Watch this: Being stealthy in the field (so you won't be noticed by Bigfoot)

Timothy Evrick and his team of researchers in Ontario have been doing some great work in the field and although they haven't been able to get that money shot of Bigfoot yet, they believe they are closing in on the Big Fella and it's only a matter of time.

As researchers, they have been doing field research for many years and have developed tactics and strategies for getting the results they want. From others and through trial and error, that team has been learning what type of mistakes to avoid and also made some improvements in the methods used in the field.

In this video, wildlife researcher, Jason Goldring, teaches us on being stealthy:


  1. First and Fake (in that order). Thank you all.

  2. That was obviously just a guy in jeans and a t-shirt.

  3. Is this news? Ummmm any bow hunter worth a turd could have done this video.

    1. So you maintain your unsupported theory in spite of good evidence that it might be wrong.

    2. Unsupported theory? Good evidence? WTF are you talking about? Yes, evidence supports a bow hunter can and do use blinds, tree stands and spry on sent killers. Don't actually think I'm wrong about any of those items. As for the magic monkey, you can use all these devices and it still won't work...BECAUSE THEY AREN'T REAL!!

    3. So you're saying EVERY bow hunter worth a turd, uses these techniques to hunt a sasquarch, aka bigfoot? I just want to be clear about what type of twatwaffle you must be to consider Bow hunting and Sasquatching the same in which a bow hunter would offer up this info to sasquatch hunters.

      You do understand that many bigfoot hunters don't bow hunt, or gun hunt right? Most bigfoot hunter's (myself included) have big enough dicks and don't question our sexuality that we hunt bigfoot with a Bowie Knife and a camera. We don't use none of your faggity ass bow and arrows or "bang sticks" to track one. And we also aren't scared shitless that we need to carry a portable outhouse to hide and shit in if we see one either....
      So thanks for being worth 2x turds mr. stick and string hunter.

    4. Hey dipstick! He's taking about techniques used, not what they are used for.

      Most of the stuff in the video has been done by hunters for years to hunt GAME ANIMALS.

      Get your head out of Bigfoot's ass.

  4. Bigfoot is the star of the show, but this group is a regional cryptozoology organization. They seem open, honest and conservative and their website is pretty good.
    (No, I'm not a member- just giving an honest opinion)

  5. So, a man who has failed to accomplish what he was trying to achieve wishes to educate us about the technique he employs when he’s failing? He might as well have strapped on a pair of clown shoes and skipped through the woods with a ghetto blaster. He wouldn’t have found a magic monkey, but he would be in better shape.

    1. Shh! You are spoiling next weeks episode of Finding Bigfoot! The blaster will get the bigfoots attention and the clown shoes will give Bobo's shin the 21 degree angle of elevation-they'll think he is one of 'em for sure!

    2. The clown feet are the best bet for attracting the female magic monkey. You know what big feet mean lol...


  7. Are hunting Bigfoot or Dogmen?

    Bigfoots are so yesterday.



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