Louisiana Bigfoot Update. Wow!

Rob Gaudet is now on his way back from investigating the Bigfoot sighting in Louisiana  We haven't heard about the investigation except a few text messages from Joe B., the deer hunter's brother who filmed the purported Bigfoot footage last Friday. Although details are a bit sketchy at the moment, Joe received ;a text message from his brother earlier today that they have cast of a footprint-- with dermal ridges!

Dermal ridges are similar to fingerprints, and all known primates have them (They are found only on primates). While we're waiting for Rob return home and report back, here's the footage from last week if you haven't seen it:

Dermal Ridges:

[Update] Rob just posted this message on Faceook: "We were on scene for 7 hours today lots of video and photos to share everyone will be able to make up their minds tomorrow"


  1. Replies
    1. Hey Anon, get the hell off our site! Cajuns have no reason to hoax, we have enough stuff going on in our lives without adding that kind of drama.

    2. Then why didn't he zoom all the way in?

      Why didn't he try to get closer?

      How do you know he's Cajun? Because he's in Louisiana? Maybe he's just a couyan like yourself.

    3. I read he was 500-600 yards away. Pretty much too far for any zoom except pro cameras. He was sitting in a ground blind when he saw it. So I doubt if he started sneaking up, that it would have stayed.

      Not saying this is legit, just answering your questions. I couldn't see anything but a black spot in the vid and a couple muddy tracks. No way to prove anything.

    4. You can see when he is zooming that he does not want to zoom in too much to reveal what it is. He just goes in a fraction, then stops, backs off slightly, then goes in slightly again. If he was really trying to see what it was, he would have zoomed completely in, using the full optical and digital zoom.

      I also don't buy the 500-600 yards away excuse. He's closer than that.

      It's a Louisiana black bear plain and simple. I know it. And the guy who filmed it as well as his brother knows it too.

    5. I am trying to find where this thing supposedly turns and can see the snout etc. After really watching it, I think you are right on the distance. He is about half the 500-600yds, so maybe 250-300yds. I don't see the zoom in zoom out at all. He zooms in, autofocus, zooms more, and I counted six zoom in pauses but didn't see any come out other than auto focus.

      I think he has an HD camera phone like mine, a Spectrum. My phone zooms almost exactly like that. And my zoom sucks ass beyond 100yds.

      But I think you might be right on it being a bear. While looking at the top of the head, there are two "points". One on each side that I am pretty sure are ears. They come and go a couple times but are not artifact. Which I also saw, particularly on the right side of it. Almost like a black line sticking out a couple times. It is not on the head though like a snout, it comes off the shoulder a ways. Maybe that is what some think is the snout?

      Don't know the difference between a Louisiana black bear and other black bears, unless the roar with a cajun french accent, but it does look like a head with ears off the top sides.

    6. Oh, the rifle cartridge he has next to the track makes me think that track is well under 15". It might be 13", barely. And very narrow in the heel.

    7. One of the original posts stated that he used a Sony HD Handicam and not a cell phone. My point was that if you are really trying to figure out what something is, you're going to zoom all the way in immediately, not go in a little bit, stop, then go in a little more and stop.

      I bet he was no more than a couple hundred yards away during the clip. This bear was obviously very preoccupied tearing apart the tree. I'm sure he could have gotten closer. I bet he did get closer. We just will never see that particular footage.

    8. Thank you for all that compendium of information Mr. Jim. By the way, is it true that you were supposed to be a part of some kind of "bridge team" associated with the "Daisy in the Box" fiasco?

    9. Not this Big Jim. There was a guy they call Big Jim that was suppose to be on the team. I have no idea who he is though. Only thing I ever got sucked into was the Elbe tracks, which apparenty were hoaxed. But as I knew the area well, I checked them out and posted what I saw and thought on here.

      I am a nobody in the bigfoot world. A believer that they could exist and who has had several WTF moments while playing in the woods. But never a sighting. Just a guy with an interest in bigfoot. I try to call it as I see it and try to support my claims. Usually with facts that I can link to for others to verify themselves. I enjoy a good debate and like to ramble sometimes.

      I have done some researching with a couple local groups but found they preferred the get drunk and make noise approach and since I am prokill, I was not set up for the BFRO teams.

      I prefer to check things out alone or with a friend or two. Not as invasive or threatening as a dozen people. As I have grown up in the outdoors, I am very familiar with it. So bigfoot gives me another excuse to go play outside.

    10. Jim you are not a nobody. You are sliver of sanity in the distressed, screwed up world of BE.


    11. Thanks, but there are several on here who are as much or more of a sliver of sanity, including you. And even several skeptics. But in the stadium of the powers that be, I am like in the nose bleed section. Or maybe under the bleachers.

    12. Hi big Jim, how close are you to lake ohop? Jim W.

    13. Twenty to thirty minutes. Depending on time of day, etc.

    14. Big Jim, I'm what most would call a troll on here. A skepit (once a believer) and have been hunting (mostly bow) and fishing thourghout the forests and lakes of Washington state since my late teens (30+yrs). I have never seen a BF nor have I had the WTF moment. But I do respect the fact that there is someone on this site that actually sounds sane, believer or not. Just wanted to give you a thumbs up.

    15. I have pondered about those like you who have not had a WTF moment. I talked with a couple buddies who are like us and spend lots of time in the woods. I think you have had the WTF moments, but shrugged them off as something else. I asked them this.

      Have you ever very faintly heard a call that you could not place? Have you ever had that moment where you KNOW something is near? Either watching you or slinking off? Have you ever heard a big crash or noise and not been able to locate it? What about an odd odor that you just briefly smelled? Did you wonder what the flash of movement was out of the corner of your eye?

      If you heard the call, did you shrug it off as a coyote or cat? Did you write off the watched feeling as just nerves or tiredness? Did you assume the crash was a tree branch or rock? Was the smell old carrion? That bird that flashed in the corner of your eye, where did it go?

      Once they thought about it, they agreed that odd things happen in the woods. Still don't believe in bigfoot, but they pay more attention in the woods.

      Since I have had too many of those types of odd things go on, then add in being whistled at, watched by something for hours and hearing it shifting around in the brush, hearing and feeling the woods go quiet then hearing something getting closer only to have it stop and then a scream as the wind shifted towards it?

      Both of my biggest WTF moments I never once thought bigfoot. The first took years before I heard a recorded call that made my hair stand on end. It was same call as my scream. The most recent I didn't think about until a few days later. Then thought to myself, why did I talk to the brush and tell whatever that it could have what I left behind of the elk I was sitting next to, once I left.

      Any normal critter would have ran off as soon as I shooed the bulls cows away. Not sat 15yds away for four hours waiting for my friends to arrive and help me get the elk out. Then a month later, get whistled at, IN THE EXACT SAME SPOT? A human sounding whistle not a bird or elk. But seeing nothing. Then a couple hours and mile and half later, have it happen again? If that ain't WTF?, nothing is.

      Was it bigfoot? No idea. Was it odd? Hell yes. But this year in same exact area, nothing went on. So I am stumped.

    16. As a bow hunter, I will assume you are a good one (bad ones quit after a couple seasons). As an archer, you naturally are paying closer attention to your surroundings so I am pretty sure you have had the moments. But also as an archer, you are focused on your target. Deer, Elk, Bear, Cats. I know I have had years, especially in an area I know very well, that I ignore a lot because I know the animals in that area, how they move and act, and where they tend to be. So I skipped stuff that didn't fall into my routine for the area.

      Until I crossed a set of my own tracks being followed by a bear track. Never saw the bear. Never heard the bear. And had never seen any sign of a bear in that area before. Or since actually.

      Having had my tracks crossed by bears a few times now, and never seeing or hearing them proves to me that all kinds of big critters move around the woods silently. So why not something else? I have already explained my bones theory etc.

  2. Can anyone tell me what the fuck I'm supposedly seeing in this video?

    1. You see the dark bulk in the center, the guy had been watching the creature with his rifle scope for about 10 min when he was told to tape it. He isn't a researcher, so cut him some slack.

    2. louisiana country side thats about it

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. CRAP!!!!!!!!!!! MK should be involved and make it More Krap!!!!!!!!!!

  4. It's a black bear. There's plenty of them in Louisiana. They are not hibernating as its too warm. You can see the ears and the snout when it turns its head. Watch it fullscreen.

    This is the reason why it is not zoomed in and why we don't see anymore video of it. The bear is tearing apart the tree looking for grubs.

    Gaudet drove 2.5 hours to investigate this? I'm sure he'll still confirm it as a bigfoot. Gotta raise that Skookum money anyway he can.

  5. "Footprints cannot be hoaxed" says the dude that calls the wallace stomper/BCM tracks authentic. (and the Freeman ones too? WTF, those are TERRRIBLE!)

    Pretty much a joke to say that because all of the "famous" bigfoot prints are hoaxed!@

  6. Anytime I read the term "dermal ridges," I immediately know that there is a hoax involved.

    1. Wrong! VS what? the ones without dermal ridges? You Stupid?

    2. My key word when I know it's a hoax is "bigfoot."

  7. Anytime the MARBC is involved its a HOAX and a FACT!

  8. He will always be Bigfoot Chicks to me.

  9. Where is the Melba Ketchum peer review paper and why no information on it? Its been 4 years of shuk and jivin-

    1. Can we all agree that the mythical Melba Ketchum review paper has fulfilled all stages of Guy Edwards's "Five Stages of a Bigfoot Hoax" and move on now? I'm sick of hearing about her.

    2. The Goddess Melba Ketchum had her paper submitted for review in "The Examiner"... A truly high quality tabloid. That was the last hope of the BF community for proof a magic monkey, running around in people back yards, really existed. I feel sooo sorry for the morons that believed in her Lmao

    3. She never submitted it to The Examiner. They Did the story off of stuff she already said. It's called free press idiot! Anybody can pick up a story and write it in anything. Playboy could do it next as well as the New York Times. So get over your childish view of the real world and get educated Pee Wee!

    4. Oh by the way anon 6:50 this is the 22nd time you posted on a site in the last 16 hours you don't believe in! You truly are the Biggest Waste of Life EVER! Maybe do some magic or smoke and mirrors and use a pair of tweezers to find your little monkey in your pants . It would save your fat sister some time next time you have relations with her!

    5. You can tell anon 6:50 has a very low IQ.

  10. Replies
    1. Yep, anytime MARBC is involved in anything its going to be a fucking shitty hoax. Not to go without mentioning the great hoaxtress Melba Ketchum herself.

  11. Skookum "Part Two" In Search of the Homosexualsquatch!

  12. There is absolutely nothing to see in the video. This was the evidence that warranted an investigation? What, is this the three stooges BF research group? LOL.

  13. What I see in the video is another hunter having a mid-day jerk off season.

    Mitch Sorenstein

  14. Sorry, I meant session.

    Mitch Sorenstein

  15. The silence you hear is Gaudet trying to figure out how to create dermal ridges on a bear track cast.

  16. You'll get nothing and like it.

  17. Wang, what's with the pictures? It's a parking lot.

  18. If Bigfoot are real they are not mysterious. They are a branch of hominids that migrated from the Mongolian area during the last ice age when there was an ice bridge between Siberia and Alaska They are few in number now and live off of the woods. There is not enough food for them to increase their numbers to any large amount and we are intruding on their forest territory. They are dwindling. They are not necessarily dangerous unless cornered. They are very advanced apes.


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