I can't wait for Phil to break down this latest "Provo Canyon Bigfoot" Wannabe

The YouTube channel, HowTo101Channel, has a bunch of Bigfoot related videos that typically have no other information except the words "Bigfoot", "Sasquatch" and sometimes the location. This latest video has the title, "Provo Utah massive Bigfoot throws a branch", and it looks like it's trying to ride the coattails of the real Provo Canyon Bigfoot footage from November 2012. Watch below:


  1. Replies
    1. I've been suffering from a bad case of blobcrotch.

      -Percy the pixilated

    2. You do not get to say blobsquatch. That is argumentim ad taterhole and phalicy of the penis.(looks at poster of dr meldrum and pees a little) "This is all for you master."

    3. OH Shit, Did FB/FB get this one? Boy, they would put this video up in the top 10 and say its better proof than DNA. Well, on second thought... It would have to have been a video shot by Rick Dyer...

  2. Replies
    1. I was starting to think that the game of first was getting old till I saw how much it pissed off the biggest assholes on this blog. That’s when I realized that the firsters were performing a valuable service.

      First on dude!

    2. no, all the First guys are tired of this lame deal here and are not visiting the site like they were.

    3. That looks like the same bigfeets that have been hanging around my trailer. I can tell by the matted hair on his chest... it came from the shit in my kids diapers that they roll in. I just want these fucking things gone! They come in after dark and harass us all night long. Once during the day they were still around and we didn't know it. We let the kids out to play and two of the Bigfeeters were chasing the kids around trying to get the diaper off... they were shitty and they seem to have a thing for a good hot mushy hotdog shit from our kids.

  3. my first reaction is bad acting and its fake, and then i notice the bigfoot is rather large in size. ????

  4. I would of picked up a rock and throw it at the dumb monkey.

  5. That looks like one of Jerry's kids.

  6. Are we so inept withe the technology we are using, that we can't focus when we are getting a shot better than P.G

    come on guys!!!!!!!!

  7. Why can't these people use auto focus? I have a little handi cam and it's clear as shit! I rarely have out of focus videos especially in great conditions this was shot in!

    1. Anon 9:18 - Do you shake and piss your pants when you take your photos? Let's pretend it is real or the guy is being hoaxed (and not aware). When you see an animal larger than you and there is no glass wall or steel bars between you and it, most people are are very afraid - thinking about camera settings is replaced by primitive self-preservation. Else you become the next Darwin Award candidate.

      *You* are watching the animal from the comfort of your home; the witness is not. I'm guessing most of the macho outdoorsmen here would be crying like schoolgirls if confronted by a real animal this large. But dream on web heroes, dream on.

    2. By the way, I (anon 9:30) think it is a hoax or certainly not worth sharing given the poor quality. But you guys always forget about fear. Real people will be afraid. And good hoaxers, like good con-men, know their audience and play it real. If you think twice, it's a good hoax. This just says "Our costume isn't very good so we better film this with a toy camera to keep people guessing."

    3. Stfu u dickbag footer. Just more excuses .

    4. If they use the focus they we would be able to see its someone in a suit, so therefore it has to be blurry.

  8. well his arm length was insane... if it is a hoax than that fucker in a monkey suit has long ass arms

  9. Long arms and can throw a big stick to the road. Why go through the trouble to fake that?

  10. As real as santa clause

  11. Just watched SyFy Bigfoot today.

    Best bigfoot documentary since Roger put fake titties on BobH's chest and blanks in BobG's rifle.

  12. Great footage, looks so real. Why didnt they try to capture it?

  13. You thought a mule kicking field goals was cool (Gus)
    Wait tell I get this strong armed Squatch in a Cardinal uniform, he hurled that stick in the low to mid 90's.

    Mike Hunt
    St Louis Head Scout

  14. At least they made the feet actually look big.

  15. Slow lumbering beast. Fake! An elusive creature would have run away.

  16. The person who owns that channel steals videos and posts them as his/her own, or claims videos were sent in anonymously. Just another thief, liar, hoaxer.


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