Here's Robert Lindsay's Take on The Leaked "Matilda" Footage

What is the "Matilda" footage? Has anyone actually seen it? Does it even exist? Is Matilda a wookie? If you're not confused, you're not paying attention. Blogger Robert Lindsay was one of the first to write about the Matilda video, and he hasn't said much lately. He's been quietly sitting on the sidelines, watching, and waiting.  This morning he finally got tired of the misinformation and decided to speak out:

Erickson Project footage reportedly released. Some stills of Matilda the teenage Bigfoot have reportedly been leaked to the web via Bill Munns. Someone who had an NDA with Erickson leaked some of the stills to Munns, who promptly declared them to based on a modified Wookie mask.

The skeptic and scofftic community is going nuts over this. However, there are some problems.

First of all, Erickson bought looked at 4-5 videos that the owners of the house had. The first one was thought to be faked. The Erickson people thought it was a fake. They sent this video around to a bunch of experts and the consensus was that this was some sort of a fake. Munns was one of those experts. Munns said it was a modified Wookie mask. Erickson decided not to buy that video. However, he did buy the other four videos which were all thought to be genuine.

So the question is whether Munns is referring to stills from the video that even Erickson thought was fake or whether he is referring to the famous Matilda footage which is said to be better than the Patterson footage. No one knows, and no one knows if Munns reviewed the footage that actually made it into the Erickson Project movie.

So Munns’ trashing of those photos does not in any way invalidate Erickson’s project, footage or documentary.

[via Robert Lindsay]


  1. FIRST!

    All you skeptics are pathetic, If it doesn't exist then why are you here!!!!

    1. To pwn the bleevers and laugh a LOT.

    2. Are you serious? Try this: buy a clue and figure out 9 foot tall ape men do not live in the USA. Then come to this website. You will see it is still fun....SLAP! Grow Up!!

    3. It is not is spelled Wookiee dammit!

    4. Breaking: BFF determines Ketchum's paper to be legitimate proof of bigfoot. All of those mean
      science people were wrong.

    5. Breaking: BFF has a "paid members" section. ROFL. Cult much?

    6. Lol they are confirm cult on all points charismatic leader, trying to make you believe imaginary stories,

    7. And much more I'm too lazy to write

    8. anon 7:24 you are kidding right? A "paid members" section? If this is correct how much is it? I might join up if it's worth the hysterical laughs and not too costly.

      Better to pay for laughing entertainment, instead of donating to "research"

    9. And to FIRST! anon, I was a true believer in bigfoot up until about Feb.22,2013.

      That day, I turned to the darkside.

      I am here for the good laughs and even better "evidence"

    10. Lets use some logic here. Erickson reviewed the footage from the Kentucky family. He looked at the footage that looks like a wookie and told the Kentucky family that he thought it was hoaxed and did not buy it, but he liked the other footage that the Kentucky family produced, so he bough that footage. So Erickson knows that the Kentucky family was already hoaxing videos and he bought the other stuff anyways? Yeah, that makes sense.

      Then Erickson says he has the rights to the leaked footage that Munns was commenting on but that was the footage that he never bought because he thought it was hoaxed. Yeah, this whole thing makes sense.

      Erickson is either a hoaxer or Lindsay is completely wrong or both.

    11. ^^Did you taste the wrath of the footers?

    12. wrath? They all seem pretty wacko to me. They do nothing but talk in circles, or out their ass/mouth

    13. @8:06, Try not to think about all that, it just makes everything so confusing.
      Stop for a second and imagine if just one of his videos showed a real bigfoot, that would be so cool.

    14. 8:10, the skeptards ride in circles. Yes. On their invisible bicycles which they bleeve in.

    15. Please explain the invisible bike thing. If it's as stupid as your invisible yard ape I want no part of it.

    16. From what I understand someone said one Sasquatch in a video or something was walking with such a gait as to appear it was riding an invisible bicycle am I correct guys

    17. Yes Harry. It was from the Mike Sells Collection brought to you by MK Davis. In this craptastic episode, a small, blurry figure moves across the frame with front arms extended and legs(seen from about knees up) moving in a pedaling motion.
      You can't see a bike, but the only mildly interesting question is whether or not MK is a hoaxer or as retarded as the people who think the clip shows a bigfoot...

    18. Close, but not really. MK's whitey hoax has the gait and posture of a person riding a bike. The problem is that the video is so low in resolution that it doesn't pick up much of the actual bike very well.

      Now the bleebers try to turn it around stating that anyone that doesn't believe in the magic monkey believes in invisible bikes. It just once again proves their inability to comprehend the world around them.

    19. You do know he posts on you tube mk Davis that is under a different name photo shopping supposed animal and other megalithic structures on the moon

  2. Once I opened up my heart to the paranormal I realized that I get a strange feeling in the woods. Like, something isn't right here. Something is watching my dog, trying to hypnotize him.

    1. Do you ever wake up feeling sore?

    2. Their nose is black, like a dog's.

    3. They are always trying to hypnotize my rottenweiler too we should exchange stories

    4. Yes I went there I believe the one dude is the second coming it's all real

    5. That weird feeling in the woods, you need to re rent the movie Deliverance then things will make more sense.
      One Eyed Wookie

    6. Yeah it'll make sense that hillfolk are watching you and just waiting for the right moment to molester you and the dog

    7. Ewe that's gross I could never kiss that woman again after she just made out with a wookie

    8. I saw a bigfoot fighting a blink dog and a displacer beast.

  3. If Erickson knew these stills are hoaxes, why did he freak out so much or even pass them around in the first place?

    I love when hoaxers box themselves in a corner and try to lie and claw their way out.

    Hasn't Lindsay been wrong just about every time he comes out from under his rock. He's like the Dick Cheney of bigfootery.

    1. Erickson isn't a hoaxer he's a bleever. He actually thinks he purchased real footage.

      My advice is release the footage. If it's as good as he claims then they have nothing to fear and the cash will roll in.

    2. Now you can say what you want about Lindsay, but don't mess with Dick Cheney

    3. If its not Erikson's photos from a film he owns, how did he claim copywrite infringments? We have to understand Robert Lindsay has opened his mouth and more dribble has poured out.

    4. Erickson is silently perpetuating a hoax.
      How is that any different than
      Dyer, Dyer, pants on fire?

    5. News flash. No one who is serious researcher reads this site.

    6. Well then, you are obviously not a serious researcher. But you must know some serious researchers, to be aware that they don't read this site.
      Did you ask them if they read this site or did they just come out and announce it?

    7. You can bet your ass they read this site. Maybe not on a regular basis, but they check it out once in awhile. Either that or they are lying to you.

      They come here to see what critics/skeptics are REALLY saying/thinking. BFF is for the nutbars, not the smart people e.g.= the guy who pastes the BFF comedic posts/Chewbacca/anyone else who dis-believes.

    8. Not only that, footers are the most paranoid group of people I've ever witnessed and think everyone is out to get them. They are obsessed with what's being said about them.
      If I had to put a label on it, I'd cal it functional schizophrenia.

    9. Agreed 100%

      When you live on the outskirts of civilization in a wooded area and start suspecting that there are 8 to 10 foot wood boogers banging on the side of your house, making stick structures, and leaving you gifts, it's time to call a psychiatrist!

    10. ^^But that's not the case. Most of them live nowhere near a rural area, let alone wilderness.
      They fantasize about what might be in a place they've rarely, if ever been.

      Apartment/condo/trailer park dwellers.
      Mostly the latter.

    11. Or just call Dickie he will send the force of America to take care of it and then do his evil laugh haaaa haaaa haooo

    12. Well anon 8:46, I don't live far from Timbergiant's "research area" and his claims (for that area) are bullshit. The guy's a joke, everyone around here knows it too.
      But, he's got his cultish followers and let live I guess.
      It bothers me that people idolize and get taken in by that phoney

  4. Okay ... so, where's this celebrated 'documentary' that's likely never going to happen?

    If it was all so ground breaking fantastic, what's with Erickson abandoning the whole thing?

    I swear, it's like some brat getting all huffy, taking his toys, going home and refusing to share.

    As far as skepticism is concerned in reply to a statement above, we'd love the Bigfoot to be real, but, time and time and time again, all we ever see and get a heaping helping of is complete and total poop.
    It's 2013 and with all the technology available, all people seem to be capable of managing is blobsquatch?

    Is everyone in the field a Special Olympics medal hopeful?
    Bring us unambiguous clear, non-dodgy evidence, or a body.

    1. That's some pwnage right there.

    2. ^ He apparently cannot find a distributor for his expensive homemade Monsterquest. It seems he will lease parts of it if you ask him. He did for Melba. Drucilla, lease the pancake video and ask Shawn to post it...should be good for a laugh..

    3. I'd have to actually SEE what I was leasing, at my own leisure without cost before I ever agreed to lease anything.
      I'm fairly certain mister failure-to-even-self-publish is going to let anyone lookit his claimed hours of wookie mask videos without security deposits or some other onion skin thin excuse for a chance at making money.

      Can't find a distributor? Ketchum made her own *cough* "Scientific Journal" to publish her cat-dog-panda-human-dirt-sticks-peanut-butter-and-macaroni art clown show of a DNA report.
      Is Erickson so completely lacking in facility for cognitive ability that he's incapable of self publishing online? Distributor? Really?

      Build it and they will come, even it it is some squeaky rubber band and shoe string clown car spectacle.

    4. Maybe. But the people who would flip him 10 bucks for a DVD are the same group who had very high expectations-I think he is in a spot...

    5. Dyer has a dead bigfoot body. I've seen it.

    6. Get your bitching about blobsquatches and no proof in while you can! tick tock tick tock.....

    7. Create a good hoax video and the footers will beat a path, to your door.

    8. News flash. Skeptics will never change their minds and true believers will never change their minds. This back and forth is all a waste o f time

    9. ^^You are so very wrong. The skeptics get some quality amusement out of it. The footers get more bitter and more hateful.

    10. Dru you are an amazing researcher you must be professional

    11. Druscilla Alix bleeves in the panda DNA story. OK. Sure. That panda DNA sure was handy which Ketchum obtained by trawling the zoos. YOu'll notice the skeptards will bleeve anything which comes out of a scientist's mouth as long as it is antithetical to the existence of bigfoot. So throw in panda DNA, and the skeptards embrace it without questioning it, without being skeptical. They just swallow it the moment the claim is made.

      That's not being skeptical. It's being gullible.

      Funny how Druscilla Alix sounds like Bigfoot is BS sounds like Sharon Hill sounds like Parnassus sounds like Timmy.

    12. Ok but that doesn't make her picture any less hot

    13. Any one that needs to photoshop their own pic is probably not hot...just sayin

    14. Anon Napoleon dynamite do just say "I'm just sayin" just to make people want to punch you in the head? I'm just asking

    15. Hot? You guys need to get out more!

    16. (:28, Your question makes no sense to me, whatsoever...just sayin

    17. I accidently hit the shift key...just sayin

    18. You must not have seen her recent news cast or photo I take it

  5. Melba and her circus of clowns are killing off the people that are open minded to this subject!

    If a person sits down and decides to look into this subject of Sasquatch / Bigfoot they will find that this subject is saturated with hoaxes,lies & deceit - anything that may point to it being possible,news or whatever is buried with all this garbage -

    It's kind of sad these people get so much attention !

    1. Why do you keep bringing up the same old worn out lies about Melba? If you're so distraught over this field why do you keep coming back and posting 59 times a day? Kinda stupid isn't it? Do you have stuff you want to say, but nobody wants to listen so u come here and ramble on on the same old crap? Pathetic !

    2. He actually made a valid point, rather than just insulting the poster it would be nice to see you make a point worth reading. Its actually funny you say he posts here all the time, you on the other hand, are here in every single artical posting as much as possible to save the reputation of your Goddess Melba. Your cover is begining to run thinner and thinner as time goes on. Talk about "pathetic" your almost laughable!!

    3. Hey, I'm wondering when Melba Ketchum is going to be hitting the lecture circut, discussing her findings. I'm sure one of the universities that were involved with her blind study would host her. Please let us know, after all that's What a person does after a ground breaking research paper release....

    4. Anon 4:52 shut up. You're the same poster as Anon 1:34! There was no no valid point! In fact there was no point at all so what the hell are you talking about? When you come on here calling people names ( clowns) then you turn around and accuse others of the same then yes you're pathetic! Typical IDIOT who can dish crap out but can't take it! Actually I've only posted on here about 5 times this week so stop making crap up. We all can tell when you type on here because every single of your posts us the same language, pointless comments, and worn out lies. please get a life and a job. Oh we will wait for your "got monkey "posts and BIB posts (to name a few ). NOT!

    5. Hey, I'm wondering when Melba Ketchum is going to be hitting the lecture circut, discussing her findings. I'm sure one of the universities that were involved with her blind study would host her. Please let us know, after all that's What a person does after a ground breaking research paper release

    6. Lots of accusasions and no point... what lies? Oh and by the way, I'm not the same poster. Just sticking up for the guy telling the truth about Melba Toast Ketchum. Please, go on and inform everyone about the lies that are told of the Vet.... Panda, dog and cat shit, dirt and ? Pay per view? Black bear tested?... Oh the list goes on....

    7. ^^^ Well, considering he's a footer, I'd say it's safe to bet he is mad, mad as a hatter!

    8. ...and appears to be very frustrated. I find that a lot with footers. They are also completely void of a sense of humor.

    9. 7:09 is correct! A footer with a sense of humour is more rare than a genuine bigfoot sighting....why do you think most of them hate M. Merchant?

    10. If you believe the Panda DNA crap Anon 5:50 the you're bat shit crazy! You're one gullible SOB! Yes it was you defending yourself So you where the same poster. Admit it-you don't know the truth!

    11. What do you guys consider a "footer" an honest question not teasing

    12. A footer is someone who is 100% positive that giant bipedal cryptids are living in North America. Henceforth referred to as 'shit-eating bigfeets'.

    13. Ahh ok then I guess I'm not a footer then I think there may be an unidentified species but I'm not positive of it carry on

    14. Yes, a footer is 100% belief and 0% proof.

    15. Actually, when you think about it, there is a huge amount more proof that bigfoot does not exist than there is that it might.

  6. Even Matt Moneymaker has joined her circus....

    Money talks & Matt not only listened but took a cut to back this supposed Matilda sleeping Bigfoot video.

    You have to be honest with your self and just cross them off your mental list one by one as not being credible!

  7. So let me get this straight -- the habituators had five videos of Matilda, one of which was a depiction of an obvious man in a wookie mask? So they have a family of bigfoots living on their property whom they can videotape at their leisure, but they decide to create one hoax video?

    And then Erickson buys the habituators' property for further study of Matilda and company. But the habituators move down the road a bit and Matilda et. al. are so attached to the habituators that they decide to move with them.

    It all makes perfect sense now.

    1. Why does Moneymaker laugh at all the habituators except for those associated with Erickson?

      Oh that's right, a trip to Wally World.

    2. I looked at the Grant County property tax records online and Erickson had bought the Matilda property by 2005 or 2006. If the habituators filmed this video when they owned the property, the video is at minimum 7 years old, although it easily be eight or nine years old. Would the greatest Bigfoot video of all time be held back for 7+ years if it were real? No.

    3. ^ I think the homeowners created the Wookie mask hoax and that was among the vids he purchased. The sleeping Matilda clip was possibly obtained by his own team. It is also fake(duh). The doc probably shows sleeping Matilda then cuts to the Wookie mask clip...

    4. Has Erickson officially commented at all on this latest fiasco involving the Erickson Project Matilda footage

      You would think if he felt the footage was real he'd be out there defending it with everything he had.

    5. No I am not "Ken"
      Just an anon with legitimate question

    6. Ken will always deny being Ken.

    7. I think he'd defend it I also think he would have been so excited he would've shown the world and screamed it from the rooftops already and ken is a good dude he'd never deny being himself because he's not a sissy

  8. Apparently the sleeper footage is one of the "genuine" vids. he bought, right? So there you go. We don't need Munns to tell us it's a costume, not even a good costume. That worn out fuzz does not look like natural hair or fur. At best maybe wool. I don't recall anyone saying that BF is covered with old dirty washed out wool. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not even interested in his stupid movie any more. Show us a 10 footer with a muscular chest that is 4 ft. wide doing something spectacular that no human is physically capable of doing. No more females, no more juveniles. If it's not an adult male don't even bother.

    1. OK, well, us hoaxers will try to do better this coming summer.

    2. That is not apparent-we don't know if sleeping Matilda was created by his team or purchased. The Wookie mask footage Munns is talking about is most likely separate footage and was created by the home owners...

    3. Put an NBA player in the Jack Links Squatch suit and film it from a distance. That would be more convincing than a midget wrapped in a shag rug or a leaf or a porcupine or a turkey or a bear or a turd sandwich.

    4. Careful what you wish if you ask to see a 10 ft male that's graphic,
      He's got a 2 ft Cock that bigger around than a coke c

      an and.balls the size of grapefruits
      Squatch Nuts

    5. John Holmesquatch...if you will

  9. Robert, you can't figure out from everything that has been posted around the web that the fool in the Wookie mask was to be the big enchilada? ...SLAP..Wake, up man. Erickson has NOTHING...

  10. So the last 3 threads left in bigfooting is Erickson, dyer and Sykes.

    Erickson now doesn't look likely.

    Dyer, well it's dyer.

    And Sykes well he is just waiting to deliver the final blow to destroy the bleevers.

    Its over folks. You had a good run but it's over.

    1. Prove there were no clandestine film labs developing porno films in Yakima back in the sixties and I'll concede. Old black and white porn is lame: topless chicks playing volleyball...

    2. Hey now, topless chicks playing volleyball is okay by me, buddy.

    3. You left out Standing...

      Just saying :)

    4. ...and Brisson, no hoax is complete, without him.

    5. That would leave only two threads then because we know dyer is full of shizzen

  11. I Fart in your General Direction...and you'll like it.

  12. somebody elses opinion on these leaked photos,if they are indeed 'Matilda' are a great dissapointment.

    Its cleary a dyed ,altered wookie mask. altering the teeth,cloring etc are all easily done .if u are going to bother hoxing,certinlty to the extent of saying its been a 5 year study youdf make sure it was a good hoax! tis is shoddy and the same quality of work mt 11year old daughter would make
    We dont need somebodty telling us its a mask,if thats what he sadi as i didnt reasd it, it there for us all to compare.It almost identical except for the teeth alteration and dyed clour of mask

    If it was a living breathing creature youd know straight away. There woukld be obvious movment in face etc... if you see ant other animal on yur cell at a zoo ,its as clear as day

    With Bigfoot it becomes fuzzy,ambiguous in many ways and cleary a mask/hoax.

    Its more dissapointing for me,as a skeptic[a troll as im called ,loser too etc...] the erickson project and all there talk of HD 5 year study of habitituatiobn sites is all nonsense

    Mneynaker says its a 30sec film with the face obscured because of a shadow and the way its standing.It was clear to most of us, it was a hoax ,as soon as the 'heaving carpet' was released!All that filmer had to do was start filming as it walked uop to the creture and film around it.All he did was film it from 1meter and just the trunk.A clear hoax-If you came aross a sleeping BF and had the guts to walk right up to it as they claim.Why wouldnt you simply step either side of it so u could film its feet,face,hands ANYTHING aprt from the trunk going up n d

    Im a layman so don know if Ketchum's science is good or bad science all i can do is go by her peers.It is reported that 6 of them said it was laughable [amongst many others. and done badly and proved nothing due to her tequniques she used is sequencing.If you are doing a study and spending tens of thousands of somebody elses money she should have done it properly or got the right people to do it properly. It appears out of some selfish desire ashe has carried on knowing it want going to be accepted by her peers.

    Its a shame as its both peoples work as been waited on us for years. ow it apears it all nonasense at best its bad science at worst its out right hoaxing.

    Hard to believe that both these parties would be involved in that nonsensne.. But film and facts speak for themselves. squatchmaster.fasna,Dyer expect and know its nonsense you are going to see. Here we thought tghis is going to show the worldit wasnt a myth but true.

    ps I apprecited the cyber tough guys comments. id love u too say it to me face.since that cant happen,as you well know,hence the dumb school yard name calling. carry on as im entitled to be a skeptic as you are as belivers. the end is the same though ,we all want to know if itys real. thus far its not looking likely.The name cxalling shows you to be the pricks u are
    respect to those whove engadged in a civil way and argued for its existance.Its food for thought

    1. You have an eleven year old daughter, and you're posting on a bigfoot blog?
      You really should set a better example.

    2. Damn! My daughter's 34 and in a scholarship (PHD program) at Brown University. Guess I'll keep a low profile. lol

      But on to the article. What is a hoax video doing among 4 allegedly real videos? It's nonsense. Thank Heaven and Saint Melba for Non Disclosure Agreements.

      In the Bigfoot world, the NDA basically prevents disillusioned enthusiasts from telling the truth about the evidence they signed on to look at.

      The restrained believer is often forced to get on board and make a few bucks in the only way left: supporting the Ketchum movement. All the while they're praying that there's some small speck of truth woven into that ridiculous yarn at some level that will allow them to save face when it's all over.

      As for Robert Lindsay, he has pretty much run out of pavement and is also struggling for some semblance of post-Melba-fiasco relevance. During this mess he proved himself to be, shall we say, 'less than honest' as well as a bit needy and possibly an outright nutcase.

    3. You keep paraphrasing the same point. How long will it take you, to figure out that footers ignore the things they don't want to see or hear?

    4. It's not a wookie mask, 3:43. The profile of that face has a brow ridge and appears more like Patty's profile than this phony mask.

    5. The Nda is actually if you tell anyone what a fraud I am I'll foolishly attempt to sue you because god forbid you should tell the others I'm a phony lying piece of shizzen

    6. It's amazing how many people have never heard of zoom.

  13. i hope its true that this film doesnt invalidate the erickson documentary. Its the kind of work that will validate whether we are looking at a mythy ora real creature.

    I would think these stills are from the projct though which doesnt fill you with confidence does it? I will awiat the realse of the documebtray. Does anyone know why its taking so long as cleary its completed. what the hold up now?

  14. If you look closely at the video, you will see what appears to be a pretty cool Wookie costume. If you smoke crystal meth and look closely at the video, you will see what appears to be a Sasquatch riding a Unicorn that Farts purple clouds of pixie dust. The choice is yours. I choose the former, but to each his own.

    1. ...and poops rainbow skittles.

    2. If you look closely at a skeptard, you will see a moron.

      If you get high and look closely at a skeptard, you will see a moron.

    3. Footer side of the debate, in a nutshell...pun intended.

  15. I'm really shocked that nobody is talking about the YODA tree-peeking in the background.

    "Nothing,you will get...and...Like it, you will.

  16. I haven't seen ANYONE mention this so I will. Ralph McQuarrie was the artist who created the posters that captured the essence of The Legend of Boggy Creek also known as the Fouke Monster. What makes this significant is that he went on to become famous for his conceptual paintings for the Star Wars films. Is the connection making sense now? The Fouke Monster ie Sasquatch, Bigfoot, etc.directly inspired McQuarrie to create the character Chewbacca. So of course a Wookiee mask would look like a Bigfoot or in other words resemble Matlida.

    1. Very interesting. The dagger is already jammed in the heart of the Sasquatch Legend. This just twists it a bit deeper. Thx for the info.

    2. Shows predicting the future is a fools errand. Who could have guessed the end would look like this: people debating the inspiration for the Wookie character. That is baaaaaad...

    3. Lol talk about Looney toons. It's simple. It's a wookie mask. No need for this ridiculous stretch.

    4. ^^But that's what footers do.

    5. But hold on guys. The point of the Brit Francis post above may be the following:

      If the Fouke Monster posters were based upon research of eye witness reports (and if bigfoot existed- a big IF) wouldn't that make the Star Wars character a direct extrapolation of a real creature?

      I'm just sayin'...

    6. Anon 7:07 is the only one in the above comments who understood Brit's post. God these skeptards are dim, aren't they? You lay something out step by step color-coded connect the dots draw by numbers and they still don't get it.

      Yes it's obvious that the reverse of what the skeptards say can be true, that the wookie and fill-in-the-blank of other hairy wildman characters would have been based on previous stories and reports of hairy wildman, going back to at least the woodwose.

      This skeptard dimwit who only sees a still possibly from the footage pontificates that it's a wookie mask, end of story.

      That is the classic MO of the skeptard: Make pronouncements on material or evidence before seeing it in full, and often by ignoring it altogether. It's the reverse of the scientific method which they purport to worship.

      Panda DNA, hoaxers spending months expertly carving dermal ridges in the soles of artificial feet, bleeving in invisible bicycles--these are the skeptards.

    7. Anon 7:07 I would think there would be at least one witness description describing this if true. I have not read ALL witness accounts, but the description would at least be brought up once in awhile....?

    8. 7:07,9:25...Wow. You can't tell those comments are goofing on a defense of the fool in the wookie mask clip? That is baaaaaaad...

  17. Another bullseye for Robert "Sniper" Lindsay!

  18. Same 3 unsophisticated posters for 99% of the postings.

  19. WOW! I just read Robert's article. Poor guy. He seriously needs help.

    1. He's just trolling the footers. Besides the fact that he's a cretin, I don't see anything wrong with that.

  20. Lindsay thinks Ketchum wrote a good paper and should be hailed a hero. nuff said there.

  21. Lindsay hasn't done his homework. Munns didn't get the wookie footage from a third party, he got it directly from Erickson and signed an N.D.A with him. As far as "well this is a hoax, but they still have the real one" stuff, come on. And the "sleeping Matilda" footage was also given to Munns. He said the clip he saw never showed the creature waking up, so apparently what we've a seen is all there is to that. Erickson can put all this to rest by releasing what he's got.

  22. shouldn't there be a red flag if someone tries to sell you a bunch of videos and one of them is agreed to be fake ? I dunno, if it was me i would cast doubt on all the other videos as well. As soon as one is fake they should all be questioned and certainly not bought

  23. As I said yesterday, I was the person that wore the wookie suit. It was filmed in Crittenden, Ky. where I lived at the time. I now live in Grants Lick. I had to strap foam cushions to my arms, legs and torso, to fill in the suit. Dennis was the guy that filmed me.

    1. My name is Bob Hilarious. I buy my hairy suits straight off the rack. I jump around in the woods. Then I sell my story to skeptards. I enjoy it.

  24. If this is the "fake" video Erickson was offered, why did Melba, say on her block that it is Matilda?

  25. Erickson did it all for the wookie

  26. Ok my fellow Bigfoot forum members.
    Please Help me understand
    1 Fake Video
    4 Real Videos
    Is this correct???
    I don’t really need to say it because you guys already have.
    A good hoaxer always tries to leave something more to see.
    I will show you this but wait I got something even better to show you.
    It really is the Sideshow mentality.
    Its Kind of like saying,If you think this is good, if you give more money I will show you the real good stuff in the back room.
    Keep them wanting more, this is all it is .
    We all really need to start saying enough already. Ignore, them cut off there voice.
    Dont give them the attention they crave.
    The sad thing is Patty was filmed in 1967 people are still talking about it.
    Do you think people will be talk about this video years from now, don’t think so.
    Its 2013, I’m so surprised that there isn’t anything Better than the PGF Film.
    I really do think there is something to this Bigfoot mystery
    That’s why I’m here, but this stuff is really starting to make me sick.
    I find it insulting to everyone here.
    I finding there is a mix of people here, believers and skeptics.
    The believers get more disapointed
    The Skeptics get more vindicated
    Annoymous Feb 28 1:34am PST said it best

    1. ^Newbfoot.

      Do some research, if you want to know the truth.
      It's not to difficult to find the footers trademark pattern of lie after lie distorting facts and ignoring reality.

    2. Ken: every person on the planet with a diff opinion are surely not all liars. But something that I just can't get a straight or legit answer about is, how does one become a quote BIGFOOT expert researcher? and since we don't have a body as of yet to study, how does one become an expert about any facet of SASQUATCH? Aren't we all in the same boat, when it comes to having acquired knowledge of the subject? A person who spends time in the woods is not automatically considered a wildlife expert, are they? What makes this subject any diff? Facts that are evident to me are, that Know one really has any(facts) that are proven. Am I not correct in that? seriously inquiring.

    3. Ok ken, all these questions are valid but what is your ultimate point? are you questioning the communities validity as a whole? If so, I agree, there is no definitive answers, but some are searching for the real proof in a scientific fashion. At least they appear to be doing studies as best they can. Good questions, but how to answer Ken, how to answer?

    4. Ken is way behind the curve. Keep up buddy.

    5. Ken: If I sounded sarcastic, I'm sorry, I really don't understand the litmus test used to decide the experts from the rest of us. It's obvious to most what's Hoax and what's possibly real, or at least seriously debatable. But it appears that some really believe some of the things like tree knocking and howling to be an actual scientific method. To most people who hunt or spend time in the wilderness such things are just silly, but others somehow believe some "EXPERT" in the mystery that's Bigfoot scientifically formulated this approach. So how does one become an expert? Is it those who proclaim the most outlandish approach, or is there some info that is not readily available to everyone? I would love there to be a REAL mystery to believe and strive for, but the Hoaxes and silliness makes Bigfoot a tough one for most, especially when most of the silliness comes from the EXPERTS.

    6. Your a cool guy Ken, but way to serious for this subject. Enjoy it for what it is buddy.

    7. 6:51:

      Do some research, if you want to know the truth.
      It's not to difficult to find the skeptards' trademark pattern of lie after lie distorting facts and ignoring reality.

    8. Wow, angriest footer ever.
      Dude relax before your head explodes.

  27. If someone says they saw a Bigfoot they are lying.

    1. Not necessarily. There can be many reasons people "see" imaginary creatures. Mis-identification, hallucination, lucid dreaming, the desire to see something that's not there, batshit crazy, just to name a few reasons. Lies are a huge part of it though.
      I think most of the footers are just lonely or attention hounds or both.

    2. If someone insists they're a Bigfoot skeptic they're lying.

  28. Who in the wide world of sports is Ken?
    Getting here late just want to know.

    1. He's a Newbfoot. He's curious about the magic monkey. He speculates about the subject, without knowing anything about it's history.

    2. Ken:You hit the nail almost on the head anon7:57

  29. Why on earth I would want to hear the opinion about bigfoot from a self confessed Pedo that has admitted on his blog having sex with a 13 year old girl which he has now edited and thinks the age of consent should be brought down to 12 I have no idea. Can you tell me Shawn? America - one thing we can say for sure we are number one at is hypocrisy. Nobody does it better than us.
    Robert Lindsay - remember, if he's not making you mad or sticking his privates in a 13 year olds mouth, he's not doing his job

    1. That's just fukin sick I suppose I really should read more by the time I was 19 I knew there wasn't anything even a 16 yr old girl could say that I'd want to hear I mean my daughter talks to her friends and I'm like Jesus I can't believe I was ever young enough to want to hear the nonsense they talk about but I'm her dad I have to pretend I care so someone sick enough to speak of being with girls that little is sick this is why I pay so much attention to my kids if this sick mother fu$ker ever came near my daughter his ass would come up missing real quick

    2. I don't know why anybody in the Bigfoot community has any association with this man. They need to oust him completely. He's not right in the head and needs psychological help.

  30. If its not Erikson's photos, from a film he owns, how did he claim copywrite infringments? We have to understand Robert Lindsay has opened his mouth and more dribbles fell out!!

  31. I thought the Robert Lindsay pedo stuff was bogus until I googled it myself....

    This guy is a sicko.

    1. Whoa!!,
      Hey guys I'm still a Newbie here.
      Is it true about Robert Lindasay?
      I know you guys like to joke around .
      I dont think Anonymous 7:47 is Joking
      You have to be very careful about this subject for Ovious Reasons.

      After thinking about it for moment.
      Why is this guy not in Jail(sex with a 13 year old Girl)??

      Robert Lindsay - sticking his privates in a 13 year olds mouth, he's not doing his job(I think this Stement should be removed from the forum).

    2. I ment to say Linsay should be removed from the forum

    3. I agree Shawn you need to remove this guy from your site!!!

  32. Any younger people or somone new to this Subject would read some of the stuff and say this is stupid.
    My 14 year old Daughter thinks I'm stupid for going on this Forum.
    How do you tell a 14 year old girl they have a real picture of a Bigfoot LOL.
    Any of you who have Kids know what I'm Talking about

    I would love to be able to go in the Woods, but I dont have the Money to Travel to the Best Locations,
    Also I think I could take Better pictures of Bigfoot then I have seen so Far
    Taking good Pictures is not that Hard People

    1. Luckily this will be the last generation of dumbass believers. Kids these days are clued up and will know better than to believe in a magic monkey man.

    2. Ya,

      Kids dont realize how long ago all this Stuff we have today really started.

      I dont know, I would say it was the PGF Film that got most peoples attenion in 1967

      Way before the Internet, Wow, what did we do before the Internet. Watched TV shows like In Search of LOL.

  33. It doesn't matter whether the video was of a kitten, an elephant, an ant, etc. That is irrelevant to the non-disclosure of data. Property is property.

    Bill was tasked with a job, performed it, was paid for it, and signed a legally binding confidentiality agreement. He then violated that agreement for his own purposes to quell the curiosity of anonymous message board participants. That doesn't inspire much confidence in his ability to appreciate sensitive data.

    It wasn't his data to release. It wasn't his place to "clear up confusion". It has obviously created much more confusion.

    1. But Erickson was taking to much time for us bleevers tastes.

      We were tired of waiting.

      So Bill did the right thing.

    2."Data"!!Its a fool in a wookie mask,bro. It cannot be classified as data unless you are conducting a study on what motivates some fool to don a wookie mask and hoax a bigfoot.."data"

  34. "I asked a 15 yr old girl I knew to get me some weed and coke (mostly as a ruse to seduce her), and she took me over to her friend’s house. Her friend was 17 and living with a 39 yr old guy. The 15 yr old thought that was a-ok. She admired her teen hottie friend and wanted to get in on the older guy thing. The guy had been screwing her Mom and then he left her for the 17 yr old daughter. We bought some weed and coke, and I took it up on vacation to go visit some relatives and some chicks I had hundreds of miles away in another city. I came back and had a relationship with the 15 yr old."

    - Robert Lindsay

    1. He doesn't get any clicks from me, for sure. Probably wasn't getting many from anyone else either so decided to hop on this bigfoot thing. That is baaaaaad...And this is coming from a party animal...

  35. Ken: These poor girls must not have come from a family where DAD was around, because Lindsay is still alive isn't he?

    1. Exactly what I said above ken I don't know if people without kids understand

  36. I just went to Robert Lindsey Wordpress to see what all the pedophile references were about. If its the same Robert Lindsey this guy is one sick ass mf and really needs to be locked up!

  37. After spending some time on this forum this is what I’m coming away with.
    The Bigfoot research world is non-existent.
    Please don’t tell me it is .
    What do we really have:
    • Fake Scientist
    • Fake Doctors
    • Hoaxes
    • Con-men
    • Scams
    • Drug users
    • Child Molesters
    • Attention Cravers
    • Bad Pictures
    • Bad Videos
    • Made up DNA Reports
    • The promise of something Better coming out .
    Sorry If I sound a little pissed off, but when we start taking about
    Guys having sex with 17 year old Girls, That was it.
    It isn’t Fun anymore for me .

    1. Check out the wiki entry on Grover Krantz. The bibliography lists some interesting reading. There is a link to a paper that actually appeared in a peer-reviewed journal. A journal on the history of western science, if I remember correctly..

    2. Thanks Anon 12:13 Just Read it

      Grover Krantz:.[(November 5, 1931 – February 14, 2002):
      He has been described as having been the "only scientist" and "lone professional" to seriously consider Bigfoot in his time, in a field largely dominated by amateur naturalists
      Krantz's studies of Bigfoot, which he called "Sasquatch," (an Anglicization of the Halkomelem word sásq’ets (IPA: [ˈsæsqʼəts], meaning "wild man")[13] led him to believe that this was an actual creature. He theorized that sightings were due to small pockets of surviving gigantopithecines, with the progenitor population having migrated across the Bering land bridge, which was later used by humans to enter North America. (Gigantopithecus lived alongside humans but is thought to have gone extinct 300,000 years ago in eastern Asia.)[

    3. Your welcome. They were a type of giganto, now they are a type of people...

  38. There's no way Erickson can claim that he knew this wookie was a hoax and it's not part of the real footage now that the scam is revealed.

    Why did Munns come out about it? Obviously because he knows that Erickson is trying to claim it to be real and set the record straight.

    But even beyond the question of does it resemble a wookie or not, the freaking thing's mouth is in the exact same position in every still. It's obviously some type of synthetic mask.

    1. I found the timing curious. Apparently, some of the "higher ups" in the bigfoot world are not happy with Melba. She is using some of Erickson's footage, so this can be Munn's ricochet shot across her bow.

  39. The "woman" in the photo kissing Chewbacca is not real. I am tired of these hoaxes.

    1. We know the woman isn't real and I don't understand why chebacca agreed to be photographed kissing her! He usually has higher standards.


  40. Ya I'm truly upset.

    I was having Fun ,but after Reading about Lindsay
    that kind of ruined my mood.

    For Those of you who have Teenage Girls you can understand how I feel.
    After knowing this and it is true as some of the Forum members have stated
    I wish that Shawn would not mention him anymore on this site.
    So why is this guy getting so much attention here
    I dont care what Lindsay thinks or says
    What is a young person coming to read this forum to think.
    Yes I would hope they would be smart enough to know that there are some good people out there.


    1. Anom 12:22

      Why a ?
      What dont you understand
      Did you read everything posted so far?
      Linsay has addmitted to having sex with a Teenage girl(15 years old) and buying Drugs with her.


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