The Spokane River Bigfoot [ParaBreakdown]

This video was filmed back in 2011 by YouTube user, Samantha13950 near the Spokane River in Washington. Phil writes, "Where is this place? Where did this creature come from? How many people have spotted this thing running around? So many questions over the last couple of years about this video. Will I be so bold as to answer these questions? Hell no."


  1. Apparently we have three people here who all lack any kind of peripheral vision, even when the subject is close by and almost directly in front of them.

    A 175 lb. person running in the woods at that distance would also be heard by all three.

  2. When I hear this fat fucks voice it makes me want to feed him his teeth!

    1. You have some anger issues there Smokey. Time for the family to step in again.

  3. Seventh Heaven.......Douche knockers......the lot of you. Oh yeah and Bigfoot are not real.

    1. your just mad cause your a pussy and everyone knows it. Your scared to even go in the woods.

    2. At least he knows the difference between "you're" and "your."

  4. 11:49 I agree with you on all points! The other thing that I noticed is the angle the "things" leg when it ran reminded me of that video of the woman in heels and angle of her leg, and "patty" walking

  5. Shif, when did meat loaf become a Bigfoot hunter????

  6. I've been to this area many, many times and there is no way there are Sasquatches in this particular area. It's way to close to population and frequented daily by hundreds of people recreating. It was likely a bum because they are everywhere squating in the area. You have to get out of town to get into true sasquatch habitat in Easter WA.

  7. Holy shit, when did meatloaf become a Bigfoot hunter???!!!

  8. Phil's reasoning is wrong. Close proximity to civilization, does not preclude Bigfoot.

    But what Phil did miss, was the 2 inch plus offset between the heel of the foot, and that back edge of the pant leg cuff. This is clearly visible just as the foot clears the tree in the foreground.

    It's a hoax.

    1. Of coarse it's a hoax! Hairy fat chicks from Spokane are the worst.

  9. Can We get more of MK davis videos and less of Phils videos. at least mk can get out of his chair and go to the video site and check out the land .no disrespect to phil but he is kinda lazy .

    1. I'll take common sense and deductive reasoning over fantastical speculation any day.

  10. I know that everyone out there is tired of all the hoaxes out there. Finally there is real proof. I was camping in the Cascade mountains last weekend. The exact location I cannot disclose because I promised my source that I would keep their location a secret. I was in the process of gathering wood to build a camp fire when suddenly a really skinny female sasquatch approached me begging for change. I replied that I don't just give my money away especially to drug addicts and she was obviuosly just that, a drug addict. She broke down crying and informed me that she was indeed a meth addict and that her family was in the meth lab business which is why they are so elusive. They don't want to get caught by the feds. I told her that if she wanted money that she would have to earn it. She agreed to let me take some photos of her which I will release once I figure out how to blur out the inappropriate parts. I think she was actually enjoying the photo shoot because she kept showing cameltoe. I told her that the pictures would have to be rated PG but she would not cooperate unless the pictures were shot the way she wanted them to be. I guess she learned this lewd behavior from living the night life with the drinking and drugs and all that. At first, I was offended but then realized that she was just a victim of society. I do think that she could have least shaved her bikini line. She was a nasty hairy mess; but anyway, I will release the photos as soon as I can blur out the cameltoe. Thank you and signing out.

    1. Mason county is NOT in the Cascade Mountains.

    2. well that's all the proof I need...

  11. You know, I always love these para breakdowns, it seems that the 100 + videos that have broken down that all these hoaxers love to take the time, travel to unpopulated areas, don a costume, prepare to stage their hoax, usually get 2 to three people involved, film it,drive home, and upload it to gain fame and fortune on you tube or wherever just so another bunch of people can waste their time breaking it down for a bunch of other people so they can ridicule the footage, normally say stupid things and make asses out of this is such a WOOT!!!!

  12. phil is so sarcastic. he knows everything about everything

  13. Has he ever deemed a video to be real? Or does he only look at hoaxes?
    Also, i hate his smarmy voice.


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