Tyler Bounds Explains Why The Trail Camera Mysteriously Malfunctioned

On last night's episode of Finding Bigfoot, the crew left a gutpile in the middle of the forest hoping to attract Sasquatches in the area. During their wrap-up of the night's investigation, they discovered that the guts were all taken, but by what? Luckily, the crew had set up a working trail camera system pointing at the pile--- or so they thought it was working. Turns out, somebody F-up setting up the cameras.

Rictor Riolo posted this message in the Facebook group, Finding Bigfoot TV Show Fans (Free to join):
I have been a big fan of this show since day one and tonight's episode is an epic fail. Are you &$@#ing kidding me? Trail cam mysteriously malfunctioned? Are they amateurs? My God! Did Matt forget to put batteries in? Why didn't they test the camera first? WTF!!??? Of all times when bigfooting is being mocked by hoaxers and so called DNA experts, this happens??? This is humiliating. - Rictor Riolo

On Twitter, one person wrote:

So, what exactly happened to the trail camera images? According to Tyler, the cameras were all functioning properly and and took photographs, but the images were saving in internal memory, the Default Setting, where space is severely limited. He posted the following statements in the group:

The cast had nothing to do with it. I went to a f**king slaughterhouse at 6am and got 10 gallons of cow and pig innards (remember, I'm a vegetarian) while listening to animals screaming. I schlepped that stuff way out to Bigfoot Holler, dumped steaming guts in a strategic location, and setup no less than 3 cheap trailcams around the gutpile. When I went back 4 days later, the guts were gone, and the cameras were registering several photos on each. But when I took the cams back to review pix, I discovered that they were saved to internal memory, and not to the SD cards. Myself and my tech manager both tried to pry the photos out of the cams, but we couldn't. The lesson to be learned here: Never send a vegetarian/animal rights activist to a slaughterhouse to gather animal parts on Kill Day. Karma killed those trailcams, no doubt in my mind.
And obviously none of you have experience with the Bigfoot Curse. The batteries will always die at inopportune times. You'll always hit the wrong button. The camera will run out of tape right when you need it most. The SD card that you swore was empty will suddenly be full. Spend a few years doing this with a shitload of gadgets than gobble batteries and film and gigabytes and you'll eventually feel my pain. And you'll learn that double-checking ain't enough. Triple quadruple check that shit, then check it again. If you think you can do a better job, come do it. I'll go home and enjoy having a life again.
Yeah, the solution was: trash those Moultrie POS's and get better cams. I've always said, you get what you pay for. Trailcams, cameras, backpacks, tents, gear- buy the same cheap shitty tent at Wal*Mart 5 times to "save money", or go buy an awesome Nemo or MSR or Big Agnes or whatever once and be dry and happy and sheltered for years.
I don't need advice. It's not like this was my first rodeo. I've set up hundreds of trailcams. Look at the pix here on my FB page. My Reconyx's at home has taken thousands of great pix, but when the production company cuts corners in purchasing gear that we need, that gets frustrating.


  1. Replies
    1. you are my hero, almost as much as Bigfoot. He even knows how trailcams work, what a fucking genius

    2. But Bigfoot can disable electronics. - BFFer

  2. A great BFF thread comes to mind:

    Bigfoot Research – Still No Evidence, But Plenty Of Excuses To Explain Why There’S No Evidence

    1. over on the BFF they are now stating that evolution is wrong in an attempt to make sense of ketchums claims. YCMTSU.

    2. but it is wrong though...........

    3. ^^UH OH one of BFFs finest spotted

    4. A surprising number of the posters over at BFF appear to be anti-science or at least very critical of it. Of course if Ketchum's paper fails to materialize the blame will be put on the evil scientific establishment suppressing it to protect their views on evolution, religion, political - you name it. These people seem suspicious of everything. Luckily there are a few sane people over there keeping them in check.

    5. Mulder, Thermalman, and JDL are clearly the wackos of the "we know more about science than scientists do" in their crazy efforts to trash science and appear knowledgeable.

    6. There's far too much anti-interlectualism in general these days, the amount of people almost totally rejecting science and logic is scary.

  3. joe black is one of the top experts in the field with regards to knowledge of how bigfoots manage to evade and even disable trail cameras

    1. He sure is! Even though they visit his porch in town every night to steal dog foot and peep into 10 ft high windows.

    2. If you think Joe Black is an expert, do I have a deal for you. I sell smart pills that will add a 100 points to your I.Q, they are only $50 each or 4 for $200. Most people see results right away, while others need a couple. Send me $200 plus $50 for S/H and you can be on your way to a new you.

    3. Hi I'm an agent with the DEA please give me the address to send my money

  4. It sounds like Tyler is a little defensive.

    1. They're making Tyler take the fall for the standard "trailcam failed" excuse. He'll take it and ask if he can have another, please.


  6. Apparently he didn't triple check.

    1. So he would be right at home here

    2. A low IQ, high sense of self-importance and lots of weed is a very sad and unappealing combination.

    3. Rally anom 1:30. Hasn't effective me one bite

  7. "If you think you can do a better job, come do it. I'll go home and enjoy having a life again."

    I think there are a lot of people who would take him up on this offer.

  8. I noticed a cow hoof in the bucket o guts. Dumbasses! Cows are people food! Deer are bigfoot food! A squatch would never go near that gut pile.

    1. They would smell the whoremoans

    2. You cannot smell a whores moans that's something else lol

    3. You can if she has meth mouth!

    4. Are you really that stupid, where you think Sasquatch wouldn't eat beef because it is people food? The answer is a resounding yes, you are as stupid as a rock buried in cow shit! Meat is meat and the number 1 thing in life is to survive, which means eating what you can. Do you really think a hungry Sasquatch is going to pass up a high protein source of food! Damn you were dropped to many times as a baby, maybe it was done on purpose. You can't fix stupid.

    5. Anon 4:11. A rock hurried in cow shit !!!

      That's funny man. Your MADD and funny all at the same time

  9. Replies
    1. It seems like the BFRO promotes this kind of behavior, how sad. I don't believe for a second Bounds is as experienced as he says he is with trail cams or anything else for that matter.

    2. ^^^^^^^ replies to his own post. ^^^^^

    3. I would too it seems the only way to get an intelligent answer anymore

    4. Sounds like simple incompetence to me. Glad I quit watching the dumbass show last season. Seems to me that they would've cut the whole segment on the guts when they knew they screwed up the trailcams.

  10. Ok, am I missing something here? The explanation he gave was that the images were saved to the internal memory. So the problem isn't a malfunction- It's that they don't know how to access the internal memory of their own cameras. Based on what he said, the images still exist, but they gave up trying to figure out how to access them.

    1. Correct.....they don't know how to operate the camera's. Its like amateur hour. Its not like they were going to get a squatch on film anyway. Not because of the location but because they're all amateurs.

  11. all gay and stupid and vegetarian

  12. amateurs dude.... walter....

  13. Bigfoot fried the internal memory. Now do you believe that you are still just dealing with a dumb ape?

    1. Gave it the old Bigfoot Mind Melt

    2. dumbass didn't know to cover the trail cam with a tin hat

  14. The lesson here is don't be as high as a freaking kite when you're on the "job".

    Also, just about every camera that has internal memory has a way to copy images there to a memory card. These guys are either complete morons or pathological liars. Probably both.

  15. I have to chime in here on Tyler's behalf. This guy is far from an amateur. When he is not doing the job of ten people for the show, he spends a huge amount of time outdoors. He knows what he is doing. I have asked him for gear advice and he knows his stuff. While he might be a vegetarian, he also knows micro brew beers. What he chooses to eat has nothing to do with his skill level.

    And he has not let his prejudices of eating vegetarian and being an animal rights activist tilt his advice. He knows I am a hunter and he still gave great advice and info to me when asked.

    Just because he had a bad week and the cameras didn't work the way they want means squat. If it was so important to the show, why didn't Matt or all of them set stuff up themselves?

    His get what you pay for quote is so true. I have seen his trail cam pics. They are great. But if you have a cheap skate in charge of equipment, you are going to be in trouble. That holds true in anything. Not just tv.

    As for the show, I have to agree with the rest. I think it is on it's last legs. Three seasons, not much to show for it. I have a sneaky suspicion that Bobo and maybe Renae will get a spin off show. But Matt is dying out there. Cliff will do cameo's. They have got to change the format and get better evidence if they want the show to survive. And Matt has to change his ways. He has to accept the fact that his methods aren't the only way and that he can't keep blaming the producers and Animal Planet for the format.

    1. Yes. And also Matt should seriously consider becoming a vegetarian

    2. If you watch the shows you can see the fun and laughter has faded. Bobo rarely is as happy as in the first season. There is bad blood brewing in that show, mark my words. If a peace treaty can't be reached soon, the show is done for.

    3. Oh please, from your lips to God's ear.

    4. And in the meantime. Cliff is plowing Ranea

    5. Was that the "Gates of Hell" shrieking they heard last night?

    6. ^Matt trying sing like Led Zepplin.

  16. Shitty trail cams and equipment because the production company "cuts corners" and tries to save money making the show. Tyler, why exactly do you think you're on the show?

    1. Bobo to producer in early negotiations:

      "And I can get my bud Tyler to do all our scouting and shitwork. He'll work for cheetos and weed."

  17. Don't really need Moneymaker on the show. Cliff makes Matt redundant. Renae is the friendly skeptic, Bobo is... well my kid thinks Bobo is funny but I have no idea what that mouth breather brings to the show other than he believes every blobsquatch is a bigfoot.
    But, Bobo can stay.
    The Matt way of going into the woods and hollering and raising hell to attract a mystery animal that DOESN'T WANT TO BE FOUND seems counter productive to me.
    Really- these guys have rarely even found tracks, let alone evidence that wasn't handed to them.
    It seems this show could be so much better, but they don't care because the ratings are high for some reason.

  18. Too bad about the cameras. We all know these would have been without a doubt the clearest pics of Sasquatch chomping on pig guts anyone has ever captured. Once again, You'll get nothing and like it.

  19. This show needs a new person each week. Someone in full camo that goes through the forest and is like a rat. Walking on the trails with full camera crews talking and arguing please even bigfoot is saying (there they go). Bring in the retired army they will sniff them out.

    1. You mean they need a new guest squatcher each week. Someone who can give the viewer a different perspective on the same old deer hunting f&b squatch that the BFRO tries to sell every week. And he has to be able to hold up in an arguement with MM. If Bigfoot were chasing deer for their calorie intake requirements, there would be no more deer.

  20. I heard that the Old Man came back and stoled them Guts-and made some Hobo stew.

    1. I heard that after he was finished with the stew, he pulled an all night'er gutting your whore mother. True story.

  21. Of course someone didn't set the camera right then it would show nothing but an animal coming out of gbecwoods and eating the guts not Bigfoot. How long do they think they are going to get away with equipment screw ups as an excuse?

    1. They will get away with it as long as idiots beleive in bigfoot. They will always buy the excuses.

  22. Donald Trump would fire Tyler. You FIRED!!!

  23. How about repeating the Gut Pile experiment again and where was the footage of Matt freaking out when he found out the pics were not on the game cam.. Keep it real, the explanation in text at the end of the show was really lame.. sometimes I get the impression the show doesn't want to find bigfoot..

    1. if they find him then show is over. matt moneymaker has the perfect name for this show.

  24. Replies
    1. Bad Tools blame the hand that guides them

  25. OK. It's water under the bridge. I'd be pissed off too. Now, let's do it over to see what ate all that.

  26. That Tyler is a dumb fucking idiot. So low rent.

  27. not a camera malfunction , the big fella whooped up a number six on em !

  28. Typical bush league amateurs !
    Excuses are like assholes- everyone has one and they both stink !

  29. They need to get those fellas from duck dynasty to make a squatch call fro them

    1. They need the Duck Dynasty boys as guest squatchers. Now I would watch that, especially their little back stabbing solo commentaries. That would be a hoot.

  30. I enjoyed how MM "stepped" on the only return howl that he received, in order to screw up the recording by the TV crew. It tends to show a lack of field discipline.

  31. Sounds like a bullshit excuse, camera malfunction my ass.

  32. I would love BF to be real. i dont concider myself a troll although Im constantly told I am. if questioning or asking where the evidence is a troll then I suppose I am. blindly beleiving 8-10ft apemen are walking about North America when all we have is a dodgy 50 year old film and hoxes/blobs/ tree and leave illusions etc etc...sems crazy to me.

    Eyewitnss testimonmy from some credible witnesses who are describing the same animal keeps my interest alive but there is nothing on these sites or youtube that you can hang your hat on and say thats a BF.it all BS whe it comes to footery, BF is captured', BF caught on trail cvam,@repost due out very soon', 'I killed 2 bf's] but forgot to take a body or a photo,hmmmmm]. Surely any right minded person knows this is nnsense

    Even if the camera was working all it would have got is a coyote/bear/ hog etc eating a free meal. There wouldnt be just an empty bucket if a 10ft apeman had eaten it. the bucket wouldnt be there id imagine

    The whole series 3 has been a disaster and the are becoming increasingly desperate to try and get anything ,which is a waste of time, as they are walking into the woods with a circus of people. They would be lucky to film a bear or wolf[which they havent] with that racket they muct make. For some reason i watch it though

    Id lobve to now what makes rational[Im presuming] adults believe their re thousands[which there would need to be for success] of apemen of their reported size walking about North America undetected for centurioes.in this digital age and the camera quality available we still have nothing concrete but a film from patterson[ a guy who drew the damn female squatch ayear beforhand Im told. thats impossible to then go out and film it surely].For me that discounts the g'g film as a hoax,given hios charcter and being broke ,and sharing a lot with 'planet of the apes'[not important maybe, but surely worth mentioning when you are talking about filming a squatch]

    I find this belief people have has an interesting study into peoples behaviour. What is it about mysterious that make rtional people start acting strange . wether thats 9/11, JFK/ and crypto mystery in world etc etc etc...

    I would love to be wrong but surekly the most rabid believer must be starting to doubt that nothing concrete has been found in this age!

    Surely its time to admit it people misidentifying bears/people and when you add to that the myuth is in your head all of a sudden you think youve seen a BF

    Ive seen it for years with the loch ness monster ,where i stay, where every l;ical knows its just a 12 foot sturgeon fish breaking the surface every now and then on top of the onbvious hoaxes. Good for tourism though,which is what id inagine is going on the TV rating and small hick towns cashing in!!!

    1. Loch Ness is a serpent. Possibly paranormal. San Francisco Bay has one too. The SF one is green.
      Your statements regarding historical Bigfoot facts and evidence, are completely in error. You should do more reading and less talking with your fingertips.

  33. I love the way MM gets excited about hair sample while he rubs them in his fingers.. no DNA no da, it,s all Mats on that hair.. why doesn't read book on how to collect evidence?

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