Truth, Lies, and Video Tape: The "MK Davis Videos"

Editor's Note: Matt Knapp is a Bigfoot researcher based out of Oklahoma, and has been investigating the phenomenon since 1999, both in and out of the field. Matt was a founding member of the Bigfoot Outlaws, and is currently a co-host on Squatchdetective radio. Check out his blog, Bigfoot Crossroads.

Over the past decade MK Davis has been known throughout the Bigfoot community for his extensive work on the Patterson film. MK has been met with fierce criticism and opposition for the conclusions he has reached based on his own interpretations of what he has seen on the famous film throughout the years. While his opinions are extremely difficult to swallow at times, and to others are found outright offensive, the actual work he has put forth towards the film itself deserves recognition. I don't know of anyone who has put more time and study into the Patterson film than MK Davis.

The Patterson film, or more politically correct, Patterson-Gimlin film (much respect to Mr. Bob Gimlin) is not the only piece of footage that has caught the attention of Mr. Davis. Individuals throughout the years have sought after MK's expertise to take a look at various pieces of footage here and there. Most recently MK has been working on a collection of video clips, which he has been posting on his Youtube account. Not much is known to the general viewership of these videos, but what MK has shown so far has been very interesting compared to the usual video clips we see of Bigfoot posted on Youtube on a regular basis.

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  1. You'll get nothing and like it.

    1. Shizzen I'll get it next time

    2. I sometimes fantasize about conquering planet Earth.

    3. U both can probably barely conquer getting out of bed on Monday morning to face another dreadful work week

    4. I talked with a well know BFer early on, and she relayed a story of a woman who routinely set out a blanket, whistled and waited for BFs to take an offering from a nearby spot. Apparently this woman and one or two others joined her on the blanket and experienced a close up personal inspection by the BFs.

    5. Some more gold from mulder:

      "^The (few) 3-toe tracks I've seen pictures or casts of didn't look like bird feet, they looked like 3-toed primate feet.

      I think inbreeding is probably the answer. "

    6. The world needs ditch diggers too.

    7. MK Davis Melba Ketchum Justin Smeja and Shawn Evidence are lying to make money from Bigfoot! Bigfoot is a Big steaming pile of crap!Sunday, January 27, 2013 at 6:44:00 AM PST

      Hello I'm Mk Davis; currently I'm wearing a tinfoil hat and filming my TV screen while playing an Iron Maiden concert from VHS. I've been able to isolate one or two frames that clearly show Eddie is not a Zombie, but instead a large male sasquatch with a giant bigfoot dick. Thanks for your time.

    8. @JREF 5:52 ~You want to conquor this heap!

  2. Any word from Dr. Melba?

    Not Yeti.

    1. Yes, she emails me on a regular basis.

      Everything is going well and the journal will release the paper, soon.

    2. Thanks Robert Lindsay. Defender of the Melba faith.

    3. I was guessing that there were probably 100 hardcore habituators in the USA and that at least 1 was able to touch bigfoot.

    4. Unfortunately it was a bad touch.

  3. Yes, vow to me, the Almighty Número Uno!

    1. Vow what to never do drugs again quit smoking what would you like me to vow to you

    2. I don't know about you, but, I poop in a jar.

  4. I keep dreaming of two heaving balloons. It's either Kate Upton or the Falcon Project.

    Which blew up on the drawing board yesterday.

    1. Just for the record, I do not think they are "demons" of any kind, but as one poster noted their allegiance is to their species, and what we may view as troubling is really just a wild lifestyle.

    2. fuck that racist asshole hash brown!! racist pink cunt!

    3. I'll try not and be so rough on your tender black asshole next time. Quit whining bitch.

    4. Not black ya pink dick asshole!! i just know your coward ass would NEVER say such racist remarks in front of ANY Black person cuz you are a pussy!!! yet u hide behind ur cheap ass laptop and spout u fuckin pink coward!!

    5. and THAT is why u can NEVER be respected!! i don't know u and never would want to ya pussy! there will come a time when one of ur relatives, hopefully a sister or ur daughter end up fuckin a black dude and i hope he KNOCKS THE LINING OUT OF HER PUSSY!!!

    6. Hee! Quit being such a drama queen. You are pathetic.

  5. MK is the man and his videos are real . This person seems envy of MK for some reason .

    1. I believe they use this area to travel thru every so often.

    2. When threatened, their first defense is to remain still to avoid detection. If approached too closely, they generally run in short bursts and stop abruptly to confuse the predator's visual acuity. If this fails, they puff up their bodies to cause them to appear larger, so more difficult to swallow. They are also able to squirt an aimed stream of blood from the corners of the eyes for a distance of up to fifty feet.


    4. You know us Skeptical~Non Believer types, kinda sorta sometimes but not always and never all the time stick together on stuff like this, I'm making some calls to get some help cause I have no idea what I am saying.

      ~ Your on my radar ~

  6. We Look forward to your videos MK .Do what you do best and thank YOU for your time .

    1. This must be a large male it is about 8-8 1/2 tall.I checked the backtrail from where he said he first heard it and I found out it had used a washed area in the woods to walk within 50 yards before it had to step in the dried leaves.

    2. II agree MK, we all look forward to your video analyses. We all need a good laugh every once in a while. Thank for your time.

  7. Hello, my name is M.K. Davis. I have recently analyzed the Zapruder film and have come to some rather startling conclusions which I would like to discuss with you today.
    To analyze the film I had to first alter it substantially (because the initial film is a little grainy). So I began by stabilizing it, then I altered the contrast, then I sharpened the image, then I edited in four sasquatches, then I used a vintage Polaroid camera to photograph my computer screen in poor lighting, then I used my scanner to turn the Polaroid photo into a JPEG, Then I sharpened the JPEG.
    The results were startling to say the least. My analysis of this film conclusively proves that the Sasquatch on the grassy knoll was not shooting at Mr. Kennedy but was actually shooting at the Sasquatch in the Texas school book depository, the Sasquatch in the book depository was shooting at a wendigo, and the wendigo was being abducted by zeta reticulans.
    Thank you for your time.

    -M.K. Davis

    1. Nice work MK. I appreciate your efforts.

    2. ^^^ I don't care who you are, that's funny right there now!!!!

    3. the funny thing is thats pretty much just as looney toons as what he actually says

    4. I think we as humans assume we are the reason for BF hiding their tracks. I suspect they do this to hide their movements from other BF as well.

    5. yea that OR they dont exist.

  8. Finally, someone has pulled back the curtain and revealed the truth. Thanks Matt.

    1. If we are to really look at BF scientifically, we must consider the possibility they have an ability we do not understand.

    2. Can't understand something that doesn't exist ...

    3. So THAT's why you're not making sense...your brain's missing...

  9. MK may have to go back to calling himself Marlon after this.

  10. Knapp, Kulls and MABRC. Hoaxers one and all. FACT!

    1. With regard to telepathy.

      Have you read Chris Noel's new book?

      There's a considerable amount of material in the book about telepathy and remote viewing by Sasquatch.

    2. I play tunes on my wood flute and the Bigfoots coma a runnin'.

    3. MK is Loony Toons approved.

  11. GCBRO did not appear to pull any punches on MK. Ouch!

    Kewaunee Lapseritis was given the same Sell's videos back in 2005, that MKD has. Lapseritis used to show them with his public speaking engagements until he figured out that Sell's was attempting to make a fool out of him for showing the Mike Sell's hoaxes. MKD appears to have not yet figured that out. Personally, I hope that MKD figures it out sooner rather than later.

    1. later? there is no later? he already has over 100 videos about these videos on his channel, its waaaaaaaaaaay too late

    2. I called my research partner and she thinks she has them on video, she's going to look and see.

  12. I thought the Wizard of Oz was behind the curtian.
    What do have if you got if you got nuts on a wall (walnuts)
    What do ya got if you have nuts on your chest (chestnuts)
    What ya got
    if you have nuts on your chin (chin nuts) Nope my dicks in your mouth!
    Who the hell does Matt Knapp think he is?
    M.K. Rules

    1. These creatures do their best not to be photographed and in the same time do their best to hide their presence within us humans.

    2. They should send papparazzis into the woods. Maybe they can get good pictures of Bigfoot.

  13. I just recieved a preview copy of "The Journey Of The Forest People" from the wonderful Melba. The chapter on "gifting" is a real eye opener and the chapter documenting the life and passing of Fox really moved me. The book itself is 100% proof of bigfoot. Even when the meanie scientists reject Melbas paper because they are scared of the truth we still have this book and it is beautiful and has all the proof required.

  14. Where is Tim Fasano when you really need him?!

  15. Bigfoot Crossroads is a pro-kill site. I wouldn't listen to them. They are seriously troubled.

    1. Hate to tell you but being troubled is quite normal amoungst footers

  16. Spanking his monkey in a 7-11 parking lot in his cab eating a burrito.
    I think he is to Bigfoot what Andy Kauffman was for cabbies (Taxi sitcom)
    worthless and can't understand shit!

  17. MK is Awsome,smart and sensitive,he never forgets birthdays, Anniverseries or Fathers Day.
    By the way are you coming by tomorrow after church?
    Love Mommy Davis

  18. Matt...

    I arranged for M.K. Davis to view and examine some of the Sells VHS tapes, at the request of Dr. Melba Ketchum, about 18 months ago.

    Mrs. Sells allowed M.K. to continue working with the tapes after meeting with him, some of the original researchers also attended that meeting and "blessed" M.K.'s splendid and tedious analysis of over three hundred hours of video. Many folks have taken tapes from the Sells site, always promising to return them, however to my knowledge no one ever returned the tapes or copies thereof, except M.K. Davis.

    In a radio interview last Fall, Jim Lansdale attested to the veracity of the "Whitey" videos, refuting your assertion of hoaxing. We have discussed the chain of custody and analysis of the Sells tapes on at least two BTR radio shows. I too, have seen the compilation DVD proffered by "Bear", in my home literally frame by frame when Bear stayed here, on two separate occasions. I agree many of the clips appeared to be "recreations" for a possible reality series similar to "Bigfootville". While none of the clips had the resolution to be called evidence, many depicted physical actions which appear beyond the realm of human ability.

    M.K., has worked tirelessly to provide these tapes in an enhanced format, while protecting Mrs. Sells copyright. I salute M.K.'s efforts and Mrs. Sells generosity in sharing these VHS tapes with Sasquatchery, the Sells site tapes are a tribute to the late Mike Sells and his unselfish research efforts.

    I am honored to have assisted in this endeavor with M.k.Davis, Sally Ramey, Sharon Day, Karl Sup, and Scott Nelson.

    live and let live...

    Steve Summar

    1. Now I know why Sharon Day is giving MK props on youtube. On a side note I wonder why she stopped coming here.

    2. Because this blog is an utter joke and scared away intelligent conversation by people whose opinions mean something. It's nothing but a peanut gallery. A bunch of sad losers and people afraid to use their own names, like yourself.

    3. It comes down to one man to change that, as it always has. I don't think anonymous posters are necessarily bad, but without some moderating comes plenty of problems. It's funny that you call someone a sad loser for being anonymous when you do the same thing. Self esteem issues?

    4. I wonder how much Shawn figures the posting will go down if he doesn't allow anon posters or use moderators. I couldn't imagine that this blog pulls in THAT MUCH money, but I could be wrong.

    5. Pull the anons and the hits go down to about six a day.

    6. I am awesome! I predicted months ago the Sells tapes would be part of the Ketchum farce! A Texas Nexus of lying hoaxers!!

    7. Maybe we just haven't seen the best one yet, douchecouch.

  19. This guy is pro-kill are his cronnies who are the only ones who comment on his blog. If you see someone comment on there agreeing with him, they are part of the sickness that is the BF world of people hoping to profit when some researchers like MK are doing it with blood, sweat and tears because someone has to clean up this shitty video so we can judge it. This is happening too much in the BF field of folks trying to bring down the people doing the real research because they are jealous and angry and dreaming of snagging a TV show. They are losers and bullies and we're all sick of them! Know who to listen to and revere in the field and who to ignore. The loudest ones get the attention. Don't let them bend your minds. BTW, Munns is riding on MK's coattails for having been the first to stabilize the PG film. He's riding on MK's hard work in the field. This is absolutely absurd. The videos are not MKs. He is only the person stabilizing and cleaning them up so we can decide what we are seeing. He has no agenda unlike these f-ers.

    1. I would say a good portion of the readers here are pro kill- assuming they believe. Put one in a box I say.

    2. If you go back and look at the peeper video, you can see how MKD destroys the intent of the underlying video. In the frame immediately before the frame that he blew the contrast up, there was a raccoon with two pointed ears, looking to the right and away from the camera. 1/30th of a second later, MKD's high contrast photo manipulation then distorts that raccoon head beyond all recognition, put two huge eyes on it now directly facing the camera, and dissolved the two ears. That is not video analysis in my book. That is amateurish photo manipulation in order to scare people with some freaky face from another world.

    3. I'm not convinced that they are really different than the original Mike Sells videos, if that is the claim. Beyond that, from the evidence I have heard Sells was a hoaxer, and any videos related to his property should be suspect. I am not convinced that they "depict physical actions which appear beyond the realm of human ability".

      It is interesting that M.K. chose not to bring up the origin of the videos from the beginning when questions were raised. That leads me to believe he knew everything wasn't exactly kosher.

    4. If sells had anything he felt was legitimate, why would he hoax anything???

    5. Exactly people who know these hairy ones exist out there don't need to hoax even if they one time did so, they just go and catch the real thing and the most persistent souls often get lucky because conviction drives them forward.
      And sometimes too close for comfort, but of course skeptics think everything's fake doesn't matter to them who you are besides I've never seen any proof Sells faked anything kindly refer to that proof.

  20. The first group to stabilize the Patterson Gimlin film included Henry Franzoni in conjunction with the Glickman Paper entitled, "Towards a Resolution of
    the Bigfoot Phenomenon."

    So MK Davis was not the first to do anything that I am aware.

    1. He only perfected the stabilization then and thus spotted even more details no one ever saw before like Patty's ass cheeks moving and so forth.

  21. The only thing I want to kill is some Pussy?
    Does any believe Daisy's Box probably looks like its been layed open with a split maul?
    Rumple Forskin

    1. Here's a prime example of a post that could be deleted.

  22. Sorry but I thought Granny Trannies sight was good but this site has it all and a bag of chips. I wouldn't let little Johnny on that site and I sure won't let him here either!
    Comedy Gold I tell you.

  23. Shawn, your still a PUNK and a HUGE JACK ASS>.....

  24. Tranny Jokes, killing pussy, M.K.'s alleged mother, Fasano spanking the monkey in his cab, M.K. allegedly analyzing the Zapruder film, and poop in the jar highlight tonights Bigfoot Evidence blog.

  25. As the Beard of Bob Titmus I can tell you, during a year of lurking and trolling the fuck outta taterholes:

    Shawn has the right idea. His forums suck, though.

    Also for satirical purposes:

    The Original Fake Mulder
    The Original Fake Muldoon
    Any kind of Kerchak
    Roger Patterson
    Roger Patterson, Esq.
    Phil Bunns
    Nill Funns
    Mill Bunns
    Pill Numms
    Mill Bunns
    Pill Numms
    Bill Munns, hollywood fx guy
    Bill Munns, former hollywood fx guy
    K Buresh
    Kevin Buresh
    (one of)poop in a jar guy
    little Cliffie

    As a troll I've been all of the above.

    As the Beard of Bob Titmus I can tell you it was all a work.

    1. You were also Bigfoot is Bullshit you sick twisted 15 year old fuckhead. Get off these boards you piece of shit! Go back to taterholing your JREF butt buddies!

  26. well i fr one am shocked there appears to be some skulldugery going on in all these mk films. i genuily thought he was being passed these,not tampered with films, so he could clean uo for our benefit.

    i tgought it was like a bigfoot campsite, a holiday home so to speak, for white ones/juvinile ones, cheeky ones and bike riding facilities amongst other outdoor pursuits on offer

    These 2 know this is a holiday home come training ground and set up cameras o capture these 10ft white giants strolling av=bout,jumping over fences,walking through countryside and farmland or simple jumping into peoles gardens all noticed. It was just a pity there was NEVER a fucking DACE shot and they were taken on the worst ever caeras everpossble even box brownie type cameras as they are usualy that bad

    the only reason MK isnt treated with the distain of a squar=tchmaster or fasano is because he is a soft spoken southern gent who is ill! so we are all to nice to cll him what he is

    another fuvkin hoaxer. as i 10ft 800pd apemen are walking aboot undetected in north america in the 1st place never mid 20 of them in the same, only in America i guess

    1. Anonymous 7:33, You state that MK is ill.

      I assume that you came to that conclusion based on: 1. his uncontrolled photo manipulation using excessive contrast enhancement, 2. his photo lightening to dissolve important detail, and 3. his color manipulation to imply blood, in lieu of the a scientific chemical analysis. All of which qualify as contaminating the evidence. As if he hasn't tested our tolerance for his theatrics enough, he furthermore uses inaccurate adjectives to repeatedly attempt to pursuade the viewer into believing his hyped up description about speed, size, gait peculiarities or some other behavior. Then, as if not having yet done enough damage, he further ignores all constructive criticism and consistently has failed to either admit to any misrepresentations or apologize for them.

      I have met him and have spoke with him on multiple occasions. I am not a psychologist, but he did not appear to be mentally ill. He acted like he was a man on a mission. In my opinion, due to his shortness in stature, he has become a publicity seeker and is seeking to rise to some level of authority on Bigfoot video, that he has no qualifications for to either get there or stay there. I consider that owning a computer and some video alteration software, are not adequate qualifications. I believe that MKD is also part of two larger objectives that involve another party. His first larger objective may be to divest Bigfoot knowers of their personal assets, so that they pay dearly for their ability to recognize his improprieties with basic logic.

      The second larger objective appears to be to attempt to ultimately destroy as many persons as possible that have knowledge of the forest people phenomenon, in order to strike fear into the remaining persons who enjoy such a pursuit. That objective was demonstrated in the phony bigfoot massacre chapter, for which he has never apologized to my knowledge.

      In both of these objectives, the US Constitutional right to free speech as it applies to the internet comes into play. In the Supreme Court case Janet Reno verses The ACLU, "the Internet (in the US) now enjoys the same freedom of speech protections as print, and remains MORE open than either television or radio". Freedom of speech does not apply to defamation of character, however.

      In my opinion, it appears to me that MKD is deliberately attempting to attract unjust criticism so that he can sue his critics for defamation of character.

  27. All Bigfooters are frauds to the highest degree. What a bunch of lifeless dorks.


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