FBFB Passes Point of No Return With Rick Dyer Hoax 2.0, Promotes Him Like Crazy

The defining feature of a black hole, the event horizon, is a surface in spacetime that marks a point of no return. The "point of no return" is the closest distance that matter can approach before being irretrievably pulled into the black hole, not even light can escape it once it passes this point.

Facebook Find Bigfoot, on the tenth day of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand and thirteen, an interview was conducted with Bigfoot hoaxer Rick Dyer about a supposed body hidden in a secret bunker somewhere in Las Vegas. FBFB's Jeff Andersen personally interview Rick Dyer for two days, and even awarded him for being 2012's Bigfoot Hoaxer.. eermm.. Bigfoot Researcher of the year. Dyer happily accepted the award. After spending several days with Dyer, FBFB is now convinced that Dyer has a body, though no actual body exists. They are now 100% all-in with Dyer at this point, and there's no going back:

FB/FB went to Las Vegas from 2/10/13 to 2/12/13, and did an extensive interviews and research into the Filmer of the #2/82 Camper/tent video. We are 100% that this is a real film and event. Rick Dyer will soon be thrust into the limelight. Most people only see his alter-ego, his on camera, online persona of the "Best Bigfoot Tracker in the World" which may be true. Only Tom Biscardi may have a past as checkered as Rick Dyer, here he explains the 2008 hoax, his motivation and work for the last 4 years. Nothing has divided the Bigfoot Research community more than this story, we have seen evidence that no one else has and that is why we are so confident in this story.

Now that FBFB is irrefutably promoting the 2008 Bigfoot hoaxer of the year, the community backlash is now stronger than ever. Here are a few comments from their YouTube channel:

"So why didn't you guys look at it? And if you did,why not say something? Sure would help with your book. What could it hurt? It isn't like FBFB could ever distance itself from Dyer now."

"FB/FB you said you were going to take down your site if you went to Las Vegas to see the body and it end's up being a hoax? I see you both have NOT confirmed the body as you had a chance to do so, not just Musky Allen, who a lot of people never heard of. I can't say that I am behind you anymore about believing a hoaxer and listening to a skeptic who is new on the scene. Please, now you must follow through with your word and giving a known hoaxer an award, take down FB/FB. No detail's? You are just as full of shit as Dyer and your inability to see and verify the body is just as bad as Dyer and his hoaxes. Close down your site as you stated and none of this video redeem's you in any way or make's you anymore credible. Facebook/findblobsquatch will be no more!"

"The World wants to know...Jack and Jeff...WHY DIDN`T YOU ASK TO SEE THE BODY?!!"

"I’m having a hard time believing Rick Dyer. Why can’t you show the whole video? Were you asked not to or PAID not to?"

"What have you signed a NDA for??? And an NDA is about as good as someone putting their hand on a Bible and swearing under oath that they will not lie on a witness stand in court. Neither one works simple as that. 98% of people can not and will not keep their word in a verbal or written NDA type of contract. 1) Either FB/FB saw the body and are ashamed to admit it is a hoax. 2) There is no body and they are trying to profit from this as much as RD is. 3) They never actually went to Vegas."

"Facebook find Bigfoot, has put NOTHING on the line. Their organization? Wow big deal. A youtube/facebook organization? & Its leading characters, the two anonomous hidden faces of Jack/Jeff. Both scared to show their faces. Or, smart enough to NOT show them because they are part of this HOAX? This interview is nothing more than promotion for Dyer and his movie. NO info contained. FB/FB has been wrong on at least 75% of their analysis videos and I'm sure this is no exception."


  1. Replies
    1. earlier today, I saw the opportunity to bask in the glory of firstness slip away as my iphone refused to allow me to comment on the new post. But there is a god, as he saw fit to give me a new opportunity for greatness. it is true. when one door closes, another opens

      first squatches

    2. I was first once and now every moment is filled with awesomeness.

    3. I know. It even seems that my avatar suddenly has a radiant halo.

  2. Replies
    1. Rick Dyer makes his current living as a LYER!

      What a small little deranged man!

    2. He is off his medication or on to much medication!

    3. He is a typical CO that gets fired for one resone or another, but the problem is he is a drug addict -

      You can tell he uses drugs & hides it well - even from himself! Very sad! I hope his kids are OK - and I mean this!

      If you read this Rick forget everyone here & even the recent cash you might have made - save yourself & your family from your slow destruction!

  3. Do you mean "point of no return"?

    1. Going to Vegas Shawn,you have a love hate thing with Dyer?I think his ego would force his hand

    2. Force his hand on what ? Shawn's penis?


    3. Can anyone smell sompton musky?
      I see a tan colored chewbacca and a Hershey Squirt black colored Matilda
      I think she is the real deal folks.
      Squatch Nuts

    4. Dyer VS Shawn Evidence in a street brawl? Who wins??

  4. Everybody is jumping the shark this week: Melba, Erickson, FB/FB. Who's next?

    1. Rick Dyre is a fucken little pussy!

    2. He dose look like a closet fag.

    3. He is nothing more than a tiny little half a man with a low IQ - his mother must be so a shamed of him!

  5. You hit the nail on the head. I saw their interview. If they didn't go see it, then they're really that stupid. I'll never trust Dyer, even if it's true.

  6. You can feel the air being sucked out of the room; as we lose cabin pressure. In a few moments FB/FB & Crew, will thankfully slip into unconsciousness.

    1. They must be higher than you my friend to believe that worthless fuk

    2. They must be higher than you my friend to believe that worthless fuk

    3. There are a lot of con men in Bigfooting and all of them aren't as blatant as Dyer.

    4. What will losing cabin pressure do to caterpillars? Because those things above Musky's eyes have to be living creatures.

    5. Those are Sasquatch Larvae. They can survive a Nuclear Blast.

    6. They must be higher than you my friend to believe that worthless fuk

    7. FB/FB is totally lame! Cheap little white trash pussys that amount to zero

    8. Yup. They've lost it. By cuffing themselves to Ketchum and Dyer they've lost all credibility. Its crazy.

    9. That's called part unibrow cause his fat goofy @ss is only one step removed from Neanderthal!

  7. Musky Allen looks like a homeless guy. How is he supposed to make me believe Dyer shot a bigfoot?

    1. A home loss homo to boot. You can tell he would love to massage Dyers ass.

    2. Dyer wants to massage Musky's ass too, even if it does like like 50lbs. of chewed bubble gum.

    3. You gots that right
      I bet Muskies ass looks like someone worked it over with a ice pick.
      Squatch Nuts

  8. all this talk JUST SHOW the video pictures body whatever people are loosing interest

  9. I was a fan of FB/FB.In the last few weeks after others have made different findings on some videos hmm.I guess I wanted to believe but now.I think they are a couple f- morans sucking $ out of us...Dryer,well I don't think people change.Ya maybe they shot a Bigfoot behind a Home ,was it?.Hmmm I think for now I will not look at any more FB/FB stuff.GF

    1. A Home Depot is where he shot it. I followed FB/FB for years. I looked for new vids and posted my findings for them. I left when they wrote the book because I was in disagreement. Now, I hope they're ready for this. Feet first flop into the fierce and fiery FAIL.

    2. 5:04 Definition of a moran, a moron who can't spell correctly.

  10. All I can saw Shawn is that your awards for 2012 were pretty awfull as well. Lindsay and survival guy? You were pretty reluctant to let your identity known until your hand was forced.

    1. I keep my poop in a jar?...

    2. I heard FBFB helped Rick Dyer find out what Shawn's identity was.

    3. I am going to award Shawn 2012 Bigfoot Blogger of the Year!

  11. I listened to the interview and Dyer fails to adequately explain how he went from hoaxer to footer. Apparently he was so mad about being hated by footers that he decided to prove the hating footers RIGHT, while expending $4,500/month. Absolutely ridiculous.

    1. Even though at the time he felt bigfoot was a fairy tale.

    2. And even though he says Bigfoots only show themselves when they want to, he's still the worlds greatest bigfoot tracker.

  12. I am dangerously close to shitting in my pants....Oh ,There He Goes....2 of um!

    1. I hear do brush poppin and stuuuff.....

    2. Rocky Top Tennessee baby, Two trees were pushed over in only one hour last night, now were getting somewhere (Sooooo Weee)
      Squatch Nuts

  13. These two look like beady eyed crooks straight out of central casting. "Psst, hey kid. Wanna buy a bigfoot dvd?"...

    1. Musky = some pothead off the street looking for his next score

  14. Oh noes...I always thought those FB/FB guyz were the troof!

  15. 30 Dolla, Make you Holla, I get Paid to the Wild Hoax Thang.

  16. I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
    See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.
    I'm crying.

    Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.
    Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody tuesday.
    Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.
    I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
    I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob.

    Mister city policeman sitting
    Pretty little policemen in a row.
    See how they fly like Lucy in the Sky, see how they run.
    I'm crying, I'm crying.
    I'm crying, I'm crying.

    Yellow mother custard, dripping from a dead dog's eye.
    Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess,
    Boy, you been a naughty girl you let your knickers down.
    I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
    I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob.

    Sitting in an english garden waiting for the sun.
    If the sun don't come, you get a tan
    From standing in the english rain.
    I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
    I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob goo goo g'joob.

    Expert textpert choking smokers,
    Don't you think the joker laughs at you?
    See how they smile like pigs in a sty,
    See how they snied.
    I'm crying.

    Semolina pilchard, climbing up the eiffel tower.
    Elementary penguin singing Hari Krishna.
    Man, you should have seen them kicking edgar allan poe.
    I am the eggman, They are the eggmen.
    I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob goo goo g'joob goo goo g'joob.
    Goo goo g'joob goo

    1. Lennon's 3rd best-1)Strawberry Fields 2) Day in the Life. Obviously I am biased towards the psychedelic stuff-but I like drugs...

  17. So Erickson is going to sue Munns for breaking an NDA.

    This is like a Seinfeld episode.

    Look for Munns to get his xxxxl pants sued off him.

    Because Munns is perpetually broke, I expect the judge will order him to be Erickson's butler for a period of time.

    1. If Bill Munns was my butler I'd make him wear the PGF suit and chase him around the house with a shotgun screaming dance monkey dance!

  18. It's almost surreal how FB/FB can be that naive. How can they get away with 90% of the BS they manufacture?

    1. Never underestimate the foolishness of the bleevetard

    2. One of the guys is a millionaire, owns a chain of swim schools.

    3. Because bleebers are bottom of the barrel scum of the earth degenerate schmucks who should never breed.

    4. Three times, kids, you can guess: why is FB/FB doing this???!!!! Because they are so naive??? This is the point of no return: also for BF Evidence...

  19. Fuck FB/FB (FFB/FB?), but regarding an NDA, getting sued can be a pretty good incentive to not disclose. It's not quite as simple as trusting one to keep their mouth shut because they were asked.

  20. Screw the gay white trash little pussys at FB/FB!
    These guys could not ID a known primate!
    The guy who reads the beginning of their videos can't even read at a 7th grade level !he sounds like he has cotton mouth from smoking pot and studders like a meth head that needs sleep really bad!

  21. These guys are on prescription drugs, illegally!

  22. Musky Allen looks like the kind of scumball douchebag that would rent his sister out for a case of beer and a bottle of cough syrup.

  23. All of these morons look and speak like toothless hillbillies. FB Find Bullshit can't even read, can't even fucking read but they confirm Bigfoot?

  24. Why are there no black people involved in bigfootery?

    Dats rayciss!!

  25. isn't it illegal to discharge a large calibre firearms within city limits? wouldn't there be some type of investigation as to why he discharged a high powered weapon behind a home depot.

    1. It happened in Texas...
      No laws broken...

    2. so your saying, because this happened in texas, anyone can take a large caliber rifle, go behind a home depot or walmart and fire off a few rounds?

  26. I remember when Musky appeared on that site. There were these 3 guys that spent virtually all their days doing nothing but arguing about BF's non-existence. They used full names. Initials were D.N. and J.S. and the other had an Asian name I can't recall. DN's arguments were more academic I guess you could say, while J.S. was very insulting after he teamed up with D.N. There was a pic of him playing drums I think? He was very condescending and a namecaller, very into ridicule. He was polite at first until he felt backed up by the other 2, that's when he started being so mean spirited. Anyway, when FB/FB finally banned these guys, that's when Musky suddenly appeared. Don't know if that's a coincidence or if any of those 3 are the same guy. But the timing makes it possible. Does anyone remember that trio? I remember DN was big on making fun of the BF clears gap video and kept talking about a 900 pound animal "tiptoeing" on a branch, lol. (True enough) And he would talk about how dogs would track them if they were real. J.S. used the "empirical evidence" argument frequently. I quit going there shortly after Musky appeared on the scene so I don't know what his pet arguments were. I will never really understand why people that think the idea is silly spend so much time obsessing over arguing with people about it. They never really answer that question satisfactorily. Just seems strange. There is also a guy on Youtube that appears on pretty much every video to say condescending things and to ridicule the idea. I'm sure people here know who I'm talking about. Again, why the obsession with doing that?

  27. Come again? They went to Las Vegas, to where a bigfoot body is being kept, in order to confirm the existence of the body, whereby they talked to the guy who says the body is there, and figured that was good enough, and went home to confirm the existence of the body, without actually seeing the body, and they say there must be a body because the guy who says there is a body is such a good guy?

    I must be on drugs. That can't possibly be what I read.

    1. Kind of funny, FBFB removed their banner that they will not support a hoax just before! Hmmmmmm

  28. Replies
    1. Yes, a nice artical for me to poop on!

      A matter of fact I am going to print this artical out and line my bird cage with it!

      This way it won't be a total waste'

      Ahh, just joking! I'm a troll so you know I didn't even read the artical!

  29. Could jack or jeff or both be rick dyer? Musky Allen looks like mutant.

  30. Replies
    1. I've seen the deceased creature and have performed several test on it. Yes it is 100% real and Mr. Dyer is telling the truth…

  31. "The defining feature of a black hole, the event horizon, is a surface in spacetime that marks a point of no return. The "point of no return" is the closest distance that matter can approach before being irretrievably pulled into the black hole, not even light can escape it once it passes this point." I knew a girl like this and barely was able to escape here big roast beef looking black hole. Nasty, came out unscathed, but not quite right after witnessing what I saw!!'


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