Join Us On Twitter As We Live Tweet On Finding Bigfoot: Bigfoot Hoedown Episode Tonight (With Live Images!)

Tonight's episode of Finding Bigfoot starts at 7PM PST. Join us on Twitter as we discuss tonight's episode live!

"The team travels to WV to investigate photographs from a young bigfooter that may depict a sasquatch in his own backyard. The team sets out to get their own photographic proof and deploys a baiting technique not for the faint of heart."

Here's our Tweet history from the show last night:

  • RT @redrock1203: @BigfootEvidence they even make it clear" if our cameras worked fine" they didn't have anything I love the show but man ... Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @Dbirk73: @BigfootEvidence Bring on the video! Jan 28, 2013 
  • Chuck Prahl Announces New Clear Bigfoot Video From California: This news just hit our desk as soon as Bart Cu... Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @JBSKelly: @BigfootEvidence: #mysteriouslymalfunction no kidding. Like we didn't see that coming. Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @Racerx9X: @BigfootEvidence is he going bush skiing? Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @JasonDerthick: @BigfootEvidence Thought for sure #Moneymaker was going to be mauled by a #squatch tonight. Oh well, maybe next week. ... Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @bjshrek: @BigfootEvidence probably had pic's of coyotes, after all their screaming LOL! Jan 28, 2013 
  • #mysteriouslymalfunction hahahahaha Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @25nomad: @BigfootEvidence @MattMoneymaker1 - MysssssTERIOUS malfunction! Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @Dbirk73: @BigfootEvidence Well, no DNA. No pics because of malfunction. Damn. #FindingBigfoot Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @SFLBigfoot: @BigfootEvidence OR the cought something and do not want to show! Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @nesqyjp: @BigfootEvidence I bet the trail cam had a picture of Rick Dyer and a homeless person imitating Bigfoot. Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @SFLBigfoot: @BigfootEvidence How do they not test the cams first... omg.. Jan 28, 2013 
  • WTF!? The camera malfunction? Did aliens take the bait? Jan 28, 2013 
  • @MattMoneymaker1 Matt! What took the bait? Jan 28, 2013 
  • The bait's gone but where are the photographs? Jan 28, 2013 
  • "Sounds like screams from hell. Like people burning." Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @nesqyjp: @BigfootEvidence OK, we heard the vocalization. Now it's time for them to wrap it up. The South Dakota episode looks good! Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @PriscillaNShann: @BigfootEvidence buckets of guts. Come.on man, nasty!!!! Bobo man come on hope u really don't smell that bad! !!!! Lol Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @BigEKisor: @BigfootEvidence BOBO! Make up your damn mind! It's either scientific fact the Bigfoot likes what you like or not! Go for ... Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @bjshrek: @BigfootEvidence the area North is a great place to hunt Black bear. Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @bjshrek: @BigFootEvidence Watoga is an area that also includes a 10,000 Ac state park,and the area North is major wilderness and loa ... Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @BigEKisor: @BigfootEvidence if Renae loses her skepticism before she sees a Bigfoot, this show won't be on much longer. Have to have ... Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @BigEKisor: @BigfootEvidence Ok Matt, the gut pile is also a favorite of coyotes, come on Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @BoroTaz: @cpalavros @BigfootEvidence Good point. She should just simply believe based on a few fuzzy photo's and some noises in the ... Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @bjshrek: @BigfootEvidence WV also has a large coyote population that luv's gut piles! Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @PriscillaNShann: @BigfootEvidence don't look like a bear to me!!! Watching bigfoot now with my girls!!!!! Jan 28, 2013 
  • You know why Matt looks so happy in this photo? It's because he just heard a squatch. Jan 28, 2013 
  • Matt and his favorite walking sticks. Jan 28, 2013 
  • Ewes. Cow guts. I've seen Smeja bright something like this up to the Sierra kill site. For Bigfoot of course. Jan 28, 2013 
  • I mean. Look at how clean she looks! Jan 28, 2013 
  • Rane looks really clean for being out in the woods. I wish I was that clean. Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @MichaelMaass1: @tread282 @BigfootEvidence I hope he doesn't get ripped apart by one. I would like him to see and get some photos of ... Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @PriscillaNShann: @tread282 @BigfootEvidence I know kinds crazy but its his passion......yeah hope renae does find her one! Jan 28, 2013 
  • Also looks like the worlds smallest hoedown. Jan 28, 2013 
  • The hoedown we've been waiting for this whole time. Jan 28, 2013 
  • Cliff Bigfoot case file Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @MichaelMaass1: @BigfootEvidence Ranea does seem to be getting into "hunt" more and more. I like the change in her attitude. Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @tread282: @bigfootevidence Cliff wants to be known as the guy who was ripped apart by a bigfoot? Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @cpalavros: @BigfootEvidence her doubt drives me nuts. ...truly hope she's the one who comes face to face with one. lol #FindingBi ... Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @rocknrolljihad: @BigfootEvidence Ranae dont like to blow Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @rocknrolljihad: @BigfootEvidence Ranae don't like wood Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @Winkleman: @BigfootEvidence better than blowing a Bigfoot Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @steeldf72: @BigfootEvidence there is no way an old guy like that can see something that far across the meadow. Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @AliDuhamel14: @BigfootEvidence Renee's solo ivestigation or New years rockin eve party for bigfoot? LOL! XD Jan 28, 2013 
  • Reports of Bigfoot mistaken for bear is all too common. Jan 28, 2013 
  • Ranae wood knocking. Getting better at this Bigfoot thing. Jan 28, 2013 
  • Ranae blowing balloon. Jan 28, 2013 
  • I want Bobo's hat! Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @Bone_Jumper: @BigfootEvidence @MattMoneymaker1 I will call the plural of BF anyway I want, & most of the time it's BS, & wha ... Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @bjshrek: @BigfootEvidence there is plenty of wilderness, the population of the whole state is less than most larger cities in the US Jan 28, 2013 
  • DNA solutions was the lab that tested Justin Smejas Bigfoot steak. Jan 28, 2013 
  • Close up of hair. Jan 28, 2013 
  • Couple had a close encounter. They could almost grab it. They found hair where they found tracks. Jan 28, 2013 
  • I believe WV is the perfect habitat for Bigfoot. Jan 28, 2013 
  • Cliff holding up Bigfoot hair. Bigfoot hair typically lack the medulla. The inner shaft of the hair. Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @bjshrek: @BigfootEvidence Greenbrier County if you would slice it open would look like a piece of swiss cheese it has so many caves! Jan 28, 2013 
  • "To me that's a Bigfoot" says David. Young moneymaker. Jan 28, 2013 
  • Bobo standing there gives us a sense of scale. It's 3 times the size of the Bobes! Jan 28, 2013 
  • David is 17 now. Jan 28, 2013 
  • David was only 10 when he snapped the photo. Jan 28, 2013 
  • "Blob squatchy" Jan 28, 2013 
  • RT @steeldf72: @BigfootEvidence this kids pictures are so bad. I could take a better picture with a Polaroid! Jan 28, 2013 
  • Greenbrier is squatchy! Lots of caves. Jan 28, 2013 
  • Here is the Bigfoot photo from the mountain state or the oak tree state as moneymaker likes to call it. Jan 28, 2013 
  • Yes! We are right. They're featuring this photo! Jan 28, 2013 


  1. Footer is Latin for Dumb Fuck!Sunday, January 27, 2013 at 7:58:00 PM PST

    You retarded footers find any new Polaroids to worship? How about some more fantasy unicorn DNA? When will you losers realize this shit is sucking the last of your fuckin brain cells out through your assholes!

    1. It appears that they're now worshipping a modified photo of a tree stump.

    2. Yep, Tzieth is the biggest dumb fuck worshiper of all. He seriously thought it was a guy in a suit instead of a tree stump that had been photo shopped.

      Talk about a retarded motherfucker.

    3. Shawn, this looks like a personal attack to me.

    4. Tzieth believes in bigfoot but doesn't believe in evolution. Probably believes Ketchum's report is going to be published in a scientific journal as well. Yeah - to hell with science and logic - ain't nobody got no time for that!

    5. Its not an attack if its true. Go back and look it up.

    6. You can bet his zit covered ass he believes Ketchums invisible paper will be published in a reputable scientific journal.

    7. Not a personal attack? "biggest dumb fucker worshiper" and "retarded motherfucker"

    8. Not a modified tree stump Anon 8:05, its a costume, I own it and I know what it looks like, I would say the image I've linked below doesn't look much like the actual costume.

  2. I'm a believer in bigfoot, and read up as much as I can, God willing, I will one day do some BF research myself...... But thats a fkn photoshop'd tree stump! Guys who believe any bullshit, such as pics of this nature make the rest of us look like retards. P.S I'm a qualified graphic deigner.

  3. how can anyone be a believer in BF unless you have sen the thing for yourself. not some furry animal passing by tress or ' i had the feeling of being watched' but a 10ft bipedal apeman stading righ in front of you

    There is only the p/g film from 50 years ago ,the rest is hoaxed nonsense at best at stills of opitical illusions of leves /tree stumps etc...

    there is no evidence for anybody to believe in. The p/g film is highly disputable given Patterson rep.IE down on his luck chancer. He drew a female squatch which turned out to be the exact creature he filmed in the onmly piece of open land for miles. hmmm

    Since then with all the high tech equipment all w have is blobquatch

    again i say 'believers in what'?

  4. Those increasing "hell screams" come from the multiple coyotes fighting over food and signaling others

    1. Now why do you want to go ahead and throw common sense into it?

      Don't you realize this is a fantasy land where a select group preys upon the extremely gullible and naive for fun and profit?

  5. For those of you that blew off the post show explanation for why nothing showed up on the game camera, when they stated that it malfunctioned, malfunctioning electronic equipment is commonplace when Bigfoot are around. The reason being is because the Bigfoot are paranormal, and not simply flesh & blood. Finding Bigfoot owed the viewers that explanation as the BFRO is well aware of that pattern of occurence. I myself had both a video camera and an audio recording device, simultaneously cease to function when I was in close proximity to heavy footsteps in the brush. The odds of that being just a pure coincidence are astronomical. Once I retreated to over 5 miles from that location, only then did the electronic equipment recover.

    On two other occasions, I have had smaller paranormal people tinker with the voltage regulator on audio amplification equipment, in order to make sounds as if the battery was going dead. But when the battery was tested, it still had adequate voltage to amplify the sound.

    This same sound equipment can pick up and record myself breathing from 40 feet away. When I can barely hear myself breathing. Needless to say, it is extremely useful for recording mosquitoes, crickets, flys and oh yes, dozens of invisible Bigfoot, checking out my campsite during broad daylight when surely they would be visible if they were 24/7 flesh and blood. Bigfoot remain invisible 99.9999% of the time, when any man is within several miles of them. That is why Finding Bigfoot cannot film them. That is why MKD has that pile of hoaxed videos that he is attempting to regain his past notoriety with. That is why there are so many skeptics. That is why so many scientists are living in denial of their existence. That is why Rick Dyer never shot one that came through camp, because none came through camp with humans figeting in the tents. That is why they don't often show up on game cameras, even though they number in the millions.

    1. You're a fucking idiot! The reason for the malfunction was operator error. Tyler Bounds is a vegetarian and did not know how to set up the camera to store the pics in the SD Card. Instead they went to the internal memory. Sounds easy enough to retrieve them though, right? Nope, not if you're part of that amateurish group of hobos. They can't even figure out how to get the pics from the internal memory.

      Paranormal? Nah, you're just an abnormal person who believes in ghosts and shit. I blame your parents.


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