Matt Moneymaker Confirms Matilda Bigfoot Footage Is Real, Says There's Two of 'Em

In October 2012, during our expedition at the Sierra Kills site, we had to chance to sit down with Wally Hersom, the multimillionaire who has publicly backed Matt Moneymaker and the BFRO, and threw in hundreds of thousands of dollars into the Ketchum Bigfoot DNA project. We've heard stories about how this great man supposedly has seen every footage of Bigfoot ever existed. One footage brought up during a campfire discussion was the Matilda footage. Besides Wally, no one in the group had ever seen this footage, except a single still image released to a B.C. newspaper courtesy of Adrian Erickson of the Erickson Project.

Supposedly word got out that there were two Bigfoot researchers, Dr. Leila Hadj-Chikh, a biologist, who has a PhD in ecology and evolutionary biology, from Princeton University, and Dennis Pfohl, a researcher from Colorado, had successfully baited a family of Bigfoots and filmed them for hours. The researchers, hired by the Erickson Project, obtained various videos of Bigfoot from different habituation sites such as Maple Ridge, Texas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Alabama. According to sources, Dr. Leila has seen the Bigfoots many times with her own eyes but only speaks out it privately. They have shot enough video of these creatures and are convinced that what they saw were real Bigfoots.

Shortly after the announcement was made that Adrian Erickson had obtain footage of a teenage Bigfoot named Matilda, Wally and Matt Moneymaker of the BFRO was flown to Colorado to see the footage for themselves. When asked about the facial details of the creature he saw on film, Wally mentioned seeing fangs, and the creature having a "black tongue" as it approached the camera. In the video, Matilda's eyes dart around, looking paranoid and aggressive. The Bigfoots have a feral look about them.

Others who have seen the footage say it's much more detailed than the Patterson-Gimlin film. On the full facial close-up shot, one witness described:
  • Nose similar to ours (but with larger nostrils)
  • Slightly chapped, rosy lips
  • Pink mouth, blackish tongue
  • Pointed teeth, like fangs
  • Deep set eyes that dart around and don’t blink
  • Her head is round, shaped more like ours than a gorilla’s, but her brow is much more prominent
  • She has lots of fine, flowing hair on her head (dark reddish brown) and soft short hair on her face
  • When she walks away, she moves just like the female in the Patterson Film

Wally's description blew our minds, but what he did not mention around the campfire was that there were two Bigfoots in the film. We learned from Matt Moneymaker on Twitter yesterday that there were actually two creatures in the full-length Matilda footage -- an adult female and a juvenile female. When asked whether or not Matilda is real, Matt answered, "Yes, Matilda is real." "The sleeping one was the adult female," he confirmed.


  1. First!

    - Parnassus (R. Michael Wyman)

    1. Jesus look, there's toovum!

    2. I think the second one is meant in a sarcastic way... pointing out how gay it is to actually post "first!" like you won something.

      (It was me)

    3. I hear the brush poppin n stuff...

    4. That is a creepy thing to do, OP

    5. Holy Sasquatch Salesman, Batman!

    6. I'm very suspicious of their not releasing the whole film! This is huge news, so why aren't they acting like it.

  2. Replies
    1. It will be Awesome if they release more than a few seconds of breathing...

    2. I want to see the rug stand up.

    3. Patience. I'm sure it will come out eventually. Until then just go about your everyday life. There are more important things than to hold your breath until it does come out.

    4. I poked a sleeping bigfoot with a stick and it farted and flew away! They are amazing creatues!

    5. I love how every few months someone claims to have absolutely irrefutable evidence for Bigfoot that will settle the debate once and for all but there's always some reason they can't release the evidence immediately. And so we wait ... and we wait ... and we wait ... and we finally get to look at their crappy halloween costume in a freezer or whatever bullshit they thought was going to convince us, or they admit that Daisy was never in the box.

      Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me 103 times, shame on the entire human race.

    6. Standard footer answer: You won't believe it anyway, so why should we bother?

    7. That's the same thing Napoleon said when he spent the night in the great pyramid

    8. Yeah and look where it got him.

    9. This is nothing but well-planned stalling manoeuvres by the likes of Matt M and others keeping us occupied with neverending teasers and promised reveals so the real thing can still go on underneath as always, they know the chance of the truth coming out is quite real so hoaxes are perpetrated.

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    Here is my website ... RobbieMal - 汉能

    1. People calm down...the proven existence of bigfoot will only verify everything that the witnesses/habituators have reported. You should all just be patient and happy with anticipation, skeptics will soon need to find some alternative to vent frustrations. Because soon proof of bigfoot will be forthcoming!!

      We were right.
      You were WRONG!

    2. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnn...

    3. Let's , just for fun, believe BF is real. Why would these habitators with hold proof of a BF, the same creature they proclaim to want to protect and preserve? Over and over again all we hear is "we have video," "we have photo proof that will rock the world"... So, where is this proof, all we hear is talk! Its really starting to sound more and more like a Dyer Hoax! Also, if this magic monkey crap was real and people began shooting them and stacking them up like cord wood, ummmmmm, you so called haitators would have no one to blame but yourselves.

      In reality now, this is no more than a money scam set up to creat a new market for a mythical creature! Buy my book, buy my evidence, pay to see etc... the carnival has come and its main event is the clown town for Bigfootery cash!!

    4. ^ Nerdy and repeatitive denial that he's supporting it daily by visiting here.

    5. They are going to release it,thats what Erickson set out to do,anybody buy Joe Blacks book?

  4. Replies
    1. No way, that would be just pain silly if this is a real Sasquatch or two of them!
      It would be cool 2

  5. I'll bet Leila Hadj-Chikh's creer, has really taken off.
    Now there's a woman who's going places.
    She's on the fast track, I tell ya.

  6. Almost first, always mistaken.

    -SweatyYeti (Kevin J Buresh)

    1. That is a creepy thing to do

    2. No creepier than the first post in this thread which lists parnassus' name.

      Tit for tat.

      Got tat? I'll trade it for the other.

    3. I called that post creepy, too. Shawn should delete both.

  7. Show me the monkey you bastards!

    1. Thet're PEOPLE not monkeys! IDIOT!

    2. Get your hands off me you filthy ape!

    3. Somebody needs to use a vacuum cleaner on that damn dirty ape! Maybe a carpet shampooer too.

    4. ^^Better call stanley steamer for this job.

    5. Snowy and the boyz having fun above.

  8. Replies
    1. There's something on the hill!

    2. There's nowhere for the owl to be.

    3. Bigfoot knows that cows are people food.

    4. Dammit shut up!!! , i was getting a response and you stepped all over it !

  9. "We've heard stories about how this great man supposedly has seen every footage of Bigfoot ever existed."

    Hey Shawn, you got a little something on your nose! ;)

  10. Wasn't Moneymaker very critical of Sketchum's DNA study? And now he vouches for the validity of the video of some of the very BFs Sketchum used in her study?

    1. He doesn't want to piss off his benefactor Wally too much.

    2. Was not just about everyone skeptical?

      You will all be on the BF bandwagon soon, trust me.

    3. Moneymaker believes she has the dna. But disagrees that they are more human than ape

    4. Then he's in denial of science and scientific facts probably because of his own operating squatch safaris.

  11. Matt Moneymaker has also said that the creature(s) had a "black nose" like a dog. Other people that have seen the footage say it looks like a wookie and had fangs. These descriptions fit with a wookie mask, Bill Munns says what he saw was a person in woookie mask. John Green was not impressed. For me the case is closed before I even see the footage. "Matilda" is someone in a wookie costume.

    1. Somebody get Peter Mayhew on the phone now! He will tell us if thats a wookie or not.

    2. Who is bill munn and where is the quote of him saying this

    3. Bill Munns is a special effects artist who has analysed the Patterson footage and says that it shows a real creature. He claims in the bigfoot forums that he was shown some footage from the Eickson project and determined that it was a person wearing a modified Chewbacca mask.

    4. Munns on the footage that he saw: "It's a fake with a modified chewbacca mask, sadly. Don't get your hopes up too high."

    5. ^There is thread on the BFF about the Erickson doc. You will find Munn"s remarks there.

    6. What is the patterson footage?

    7. .Or just Google "Bill Munns Erickson Project" the BFF thing will come up. Its on page 89 of the Erickson project thread.

    8. what is the Patterson footage seriously? Google it.

    9. That is ridiculous! Everyone knows that Wookies have purple tongues not black ones.

  12. Todd should BLAST and review Melba's sequences and read all 63 pages. If he finds something bigfootish then Wally should hold a press conference with Matt, Jeff, Todd and Melba. Bring the steak and the entire Matilda footage.

    1. Yeah, right. Like we're gonna let that idiot Todd in on the action. Todd is, was, and shall always remain a loser.

    2. @9:22 ^^^...Todd has way more class than you do. You're the "social" idiot. Always angry, always criticizing = low class

  13. Matt said "There were 2 bigfoots there-". He did not say there is footage where both appear. The footage described above is likely the one that Bill Munns gave the thumbs down to. The good news is that Moneymaker, never shy about exposing a hoax, believes the sleeping Matilda footage to be authentic.
    I guess this means there are 2 clips, and an assumption is being made that the same female appears in each.

    1. '...Moneymaker, never shy about exposing a hoax...'

      Be careful. Skepticism is a standard position that some bigfoot enthusiasts employ in order to gain credibility.

      Melba herself has repeated the same mantra ad nauseum at every opportunity. As a matter of fact, hearing her say that was the first time I felt that she was being less than honest.

      Matt is as true a believer as anyone.

    2. I"m aware of that tactic 11:27. Just trying to be fair to Erickson who's been pounded the last year. The best I can come up with is "The sleeping Matilda footage is not a verified hoax".

      1:24 Are you saying he does not really think bigfoots exist and is just a carnival barker?


  14. When you're as blasted on coke as Moneygrubber, everything's a squatch.

  15. kill the debate and the speculation and release the footage....................

    1. Erickson spent his cash and has a right to employ tactics he believes will maximize revenue. The secrecy and delays may not be tactical, though. They may be due to the fact he has no outlet for a homemade Monsterquest episode with some blobsquatches and hoaxes thrown in.
      Matt Moneymaker is quick to expose a hoax when asked a question about one; he does not do that here. What did you guys think of the sleeping bigfoot clip?

    2. It also may be due to the fact that he once thought the videos were authentic, but were shown to be anything but real, by someone with a lot more sense.
      Imagine how stupid you'd feel, knowing that you spent an ungodly amount of money on "Bigfoot" video, only to find out you'd been duped.

    3. aaaah right revenue....follow the money, I forgot about that. If these people really have access to crystal clear groundbreaking video, and they truly believed in "forwarding the science" of the sasquatch, why would they not gift a video like this to the world?. The money would surely follow.....release the footage kill the talk and the speculation

    4. You are wrong, and I hope you apologize when the truth comes out

    5. He has footage of a ten footer impossible to fake,I can't wait to see this footage,I will compare it to Standings

  16. so bigfoot has a round head like humans huh? That certainly doesn't jive with the 40+ years of "eye witness reports".

    1. Neither does a black nose (according to Moneymaker) and fangs. Modified Chewbacca mask.

    2. Much rounder. Charlie Brownish.

    3. The adult males have a saggital crest, like gorillas, it's been documented.

      Footers have stepped away from that stance, for some reason, hmmm.

    4. There are also (so far) sixteen different haplotypes with the Ketchum study alone. This also leaves the possibility that
      the "unknown" paternal male to the Ketchum study hybrids could
      account for the saggital crest. Even the "unknown" homonid females could have them, whereas the hybrid females don't.
      There's so many scenarios of possibility, it's probably much like the wide variety of humans and their haplotypes.

  17. Scene: Matt Moneymaker sitting at table in a crowded restaurant with close friends Bobo, Cliff and Renae.

    Someone in the restaurant passes gas emmitting a loud, long gaseous noise. Everyone at Matt's table stops eating and looks up alertly eyes darting around the restraunt.

    Matt Moneymaker: "shhh shhh did yall hear that?"

    Bobo: "Yeah"

    Cliff: "That was amazing!"

    Renae: "I'm not sure what I heard."

    Matt Moneymaker: "I think there's a squatch in this

    Bobo: "I think your right. It is feeling kinda
    squatchy in here."

    Cliff: "That was amazing!"

    Renae: "Really! C'mon guys we all know that was just
    Bobo. He had indian tacos for lunch."

    1. ^^One night, at Golden Corral.

    2. You know that may work as a title. What do you think? Will Animal Planet buy it as one of next years episodes of Finding Bigfoot. You know I could mix in some crying, "I quit my job for you", guy. And have tricky Ricky running around with a baseball bat and a monkey mask.

    3. Oh man you guys kill me. Very funny stuff. BTW I think Renae looks hot in the night vision scenes.

  18. If this video brings the bigfoot legend to scientific factual verifiable unquestionable MELDRUM life, then I would suspect the video will never be released due to the potential public reaction of fear and panic... (An eight foot 600lb bipedal creature that is harmless?! Smh, I don't think so)

    1. Oh, so it's for the safety of the public they don't show proof that bigfoot is real?


    2. Do you realize how many people would no longer go in to the state parks, sanctuaries and woods across the country. That's a lot of revenue--Not to mention the hunters flying out there with there home protection assault weapons--Bigfoot being proven would be a bad.
      The less you know the happier you will be -now move along citizen.

    3. You may be right about that. Modern humans are pretty screwed up nowadays and the average American seems to actually be getting dumber with each passing generation; devolving so to speak. Of course, many now don't believe in evolution either. Can't you just imagine a troop of bible-thumpers heading off into the woods to convert the newly discovered pagans? What did they do to deserve that? Then, there's porn; yikes! I don't know if we're better off not knowing the answers to this mystery, but I'm POSITIVE the hairy ones are!

  19. The description from the "one witness" above, was stolen from the Mary green interview of her description of the video. Much of it is paraphrased or quoted from what she said.

    You know, Mary Green? She wrote the book about the lovable Bigfoot named Fox, that lived on the Janice Carter farm. Yeah...her.

    The footers tried to erase that interview from the internet, for some reason. Oh, I don't know, maybe it's because she might be CRAZY!

    But it's still out there.

    From the Woman that wrote the story of "FOX", rest his soul....

    "Mary Green is a bigfoot researcher and author of the controversial book “50 Years with Bigfoot.” She says she has seen some of the Kentucky clips. She describes two in detail and doesn't think that they are hoaxed.

    Mary Green, you have seen some of the so called Kentucky clips. Can you tell me about them?
    Yes. Dennis Pfohl showed me several videos, some of them taken in color and daylight. I watched them on his laptop screen one by one.

    Why did Dennis Pfohl show you these clips?
    I believe he did so because he was hoping to win Janice Carter over and have her work for Adrian Erickson. They wished to have another habituation case to help back up the Kentucky project. But I think Janice was never able to furnish any videos or other proofs to Adrian Erickson.

    Who had taken these videos from Kentucky?
    I just know that S. had taken the close-up videos of the female and was told by Dennis that J. had taken a couple of good videos of the male. I did not get to see any videos of the male. Dennis did say that there was a resident male around at times and that he thought this female was its mate. I did not get to see any video of the baby either.

    Can you tell me about the videos Dennis Pfohl presented to you?
    One color video showed several minutes of the young female sleeping on the ground. It was a bit dark in the woods but the one who filmed did an excellent job of capturing her while she slept. The female hominid was not curled up tightly, but rather laying mostly on her back. She looked very relaxed.

    What was the color of the creature?
    It had very thick, soft and silky looking black hair, with maybe a slight reddish hue at times, but that could have been from maybe the sunlight coming through the trees and reflecting a bit of red in the hair.

    1. What else did you notice?
      A bit of a zoom-in was next done by the person filming. The hominid was thick around the middle. I don't know if this was before she had her young one or not. The camera then focused along her arms and hands and fingers. Her hands were very human looking and the thumb looked to be at about the same place as a human's would be, maybe only slightly lower. I did note that the shoulders and upper arms, and the forearms were extremely muscular. The hair all over the hominid was long and wavy across the chest area and the stomach area and down the shoulders and arms. The forearms hair was maybe a little bit shorter.

      Did you see muscle movement?
      Her muscles moved as they should in the arms and hands and fingers. I did note that the young female began to move more and more and stir like she was waking up and that whoever had the camera was backing off some.

      Did she have large breasts?
      I did not see any breasts. They may have actually been shown but not close enough for me to see them. If she had breasts they were certainly not even close to the size of Patty's in the Patterson/Gimlin film.

      How do you know then that it was a female?
      I just took Dennis' word for it. He told me it was a female and I believed him.

      Can you tell me about the other clip?
      This was the best. The hominid, probably the same female, was slowly walking through the woods and coming closer to a couple of trees. She went out of sight behind two of them and then appeared on the other side of them, stopping and standing still as she peered around the woods. You could see her from above her forehead somewhat and then down to about her waist. Clearly, the camera had been zoomed in. Her right side was against the tree and it left her left side free and you could see her shoulder and some of her upper arm too.

      This one was of the same color as the first. It had curly, sometimes wavy hair all over her body, on the back of her hands, on the top of her head, and along down to her shoulders and chest. Her hair was from at least 3 inches to possibly 8 inches long, with the longer hair mainly on the head hair and shoulders and upper body.

      How did the face look like?
      Her face reminded me of a wookie from Star Wars, with a rather flat face in some respects. Although she was totally black skinned, her face did look a whole lot like an Eskimos face. But this is just my own impression. Her head looked to be more rounded and not one of those with a pointed head at all. Her eyes were of a beautiful dark brown, almost black color. There were a lot of the white areas like on our eyes. They were set deep in their sockets. She had very bushy eyebrows. If I remember correctly, she had soft hair all over her face, and maybe a very small portion of just hairless skin around her eyes and nose.

      How was her nose like?
      Her nose was like ours, very much so. It began and ended where our noses do. But it looked more like a black person's nose, a bit wider on the base where the nostrils are. Her nostrils were big also.

      Lips and teeth?
      Her lips were lightly rosy in color and plumper on the lower lip. It may have looked plumper because her upper lip came down over the lower lip due to the eye teeth which were grown out on each side of her mouth. The eye teeth were pointed and not flat like ours are. They curved backwards. They looked exactly like small fangs. The inside of her mouth was pink like ours and the rest of her teeth looked very white and more like humans'. Her cheeks were fat and rounding.

      How did she move and act?
      Very cautious. She displayed a look of wild cunning as she looked slowly around. I did not see her blink at any time, but this video was also fairly short. She was an intelligent being in my own opinion. She did move her lips and opened her mouth a little, and turned her head from side to side very slowly every now and then."

    2. Mary Green's description of the sleeping carpet, doesn't jibe with the one recently released.

    3. Didn't Ketchum attend the funeral of Fox?

    4. Yes she did, and remember this was after she was mind raped by Fox's son...very awkward wake to attend.

  20. Matt Moneymaker, Tom Biscardi, P.T. Barnum: All one in the same! Case Closed.

  21. The "Matilda" footage was and still is very crucial in seperating Wally from his money in the name of bigfoot, so of course all of his dependents/tax write-offs are going to go along with the charade to keep the funding coming in.

    Why else is the video such a secret? If it gets out to the public, the scam will be exposed and Wally will realize how much money he's blown supporting a bunch of con artists who believe in magic monkeys.

    Just look how many are on the Wally cash train. Now by this post, it looks like Shawn and probably the whole Team Tazer wants or is getting their share too.

    1. I notice that Wally is now described as a multimillionare instead of a billionare. Looks like MM, Melba, Erickson, etc are doing a good job spending his money.

    2. Hersom has never been a Billionaire, not even close, FACT.

    3. I thought the Erickson project was funded by Erickson and Wally Hersom funded the Olympic project. What is the connection between the Matilda footage and Mr. Hersom's wallet?

  22. I'll catch that furry bastard tonight.

    I set up a table and two chairs, and a gifting basket with beef jerky, pizza, pretzels porn and a harmonica. On the table is a texas mickey of blueberry schnapps and two shot glasses.

    My plan? Simple. Never before been attempted.

    Drinking With Bigfoot.

    We'll pound some shots, maybe smoke a cigar or two. We will laugh and talk and bitch about our old ladies.

    The whole time I'm Han Solo with my pistol under the table. As soon as the conversation turns to politics or religion BLAMMO.

    I'm going to shoot bigfoot's big nuts off.

    His remains will be given to science or bbq, depending on how much booze I have left.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Is it me or doesn't that make a little more sense

    3. The only sure way to catch a Bigfoot, is with Nacho Cheese flavored Combos. They can't resist the cheesy crunchy goodness.

    4. I like your style, I myself had considered a similar approach. My plan was to get a squatch all thwacked out on meth, figured it would show up to shop lift at a walmart or start stealing scrap metal more more chode within a few days, thus making it more predictable easy to observe.

    5. Oya boya neither can I they are delicious

    6. Humans on meth are bad enough I definately don't want to see a beast that big on it things can take a turn for the worse real fast once his paranoia sets in

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. I wouldn't recommend giving meth to a bigfoot.

      That would be just plain irresponsible.

  23. Well I don't know what to think anymore. Munns saw it and said it was a fake.

    1. Munns also thinks he's a photogrammist and somehow relevant to the fx industry.

    2. Mill Bunns is an out of work creature maker looking for glory in the Bigfooting world just like that fraud Kitakaze tried doing.

    3. Wasn't Munns fired from his last FX job?

    4. Yes. He was fired from Return of The Living Dead in 1985.

      Munns has expounded paragraphs in his own defense, but the fact still remains:

      Bill Munns was fired because of the quality of his work and hasn't done a film since.

      He has also never built a gorilla costume and, until a recent podcast, was unaware that 2 piece gorilla suits have been standard for the industry since the 1930's.

      In short, Bill Munns is not the expert he claims or bleeves himself to be.

    5. Shut up Tazers, your endless bullshit jacking is getting on everyone's tits.

  24. In a world of finding or proving the creature is real.Why would dedicated researchers keep there findings secret?and have been for years for what gain??Very Dyer..esk,but apparently they have more creditbility??.....think about it is someone really going to get rich off bigfoot video?Once its on the internet...well Napster took care of that

  25. Erickson thinks Todd Standings footage is better than his own.

    1. The fact that he in any way endorses Standing's footage, and the fact that Randy Brisson, who has also hoaxed photos in my opinion, is on his team, is another reason to question the credibility of the Erickson project.

    2. I'm curious, what does it tell you? It is true.

    3. Well, if it's true, it's all fake, which it is, even without Standing's participation.

    4. Yeah,he likes Standing and he's seen them so I'm not going to argue it

  26. I'm tired of people telling me what's on the video. Just show the freaking tape!

  27. So, why isn't this footage out with the DNA Study/

    1. Because the DNA "study" looks bad enough, on it's own.

    2. To amateurs like you very likely it does, to scientists not.

  28. Dr. John Bindernagle has also seen the video(s) and thinks they are impressive and legitimate. He also is of the opinion that the pointed or sagital crest is much more prominent on larger males as it is in the gorilla family. Thus the more rounded head would make since.


    1. Speaking of Bindernagle, what is his take on the Ketchum manifesto? He seems to have been in hiding for quite a while.

    2. Yeah someone needs to give him a call!

    3. Why not just put up the Bigfoot ( batman) symbol

  29. I've seen the footage and it's laughably bad. A baggy wookie costume and a crappy mask. They know if they release it the hoax will be exposed.

    1. Don't say that, it's the only thing we have left, our last bit of hope.

    2. Don't fret, 9:56. Another false-hope will make the rounds soon.

      The good thing about bigfoot is that there's always another con around the corner waiting for the current one to die down.

    3. Hi 9:52, How can the the rest of us see this , how did you get to see it??


    4. More trolls lies, so boring by now.

  30. I heard Erickson and company got a hobo to wear a bigfoot costume and drink a bottle of bourbon. Then he passed out and they recorded this footage. Then it was Erickson himself who brandished a piano wire with 2" long dowels attached to either end, wrapped it around the passed out hobo's neck and murdered him in cold blood. Apparently he didn't want the hobo to go all "Bob H" on them once the video surfaced.

    -Robert Lindsey

  31. Are you obsessed JREF footers prepared to storm Dr. Sykes office with torches if he claims to find Bigfoot DNA ?

    1. They're like the defender of the faith chimps in "Planet of the Apes".

    2. If Sykes confirms Bigfoot, I'll just act like I was a believer all along.

    3. Thats okay, most everyone else on here will too.

    4. They already believe only not admitting it.

    5. You are absolutely right. There is not one person on here who doesn't have a little faith in BF's existence.(Even if it is only 1%) They still want to believe. I however, I know....they exist.

  32. I'm sure by now everyone has realized that the spelling of Matt Moneymaker is only one letter away from Matt Monkeymaker.

    Just sayin...

    1. ^^New rider on the bigfoot short bus.

    2. LOL! did'nt someone say that Matilda had a baby??? Matt Monkeymaker on the scene....

  33. I confirm that Matt Moneymaker has a gay emo hairdo

  34. Dr. Schlongernoodle here, by the prepondurance of the evidence, I concur. Ya,ya, dat is good ya.

  35. You got to love the Church of Bigfoot. They normally despise Moneymaker with all his egocentric rantings and crazy theories, but when he says something that the bleevers are desperate to have someone validate, all of a sudden he's a credible source.

    1. So you consider your obsession with Bigfoot a sort of religion ? Does your family think you're nuts ?

    2. Not really, they have their own weird beliefs.
      They do think my bigfoot shrine is kind of strange though.

    3. They laugh at all my books!!

  36. I still lol at the fact that they call it the "Erickson PROJECT". They're telling you right up front that they're hoaxin'.

  37. With so many of your ranks turning out to be frauds and nutjobs do you JREF chimps bleeve Saskeptic is a real college proffesor who berated Dr. Sykes for getting involved in the possibility of Bigfoot DNA when he himself has claimed to have given 3 presentations at his college on Bigfoot, the latest was an invite affair to eastcoast wildlife officials ?

  38. ahhahahaha, I knew it... Eat it haters. So now the description is basically what Standing captured... ahhhahaha. your all idiots in the comments sections.

  39. If the guy with the video camera can sneak up to a sleeping bear,elk, moose or the elusive Panda, I will consider believing this HOAX.

    1. Those are animals. Bigfoot is NOT an animal!!

    2. That's right. It can't be since it's made out of synthetic fiber.

    3. For some reason footers think humans and Bigfoots aren't animals. As usual, they are confused. Humans are animals, and so would Bigfoots if they existed.


    4. Matilda was drugged they slipped a mickey in her pancakes, unethical if you ask me.

    5. So what if humans technically are animals we call ourselves human, same label awaiting the squatch race.

  40. We need a side by side of the facial closeup with a Star Wars wookie suit.

  41. I just took a Look a look at a Wookie.
    Sounds like a Match.

    Wish I could Post a Picture

  42. Matt also confirmed some other videos which were very obviously costumes. I will save my judgement for the full film, but so far the hair on the "animal" looks unnatural.

  43. I think it's amusing and astonishing how everyone says oh no one will go to state parks tourism blah blah blah will go down as if somehow magically Bigfoot would be more easily seen just because it's proven to exist like every Bigfoot is just gonna knock at people's doors oh hi I'm your neighborhood Bigfoot I'm supposed to inform you like a sexual predator that I'm in your area because they proved my existence if you didn't get the memo

    1. Do you people think about what you write or are you just vomiting your words onto the screen

    2. ^
      You forgot to change your profile back to anon before you answered your own post you jackass.

  44. This is such rubbish! If anyone had this material it would be all over legit media. I think everybody on this sight is nuts and a loser, including me for even taking the time to read this garbage!

    1. be patient., Melba will have your belief vindicated

  45. if this creature hits the bullet points listed above, does this mean bigfoot is real,if a breature[ie bugfoor] walks up to camera fterstanding up and shows her fangs after growling into camera. then she walks away.

    If its that close and it the exact quality as this heaving carpet then youd have to say Bigfoot exists.

    I realise science is what biolgist and scientists are interested in. given the controversial subject matter its no suprise no peer will come out and back melba in anyway.if its wrong they will be committing career suicide. as laypeople i would argue that its difficult for 90% of us to know about genomes and DNa sequencing etc... how thhe heck are we supposed to now if it good or bad science. i wouldnt pretend to have an idea and would rely on what her peers said[not tools like merchant and his layman dumb dissing of anything she or anyone does]
    as said given the subject matter, 10ft 800pd apemen are their family groups living in north america for centuries its unbelievable to think they have been there.
    I have no doubt what so ever that dyer dead squatch is a hoax .what does he have to lose ashes already alaughing stocj=k after georgia so he will just sy the ame thing. This time he made even more mney given the documentry and book about it. a bit like smeja. another nobody with tall story and no evidence to back up claim. Again all it takes is 1 cell phone phito to validate his story.i cant beieve anyone,no matter your panic etc... that you wouldnt take one photo or he young one. a lie for me.

    this erickson flm along wih melba spaper ,if correct,will change everything and prove it s real for me. I believe what i se with my eyes and if this creature does as is said above then ,as a sceptic, i would have to believe they are t=real unbelievably.ow anials this size live in UsA/cnada seems crazy

    Unless its some I hoax. we'll see. one things for sure the footage will be examned by every experti the world so if its CGI we will know. Its make or break for me now. Its either away to be proved or Melba/erickson film is a hoax-end of myth

    sorry 4 sating obvious but there too much dumb pots being blogged right now. Is black n white.we are about to find the truthonce nd for all

    exciting times and i 'll be pleased for all the bleevers who have been ridiculed by the like s of me and the world in general. i wouldbe delighted to be wrong tough and want to be. thats the difference for me. i have always wanted to beleeve

    1. I think everyone who reads this blog, in reality, feels the same way


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