn Hannity

    2. I'm new here, how do I get to that place? are you the real Shawn Hanity? did you kill a bigfoot? Do you know Musky joe K davis? How about Melva Ketchup, and Rick Driver? I'm excited now, this is the rite place.

  26. you'd think after the last shitshow these 2 idiots brought down on themselves they'd have some real evidence by now.

    1. There's got to be evidence, to get evidence.

    2. evidence, are you watching court tv? are you watching Judge Judy? are you some kinda wizard what can change people back from a frog? who exactly are you?

    3. I am reality, slapping you in the face.

    4. is that you doing that? You look alot like my dog's ass and tail buddy. you might need to look for help. Seek out the wizard, he can change you back to whatever you were,or is that really what you are, a talking doggy tail.

  27. wow,this site never ceases to cheer me up at the end og a shiot week. 2 hand prints in the snow have to be bigfoots,cannot possible be a man with big winter gloves on,somebody playing a trick on the local BFRO malisha! why is evry howl print a biogfoot yet enquire about actual evidence to a footer of why u belive thousands of 8-10ft apeman and his family are walking undetected across North America,and you get called a troll

    i oly want to know why some on here[most it appears,the rest are caled fellow trols] rabidly believe in this giant bi pedal ape when their zero proof. The smeja killings[cleary a story,he shot 2 bears,so passes polygraph as he is telling truth just exchanging bear for B, not rocket science],captued 'Daisy[utter nonsense, ketchum report[ the long awaited proof for the world to know BF is real= comletely rejected by journals/peers ie a joke,end of career]
    patty 1968- Patterson,a known chancer of low charcter when it comes to making a buck, was remitted to film a BF for the studio he worked for. The same studio that was filming'planet of apes',shit costume and cleary wasntit. Point is it gave him the idea, bulk up here,animal/bear hide for authenticity, the well known FACT he actualy drew the exact same squach he went and filmed.Impossible odds for that happening.]

    so again where is the proof. eyewitness accounts. i read about people believing in UFOs, ghosts, loch ness monster etc...,chewbrecabra, gnoms etc etc...they are true too as thousands say they have seen them. So as all these self imposed 'experts' clam eyewitness testimony is accepted in a court of law is nonsense. If we do that the w are surrounded by reptilians,faities,goblins everywhere- 'who ya gonna call'?

    time for wake up call guys. Im really sorry you are wrong and the guy running this site,fb/fb][biggest jokers of them all] etc etc...all have vested interests to keepthis myth going. Surely rational adultsdont.This must be one of the online refuges for the mentaly insane.ah now i get it!!

    1. Rick Dyer, He's the man.... He has the goods. the end....

    2. They keep showing you evidence and proof moron but you choose to ignore it ! Anon 9:37 your partner has his dick so far up your ass that you studder when you type and your critical thinking Has shut down. Reach around and pull that Popsicle out of your turd hole and get a job and a clue!

    3. Don't worry about me or what I'm doing anon 11:04, your nothing but a cock gobbling, lil stick shaker. your eyes apparently got glued shut last night when your throat couldn't handle the load you got from your pole sucking antics. Now shut the hell up and crawl back to your couch till someone needs a jerk, you ass clown. crank

    4. 9:37 mistaken on PGF.

      The comment is a real mess, too.

    5. Malisha is one of Obama's kids.

  28. The Sierra Sounds have been declared a language by a "crypto-linguist"? Really??? Are these the same people that translate books into Klingon?

    1. At least trekkies realize it's all just fantasy.

    2. Yeah, no shit! The study of language from a mystical creature. That has not been proven to exist.

    3. Hell they figured out summarian and Mayan glyphs why not

    4. hey there Mr Bandini, you tell them bro, there is a lot we smart human's are still learning about this world man. some people just think they know it all already. good to see a truly intelligent person on here finally.

    5. That's the whole fuckin problem people thinking they know everything and not taking time to learn shit I learn something new every day and I'm almost 40

    6. You and I both sir, I learned volumes about subject last week, that I've been hands on studying for more than 40years. How can these people think they are so well informed. Most never get out and do anything. they have only what their own eyes show them as the walls of their imagination. That's as far as their minds eye can see. sad sad. Mr. Bandini, I pray, that when all mystery leaves my thoughts, my soul goes with it. You the man. I'll be setting up something for us to communicate a little easier today.

    7. Yeah I'm in school for astro physics if I only thought to the limit there would be no need for the subject what so ever and the places we are going is much further then anywhere we've been

    8. I'm in school to be a rocket surgeon.

    9. Yes Mr. Bandina, what Iv'e learned is, really smart people realize how important it is to strive for more knowledge in diff subjects and areas of study. Those people's minds have gotten us to heights unimagined by those close minded so called scholars of everything. I'm proud to hear of your higher learning Sir,I don't know A real ASTRO PHYSICIST yet, but there is still a chance for me now. Get them, get them good SIR.

    10. Do you know any Astro-psychics?

    11. I will I have 2 more years at northwestern

    12. That dodge Super Bowl commercial about on the eighth day god made a farmer was the best commercial I've ever heard

    13. Anyone intelligent enough to start in such a venture will surely finish,so not yet, but I hope to soon. He will finish, and I hope we will go on a trek in search of fact soon as well. I'm always in search of a new friend in search of answers to lifes questions. Also a fishing trip would be nice with Mr. Bandini.

    14. Mr. Bandini, that is one of my all time favs, I loved that spot, best part of the whole shabang.

    15. That was my dad for sure he always said you won't get anything or anywhere without hard work I own my own electrical company and go to school like I said I'm up for some fishin man make a google google account

    16. Mr. Bandini, my daughter is coming by today to hopefully do just that. I'm an old schooler with little knowledge of the comp. but hopefully today good sir. I'm sure by now you have recognized my comp disability. But I'm learning.

  29. If I got paid to read crap I would be a billionaire.

  30. I left some old porno mags, cigarettes and a case of Budweiser in my gifting basket.

    1. That's bogus you could've left a new porn

    2. Yeah, who wants to see '70s vag styles. Then again probably bigfoot does.

    3. That's probably right they're like yeah show us that hairy bush

    4. I left the neighbor's dead cat in my gifting basket. No idea how it got dead.

    5. I left the neighbor's dead cat in her mailbox. Would have loved to seen her expression.

  31. Replies
    1. Yes at 4:02 in the vid, you are actually correct today.

  32. I have a guide trip next week on the Cumberland. Two sightings reported last year on the same stretch. One sighting got pics, but I haven't been able to find. I have contacted someone who knows one of the people who had the sightings, I'll have info local and camera with me..

    1. If u see any blob sqwatches get a good pic. it got to beat the shit on here lately. all bullshit. bigfoot in't real you fucktards...

  33. I know you've already determined, BIGFOOT ISN'T REAL.You did that just sitting on your ass on your couch. And I'm an Idiot because I open my eyes and go into the woods to look and observe, learn for myself. I can't imagine how lonely it must be to know more than all others....

    1. No, actually, I determined it wasn't real while I was sitting on the toilet.

    2. Well, at least the King makes his claims of Knowledge and greatness from his thrown.

  34. Good job. This is what we need to see on this site.

    Keep Squatching!!!

  35. I know little in the big picture of things, but I will continue to look, listen, and hopefully learn a thing or two on the trip through life. If I see a bigfoot, I believe I could track him to answer.. real proof. He has to have a den or home base of some kind. so I'm not just looking for a photo, I want to see one and start and finish the quest. thanks friends for all the support.

  36. This guy kept saying 13" and all I could think about was John Holmes. They claimed at one time it was 16", but that was grossly exaggerated. But it a "Well known fact" he had a huge dick and it was real. No blobcock photos or videos either. WE HAVE PROOF John Holmes existed. Maybe not so much on Squatch. LONG LIVE THE LEGEND, even though he got AIDS from doing gay porn and died.


    1. He wore huge boots too. BIGFOOT, maybe John was a real BIGFOOT.

    2. I'll take my 3" elsewhere.

  37. mike and mike strike again. these clowns need a reality show like dallas and wayne. patterson and smith = dumber and dumberer

    1. what's with the personal attack , oh never mind I get it another researcher that has nothing. maybe step out from behind your computer pack up a vehicle spend sometime in the woods maybe you will experience something other than coffee stains and donut crumbs on your computer desk, do you need a step to get on your computer chair TROLL

  38. Patterson has been asked over and over again if he still researches with known hoaxer Mike Smith. Paterson time and time again ignores the question. His Youtube channel clearly indicates that he researches with Smith.

    So Patterson was Smith with you on this latest outing? And if not, does he know the location of this area? If you answer yes to just one those questions, guess what? You've been duped again.

    All credibility is lost when researching with a hoaxer.

    1. exactly! smith is clearly a hoaxer and patterson a fool for researching with him. and shawn evidence is tainting bigfoot research for posting this shit and all the dyer bullshit!

    2. Careful boyz. Paterson will sue you for calling him a fool. He keeps threatening to go to the police. Boo-who.

      And speaking of crying:
      Mike Smith's big debut on television.

      Watch from 1:39 to see Smith crying and saying the bigfoot wanted to eat him. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!
      What a loser!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Will someone please make a gif of that.

      These two guys are a joke!!!!

  39. It's sad that the most vigilant trolls are the very same people complaining about people trolling their pathetic evidence.

    The best defense is great evidence. If you believe in your evidence, why defend it?

    Looks like these guys are attention whores who are VERY insecure.

  40. Mike to Mike (Paterson to Smith)
    "Hey man, all our bogus evidence is being overshadowed by this Musky Allen shit."

    "Yeah I know man. We gotta do something about this."

    "I know, why don't you walk around barefoot in the snow and we'll say it's bigfoot prints. Also you can scream in the background and say we have some bigfoot language."

    "But I've already been doing that."

    "Are you serious?" Okay not a problem. What if you were to shit outside my tent and we'll say it's bigfoot crap."

    "Did that already."

    "Cripes, really? Okay, what if we say we have a bigfoot body and invite a skeptic dumber than us to look at it?"

    "How could we find someone dumber than us?"

    "Good point. Hey, let's go watch that Monster Quest episode where you cry."

    "Cool, let's. I love watching that."

    Walking away...
    "Thank God Shawn Evidence has no filter for complete bullshit, or we wouldn't have a place to be famous."

    "Nice one buddy."

    Stay tuned for the next episode of Dumber and Dumberer starring Mike and Mike (Paterson and Smith).

  41. If these guys are hoaxing how come no one else has any evidence to compare to theirs? You know just saying wheres the other stuff that compares... i don"t see any one else with anything even close? this might just be sour grapes by cry babies!


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