I would probably tell you this was real if I didn't know it was for a movie called Squatch

This Bigfoot replica bust, based on the infamous "Patterson/Gimlin" film shot in 1967 is probably one of the mot life-like recreations we've ever seen. It's not clear whether or not this will actually be used in the movie Squatch (a full length feature film being produced in the Pacific Northwest), but to us these Bigfoot slippers look very promising:

According to the filmmaker, Squatch is a film based on true stories and actual events:
“SQUATCH” is a story of 4 College friends & classmates that are taking a weekend camping/hiking trip in the Pacific Northwest. They inadvertently cross paths with a giant killer Sasquatch that is stalking them. One by one the beast is picking them off, or is he? It now becomes a fight for survival to make it out alive. The story jumps back & forth with our Park Rangers that are investigating the disappearance of the young college kids. What our hero Park Ranger doesn’t know is that there is some sort of cover-up that goes very deep. A taboo legend of ancient Indian lore.
You can check out their Kickstarter Page if you would like to lend a helping hand: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1037517301/squatch


  1. Replies
    1. We're smarter than you footers and you can't handle it.

    2. Is that Troll like? Or Ape like?

    3. Mulder can't handle the fact that humans share a common ancestor with apes.

    4. Mulder beleives that all modern life are the ancestors of noahs arks survivors from 5000 years ago

    5. Can one of you bleevers go help Mulder out on the BFF. He is getting destroyed on the ketchum thread. Can someone go help him I feel sorry for the guy.

    6. Wow - he IS getting his ass kicked! I feel sorry for him as well but he's the type that if you threw him a lifejacket he would just swim away. Such is the fate of a dumbshit.

    7. That's stupid. Her eyes weren't that small. Traverse was wrong. She was squinting.

    8. Maybe this Mulder character is someone with a financial stake in the Ketchum project. Her partners and the loopy "friends of the forest people" are the only remaining supporters.

    9. Well...If BF has human dna..some would be more hairy than other's. In my own family i have brothers with full beards,hairy chests..ect. Myself i hardly have any facial hair. Heck..i cant even grow sideburns. So..it stands to reason BF would share these traits!... yep....

  2. Replies
    1. Why doesn't Patty have a butt crack? Did she crap out of her pendulous boobs?

    2. It sure wasn't. The Skeptics that come here 24/7 can't handle it though.

    3. Haha you bleevers make me laugh. Got monkey?

    4. MK Davis proved her butt moved. Next. This bust has way too much hair around the face they're not gorillas.

    5. The subject of the Patterson Film appears to have had an intergluteal cleft, like a gorilla. Look it up.

    6. Is MK Davis the one who altered film to show a supposed BF massacre? A hoaxer confirms a hoaxed film as real -- that's convenient.

    7. So Jay how the hell does that line up with ketchums human hybrid theory? you footers make me laugh.

      any attribute required yep bigfoot has it

    8. Patty's buttocks is much too hairy. Primates do not have hair around their anuses. Otherwise the hair would become entangled with fecal matter. One exception to this rule is Tim Fasano.

    9. Patty is a man in a costume, sorry guys. There are several obvious giveaways: he arms move independently from the shoulders (shoulder pads), the legs move independently from the butt (butt pad), the sleeves of the costume are loose on the man's arms and the slack can be seen as the arm swings back and forth, the breasts are ridiculous and too low, and of course there are the often overlooked bright white soles of the feet on a creature that supposedly spends all it's time in the woods.
      But but, what about the cone head and the long arms? Shoulder pads. The shoulder pads make the head appear shorter and the arms appear longer.
      That's just the video itself, there's plenty of evidence surrounding the video the takes away from its credibility. Maybe it's time for you all to start researching and helping REAL animals that are endangered.

    10. If Patty has a gorilla butt, the why does she not walk like a gorilla? Instead, she walks like a dumb hayseed in an ape suit.

    11. No, MK's no hoaxer nor is Patterson. Sorry but nice try at old movie tech disinformation, Patty's found to be the real thing dozens of times and never debunked.
      Shoulder pads don't cut it when she's too wide, there's no way for someone to reach over and drop his own arms down fake extensions that on top of this fact show arm bones too long with joints bending where human arms wouldn't fit.
      Not to mention muscles all over her body and the fact that she's too tall with a torso longer than a man's so it's really quite impossible, but nice try. Bigfoot costumes don't look like this nor would they work in practical.

    12. It's funny that a skeptic can look at the PGF for a few minutes and figure out how it was hoaxed and answer every stupid footer's questions. Yet the brainwashed footers have spent most of their pitiful lives jacking off over the film and reading every apologist's tripe to attempt to authenticate it.

    13. Anon 1:52, shoulder pads still discount your arguments. Yes the torso is longer, because shoulder pads make it taller. Yes the arms are longer and APPEAR to bend in the wrong place, because shoulder pads add extra length to the top of the biceps. Muscles? Please, no one has ever proven there are muscles flexing in the video. When the foot hits the ground, the fake fur on the suit shakes and even reveals a horizontal seem across the thigh. The arms are very thin for such a muscular creature, don't you think?
      What about the other points? How are the shoulders disconnected from the arms? The butt from the thighs? The bright white soles of the feet? Give me a break, just as I thought, the only argument you have are the easy dismissed "long arms" and "cone-head" ideas. Next.

    14. Well let's do a study on over weight women and compare the cracks.. the butt gets kinda dumpy and cottage cheese like. Patty has a hairy butt, tough to measure when they prolly evolved spackled cracks

    15. Anonymous 1:18—Don't even get me started on the Ketchum theory. It's absolute nonsense, and don't even think that everyone who thinks Sasquatches exist believe it. Just no.

    16. big old hairy titties and static butt with no crack

      bob h trolls u footers hard still to this day

    17. Wow, u must of went to one of his seminars where he try's to convince people that Bigfoot is not real. How much did u pay?

    18. I didn't need to go to any seminars to know that Patty is a guy in a suit. All it takes is a little bit o reason and common sense, something people who think Patty is real are either lacking or refuse to acknowledge.

    19. With that grainy film you can make almost any argument you wish because the detail is not definitive either way.

    20. Its funny that a skeptic can look PGF for a few minutes and with their deluded sense of supreme intelligence dismiss it as a hoax, whereas serious researchers have been unable to do so in forty years.

    21. 4:20 excellent point, therefore the answer lies with the burden of proof, which is as always with the proponants to prove such a creature exists. As we know no such creature exists the solution is its a guy in a suit.

    22. when someone can recreate it perfectly that proves its a person in a suit, then I will believe its a hoax. Until then its a real creature.

    23. Blevins proved the exact body shape can be replicated. Throw in some horse hide and film it on a grainy camera and you've got yourself a finished product.

    24. It aint grainy when you look at the Cibachrome. Morons.

    25. it's always grainy no matter how you look at it dipshit

    26. The hate is everywhere today, I better not stir things up. Oh what the hell, you have to be a blind moron to look at a good copy of P/G and think that this was 1967 technology. Have you seen the movies from 1967?

  3. Why do people have to wear woollen hats indoors?

    1. It's called I'm too lazy to take a shower today so I'll just put on this goofy hat.

  4. Of course Shawn would tell us this was real if he could get away with it. It's his business to make money off of the bigfoot crowd.

  5. Replies
    1. REminds me of a Somali gal I knew named Fartoom.

  6. Everyone needs to read how dumb this Mulder guy really is.


    1. Wow, that was super retarded.

      Of course the theory of evolution only describes living things. Mulders attempt to apply the theory of evolution to nonliving molecules and then argue that it is invalid because it doesn’t adequately describe nonliving molecules (when it doesn’t claim to) is quintessential sophistry. It’s one of the most flagrant straw man fallacies I’ve ever seen.

    2. Mmmmm - interesting.

      With his disavowing of evolution, his distrust of the scientific community and his unflinching FAITH in something he has never laid eyes on, I am starting to wonder if he isn't some kind of religious fanatic. Maybe that talk of angel DNA set him off.

    3. ^Nah. He is simply butt-hurt because anthropologists, with a few exceptions, will not entertain the notion that there are undiscovered primates in North America. So he hates academia. He can't know much about it though; he seems to have this vision of a grand Department of Science-where all work together on all things science. Jeez, take 3 random profs in any bio,math or chem etc dept and chances are each one won't know what the other 2 are working on.
      That does not mean Mulder is not smart, it just means he knows little about academia. I think he writes really well.

  7. IMO Mulder is a dangerous Fascist. His hatred of Science goes beyond rational. He of course forgets "Science" has discovered pretty much "everything ever" including outer space. It just hasnt responded to his "special pleading" regarding a wood ape that has, in 2013, been Overwhelmingly proven to not exist. That includes Patty. Proven hoax.

    Good night Beeburbürzz.

    No foot for you!!!

    1. Luckily Mulder is only one of maybe 5 bleebeeburz left over at BFF. Ketchum killed bigfoot. Technology killed Bigfoot. Digital cameras and the internet killed Bigfoot.

    2. Mulder is destroying that which he seeks to save.

    3. The real Mulder is a deliciously misinformed tool.

      His posts serve as an example of how not to debate, and how not to apply critical thinking.

      Mulder would shit his pants if he knew who I really am.

    4. The BFF mods are reading this thread and furiously attempting to figure out your identity so they can banish you from the forum.

    5. If Shawn was the fake Mulder that would be funny as fuck... and also bizarre.

    6. the real fake Mulder is Dana Scully

    7. Will the real Slim Shady Please stand up!

    8. The real fake Mulder is.........Mulder!

      The best troll ever exhibiting some more of his brilliant work....

  8. Replies
    1. Tell the Mayor that he can post from his phone and Shawn can't do a thing to stop him.


    3. Would you idiots relax? I think him and McTaterskins took Poop In A Jar guy to Vegas.

    4. The Mayor made a racist comment about Asians and you can imagine how Shawn reacted.

    5. i think old creepy bug eyed steven streufert complained and had him banned...

    6. The Mayor never makes racist comments. He is in rehab, and will rejoin us when he's done kickin.

      I think a few months ago Steven complained about Capital Locks Guy and got him tossed for a bit. But he's back...what's up Caps?!


  10. It exists it don't exists. Who the hell knows. Everybody fighting and bickering about it.don't.solve a damn thing. All I gotta say is.there are hoaxes, misidentifications, TV shows, dna, videos,he said, she said, extra. All of this is stupidity on both the skeptic side and believer side. I hate to say it but bring forth an actual body and then display it for the whole public, then both sides can draw their own opinion, until then, its all a bunch of Bologna!

    1. ^^ There's Steven Streufert!

    2. Streufert! Where?

      He's the sexiest motherfucker that ever did live.

      -a walleye

    3. no, a sight for SORE EYES.. a real cum drinker!!!!

  11. and not a single 'foot was proven real that day.

  12. The bigfoot bust isn't from a film, it's the same bust often seen in photos with Jeff Meldrum. There's an uncoloured photo of it on his 'Relict Hominoid' site: http://www.isu.edu/rhi/about.shtml

    It's at least 4 years old.

    1. The only comment worth reading, thanks.

    2. ^^^^
      Flat earthing creationist

    3. ^This guy's so dumb, he needs four arrows to make a point

  13. you know exactly the calibre of person you are dealing with when footers start denying evolution.


    1. It's amazing to me how many posters over at the BFF are so suspicious and critical of the scientific community and everything it stands for. I can't think of any reason that scientists wouldn't be thrilled if an unknown primate would be found to exist and I see no reason why that would cause any problem for evolution. I think they feel threatened because science will not buy into bigfoot without some hard evidence (that they cannot provide).

    2. I disagree. Science plainly predicts that Bigfoot does not exist. Were it found to exist it would undermine ecology, and possibly primatology as well.

    3. That's the thing about Science: if you can conclusively prove they're completely wrong they'll throw out all the old stuff and adapt to the new stuff. It happened when Relativity overthrew Newtonian physics and it'll probably happen again some day.
      If people can come up with irrefutable, testable, repeatable evidence for Squatches then Science will have to accept it. So far nothing even close to that level of evidence has been presented.

    4. Can you show the math that makes that prediction?

    5. I disagree with the anon above and would say that science would love it if Bigfoot was proved real as it would be a new species to investigate. Scientists don't get mad when they find something new that might change their previous theories it's exciting to study something new that no one else has studied before. I think everybody would love for Squatch to be proved real as most of us grew up watching PGF and reading about them in magazines and comic books. What could be cooler than proofing this pop culture monster man real?

    6. Anon 4:04 please show the math.


    8. i think there would be some who are too stubborn to let go of their beliefs. but hell there was that one guy who wouldn't drop the steady state universe even after they showed the universe flying apart proving the big bang. plus the fact that there are all these creatures we've found. not even one can bridge the gap for monkies to become man. yet they still try to keep a firm grip on evolution where the argument is the same.

  14. That guy is literally frothing at the mouth. Crazed film maker!

  15. Things have come to be that could have been avoided.

    Bigfoot research has been set back more by hoaxers, bull shitters and money grubbers than by lack of evidence.

    The BFF is now in the hands of moderators and administrators who are clearly very pro bleever and they have been banning away to protect Ketchum.

    I was banned for being too "antisocial" cause I made a point of opposing bullshit. Not with profanity but with wit and common sense. I posted that "Mulder was like the BF proponent version of Baghdad Bob. That started me on the path to banning because that was as Art1972 put it "political or religious" and against the rules. I made my argument that "propaganda is a military tactic and Baghdad Bob was a military officer following orders so politics and religion are not involved".

    I still got one of their warning points. My second and final point came almost to the wire for the first point to go away. I was given another for asking "who is feeding the bleevers Kool aid?" When yet another Bleever posted that Ketchum report was still good to go but they couldn't say where they got that info cause it was "secret".

    My comment was a rhetorical question with no names attached. No profanity and no personal insults. Just a question and it was too "anti social". Then using the report function I made it clear that they are not enforcing the rules on the bleever side of the fence.

    You can compare Rick Dyer to Uday Hussien on the BFF though and get away with it. You can say the Robert Lindsay is a child molester and get away with it. You can use implied profanity and acronyms and get away with it even though I get warned for using WTF for What the Fuck but Simplyskla can use GAS for Give a Shit and its all good. I could go on... most of you already know though.

    In short BFF Admins and Mods... You have done a great part in making BF research fodder for skoftics. By your uneven enforcement of the forum rules you created a bias for bullshit. Stigma is greater than ever and you let Sasfooty, Mulder (and a plethora of unnamed habituators)et all, pile more on under your watch.

    Wonder why these trolls relish bashing so much? It is a natural correction to the mudflation of bullshit flowing from Ketchum, Dyer, Habituators who won't post proof but wont shut up and debate dogs like Mulder.

    Mulder used have my respect. Since Ketchum he has earned my utmost disdain. He cleary doesn't even respect himself anymore... just defending that line in the sand for all his bleever buds.

    BF research 45 years ago was more forward than we are today. Thanks BFF admins!


    1. Welcome, please leave wit and common sense at the door. We much prefer profanity especially if it is with words we have to look up in the urban dictionary. So to initiate yourself take a deep breath then type the word Taterhole. See you feel better already.

    2. Welcome to the world of free speech and common sense. I can't wait for the day when the Ketchum ruse is finally exposed and those who supported her will have no defense. Oh, there will be much reaming of assholes that day I can tell you.

    3. You'll Grow old and die before a ruse happens ( or die from masturbating too much)!

    4. Great post. I was banned from the bff for questioning the bleevers claims. Bunch of retards.

    5. Your right - I'll probably be dead before this paper ever sees the light of day. Meanwhile we wait . . . and wait . . . and wait . . . but it's coming - SOON!

      If you could die from masturbating I would never have made it out of my teens.

    6. Who knows, OP? A mod or 2 might have a stake in the Ketchum project. I read quite a few PGF threads and didn't see the skeptics receive warnings.They were allowed to have their say on that topic at least.

  16. Welcome to Tatertown USA. Blueberry bagels will be served at the new member orientation at 7am. Horse hair braiding starts at 8 followed by a short "stick structure building" seminar at 9. You will conclude with a round table discussion on how to cope with Sasquatch mind rape not if, but, when it happens to you.

  17. Why don't all of you jackasses like Anon 4:19 skip on over to the BFF? You can read and post all of the mindless, boring bigfoot BULLSHIT that seems to make you happy.
    Fuckin fizzy taterholes.

  18. This bust looks too gorilla like, too much hair on the face. The one I seen in 07 in Silverton Falls, Oregon looked more human like with different lengths of hair and color around its face and top of head.

  19. So if many think Standing's bigfoots are fake, why do they look 100% more real than anything Hollywood has produced ... including this fake looking head? Either Todd is the best FX creature maker in the world, or the pictures Todd has are REAL. I'm going with they are real.


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