WTF is this furniture doing on top of this tree in the "Fence Climber" video? [M.K. Davis]

The popular "fence climber" Bigfoot video M.K. Davis released last year had many anomalies, including a possible male anatomy revealing itself during several frames as a Bigfoot makes its way over a fence. Another anomaly and "high strangeness" Davis found is a piece of heavy furniture sitting on top of a tree. Now who or what would do this, and why in the world would they? Watch the video and see for yourself:


  1. Replies
    1. Our Bigfoots have whole living room sets, out in the middle of the woods. Their continued requests for electric and big screen tv are always denied. We have already damaged their culture with our modern gadgets. We don't want to be responsible for the downfall of their civilization.

      C'mon fat girls, what say you?

    2. The odds are you are a fat man with little chance with said fat girls. Just saying...

    3. ^^^^
      Obvious fat girl is obvious.

  2. Yes there have been many cases where Bigfoot places a couch in the top of the tree. I'm sure he will haul a television up there soon, with extension cord attached.

    1. Big deal. We used to leave dead Kansans in the tops of lots of things!

      Team Qauntrill

    2. Well I have to give you credit for your bit being a little obscure. Too often today many people go for the cheap laugh.

    3. Thank you! But there's nothing cheap about hating Kansas. Our Josey Wales statue alone cost us about $2500.But, like any hobby, it's worth it.

      Team Qauntrill

    4. Murdering rebel scum! You boys wiped or chased out all of our bigfoots. That is why to this day bigfoot reports from Kansas are almost non-existent. You can burn our towns, murder our sons and daughters but taking away our bigfoots was going to far!


    5. One of the things MK Davis never gets credit for and if anything gets criticised for is his terrific attention to detail. He doesn't just look at the scene of the crime as it were but he repeatedly explores the apparently banal surroundings looking for greater and wider contexts within which some killing detail might be discovered.

      Saying that I don't always go along with some of his interpretations though I also can't say his interpretations're wrong.

      This piece of furniture in the tree being a good example.

      It must've taken MK an enormous amount of time painstakingly repeatedly combing over the material available to him until he noticed this oddity but when I was a kid in the late 60s early 70s some of the streets in our neighbourhood had trees and us Scouse kids'd try to build tree houses in them like the ones we'd see in American TV shows usually using stuff like abandoned settees which invariably fall to bits under the strain of hauling them up but every so often we'd manage to get an abandoned table or door up in the branches but then not be able to lay them flat enough to use as a floor.

      My point being it's just possible enterprising kids may've hauled the furniture up there maybe even just for the hell of it or maybe even a tornado tossed it there.

      It's a pity though someone as astute in spotting these things as MK didn't cotton onto the possibility a Bigfoot might've been responsible because who knows what forensic evidence might've been derived from the furniture while it was still freshly in place.

    6. Hey Jayhawker,they came willingly after Bloody Bill Anderson explained the benefits.Now, we are going to need your home address.For census reasons.We promise. Also whats the fastest way out of you area?

      Team Qauntrill

  3. Replies
    1. #fruity loops approved as well

    2. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

      #Sharon Hill/I Doubt It, is that you? Is that you?

      If so, I thought you absolutely swore (literally) off commenting on "bigfoot sites."

      Hmmmm, very interesting, can't keep away, hmmmm.

    3. I thought Looney Toons quit posting by his own admission? Why is he still here?

  4. Well was there any chance that the fence could have been replaced with a higher one since the film was taken? Weird stuff!

    1. No as you can see the top of the fence is in line with that bump on the left hand side of the tree and the newest photo has it at the same line?

    2. You footers are always over thinking shit. It's just some hillbilly white trash, with shit all up in their trees...dumbasses

    3. They aren't talking about shit in the tree, they are talking about the height of the fence. You have a reading comprehension problem here.

    4. So when was this vid made, did MK say 1995, and is that a recent photo of MK standing at the fence ?, so how much growth has gotta be on those trees.

    5. Lol my buddy is a hillbilly he said the will do this so they have comfy tree stands for hunting

    6. No when you look at the shot with MK superimposed over the original, the tree is the same width and the bump is in the same place?

    7. I don't agree. The ground plane is not visible in the original video. If it was and the original video lined up with the superimposition at the ground plane (where the bottom of the fence touches the ground) then we could make a good guess as to the heigh of the fence in both cases. There is also the problem of camera angle and distance from subject differential between the two images. Just a small discrepancy can throw the perspective off quite a bit. My guess is a 36" fence in original and a 48" fence in the MK shot.

    8. But if you look at the back to the right there are some bushes and a fence structure which also seems to line up perfectly? How come that is?

    9. That is because MK made the old footage so transparent for the overlay that you are seeing the present day structure and bushes through it giving the impression that they line up perfectly. The original footage is so pixelated that a true accurate overlay cannot be depended upon. Plus there is the problem of camera angle(2D plane) which seems way off between the two. (Unless some apparent structures in the background grew and moved in the last 17 years.)

    10. .there's a tree missing on the left by the objects head. Could this tree have grown in 17yrs...probably could have done and I would have thought that the fence would have been replaced in 17yrs too.

    11. Exactly why I don't think the fence can be relied upon to estimate height.

  5. Hi MK. Excellent analysis. really interesting, thanks. Keep up the good work

  6. WEll I'm damned. That creatures hips are the same level as MK's shoulders. I had had that footage down as hoax but now I am not so sure!

    1. MK might only be 3.5ft tall!! ;)

      No but really, I agree, I am begining to warm to MKs stuff...

    2. Oh it's real alright.

      C'mon fat girls, what say you?

    3. ^^^^ hey faggot, big girls need lovin too

    4. MK Davis only 3.5ft tall Maybe he's an elf! HAHA!

    5. ahh, you try to hurt my feelings darlin.


    6. You may be right JLB. I looked at this this morning the first three minutes and had to leave thinking probably a human. I just finished viewing the whole video and there are damn few humans that could step over that tall of fence like this. Interesting indeed.


    7. And it seems to walk really fast but with knees bent too?

  7. Everybody was kung fu fighting!

  8. Bigfoots have a marsupial pouch, that's where they keep their throwing rocks.

  9. That is probably the best evidense I've seen. I can't figure it out! That thing is big! The fence is the key. If it swung over the fence as show, its at least 7 feet tall!

    1. And slowly so he doesn't get his balls Hung up on the fence

  10. MK Davis: The Gentleman of Bigfooting.

    1. Atta boy guys. If we keep building him up in the eyes of the research community, the monthly stipend that we pay him won't be all for naught. Thank goodness we found a cheap place to store him at, with all that road traffic on all his videos and everything. Keep building him up with all those BS accolades. Maybe nobody will suspect a thing.

  11. Interesting how ol Bigfoot knew where to cross the fence right in front of the camera.

    1. FYI there are many camera's placed all over the property.


  12. Thanks MK DAVIS good job on video keep up the good work


  13. When I was a kid growing up in southern Ohio and we saw recliners in trees we reffered to them as "a rich man's tree stand"

  14. MK. Would like to hear your take on the three toes prints that have been seen in the mid west and south east. Is it inbreeding? Is it another species? Is it a three toes giant sloth?

  15. Three toes = bipedal reptilian = very bad attitude = kiss your ass goodbye type bad attitude

    As for this clip and commentary, I was unaware that MK had time to obtained a PhD in anthropology, while he as been spending every day attempting to regain his lost respect. Although it appears that MK is implying that the subject is a Bigfoot, he is wrong and this is not the first time. Anything that moves exactly like a man, and has the exact same limb proportions as a man, IS A MAN. This is a man. You can write that down on the palm of your hand, for you Republicans out there.

    1. Democrats and republicans are steered by reptilians

  16. Cameras placed all over property means Bigfoot = Bigfoot deterent. You will never see a real one as long as any cameras are out. You republicans can write that one down as well.

  17. Anon 9:34, no need for snitty snotty snobby remarks about someone not having a PhD. Amateurs can do great work, and we don't know MKD's education in any case, do we? Education doesn't only come from "accredited" universities. It comes from other places too, and some are autodidacts. And sometimes you need investigators who have not been indoctrinated in universities, in order to break the rules and gain new ground.

    OK, if a man, it's a big man, a giant man, or MKD is a miniature man. Maybe MKD will offer his height. Maybe someone can estimate his height from the Bluff Creek sign he stood next to. Maybe someone who lives near Bluff Creek will drive out and get those measurements for us and post them here.

    I direct you back to the video with the MKD image superimposed next to the fence, in comparison to the leg swingover.

    1. My guess is a 36" fence in original and a 48" fence in the MK shot. That would put the vaulters height at about 6'- 6'5".

  18. I'm 5'10" the being estimated between 6'10" -7'5".

    1. MKD, you are more like 5'7" and 300 lbs. A lot like a Jill.

    2. MK wears elevator shoes, as I recall. Adds about 2 inches to his heel.

    3. MK is about 5'-6" and wears those shoes to get him up to about 5'-8". In the photograph, he is 5'-6". Nothing lie getting caught in a simple lie, to throw your entire investigation out the window.

    4. Don't mind the assholes MK. Just keep up the great work.

      Happy new year

      Mid Michigan Calling

    5. MK Davis is 5 foot 5 wearing his wife high heels. pansy ass.

    6. I went back to an old video that MK and myself were both in and standing next to each other. He was about 5'-7 1/2" with his 2 inch minimum elevator heels on, in that video. I don't recall hearing about him having any bone lengthening surgery, or being put on one of those mid-evil racks that stretch you out a bit. The apparently fact that MKD could not even represent his own height correctly within 4 inches, is troubling to say the least. It shows a propensity to LIE!

  19. MKD - Context, context, context. You seem to want to get to the truth of what's going on here, or at least you do a good job of pretending to be straight-forward, but until you explain how you came across the videos, who originally made them and where these occurances are taking place, you are going to keep coming across as someone who is hiding something to keep from being proven either wrong or deliberately deceitful.

    If you really believe this is potentially real and there is really something abnormal going on, naturally you'd think you'd want all the information out there for a complete analysis by many people. Instead it seems like you are feeding people only tiny parts of the story in an attempt not to be debunked. You've stated that you don't care who makes the videos, you only care about what the video shows. Well, if someone has been a proven hoaxer time and again and then all of a sudden claims to have the real thing, you need to take that into consideration when evaluating their findings. Why do you think a priest makes a better witness in a trial than a pimp?

  20. News flash!

    The wire fence is comprised of mesh fencing from about 3 feet down. The top two rows are barbed wire. The barbed wire rows can be added, taken away, replaced, or disconnected to sag below the top of the mesh fencing, at any point in time. We have no time stamp on the video. We have no time stamp on the MK photo. There is nothing preventing anybody from altering or later replacing the top two barbed wire strands. Therefore, MK's analysis is completely, and I mean completely worthless.

    1. Agreed. The comparison shot proves nothing.

    2. You don't know squat about the fence^^.

    3. That makes a lot of sense and would account for the extra foot of height the subject apparently has. All of this could be solved if the property owner was interviewed. Unless the property owner is perpetrating some sort of hoax that is.

    4. Anon 12:08. Stop it - your making way too much sense. The dreams of the believers are much too fragile for this kind of logic.

  21. Who needs a man cave when you can have a man tree.

  22. Well, obviously M.K. Davis fell out of his chair perched in the top of the tree. Poorman's deerstand I reckon.


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