Adrian Erickson Putting The Smackdown On The Matilda Footage, Forces Ketchum To Remove Video From Facebook (Update: Video is still allowed. Images by Munns not allowed)

To anyone who has a photo or video of the famous Matilda the sleeping Sasquatch up on their YouTube channel or website, you'll have to take it all down. We're sorry to break it to you, but it looks like the founder of the Erickson Project, Adrian Erickson isn't too happy with his $1,000,000 video being distributed via news sites and blogs without proper license. Ketchum made this statement today apologizing followers about the removal of the image from her Facebook page and why she had to comply:

I'm sorry to say the picture of Matilda had to be taken down. While she is adorable that picture is owned by Adrian Erickson. It was allowed to be in the paper only. That picture is copy written and licensed. Anyone distributing or posting it is doing so illegally. Adrian is a good person and out of respect for him we will not post it publicly . We advise everyone to do the same. - Dr. Melba Ketchum

The Erickson Project documentary which you'll never see:

[Update] Ketchum may be talking about the images posted by Bill Munns yesterday. As of this writing, the video of Matilda is still up on Ketchum's Facebook page.

[Update #2] She's talking about the Munns photo. A few commenters are referencing it.


  1. Replies
    1. You talkin about Melba? She is "sore".

    2. I have been online researching bigfoot information for a little under two years (approx)

      I always enjoyed reading the books, watching the tv shows, camping, spending time outdoors, and discussing the possible existence with friends and family once in awhile.
      In the last year or so, I have come to realize that the online bigfoot world was a mistake I made in discovering.

      Too much hoaxing, lies, and drama....was it like this in the pre-internet days??? Is it really all lies and BS??

    3. It's been lies and bullshit since back in the day when Roger and Bob were nailing hookers and hoaxing tracks.

    4. I just keep coming back for those hot photos of Melba Ketchum. She's all woman.

    5. check out youtube

      New Wookie sighting!!!!! By BF evidence!

    6. Pwned like bipto in the dark by a woodape.

    7. everytime i have to shave my grandma shes always leaking weird things out of yeh broski i must agree with yeh

    8. Bigfoots of the world unite!...and file a class action Lawsuit against George Lucas for misrepresentation of your kind in Star Wars (and without your permission).

  2. Replies
    1. First...firsties is plural...fool..sooo

    2. Has anyone noticed the similarity to the Myakka "Skunk Ape" Photographs. Anyone else see this?

  3. Replies
    1. You're lucky! I'm super jealous of you right now!

    2. I deicate that one to you Mayor McCheese or should I say future President McCheese.

    3. Thank you BB for the dedication and for your continued support.

    4. That's great sportsmanship Mayor, but where were you when I was first on Sunday?

    5. Church is an acceptable place to give your thanks and support to the God King.

    6. I second the nomination for Mayor McCheese for president.

  4. Hey! You put white out on my face lol

  5. How old is that trailor by now? Why not just release the documentary?

    It probably doesn't have much in it. All show and no go!

  6. I need to take a wicked wikileak

  7. So Ketchum and Erickson are saying the Munns photos are genuine? So after all this time we're being told Bigfoot looks EXACTLY like Chewbacca? Uhhhhhhh....

    1. Yup, and Patty's the real deal and Sweaty's a member of fucking Mensa.

    2. Yes, Patty's the real deal.

      Well done, skeptard,

      Not bad for your first day.

      Tard on, skeptard, tard on baby.

    3. Kerchak: inactive
      Mulder: in hiding

      Who's Next???

    4. Q - So what did you do today Honey?

      A - I spent most of it on BF blogs trolling. Ain't I the MAN?? Where are you going?? Come back!!

      Stupid JRef'rs...

  8. "Laugh it up fuzzball!"

    -Han Solo

    1. Always let the wookie win.

    2. You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon? She's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs. She's fast enough for you, old man. What's the cargo?

      --HAN SOLO, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

    3. maybe George lucas saw a damn bigfoot and was like "ya... that's what my wookie is going to look like"

    4. Why is the government so obsessed with this secretly ? They are too you know, all the trolls here that's them. The origin of Sasquatch must remain in the dark apparently. First we had the ape theory for decades despite the beings always called Wild Men and such way back because people knew these beings obviously weren't apes, then as make-up became more sophisticated in movies so grew the ape angle to make hoaxing easier and make this the official/traditional Bigfoot lore stand to uphold the myth. Now though it is an opinion only geeks hold because the odds simple are against it in every way, the animal idea is fast dying away. So we're currently in the human stage of Bigfootery where it probably always belonged and makes most sense too, that means we can now treat this as a realistic world wide subject really and not some fantasy ape you'll never catch or you would've done so. Undiscovered hominins are inhabiting regions of the planet, it's a lot more logical to theorize so than some beast your hunter's gene speaks to. That still doesn't mean this is what a Sasquatch is, hominin, but it's likely given the opposition and trolling. So that is where this is now moving towards and will stay for however long it takes, until we either find them or new logic sets in again with realization dawning on us that it must be something else then after all. Cue, Lucas' space primate. Where do you suppose he got that idea he didn't just make it up. That'll be the third stage if the hominin search in the future stays undiscovered, that means the cover-up is still going on and we really have to think outside the box.

    5. Thank you for your taxes which pay our secret paychecks....there is no bigfoot,these aren't the droids you're looking for.

    6. the government pays people to troll this bigfoot blog.... ya that's believable.. (sarcasm)

  9. Light colored Saquatches bred with white woman ( light colored Homin)
    Darker Sasquatches (Matilda) was a offspring of Woopie Goldberg and Patrick Ewing.
    Squatch Nuts

  10. Never trust a guy with a Mullet and a Canadian accent.

  11. Yoo......don't be hating on the Chew Dawg....

    1. You should have seen Matilda the night before...she was hot!,

    2. She was breathing more than 6 times a second...if you know what I mean....

    3. Chewbacca, is there any truth that you were in on the Matilda hoax?

      Did those taterholes use your likeness without your permission?

      Are you under an NDA too?

      Do you still talk to Carrie Fisher? If so tell her I LOVED her in the 'Burbs.

      Also I hated those little furry bastard Ewoks.

    4. They got my DNA from Matilda's dress.....Bastards!

    5. Chewbacca's like the Bill Clinton of bigfootery.

    6. I did not have sexual relations with Matilda or Ketchum...

    7. Are you the hybrid that touched Mulder in the woods?

    8. Mulder's a dude, dude.


    9. Wookies are a type of dog too. They rely on smell, it was dark and Mulder was perfume...

      Dude looks like a lady!!

  12. Replies
    1. See: The Munns Effect

      It's monkey boy butler time!!


  14. Matilda has a serious case of the drip.

  15. absolutely the craziest day yet. you can't make this sh*t up.

    so, if the munn's photos are a copyright infringement, that means that it is the erikson project bigfoot in the photo. which means, bigfoot looks EXACTLY like chewbacca. apart from being my greatest childhood dream coming true, it's making my brain melt that this is happening. it looks exactly like F***ING CHEWBACCA!

    maybe it is chewbacca. we all know the tent video bigfoot starred in 'bigfoot's wild weekend', as well as in a few commercial spots. so it makes sense that some other bigfoot does some acting work on the side. this is the only plausible explanation.

    was chewbacca in fact an actual sasquatch? did anyone ever see chewbacca out of costume? george lucas, it's time to weigh in.

    1. Yo Chew Dawg don't roll with juvie Squatches!!!

    2. Can it be as simple as BF is indeed something our science CAN'T interpret right now? Can it be that Melba actually came to the conclusion that what she had is indeed BF, but it's DNA doesn't relate to anything on this planet and she then filled in the blanks, because this is where I'm headed. Perhaps their DNA will simply not satisfy our current scientific requirement?

      This study was a fork in the road for myself. I know BF exist because I've personally seen one. I had good faith that good samples were provided, of course all the sample couldn't have been BF but SOME had to be.

      Was Ketchum so incompetent that she couldn't accurately document the DNA provided? I don't think so!

      This study was my last hope to see BF as simply another species that evolved on this planet and is completely flesh and blood. Now I don't know enough about dimensions and "angel dna" to articulate my thoughts at this moment...but there's no way a person certified in DNA forensics such as Melba could mess this up THIS badly.

      Perhaps BF..........IDK...don't have DNA? Maybe their DNA mimics what it comes in contact with? Just reaching here...

      This is for another thread but, I'm leaning toward BF is indeed something we don't and can't understand at this time. There's plenty of evidence that we've had advanced societies on this Earth before ours. Is BF something they created? Or does BF really live in another dimension? Perhaps we don't know what a "dimension" is?

    3. there's nothing saying that Melba maybe just wasn't good at doing dna.

    4. hoodiesquatchMonday, February 25, 2013 at 8:23:00 PM PST, it doesn't look anything like the Chewbacca in the accompanying photo. Frankly, the profile looks more like that of Patty. People seem to be having some vision issues.

    5. 8:39, I've been saying that since I found out everyone was putting their bigfoot faith in a goddamn veterinarian. I do ultrasound, which is a very technical skill, but it doesn't mean that I should be building nuclear reactors.

      Is there an accrediting body for DNA work? How DO we know that she's any good at this?

    6. Yes Travis. It is called academia. It is the accrediting body for work in math, physics, genetics and transgender studies. People publish their results in peer-reviewed journals and give talks at seminars sponsored by graduate departments.

    7. I think you could be correct, 8:33. Ape it's certainly not, and if a mere hominin which is basically just another human species like we've had others already in history still remains undiscovered for too many years onward from now, then it becomes more likely they're something else entirely. And from somehwere else entirely too, meaning authority and science denial is happening for a reason.

    8. 5:38, I thought everybody just started their own journal and published work that way??

  16. Dear Lord. So, that's what Erickson has? Could this possibly get any worse? The first time I heard about this whole thing was when Bindernagle declared he had a sighting. When I found out about the habituation connection I thought "hoax" immediately. Forget Bindernagle's credentials... he's either in on it, or absolutely clueless. It took a decade, but I finally feel like a dipshit for ever thinking Bigfoot might exist. I've done my homework, read the books, watched the documentaries. I've written Krantz, Meldrum and Bindernagle and recieved replies from each of them. I was a member of Mike Rugg's museum. I had cast replicas... but over time, I've started to see this is all nonsense. Absolutely all of the evidence is suspect and this crap clinches it. Bigfoot is for suckers.

    1. Your comment makes baby Jesus weep.

    2. Yeah...try getting your name thrown in the about the walk oh Shame......for Matilda that is...hoe wouldn't stop calling me...

    3. there's still the eyewitness testimony. thousands of ordinary people. it's still less plausible that all these people are mistaken or are making up stories than there exists an elusive ape.

    4. Oh Matilda was more animal than human.....if you know what I mean.....grrrrrr

    5. Great post 8:25 and I feel the same way. I'm just waiting on Sykes to officially deliver the death knell and I'll never waste another second on this shit until I see one on National television.

    6. I am leaning toward anon 8:25's opinion.

      I have had a fascination with bigfoot for 25 years. I too have watched tons of docs, read dozens of books, even f*cking made small donations to research!!!!!! It really is all starting to look like a fucking joke, what a waste of time this has been.

      If this is truly a clip from the Erickson footage.........F**K

    7. Keep your faith, amigo. I've seen it. I saw bigfoot years before I started wasting my time with all this blog crap. I used to go out to the place where I had my sighting, and while I had a number of fascinating and frightening encounters, I never did see it again. Now that I'm married, out of college, have a good career and a kid, I don't have time to go looking anymore.

      My point is this. It's real. I have seen one, had encounters with several more. Don't let the hoaxes and the trolls ruin it. The so called "bigfoot community" has been spouting such ridiculous crap that it's become embarrassing to be a bigfoot believer (as if it wasn't stigmatized enough already).

      So ignore the crap. Bigfoot is out there. Don't let people on the internet discourage you.


    8. ^^If you'd actually seen a magic monkey, you wouldn't be here trying to convince others they exist.

    9. Here is the way it is and always will be Travis: there are the chosen few who've actually seen one and there are the rest of the world who will NEVER be able to see one on TV or see pics in textbooks or even read about them on wiki. This is what separates bigfoots from, say, narwhals.

    10. Most of us can't "see" them. This is a good thing.

    11. Jeez 8:25, were you any smart you'd realize this is just part of the powers' that be cover-up. Bigfoot's not some damn Wookie head thing they're either hominin or something else, fake they're not that's only what they still want you to think.

  17. Munns and anyone else can legally display the picture if they are criticizing it (which he is). See section 107 of the Copyright Act.

    1. Like I keep saying....she was hot after a few don't do her justice....

    2. @ anon 8:33

      I have a copy of a contract signed by Munns that says otherwise.

    3. Please provide a link to that contract.

    4. who is the anonymous person with a copy of an nda signed by munns?

      not to bring up george lucas again, but wouldn't he have some copyright issues of his own?

    5. I'm not doing your goddam homework for you.

      The links are out there. If you want them get off your ass and look for them.

    6. Ah, the classic recourse of someone who can't backup their lies.

    7. OP- That applies to anything that has been published. If I hack into your pc and post a picture of your family it won't be made legal if I write-"Not a great portrait. The boy is not looking at the camera."

    8. @ 6:43, quit talking out of your ass. "The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors." § 17 U.S.C. 107.

      In this case, Munn's reproductions are likely to be considered fair use. The reproduced portion amounts to a few still frames from a relatively long video. Munns is using those frames for the purposes of criticism and/or education. Moreover, Munns does not appear to be attempting to profit from his use of the photos. Taken together, that meets the requirements for fair use.

    9. First you say I'm talking out my ass, then you use the word "likely". I really don't know for sure, though. I'm not a lawyer, was just using common sense...

    10. @ 12:15, I say likely because I am not absolutely certain. Regardless, fair use has nothing to do with the publishing status of copyrighted material.

  18. Fake ass shit.....I guess George fucking Lucas just happened to absolutely NAIL the face of a Bigfoot almost perfectly huh? You know when the only supposed evidence at the time was Patty and her face is TOTALLY different than this Wookie bullshit we are seeing from Erickson now

    Face it guys, Erickson is a hoaxer, that's a reworked wookie mask, he's a fuxking fraud and I'll call him that to his face.

    1. I am not an animal.....I am a Human Being.....hung like a horse...

    2. They are a type of people. And wookie.

    3. They can't be both, sorry.

  19. Oh, the irony of another day in figbootery.

    You've got Munns spending five years trying to prove the pgf is real. He's literally been staring into a mask and trying to make it real.

    Now he's saying Matilda is a Chewbacca mask and probably going to get his fat ass sued over it.

    I guess any chance Munns had to view the pgf suit is now shot to shit. His word means nothing. He can't be trusted to not divulge information.

    So sad, too bad. I've seen the suit. It's pretty damn awesome. I was trusted that I wouldn't document it, and I've kept that word.

    1. Good for you. But please don't leave any negative posts about alleged witnesses. God is watching...

    2. Another lying douchebag at 9:03.

  20. More Wrestle-mania entertainment for the mentally mediocre.

    Smeja says ... Ketchum says ... FB/FB + Dyer kissing inna tree ... Moneymaker says ... Return of the Chewbacca ... princess Erickson decrees ...

    It's worse than daytime soaps for pill popping stay at home brain-dead housewives.

    Forget shooting Bigfoot. Somebody just shoot me.

  21. erikson project, are you reading this? did you guys tromp about the woods for five years, find nothing, and just rent a chewbacca suit on the last day?

    come on! you say you have hours of footage. release some good stuff already.

    1. I have some pics on my iPhone.....but Chew Dawg don't kiss and tell....;)

  22. So as I understand it, Disney now owns the rights to Chewy and all his Wookie relatives. Disney's lawyers are not known for their tolerance of copyright infringement.

    Just sayin'.

    1. We know that you we're "just sayin", mostly because you just said it.

      School of redundancy school
      Mount Redundancy mountain

    2. Well, if you want to be a prig about it, I didn't actually "say" anything, even though I "said" I was, as a figure of speech.

      Nice try, though.

  23. As a biologist with 26 years of field experience at the time, I wanted to find out what this bf stuff was all about and spent 5 years also documenting the phenomena. I'll admit, I went with the hypothesis that they might exist and then investigated with a fellow researcher. We found numerous hoaxes and various researchers and scientists taken in by these and other hoaxes. We traveled extensively and had many contacts in the bigfoot world to get the latest supposed sightings. Every single case turned out the same - no tangible evidence and plenty of shenanigans, misidentification of known animals, and elusive behavior by those claiming to have the goods.

    2011 was to be the year of the sasquatch. Well, 2013 is now officially the Year of the Death of the Legend of Sasquatch.

    It's over folks. Everybody can go home now. Or back out into the woods again.

    1. I'm not going back into the woods again fuck that.

      I still get uneasy thinking about it.

    2. It will never be over for the footers. No matter how damning the evidence is against bigfoot's existence, they just ignore it and move on, as if it never happened. There is now a mountain of evidence refuting Bigfoot, but they don't care.
      If there was ever a classic example of cognitive dissonance, bigfoot is it.

    3. You dolts know exactly that is's real or you wouldn't be here with your ridiculing numbers, you can sing on about it being fake all you like but staying here you only help prove that it is all real and for whatever reason ordered denied. 9:34 try something less naive next time your approach isn't discouraging new researchers as you hope.

    4. Those damn mangy bears,fuck the woods,to the lake,trout time soon

  24. Holy fucking fat man on a pogo stick!!! This is the shit we've waited 5 fucking years for? Holy shit, how fucking dumb do these fucknuts think a group can get as a whole? I'm not talking about these Smelba degenerates, I'm talking about the critical thinkers out there. If Moneymaker believes this, he's the biggest turd of them all.

    What a complete fucking joke!!

    Think about this people:

    When George Lucas made Star Ears and introduced Chewbacca, what was the only footage available that showed a supposed Bigfoot face? The PG Film, correct?

    So he just completely ignores what at that time and even now (Patty)has been the supposed best evidence for a Sasquatch (and a face of one) and makes a Chewbacca face that looks NOTHING like the Patty.

    Well, do you guys think George Lucas was communing with a family of Sasquatch and created Chewbacca's face after one of his habituated Sasquatches? I don't. Nor should you.

    So, are we to believe that George Lucas "just happened" to ALMOST perfectly match (even down to the teeth) a supposed real Bigfoot face with his Chewbacca mask? Fuck no, fuck no IF you have firing synapses in your brain that is.

    Erickson is a fraud if this is what he has made and thought about delivering to the public. Really, just how fucking stupid does he think the human race IS?

    There's no doubt in my mind this fat shithead thought he could pull another one over on the community and now is having second thoughts about it. That is until, he can manage to sell the footage (make some dough) to someone or some company that is utterly retarded. Then and only then will he release this farce.

    "Bigfoot" is fucking dead to me, the only thread hanging is Sykes and when he delivers his death knell, I will be glad this fucking circus has ended. What a major fucking waste of life this has turned out to be.

    1. But Matt Moneymaker swears it is the real deal. Maybe there IS a chance that it is a coincidence and it looks so much like a wookie. I mean coincidences do happen. A buddy of mine went all the way from Western Canada to the east coast with his buddy to attend some sports events. They go to a hockey game in Boston, sit down in their seats, and low and behold, they are sitting next to his buddies aunt and uncle who are also from Western Canada! True story...

    2. Yeah big deal.

      I went to a Pink Floyd concert in '95 in Montreal and was sitting in front of my old roommate from Ontario.

      Bigfoot is bullshit.

    3. i knew a guy once who was at a flea market in africa, and found a pair of his very own socks, embroidered with his name, that he wore at private school when he was a kid in england.

      if bogfoot looked like a wookie, it would be a similar coincidence. but it's not that it looks like a wookie, it's that it looks like F***ing CHEWBACCA!

    4. I know a guy from LA who found his TV and stereo in a pawnshop in Compton.

      Ergo and henceforth, bigfoot is bullshit.

    5. Big deal... Fishing one time, hooked into a big brown trout, turned out to be a 3lb turd. Guess what? It was the same turd I flushed 2 years ago. I recognized the peanuts that were still stuck in it. True story.

    6. I see your peanut fish and raise you this:

      Many, many years ago when I was twenty-three I was married to a widow who was pretty as could be. This widow had a grown-up daughter who had hair of red.My father fell in love with her and soon they too were wed
      This made my dad my son-in-law and really changed my life
      For now my daughter was my mother, 'cause she was my father's wife
      And to complicate the matter,
      even though it brought me joy I soon became the father of a bouncing baby boy
      My little baby then became a brother-in-law to dad
      And so became my uncle, though it made me very sad
      For if he were my uncle, then that also made him brother Of the widow's grownup daughter, who was of course my step-mother
      Father's wife then had a son who kept them on the run And he became my grandchild, for he was my daughter's son My wife is now my mother's mother and it makes me blue Because although she is my wife, she's my grandmother too
      Now if my wife is my grandmother, then I'm her grandchild And every time I think of it, it nearly drives me wild 'Cause now I have become the strangest 'case you ever saw As husband of my grandmother, I am my own grandpa

    7. I bow to you sir! That beat my peanut turd fish story and to think I had you all neat.

    8. 9:45 you reek fake yourself, you're not convincing. Sykes who cares about Sykes, as mainstream science as it gets, it's not in his hands just because he's studying some samples. Samples get studied all the time, big fucking deal, some show up known animal some unknown so what's he going to prove. The only way he'll be able to confrim Sasquatch real is if he agrees with Ketchum's findings, if his stuff is as good as hers then fine. If not it only means he missed out because her results are genuine, and so they will all have to match that from now on. It's not up to Sykes and never has been, he's either lucky or he's not.

    9. I overdosed last summer and woke up in rehab. In the VERY NEXT BED was one of the guys I used to get fucked up with. Amazing. True story..

    10. LMFAO, Smelba degenerate alert at 8:08. Undeniable stench of bat shit crazy.

  25. Now what? Should we all ban together and start taking these hoaxer out? We can start with fat moneymaker. Everytime he sends out a bullshit tweet , jump on his ass.

    1. Muckraker just blocks tweets he doesn't like.

      Take it out on his fat ass here.

      Shawn needs the hits.

    2. Yeah that fat fuck did block one of mt tweets early this morning.

      Skeptics and footers should now call a truce and collectively start focusing on these hoaxer. Stop them from suckering newbies who know less.

    3. You know its not a bad idea that skeptards and Footards call for a truce. Its time for us to say, put up or shut up, all together. That really sounds weird coming form a total hardcore skeptic. Its about time we stop all these Dyer like hoaxes. Soon as there is an anouncement of something new, we need suporting evidence right from the start.

    4. Yup, that's what I'm trying to say. Pull the two teams together and expose these hoaxers big time. I would like to do a full court press against moneymaker. Everytime he claims some off the wall big foot fact, hit him hard using social media tools for the world to see.

    5. OK, let's do it. Where do we start?

    6. Not sure, this is where we need to work together and plan. Myself, I've been hitting moneymaker via twitter each time he sends out a tweet.

      Maybe start emailing an ambitious news reporter to get some exposér of his bullshit into news blogs.

    7. If social media outlets are powerful enough for mm to spread his bs. Then it should prove useful to counter strike.

    8. Maybe we need a Facebook page devoted to busting hoaxes and hammering on those who suport and promote hoaxes... We really need to come together on this one. Skeptards and Footards unite!!! That would be awesome!

    9. I would go with a full blown owned website. We can do round table talks. Skeptics one one side, footers on the other and hoaxer in the middle being ripped apart.

      It wouldn't take long to become mainstream with some good debates, while at the same time exposing frauds like moneymaker and the likes.

  26. did they not have star wars in scandanavia? did these guys just happen along a costume rental store, see a chewie costume and say, 'hey, look at that! no one's ever seen anything like that before!'

    or is this not their footage? it's got to be a practical joke. not a hoax, but a practical joke.

    two hours since i read this. it's purely the most absurd thing i've ever seen. my brain is getting a cramp from trying to work itself around all this.

    it's got to be a practical joke. someone say it's a practical joke.

    1. Don't take it so hard.

      It's all bullshit. Go outside. Get some fresh air. The next hoax will be along like a scheduled bus.

    2. The next hoax is running kind of late, did it get a flat tire?

    3. It is a little fuzzy to me.....I was drinking a lot that night but could have been Scandinavia ......I was on tour

  27. Not sure of the background of this guy Munns, but isn't
    Bill Munns is the guy that sculpted the Giganto figure, right?

    1. Google the "Munns report"! It's his analysis of the P.G film

    2. And a very biased one, at that.
      It's difficult to analyze something,
      when you already know what the outcome will be.

    3. Because the only outcome is that it's real, some looking at it deny it some don't and he doesn't.

    4. Just saying if Munns sculpted the well known giganto figure then why couldnt' he be the guy to sculpt a sasquatch head and have it photographed.
      If you're looking for a hoaxer I would look at Munns.

  28. This is not the same footage as the Matilda video. This is from a separate incident. This is analyzed in a different part of the documentary, this photo is known tomfoolery, NOT Matilda.

  29. What a disaster this field of study has become. Time to take a year off from media and focus on my habituation site.

    Drama queen overload!

    1. I am not impressed with so called "online research", Time to go back out into the real world.

      I'll be back tomorrow (damn this blog)!!!

  30. yup the wookie has te force with him! is it not a bit late ayway since weve all seen it 50x too any as it is. my life wont be lesser for not seeing a shaggy carpet beig foot peumped. zzz

  31. Bff Pwned yet again. No monkey for you.

  32. This whole story is nothing but bullshit!!!

  33. I really think Melba is so hot and sexy! The thought of her having sex with a guy in a wookie costume really adds fuel to my fire! I bet she has a golden bush with a beefy clitoris and it has a little bit of skunk ape scent which turns me on! Oh Melba bend over and let me bang your squatch crotch!

  34. It looks like about 3 different people writing 99% of these responses.

    1. It's Team Tazer appro I mean infested, what else could we expect.

  35. Yesterday Moneymaker said, the pircture it is not Matilda, today we read the picture had to be removed beacause of copyrights, which insists the picture is form the Erickson documentary?!

    So maybe they show this footage as being a classic fake in the dokumentary? Like Anonymous 11:21:00 says ("This is not the same footage as the Matilda video. This is from a separate incident. This is analyzed in a different part of the documentary, this photo is known tomfoolery, NOT Matilda.")

    But if this picture shows a real bigfoot, I find it hard to believe. Because it looks like a mask, like Chewbacca. I hope I did not wait 3 years for this!!

    I think it is time for Erickson to realase his footage, so that we know if this is what he has?!?

    1. I have to admit, maybe if bigfoot does exist, it looks like this, but it is hard to believe. Who knows.

    2. I have to admit further that I read "that Steven Spielberg had a Bigfoot sighting of his own ages ago, and based Chewbacca on that encounter..... "

      But still it is hard to believe that, if bigfoot exists he/she looks like this.

    3. Erickson needs to "leak" something of value to create real interst in his footage. Perhaps then he can capitalize on the film. If he can't do that then he might as well go "all in."

      The wildcard is the Sykes study. If the study has a positive outcome, Adrian should wait until then, if not, he might as well go for it now, get with MM and "Finding Bigfoot" and do what he can to make a "special" out of his footage and the habitation site. Then walk away and be done with this mess

    4. Well Skippy, he needs to have something of value, to be able to release it.

      With the track record of bigfoot "evidence", do you honestly think Sykes will give a
      "positive outcome"?

    5. No, Lucas based his Chewie on a rumor he'd heard that squatches originate from another planet. Spielberg had nothing to do with it.

    6. I thought they based Chewie on somebody's dog.

    7. Officially maybe, what you think he could say the real reason out loud ? LOL

  36. Three years wasted, that sucks. I was one of the lucky ones and jumped ship about two months ago. Soon as a read about bigfoot and his ability to mind speak. Now happy to be on team skeptic

    1. The footers are full of gloom and paranoia.
      It's much more fun looking at it from this side, the laughs seem to never end.
      You can't argue or reason with them. All you get in return is circular logic and silly semantics.
      It's best to sit back and make fun of them.

    2. This whole site is designed to make fun of them.

    3. It's the Government's old post-Roswell joke stunts all over again, anybody seeing these things they don't want to exist officially gets either ridiculed or threatened.

  37. Time to roll out the memes -

    1. My wife accidentally picked up one of your books, at the half price book store.
      I believe she made it through about five pages before sending it directly to the burn pile.

  38. I saw in some documentary or read somewhere that George Lucas based Chewbacca on his dog, "Indiana", where he also got the nickname for the "Raiders of the Lost Ark" main character. My boss has a a cockapoo that looks surprisingly similar to Chewbacca as well, he's even the same color.

  39. What I can not understand is, that I read that Bindernagel saw a sasquatch live on the erickson habituation side? Then he saw a man in a (Chewbacca) costume? And whats with the others Dennis Pfohl and Dr. Leila Hadj-Chikh?
    They said, that they studied and saw them in nature?
    So what have they seen, was also a man in a costume? So they have they been hoaxed?

    For me there has to come more than this Chewbacca mask stuff?!?
    I can't believe it that this is all?!? There must be more behind it! I really hope so, but this mask look as bad as the Sylvanic stuff.

  40. Proof positive that Bigfooters are nothing but money- and attention-seeking opportunists with no real desire for advancing human knowledge. Good riddance.

    1. Most hypocritical comment today from a denying troll.

  41. 5 of my buddies got Matilda drunk one night and had a gangbang with her. She really enjoyed it until, the news came out with the video the next day. She called rape, but the video proves different. Do you think I could get $1,000,000 for this video?


  42. this footage of ericksons was shot by the homeowners at the location of the project. The ladys name is Lucille Johnson as a matter of fact most all of Adrians footages came from the homeowner. I know this because the homeowner is me and I have written statements from the attorney we used during the project and I also have written statements from Adrians top man on this project stating that I shot the footage. It was in fact NOT one of Adrians people. I do have proof. If the Ericksons project continues to lie and act like I was not responsible this will turn into a nasty mess legally because I will not stand by and watch him try to claim credit when he only paid for the footages.

  43. The bigfoot community is not ready for the Matilda footage. They are just a bunch of back stabbers and liars.

  44. Perhaps Rick Dyer can help you with this footage. He shot and killed a bigfoot.

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