People: Please stop emailing Derek Randles about the Ketchum Project

It's no secret that Derek Randles has been a huge proponent of Dr. Melba Ketchum. He has submitted samples to the study from the Olympic Project and has since been defending her against rising skepticism. Since his name is listed in the acknowledge section of Ketchum's paper, it's understandable why other supporters of Ketchum and her study have been looking to him for answers. Frankly, he seems to be in the dark about the matter as the rest of us. He posted this statement on Dr. Meldrum's Facebook wall asking everyone to refer to Melba's team from now on:

On behalf of myself and The Olympic Project, I'd really like to clarify a few things about the Ketchum paper and the Denovo Journal. Let me make this very clear. Our role in this effort was simply to provide samples for this study. We did indeed supply many samples including hair, tissue and saliva. I have been in support of her effort since the beginning because I was extremely happy that someone stood up and was willing to take this on with hopes of bettering BF research. Our part in this was simple. We gathered samples, submitted them and sat back with high hopes. Beyond that, we have nothing to do with the way the paper came out, and we have nothing to do with how it's structured. We are simply submitters. I have been receiving many phone calls and pm messages with a large variety of questions and inquiries. Folks, I can't answer all these questions. They are not my questions to answer, please refer to Melbas team. My personal submission was the Sierra sample. Genome sequencing was performed on this sample at Texas university. It's my hope that the test results from this analysis can now be looked at by qualified eyes in the scientific community and more can be learned about it.

Thank you,
Derek Randles.
Olympic Project


  1. Replies
    1. Her best samples came from Tom Bidcardi, you may not like Tom but its true!

      He's got the connections, well for now anyway!

    2. Derik makes Bigfoot seem gay!


    4. That pic is insulting as well!

    5. Oh come on guys! Derek's just a little tiny guy!
      Look at him, he makes me laugh!
      Hahahaha, oh the poor little baby gets to many emails!

    6. Grow up guys and quit with the character assassinations . ^^^^

    7. He asked for it!
      PS, He's a big boy & all grown up I'm sure he will live

    8. Isn't Derek the guy that says he got photos of a bigfoot licking his trail camera.

  2. Replies
    1. Now listen here you, I don't want Bigfoot to exist. My skeptical delusion must stay in place.

    2. We don't need a monkey. All the evidence points to bigfoot being real. ALL of it.


    3. Dr Melba Ketchum

      Scientist, Forensics and Hominid Research
      and Bigfoot prover

    4. That's funny anon 2:32, the best joke for awhile!

    5. Texas University is wrong.
      It's The University of Texas.

    6. You're wrong Earl.

      It the Great Country of Texas.

    7. Texas is the Carnival Triumph of America.

  3. Ketchum and I are dating but she keeps asking to swing with a bigfoot couple.. god that girl is kinky

  4. has melba spoken publically anywhere? i thought this was gonna be "all over the news" when this came out?

  5. Before this Ketchum fiasco I looked to Derek as somewhat credible researcher. Amazing he made promise after promise on Ketchum's behalf and ignored pleas and warnings of his own resercher friends Bart and Tyler on BFF,who tested the "steak" with other labs, apparently against DR's will from his own words.
    then he issues press release in concert with Ketchum's release, now sees the heat with negative exposure and now he wants out of the kitchen?

    you don't just wiggle off hook that easy, he tied himself to ketchum and shoved it in footers faces rather aggressively.

    loss for words, wow DR

    1. credible? hes the reason for the whole smeja saga.

    2. Where does he say he wants out? Nowhere that's where. You trolls are expert word twisters.

    3. Exactly! His response is that of a valid and reasonable person. He doesn't have answers to the questions posed so instead of making things up like you anon 143, he's merely saying ask the person that can answer those questions.

    4. Anon at 2:11pm +1000000000

  6. Well someone should answer questions as Melba has completely disappeared from public view.

    What is up with that?

    1. didnt you know real scientists hide their data when making a groundbreaking discovery... oh wait

    2. She's due to go on Coast to Coast with George Noory.

    3. Now there's a legitimate venue for her.

      'Footers - are you really this dumb?

      The woman claims to make one of the biggest discoveries of recent times and her first appearance is on a paranormal show on AM radio???

    4. ^^The entire nation is anxious to hear her speak about her great discovery, but she wants to speak directly to her supporters, first.

    5. Ketchum tried to get on Anderson Cooper 360, But Cooper stated that the Carnival Cruise story stunk less.

    6. Anon 2:36 are you nuts? If she really gave a damn bout you guys then why charge you $30 to read her paper? Why not give it away to you guys she respects so much? That's right cos this way she can make money off you guys and keep finding ways to make more, wanna see that Erickson footage? Pay more, maybe buy yourself a shirt, ball cap or sweatshirt?

    7. ^I have to agree! This would be the biggest discovery in modern history and she wants to charge money to read it? Regardless if Bigfoot is a real creature or not you have to admit that Melba presents herself as a shady snake oil salesman! There are simply too many red flags that damage her credibility.

    8. The desperate yearning for fame and fortune has ruined many a researchers credibility and not only on the subject of bigfoot. They are more apt to make critical errors on their research out of desperation.

    9. Wolf Blitzer was on vacation this week.

    10. Anderson's an idiot, like most hosts he's smirked about it in the past so who needs him.

  7. Well, I'm sure that Randles will feel better after his daily 50 mile hike.

  8. Well...clearly, Derek Randles wants to dis-associate himself from Ketchum, altogether. Who can blame him? I had high hopes that Ketchum would come out of this confusion...(and her entire team) being respected and above all...believed. I was willing to hold judgement hoping her and her team would find irrefutable evidence of BF. But all she has done with this latest paper, is dig herself further in to a hole.To use another cliche...she is on a sinking ship...and Randle will not be the last one involved with her project to jump off.

    1. DR is like one of Hitler's personal guard abandoning the bunker in the final days. I'm sure that the cyanide capsules are being prepared now.

    2. Run in the direction of the rats Derek

    3. Has anyone else other than myself actually viewed it? I think there are some good things in it.

    4. I agree Viet Cong, there is some good that will come from it. It can be used by 6th grade science teachers as an ideal example on how NOT to write a scientific paper.

    5. you haven't looked at it have you? I didn't think so. You cannot say shit until you personally view the paper. All the rest is hearsay.

    6. I feek you vincon. But let's face it. The entire BF community lives for unsubstantiated rumor and hersay...which they take as fact.

      My question is, Why hasn't Shawn bought the paper and laid out the points yet on this Blog? It does have the word evidence in the title...oh wait, my bad...I must be thinking of another Bigfoot "Evidence" blog.

    7. ha! good one! I don't think Shawn gives a rat's dirty ass about Bigfoot. This is all just about making beer money.

    8. Sorry, if a greasy looking con artist is attempting to convince me to buy a car when the engine is smoking and sputtering, the tail pipe is dragging on the road, and oil is leaking all over the place, I'm not going to purchase the car just to confirm the obvious.

      If you happen do be such a sucker, then I offer you my sympathy.

    9. ^^
      And the only reason you believe that is because of all the rumor mongering and dirt flinging that has gone on in the BF community. It's so hard to tell fact from fiction on what gets reported on here and in the community. It's like friggen highschool.

      Why not have the paper stand on it's own merits, then make a judgement call after you have all the information.

    10. I happily bought and read the paper.
      I was impressed. The way the paper came out is fodder for the skeptics, in that it gives them something to complain about. "If you can't attack the data, attack the person"!
      The data is real and substantial.

      I am personally not surprised the she had to self-publish it. I said a while ago that the existing journals were too afraid to publish it because it would hurt their reputations, not because the paper's contents, but because of the subject matter.

      After reading the paper, I can't find a single thing in the paper to complain about. The paper on its own is fine.

      As far as the hybrid thing goes, well most people don't know this, (and Shawn has posted articles about this before) but all non-African people are hybrids with Neanderthals. This is science fact, not fiction. I looked it up we have roughly 2.5% Neanderthal genes in us.

      SOME skeptics should start thinking about looking at their scoffing judgmental attitudes. “The measure you use to judge others will be used to judge you”

      Chad W

    11. So Chad, did you enjoy the parts of the paper that were lifted from Wikipedia? ROTFLCOPTER!

    12. So Chad where is the data is it uploaded to Genebank? Answer No and it won't be.

      DrKetchup knows the scam is up if she does.

      You wasted $30 Chad. There is one born every minute.

    13. I'm with the anon earlier, why pay for something that's completely flawed? You can say that we don't have a leg to stand on without buying it and that all the muck slinging is heresay but there's no smoke without fire. When you have reports from other people who know what they are talking about calling it bunk, the circus surrounding it, the self publishing and using the old get out clause of the establishment not wanting to know. It's like a damn cliche, sorry but at some point you have to concede it is a failure especially with Smeja's steak results and Ketchum's unwillingness to allow independent testing. At some point isn't there a shred of doubt coming into your heads? There should be guys if not she'll keep fleecing you people for money as long as you wont see sense.

    14. "There's no smoke w/out fire". Hmmm..I think the fire is coming from the BF Community.

      "Reports from other ppl who know what they're talking about"..who are those reports from? So far arstechnica, and really no one else. Maybe a lot of footers who don't have degrees nor experience in DNA analysis field.

      And even arstechnica qualified their opinion stating they are having more experience geneticist review the paper.

      "The get out clause". This may or may not be true. You assume it's Ketchum having bad intentions, but we really don't know. Why doesn't Shawn investigate and deliver real news rather than just regurgitate things from the likes of Dyer, Biscardi, Fasano, etc.

      And even if it is a complete failure...then I'd say it's par for the course for the BF community as a whole. There is so much hatred toward Ketchum, yet the entire BF community all they do is perpetuate hoaxes and claim "they know" or "My opinion is valid" without any evidence. So if you're going to judge Ketchum and her paper at least do it with the same perspective as the rest of the BF community.

    15. Come on anon 4:19 you don't think she has any bad intentions? Like I keep saying if she only had good intentions put it out there for free. Even without all the drama and bs surrounding this, self publishing and charging to view it would be enough to set alarm bells off with most people. The only rule in the "5 Steps of Hoaxing" she broke was the last one by actually releasing something but as Meldrum said it's not in the Genebank, where are the samples, why wouldn't she let Smeja and Curtino test the steak she was given and why are people suddenly disassociating themselves with her? What about of the Erickson footage how much will she charge for that or will all we see be the sleeping shagpile? If she and Erickson wanted to change people's opinions why not release the whole thing? When Curtino tested the piece of steak last year he pretty much told everyone what exactly was going on exactly what the lab tests showed and hid nothing, that's the way it should be done. Like I said before why would Curtino and Smeja do these tests if they didn't have serious doubts?
      I'm sorry but at best I think she's a lousy scientist at worst she's a snake oil saleswoman who's gonna try her hardests to exploit the believers out there. Wally's a multi-millionaire he didn't have to charge you that much money but my guess that was Ketchum and as long as you guys believe in her she'll keep scamming.

    16. The fact remains that this so-called paper has convinced NO ONE who didn't already believe. It is not ground-breaking, it is not paradigm-changing, it is not even in a format that can be checked - confirmed OR refuted - by experts in the field.
      The Ketchum Report has changed nothing. She is a non-entity and the report was a non-event. All it has been is another excuse for extreme believers to cry oppression and conspiracy.
      Its over. Let's get back to looking for Bigfoot.

    17. She didn't even send it out to other geneticists out there to review that's why there is so little coming from the scientific community because they didn't want to pay $30! She made sure some Bigfoot sites got it for free so a whole load of people who don't work in that field got to give there opinions but not real geneticists. Apparently she tried to justify self publication by using the example of another scientist who was in a very specialist field so few people could review his paper so he came to some publishing agreement. However, Ketchum's paper can be peer reviewed by anyone who is used to dealing with human or animal DNA, it's in no way specialist. It all reeks of a long con, like the anon above says only people who believe in it are people who believed that Bigfoot was real and human to begin with.
      Face up to it guys she told you want you wanted to hear. She's a charlatan.

    18. Anon 5:36, you nailed it as I'm friends with Bart and know what's been going on in his head the last year and he basically predicted what we're seeing now. I shit you not and there's alot of us that know this but didn't know it would go down like this...pretty crazy man!!! She called Smeja well over a yr ago and that call involved her suggesting to Justin of scamming W Hersome (Bart and wally are tight)and Justin told Bart, immediately bringing on testing of the Sierras steak by all three of them with Tyler.
      Latest is Bart and Justin are testing boots now, if the shootings happened, thank god Melba didn't get ahold of them as all that evidence she was given is just wasted. she's the worst of the worst

    19. Her findings speak for themselves, it's both logical and very likely that she's right. Cutino's jealous like most males in this field. Tuff.

    20. Chad you spoke the truth there, there's nothing wrong with her paper and the findings therein they're as solid as solid can get. Tight fit. The problem is mainstream science stubbornness. The DNA study speaks volumes about this species whose discovery even other bigfooters are now fiercely fighting for their own personal demonic reasons, it's absolutely insane this in-fighting which just proves to me many people claiming to be bigfooters in certain groups in fact aren't but part of the opposition to discovery and deliberately causing strife and differences to keep this a myth or whatever. You basically can't trust most big groups if you want to find and prove this new species you search with a few old friends or your family, don't join larger groups they're infiltrated.

    21. LOL @ 2:08:00

      You must be one of those insecure women who look to interject your man-hater opinions.

      Still not over your husbands affair I guess or are we a dike?

      Yeah I'm sure Bart is extremely jealous because Melba Ketchum is a female. Although he's a proponent, got footage near Sierra site he needs to hurry up and release, of course this jealousy would override him wanting bigfoots to be a proven reality by a female doctor. Probably has nothing to do with him thinking she's a fraud because she lied about Smeja's sample to steal money from Wally H.

  9. Trying to not be hounded by a hundred questions is not distancing. It's leave me alone.

    1. Oh no, this is distancing as Randles was gung ho on the good doctor up until the reviews started pouring in and it was all over FB. you think he wouldn't be fielding questions if her paper was well received? most people aren't stupid

    2. Truth. Derek played the insider, advocate and defender, now he is simply a sample provider. He did it with the steak, now with this. Calling both sides of the coin is a tradition with him and many of the bigfoot persuasion.

  10. If Jimmy could not crack corn, would anyone care?

  11. This site is like wandering through a dogshit minefield. Sometimes you get lucky, but most of the time you get blasted by dogshit.

    1. That analogy is very stinky and hard to scrape off my shoe.

    2. I do have to admit one thing. When dealing with footers, I feel like I am passing deranged, babbling derelicts on the street. So perhaps it is somewhat vicious of me to stop and take the time to unmercifully mock the poor wretches. So please accept my apology.

  12. Who do u think is funding part of this if not most of it. Wally hersom who is Derek's boss. He knows it exists cuz he has several body parts and a clear pic of him with a real bigfoot. He's not coming forward cuz he's so rich and just is an avid Bigfoot fan. I heard a good portion of his mansion is decorated in Bigfoot memoribilia. He's probably sitting back just chuckling about all this Sasquatch mumbo jumbo. Wally please save us all. U can be the flash Gordon of the Bigfoot universe!

    1. He sounds like a jerk to me.

    2. I heard he has a bigfoot for a butler.

    3. If I had money like Wally does, I'd have lots of Bf memorabilia too

  13. This post would be more appropriate for the BFF and directed at the likes of Mulder, Southern Yahoo, WSA, and Sasfooty, among others. I can only imagine what it would be like taking call after call from that crowd.

    1. I heard sweatyyeti is already spamming the World of Science with repetitive gifs that show nothing.

  14. None of this lunacy would be going on if not for Wally, the wacky billionaire using bigfoot as a tax write-off.

    Everybody wants a piece of the Wally pie - and he's giving it away to people no matter how loony they are. You only need to convince him that you are a believer too!

  15. Ummm..Uhhhh...Sorry, this shit didn't pan out the way I was hoping it would. No more questions, please.

  16. One little thing chad left out is that it has not stood up against a peer review. And it will not and you know it Chad.

  17. No one can win here because there is little intelligence behind 95% of these posts. That 95% could not even pronounce half the words in the paper much less understand it. So what do you do...Bully! I've never seen such pure ignorance and hate as there is here. When I read these comments it makes me so sad because if the 95% here is representative of 95% of the population then this world is going to hell quickly.

    The juveniles and teenagers have gone back to school so it is very sad to think that these comments represent adults. How many of you are males? I hope you don't have children and if you do that they are never bullied like you do others here.

    You ignore that reputable professionals authored this with a project leader. Derek even said his sample was tested at Texas University. Look at all the anonymous people here. Very few of you choose to take a stand publicly! Why is that?

    You ignore the fact that many papers go through and PASS peer review yet never get published.

    Just think about this You're all acting like Rick Dyer. He has nothing on the 95% here. You have slandered and continue to do character assassination to whoever is the topic of the minute.

    I read a comment somewhere saying the paper was garbage. The paper is not garbage. The processes were correct.

    I have never seen so many sad examples of humanity in one place and to know that the male gender is behind most of them makes me sick at my stomach!

    And no this is not all in fun! It's mean and hateful bullying! You guys must be so proud of yourselves!

    So hide behind anonymous and blast me I could care less. At least if you're blasting me you're giving someone else a rest!

    1. You're breaking my heart of glass ;)

    2. Dick Ryder's site is a ghost town.
      Poor little attention seeker.


    3. You know what angers me? When an unqualified charlatan repeatedly and shamelessly lies about her credentials and work and soaks gullible marks for money so she can take European vacations, and then produces a horrible and barely coherent paper on a website that took about 10 minutes to create. The paper shows that she doesn't have the slightest idea about genetics, archaeology, or anthropology. I could have written a paper 100 times more persuasive in less than a day and it took her five years.

      I don't care how many sycophantic surrogates come out of the woodwork to try to prop up this disaster, the ugly truth cannot be obscured with more lies.

    4. So I guess your real name is blonde? Chances are its not, but maybe you could answer a question.

      Why hasn't the data been up loaded to Genebank ?

      If you have intelligence then you should know what Genebank is, answer DR Ketchup knows what it is. That's the catch she can't have others investigating her data. If she does the gig is up.

      Pretty simple and a lot of people figured it out.

    5. I'm sorry Blondie if you feel that people on here are bulling Ketchum's supporters and I guess some people are but then some people on your side of the fence are just as obnoxious. I really don't think this is a gender issue either as if it was Melvin Ketchum not Melba the response will be the same. Think a lot of people on here just feel that she's another in a long line of hoaxers or snake oil sellers and the evidence is pretty clear for that. I'd say if you are a believer put your faith in Sykes who knows what he's doing and doesn't seem to have an agenda and does have an open mind to the possibility of Sasquatch. Cut the cord with Melba before she tries to wring more money outta you because she'll try and keep trying till someone finally exposes her.

    6. Ketchum has not even included the genes sequences in what she was selling. Maybe you have to pay more to get the actual data. what a rip off.

    7. Blondie I have seen you post here (long ago). I always liked what you had to say, I get blasted all the time on here. Not many legit bigfooters on here much anymore, I notice.
      The response to your comment proves you are indeed correct regarding most of these posters.

    8. Spot on, 3:28 and 3:49. Blondie has been schmoozed and blinded by the 'nice' shysters like Ketchum, TGBF and Joe Black, even so far as to believe they consider her a personal friend.

      While she pats herself on the back for telling us off, they are smirking at their gullible mark.

    9. Blondie's right, the slander on Dr. Ketchum is crazy when all the good doctor's doing is hoping to prove this elusive species real and for that she's attacked disguised as critique on her methods and communication though her findings seem to prove the beings real. Yet she's viciously mocked for doing what we all want, apart from all hording aganda trolls, truly finding bigfoot. I believe she has, there's no reason to make any of it up when the results indicate these beings are the only thing they really could be namely hominins. You can't hide a semi-large population of giant wild animals in America that's nuts to believe, so what's wrong with her findings not much as far as I can see they're totally plausible for an intelligent primate related to us.

  18. He is more than a pawn in this game and should quit talking shit

  19. wallly im drunk on your ,omey

  20. Damn, Blondie. Put the Knife down. I think you're blowing things way out of proportion here. People don't like being strung along for years, getting nothing in the end while
    being asked for money and kicked solidly in the balls. Chill out.

  21. A friendly little reminder of the 2008 Ga Hoax. Give it a look. It will help through these uncertain times in Bigfootery.

  22. SWP called it bullshit from day one.

  23. Forget the data, send the samples to a legit, published scientist for replication. If upon replication the genes fit, then it must be legit.

    1. Yeah and if the glove don't fit you must acquitt

    2. Melba no doubt destroyed every bit of the samples so that nobody could attempt to check her work. It will never be recreated.

    3. It is rumored that she baked all of the samples into a large 'squatch pie' and was screaming "It's mine! All mine!" as she devoured it.

    4. Anon 4:31 think when Curtino and Smeja did their test last year, Smeja said something like that which is why he didn't tell her about the boots. Shady lady indeed

    5. Got nothing but praise for Bart and Tyler going independent of melba for testing and warning public. Many people focused on the prize didn't listen or care.

  24. Yes, I let Melba use my mouth as her ashtray. But please, don't ask me what brand she smoked. I don't know.

    1. Is it true that she can piss but she can't whistle?

  25. Replies
    1. Thanks guys. At least while comments were directed toward me someone else was getting a break...

      Please notice anonymous at 3:31pm says this...."If you have intelligence then you should know what Genebank is, answer DR Ketchup knows what it is."

      LOL not only do I know what it is I know how to spell it...Genbank!


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