Chuck Prahl Announces New Clear Bigfoot Video From California

This news just hit our desk as soon as Bart Cutino got done with his interview with Chuck Prahl on his radio show, Bigfoot Tonight. Prahl started the show with an explosive announcement claiming that he received a phone call from a California Bigfoot researcher about a photograph taken of a mother Bigfoot about 6ft away from the trail camera-- holding a freaking baby Sasquatch! And here's the part that will blow your minds: They supposedly have video! Holy cow! Listen:

Here's the full interview with special guest Bart Cutino talking about the Sierra Kills.

Listen to internet radio with Bigfoot tonight on Blog Talk Radio


  1. Replies
    1. Bigfoot is nothing but a BIG LIEMonday, January 28, 2013 at 2:36:00 AM PST

      They have video but no one will ever see it of course. Joke as usual. Pay the premium fee and be led on for months.

    2. 1st the announcement to gain attention.
      2nd lash out at those with doubt
      3rd delay evidence.

      Another shitty video that shows nothing at all or is soooo blurry you can't make out anything in it! Just a hunch, espesially after seeing what kind off crap is shown here, as of late.

    3. It's probably Fasano showing a video of his Green Swamp Skunk Monkeys.

    4. Everyone knows its just a video of baby monkey suckling at Fasano’s hairy teat.

    5. Any announcement of evidence -- without showing actual evidence -- is total bullshit. Never has a bigfoot-related announcement of an announcement ever produced anything other than kooks and time wasted. We don't need announcements. Announcements just mean a kook is in the room.

  2. Replies
    1. Great. Getting a fucken job you inbred weirdo.

  3. Replies
    1. 2nd and 3rd. Robert Lindsay is first always and ever.

  4. hopefully they post the video soon otherwise its just another hoax.

    1. If I had legit video I'd never post it. The vast majority of footers think they're "entitled" to see every piece of evidence. It could be the best evidence ever and you'd still shit on it. I hope it's never released.

    2. Oh goodie... we wouldn't have to look at your blob squatch. As if there were one moron.

  5. Third hand news, so I seriously doubt it.

  6. I will never understand why these people never post the pic or video first then open their mouths. Its like Dyers dead Squatch or the Matilda video, all talk. Let the evidence do the talking.

    1. Chuck Prahl should never had mentioned it.

    2. That should be Bigfeet_Broski, or Bigfoot_Broski, there broski boy! But yes you are quite right, the point you made.

    3. Or . . . Bigfoot's_Broski.

    4. They do it this way because they DON'T have the evidence and want to be in the limelight for the moment. We have been down this road how many times before now? The only way I will ever believe is a body - period. Not pictures, not video, not audio, not DNA - only a body.

    5. It was Bigfeets until Moneymaker made me change it. He threatened me with torture. He was going to make me watch the season 2 DVD set of Finding Bigfoot with commentary turned on.....gasp the horrors.

    6. It could have been much worse - he could have threatened to give you the same hair style as his - whatever the hell it is.

    7. The problem with Prahl is that he treats the show as if no one else is listening. He is there for his own satisfaction and doesn't take the objective viewpoint. He is constantly making assumptions about what the audience knows. And when he mentioned this footage news tonight I am sure that he felt that it was just btw him and Stacey. He honestly sounds that way.

  7. Now all he has to do is go back and shot them both dead.

  8. This is so cool!! Crossing my fingers.

  9. I don't know what I was thinking. I bought tortillas that are way to big formy frying pan. I had to do sections at a time ..pain in the behind.

  10. I'm still waiting to hear what happened to the alleged captured bigfoot. Or Ketchum's DNA study. Or any other hyped claim. I'd be willing to bet this is another hoax.

    1. The captured Bigfoot was a hoax from that other website Darkwing and Ed or whoever. The Ketchum story was published in the Examiner or some bs like that. Smejas sample was bear, so nothing going on.

    2. Same as it ever was.

      David Byrne

    3. Shut up Bigfoots Broski! Your rehashing garbage that isn't true! Go back to the star trek site you Nerd!

  11. So this is an announcement about pics or video or something with no pics or video. I buy it 100%. No chance of this one being fake. Rush.

  12. I would like to announce that i know a guy that knows a guy that has film of the Easter bunny i won't know till i at least see a still i'm so excited

    1. "You serious Clark?"-Cousin Eddie

      Mitch Sorenstein

  13. Once again nothing but talk. No film, no photos shown, nothing. Just big fake talk.

  14. I know a guy who told a friend of my cousins neighbor that he has some clear footage.

  15. Hold onto your hats BE. Prahl said that he hoped it would pan out. We've all been here before.

  16. Hyping another hoax,all these bigfeet claims but when they have to show proof nothing.

  17. "Finding Bigfoot" insiders have informed me that the reason that Ranae was absent from the hoedown in the recent West Virginia episode was because the local yokelry, learning that Ranae is a lesbian, threatened the crew.

    Apparently, a group of local churches banded together and decided that allowing a lesbian into their community would result in God rendering a collective curse upon every family in the area.

    A compromise was reached and the yokels allowed taping of the hoedown on the condition that Ranae not be present. Thus, a potential violent confrontation was defused.

    1. Them rednecks is too late. About the curse, I mean.

    2. I bet she was devastated that she had to miss out on an inbred retard hoedown.

  18. I'm going to take a wild stab and call it a hoax until they actually produce it. This smells worse then a dirty squatch

  19. Here we are and January is almost gone and we are still waiting for the Ketchum breakthrough. It gets to the point where you begin to doubt whether this is ever gonner happen. I've lost count of how many people I've mentioned the Ketchum paper to who now almost laugh in my face or say if this stuff were so important and true then the information would be published. I hope we aren't all sitting here like a bunch of turkeys another year down the track with my acquaintances thinking I'm a deluded fool.

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  21. Step 1... Make an extraordinary claim... CHECK

    Step 2... Delay evidence.... CHECK

    Step 3... Delay evidence again.... Waiting to see...hope not...

  22. Not getting my hopes up about this new trial cam pic but on another note, I was very impressed with Bart Cutino's interview and the detailed info he gave.

  23. You simply cant do this anymore, and it shouldn't be reported. You got video, you show it. You got a bigfoot you show it.

  24. 1. Will take them month to post the video
    2. Will take us 2min to expose the hoax.

    Next one.

  25. There is ZERO chance that this is not bullshit. If this video clearly shows a bigfoot, I will eat a large bag of crap. Then, I will have a circle jerk with my Dad and my Grandma. I think bigfoots are probably real, too.

    1. If your Grandma has a Penis that makes her your Grandpa dude. Commence to circling.

  26. The black and white picture of the gorilla is actually a black and white picture of a bigfoot. Gorillas have black noses, so its definitely a squatch.

  27. why do peole make these claims as they are going to have to put up eventualy. All they are getting is their 5mins of fame on BF sites/media. Why does it take a week 'to get it out on youtube'.

    its a lot of nonsense,to be fair, he is seperating himself from the film and the guy, so it wouldnt be his fault.

    If someone had this type of smoking gun film they would make a lot of cah by selling it to the highest bdder

    there are too many of the usual red flags. What i can garuntee is there wont be a 8ft BF with her baby clear as day on youtube anytime soon


  28. Hope it's not that Larry guy at it again. He made a video like that, it's over on the side here. (The one with a BF holding a baby).

  29. Produce the photo or the video stop talking about it .

    Another footer sensationalizing "a story"

    Bigfoot is not real .

  30. Yeah, a video of "bigfoot" from the back or side, with a full clear view of the face never happening cos it knew the cam was there, so it knew to just tease the viewers. Bwhahahhahaaa

  31. Bigfoot Evidence should take note of what happened to the MABRC. Not many people are all that tollerant of this kind of hoax promotion any more, that goes for both believers and skeptics. If a clear image or video existed it would have already been posted, more than likely not here. This has become, for the most part, the tabloid site of the BF community.

  32. Wanna make the 1 million Twitter dollars bet that they won't be able to find the data cable again, Shawn ;)?

    1. Of course not and god forbid you go buy one or make a new one I hate the stupidness of this hoax they're not even trying

    2. There will be a video, but it will be blurry as heck lol

    3. This guy releasing a clear, close photo of bigfoot is about as likely as Harry using punctuation - not going to happen.

  33. another fine product of shawn biscardi bad enough chuck had to mention it on his show but shawn has do do a story on it BEFORE anyone see's anything another quantra story you can bet your ass

  34. I'm calling hoax. If I had a video of a mother squatch and her baby I wouldn't be pussy footing around. It'd be all over everything.

    1. At this point it wouldn't qualify as a hoax. Just a third hand rumor and nothing more.

  35. Why do we insist on posting, mentioning or bringing up this type of hoax stuff before we have the photo or video. This is getting old fast.

    Show me the money....

    Put up or don't say anything...

  36. Bigfoot is real that I am sure of. What's not real are the BS'ers with great pics and video. So called researchers have redefined what a good video or pic is. Every single pic or video other than PGF is of the dreaded "Blobsquatch".

  37. This is it folks! Get the crow ready! YUM YUM!

  38. Talk is still the cheapest thing around.

  39. Sad to see Chuck Prahl join the ranks of hoaxers and BSr's only out for publicity.

  40. Is there, like, a secret contest going on to see who can take the biggest dump on BE? I mean, seriously..... a little editorial restraint would not go amiss on this site. This is getting ridiculous.

  41. Yup! Holding my breath.... can't wait...give me a fucking break... get ready for yet anouther bullshit, fuckin got ya sucks moment!

  42. How long do we have to endure idiots like this. Chuck says on the show that this mystery man should have the video ready for youtube pretty soon. I can upload a video to youtube in a matter of seconds. Where are these people living? An alternate universe. I play guitar and sing professionally. When I'm doing a show, I shoot live video, post it to youtube and facebook WHILE I'm still playing. And I'm an idiot. I can't imagine someone so back asswards that they need a week to upload a video. This thing is dead before the doorway. -- d3w177

  43. Bigfoot si vive.. yo creo...algun dia la gente va a ver una fotografia... :)

  44. Chuck isn't hoaxing, just reporting what he was told. I think the person claiming to have the footage is full of it, though.

  45. where is Ro's documentary?
    Where is Ketchum's DNA paper?
    Where is Bart's thermal?
    Where is Dyer's bigfoot from the tent video?
    Where is the Erickson footage?
    Where the heck is Daisy?

  46. Why is this being posted on Sasquatchers Lounge on Thursday? Hoax or hoaxed, same difference.

  47. The bigfoot may be blurry or not be real at all.But the Bullshit is 100% verifiable.

    1. the usual HUGE claim. live BF caught/shot/filmed in HD. Why there is never a pic to go with announcement for credibility ill never know[cleary as it s a hoax,some pri// wanting their 15mins]

      ive heard zip since and this story will die a death like 'daisy','smaja' etc etc..or any report thats about to come out

      bigfoot is a myth. there are know apeman families that are 8-10ft 800pd giants walking about North America undetected for
      This site is a human social behavioural eperts wet dream. To read all the stories and bullshit comments ona mythical creature says something about human nature. crazy or maybe just an American thing.funny its only Americans,a few hermit sheep herder in nepal and ouitback farmers in OZ who claim this nonsense. Europeans would dream of making tis nonsense up. Africans and south americans have real isues to discuss

    2. ^the only real issue here is your spelling^


    All the proof you ask for!


    The above is all you need to see.

  50. The picture at the top of this thread is obviously of a looks exactly like a gorilla.....whatever


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