Breaking: Major News On Ketchum Bigfoot DNA Publication Today (Unconfirmed)

As Robin would say to Batman, Holy Mackerel! Robert Lindsay, according to his various sources, today just announced that Dr. Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA study may be published by tomorrow. This latest update is somewhat consistent within the time-frame that our source leaked to us earlier this week (We haven't reported this yet).

Here's what Lindsay wrote today on his blog post, Bigfoot News January 10, 2013:

Major news coming today on the Dr. Melba Ketchum Bigfoot DNA study, possible study publication tomorrow. There will be a press conference today regarding the Ketchum study. Ketchum and possibly others will be holding the conference. Presumably, the conference will be regarding the DNA paper. I would assume that publication is coming soon, possibly tomorrow. Recall that Sally Ramey warned us previously that when publication comes, there will be a press conference on the afternoon before, probably on a Thursday. Publication will follow, possibly on a Friday.

My sources in the Ketchum camp revealed to me recently a new publication date, which they put at January 5-15, 2013. They told me that they were told that the publication date was to be on January 5, but they thought that would not happen due to the fact that so many delays were occurring, so they thought it was more likely to occur between the 5th and 15th. Anyway, the 5th was on a Saturday, so that date did not make a lot of sense.

An hour ago, Eric Altman, director of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society, updated his Facebook status with this tongue-in-cheek statement:
HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT TO BE MADE SOON!!! The members of the Super Secret Sasquatch Society have Earth shattering news that is gonna turn the Bigfoot world upside down! Details coming soon.... You won't believe it when you hear it, but I can assure everyone it's legit
[Update] Altman tells us the statement above has nothing to do with Ketchum's study.

Last year, Ketchum's ex-publicist Salley Ramey wrote a piece about the publication process and what happens when the media gets a hold of the news. Here's what she wrote in her Facebook notes about the peer-review process:

Lots of people have recently been wondering about the process of publishing scientific papers. Here is the basic process, based on my experience doing PR in higher ed:

The researcher prepares a paper about their findings and submits it to a scientific journal for peer-review, which can take MONTHS. The paper is reviewed by a team of scientists with expertise in the discipline(s) involved in the researcher's work. They decide if the research was conducted according to standards and practices accepted by the scientific community, and review the findings to see if they pass muster. It's like a professor checking your work in college. If the review team has questions, they can ask the researcher to provide more info, run more tests, get someone else to run tests that replicate the work, etc. This can delay publication but it is sometimes necessary. ONLY after the review team is satisfied is the paper accepted for publication. Publication in a peer-reviewed journal is the scientific community's "stamp of approval" that the work is valid.

The journal must then figure out when to publish the paper. Some journals work weeks/months in advance, adding further delay. Some work faster, meaning that the paper might run within a few weeks. At some point, the researcher is notified that they have a "pub date." In my experience, you often only know about three weeks out when your paper will publish. Once there is a pub date, the researcher (typically university-based) works with their campus PR folks and the journal editorial and PR staff to be sure that images are prepared for publication, news releases are written and reviewed, and everyone is prepared for the announcement.

If the news is HUGE, the researcher will be interviewed by the science media, under a strict embargo, the week before the pub date. Most journals publish on Fridays and most embargos lift on Thursday afternoons. The science media, journal PR folks and university PR folks all post their stories and news releases upon the lifting of the embargo. This is why big science news seems to be posted everywhere at once. - it actually is.

If the story is HUGE HUGE HUGE, any news conference would be held when the embargo lifts, unless the journal allows it to happen early due to scheduling conflicts - the journal drives the schedule - no one else. And NO ONE can publicly discuss the paper, its pub date, what journal is involved, the findings or other contents in advance of the embargo or the journal will not publish the paper. This preserves the credibility and sanctity of the peer-review process. Hope this info is helpful.


  1. Gee. I've never heard anything like this before about the Ketchum study. Seems legit.

    1. Its gibberish. Academic journals publish periodically(monthly, bi-monthly for example) and the contents of individual editions as well as the publication date are known a few months in advance. Each author gets sent several copies of their article as it will appear in the journal weeks in advance.
      What this sounds like is the article will be posted on a decidedly non-peer reviewed website or is self published and all copies will be sent to her or a distributor.
      I'll wait for the movie.....

    2. ^^^you are a babbling gibberish monkey

    3. Our triumph is here at last. For the past year I have been the object of scorn for my unquestioning belief in her findings. Now my queen will reveal the TRUTH to the whole world and forever silence the scoftics. What a glorious day - what a glorious, glorious day! I am KING OF THE WORLD!

      Mulder (keeper of the faith)

    4. 1:13 The first paragraph of my post states facts, and the second is sound speculation based on those facts and the foolishness associated with this so-called project.
      You know nothing about academia, obviously, and are a gullible fool. Pathetic.....

    5. I agree! Its like OMG, where did you hear that? I overheard this lady talking at the grocery store!Oh man. I am going to say. Lets hear it from the horses mouth first!

    6. Ketchum is full of shit.

      -The Horse

    7. Hi Dru!! xoxoxox :.)

      Great post lol!!

    8. The queen of smarts and a fox!

    9. That's not true at all. You speak in generalities, and unless you know the specific journal in question, do not be stating what they will or will not do. You also imply this paper will not be published under the peer review process...more idle speculation (gibberish).
      This is such a controversial subject that breeds rumors (just like yours), that exceptions to typical timing protocls are more likely than not. It can't get under the radar. There's a news conference, then publication. My prediction was Feb 1. It's a Friday, 1st week in the month, holiday delays are over, wrap it up, let it go. Can't keep the lid on it any longer. It WILL be peer reviewed and it WILL be published, and I'm sticking with Feb 1. Would the journal try to avoid even that 3 week delay? Possibly. Melba has followed the protocol, that's all she can do. She's got the data, it's real, it's dynamite.

    10. sorry can't tell ya no more. You don't know her anyway (I do) from some other place. She is a nice attractive smart woman. (1:03:oo PM) above

    11. I agree 2:14:00 ;.) I give you a star. xx

    12. This blog has taken a turn for the gay.

    13. I will also prove the existence of the gibberish monkey in 10 to 15 years.

      -Melba "mind rape" Ketchum

    14. RIPPING YOU SEVERAL GOD DAMNED NEW ONES IDIOTSThursday, January 10, 2013 at 2:45:00 PM PST

      Anon 1:03 lost me with the snitty snotty snobby sniffy academic speak "decidedly non-peer reviewed."

      Where do they dig up these snobs?

      Just think, this is what your colleges and universities are producing, snitty sniffy snobs like this. They churn them out conveyor-belt-style by the hundreds.


    15. THERE IS ALSO A DELAY IN THE PROCESS AS WELL FOR MOST PUBLICATIONS SO THEY CAN INFORM SCIENTIST OF THE SAME DISCIPLINES IN ADVANCE SO THEY CAN READ IT AS WELL BEFORE IT'S PUBLISHED IN CASE THEY ARE ASKED QUESTIONS IN REGARD TO THE PAPER AND HAVE AN IDEA OF WHAT THEY ARE BEING ASKED ABOUT. To me, they should read the reports when they become available. If they have a chance to read it to form an opinion about later questions, that would just seem silly and a way for some scientist not to appear ignorant. I cannot change that. I can offer an opinion that most Dr.'s in their field of study should stay current and up to date with things that are happening in their line of expertise, in my humble opinion!
      I can say that I am behind Dr. Ketchum all the way. At first I believed all the Bullshit lies that Shawn and Bigfoot Evidence was posting and by his fellow supporters. When I looked into this myself, I found they were full of shit and were talking out their ass about details and supposed true information, when in fact a lot of their info is misconstrued, inaccurate, or just a down right LIE! He had shared something I wrote to Dr. Ketchum recently and then he shared that info on his site. Which is fine. It's the lie's that followed the information he misconstrued as the truth, he perpetrated an out right lie in attempts to gain some notoriaty, when in fact he is talking out his ass and making shit up as he goes along. Where is this Shawns Evidence to back up his claims? I can tell you, he has none!

    16. Probably lost somewhere along with your ability to use a simple paragraph. Shows a real lack of writing skill, so I don't bother with your posts.

    17. 2:14 The comment Lindsay claims came from the Ketchum camp does not jibe with the publication process of respected journals. That is not speculation. I agree that my criticism assumed Lindsay's reporting is to be taken at face value, though.

    18. ANON 2:45 yes colleges are turning out snobs. Just as the university of Google and supposedly educational programs such as the discovery and history channel are turning out idiotic morons such as yourself.

    19. Just imagine how much less painful this entire process might have been without Robert 'stranger danger' Lindsay. Clearly he has no information or informant. He is the worst thing to happen to the bigfoot community in recent years.

    20. John keep the spirit up my friend we both know she's right and has the real deal publishing it shortly, all these jokers must be sadomasochistic in nature enjoying getting their asses whipped bloody by true bigfooters.
      Is it really that much fun to be wrong and live in a closet apparently for them it is, I suppose that's what domination vs. submission to a master is all about. They know their place in life's line is at the back watching what they dare not attend.

    21. ^ An obvious example of the psychological phenomena known as "projecting". If this is how your conclusion that bigfoots exist makes you feel, you need another hobby. Wow. Get help.....

  2. Way to go Robert! Thanks once again.

    1. What? He pulls this out of his ass and like every other time... it won't happen! He's always wrong! Always!

    2. love u robbie.. u are soo handsome..

    3. Here we go again!!! The Daisy Hoax just bit the dust and ....PRESTO!!!... We have Ketchum filling in. There will be NO paper, there will be NO publication in reputable journals, there will be NO review by actual scientist and there will be NO pictures (other than blog Squaches). All you are going to get from the Veterinarian is more theories, possibilities and what ifs.

      If this veterinarian was truly concerned with the well being she wouldn't have been sitting on her thumb for 2+yrs, while some so-called wackos are out there trapping them in boxes (yeah right, this hoax is on the downward spiral) or shooting them in the back of the head (Still waiting RICKY)... Maybe she will have a paper review on the intricacies of determining bear DNA and how to remove human traces. OR it could be a review of Why You Don't Believe a Poacher (nice one Justin, I'm sure he was sporting a 2010 CA bear tag hahaha).

      What will be next????

    4. I knew you couldn't stay away Bullshit.

    5. That is going to be the next big thing. Someone will catch Bigfoot is Bullshit and put him or her in a box. His or her capture will end up commuting suicide however by sticking a pencil in their own neck because death is far better than listening to Bigfoot is Bullshit bitch and moan about other peoples beliefs and having to listen to one more opinion from this person is not worth taking another breath for.

    6. Anon 520 and Anon 508... Thank you I'm actually honored by you two mistaking me for BiB. ITS ME...

      Simple minds Believe simple things.

      You bunch of loosers... I can't wait to tell you all "I TOLD YOU SOOO"...


    7. You don't seem to have worked out yet that your words will mean nothing posting as an anon or any other assumed name for that matter, just another voice in the sea of anonymity clamouring to be heard, it's a make believe world, one you obviously feel st home in.

    8. Their is no study. I don't think Ketchum is even a scientist.

      Robert Lindsay will announce that there will be another delay. No study, no publication.

  3. Replies
    1. Well I’m glad that my fan club has gathered here because I have an announcement to make. My famous DNA paper in which I “prove” the existence of Sasquatch will be released………soon!

      -Melba “mind rape” Ketchum the notorious cat vet and inept brisket cook

    2. Stop with the mind rape stuff idiot. Your grasping for straws. Sore Loser!

    3. Um, last time I checked there's still no Bigfoot. Melba is still talking hard but not delivering. And you are still a retarded douchebag. So that would make YOU the loser.

    4. Well there's no paper so who looks like the loser now!

    5. Yeah, Go Melba Toast... Hahaha,you guys are going to have to read her review on the blogs, its the only place it will be!!! Maybe we can get ED Smith to write it for you LMFAO

    6. Yeah these boys are drunk those fools!

  4. Oh, gee, I cant wait. Is the Geneva convention going to allow it?

    1. You'd be shocked at some of the stuff we found the Geneva convention wouldn't allow! So we had to fall back on the Missouri Compromise. If Kansan's agreed to start killing them selves, We would agree to stop murdering them.

      Team Qauntrill

    2. Fill me in more this is certainly the best fictitious story I've heard in some time

    3. Wait wait you are speaking of actually killin folks from Kansas

  5. They haven't fully denounced it but are calling it the usual Lindsay rumors, I think it could still be under way and happen soon they just don't want to give the first news glory to him.

    1. Oh please.
      Do you actually believe everything Ketchup and Dimsay tell you?

      Oh how the blind lead the blind.

    2. Yes we all believe in the Almighty Melba.

    3. There is no paper, no study. Lindsay's next post will be that there has been a delay.

  6. I went out on the limb and said 1st week in Feb because of the holidays. Now the trolls and troublemakers can go to the Nessie and Champ sites. The time has arrived.
    Just try to imagine the changes that will take place now.

    1. What changes? Unless she's gonna take to the stage with Daisy in tow nothing much will change.

    2. ^^^The support of academia. Massive input of money and resources for learning about our newly accepted, highly elusive cousins. Something made the dna, it's out there. It may be nature's most perfect survivor yet. People want to know, that drives marketing, press, entertainment, on and on. Snowball effect.

    3. ^^^^
      You're super tard-tacular ya know that? No serious geneticist will be fooled by Melba's "Bearfoot" slop-job sequencing of Smeja and a black bear. If you hoaxing losers really think that you can pull one over on academia then you've got another thing coming douchebags.

    4. ^^^ are the resident idiot for sure. Your "douchebag" brain cannot comprehend such a thing as a completely sequenced genome of unknown hominid origin. Replicated independently many times, by a team of serious professionals. Your choice of words sounds so primitive, your premise so incorrect and ignorant, topped off by your inability to see it as such. Extremely sub standard logic, and sub-human expression.

    5. Well seen as it hasn't been published yet and we don't know when it will be published or how accurate the results are you look like the fucking idiot for believing in something you've not seen yet! All you know is what Ketchum has said which may or may not be bullshit!!!!

    6. ^^^^
      Douche harder douchebag. Your pathetic whining isn’t fooling anyone; it’s only making you look even more retarded.
      You talk big but where’s the genome? Where’s the replicability? Where’s anything to back up your prattle? You need to stop pulling “facts” out of your ass and trying to present them as reality. It’s a primitive strategy, and it’s called “lying” and you totally suck at it, much like you suck at everything else.
      Degenerates such as yourself need to learn that your place is in the fields, and that you have no business speaking.

    7. You rest your case because you have no evidence? That's probably the smartest thing you've ever done in your entire life. Now if you can just shoot yourself in the head you will have reached your full potential and assumed your rightful place in this world.

    8. Obsessed Americans and their toy guns.

    9. There is NO STUDY and there will be NO PUBLICATION! How many times does Lindsay have to say this then back off?? Is 700 announcements of hours away bullshit enough?

  7. Replies
    1. Did you see the (Unconfirmed) bit under the headline there?

    2. No I'm a troll so I can't read.

  8. 5 th time I post this....Ketchum....left field.....just sayin'...... tkoenig

  9. Melba did not discover Bigfoot. Melba proved their existence publicly, with her DNA study. Big difference. Government proved it a long time ago, but that is not "publicly".

  10. I hope it does, this has gone beyond ridiculous. Or at least have a Press Conference to say its been rejected, at this point, either way needs to be announced.

    1. Well it's not been rejected that much is actually clear but the usual crowd here will deny all that and run with the smear truck, the rest of us know it's on. Big time.

    2. So you've seen it then and are in the loop? Or just pure blind faith?

  11. This time next week when we are all still waiting for an official announcement I don't want to hear another fucking peep out of all of you Melba zombies.

    1. Sure thing it's mainly trolls here anyway.

  12. And for my next magic trick watch me pull a DNA paper out of my taterhole. Cover the children's eyes, I might need to use a backhoe to dig this thing outta there!

    1. ^^^^so stupid...go get a job to support yourself. Maybe you can pay for your cell phone all by yourself.

    2. Oh its the guy with the secret sex fantasy of molesting Mulder. What's up TATER INVADER!

  13. Yeap, looks like a lot us are having cases of deja vu.

  14. This just gives a run down of how a scientific paper is published...

  15. The expression is "holy mackerel," not "holy macro." It's a fish not a camera lens.

    1. Its clearly a fish eye lens

    2. How so? All of the evidence for fish is clearly fabricated

    3. An animal is a multicellular eukaryotic heterotroph which lacks cell walls. They are distinctly different from Bigfoot which is a product of the retarded mind.

  16. Yep there is going to be a news conference! Ketchup is going to sit in front of her computer and yammer on about something and then post it in You Tube. Meanwhile CNN msnbc etc will continue to cover news stories that matter

    1. Well, Fox may pick it up to go along with their other fairy tales.

    2. Ring! Ring!

      -your Obama phone

    3. Correction anon 1:35. The correct word is "Faux" news

      Anon. 1:44. That's funny but sad at the same time. Our money goes to a bunch of welfare rats

    4. She leeched some of the good will the media was extending to FB and got featured on a few "lighter side of the news" segments. They are finished with her.

    5. Why’s y’all talking bout old Melbers all nasty like? She’s a right swell lady she is. Why when I had myself a tape worm she done fixed me right up, and it only took her 8 years!

      -a cat

    6. ^^^^
      Obvious coprophile is obvious.

    7. Did you learn a new word today I hope so if not thats fuckin sick

    8. That's sick! I had to look that up! I'm sure your momma is proud to have raised such a sexual deviant!

    9. You two are retards. If you had bothered to actually get a biology degree instead of making shit up you would know that an organism that eats shit is a coprophage. Chickens are known coprophages. I merely dropped the ending and added "phile" to make "coprophile" which should translate roughly as "shit lover". If you two degenerates spent as much time trying to learn as you do attacking the educated you might someday be able to work in a Burger King or on an assembly line.

    10. Relax then definition just said it is a sexual activity with feces relax I knew the meaning hell they use the word on history channel but to add Phile makes it completely different relax dude and I was talkin about the guy you said it to is sick when do you hear me cringe about any fuckin thing

  17. Oh brother...

    Well I will believe it when I see it.

  18. The funniest part is Robert Lindsay's belief, enough to kiss some hairy ass.

  19. DW Lee was also testing a live feed on youtube today. What the hell is going on here?

    1. Just testing the feed for a future announcement

    2. He figured it must be near idiot-proof if Ricky can use it.

  20. If this "news conference" is broadcast on Youtube or another internet feed, you Melba fans better wake the f up.

    1. Don't worry they won't. They'll just blame a conspiracy by the TV networks to not allow Melba air time.

    2. And they'd be right too. But rest assured freakers it'll be on everywhere, what you think something this big would not? Get real and get ready.

    3. ^^^^
      Ya know, you’re not doing a very good job of staying in the closet if you go around saying gay-assed stuff like that.

  21. You guys go ahead and drink that cool aid im sticking with water


    1. Sorry Jim you were right front and center for the festivities you Lyin bitch

  22. Replies
    1. Indeed and Matt Moneyfaker is toast.

    2. And the new show title "Chasing Bigfoot"! lol

  23. RL posted a correction saying that it's a press RELEASE, not press conference.

    1. I'm surprised that Lindsay would bother to correct something that he pulled out of his ass.

    2. He may be wrong even with his "correction".

  24. From RL blog:

    I have known for a little while now that Melba’s study is coming out very soon, that it was not rejected in the US and that it is in fact in line to be published. Whatever you think of Melba’s ethics regarding personal and business matters which we have dealt with extensively in these reports, as far as the Bigfoot DNA, the lady’s got the goods!

    Melba Ketchum, for better or for worse, will go down in history as the discoverer, or one of the discoverers, of the Bigfoots. She will be known as a great person. She will get a Wikipedia entry. She will make a great deal of money, something obviously very important to her.

    1. If Ketchum goes down in history it will be for cooking the world’s worst brisket.

    2. A fucking Wikipedia entry? Holy shit she will be a legend!

  25. Mmmm, can't wait to hear how the humble pie tastes...

  26. Gee guys I am like, so stoked to hear this news. 2013 will totally be the Squatchiest year of all Squatchy years!!

    1. So Bobo, what you think about Daisy in a box?

    2. We can read bobo suffices it didn't say bubba so we know it's you and not every other redneck

    3. Does anyone remember the Bobobot episode from Tranzor Z ?

  27. If these bigfoots are proved to be real & part human, they're gonna owe this gov't a shitload of back taxes!

    1. I don't think they have been making any income unless they have been doing something on the side for cash.

    2. Bigfoots keep their stash of nuts, squirrels and bacon grease under their pine needle mattresses.
      They are against taxation but oddly enough pro gun.
      Go figure. Bigfoot = Republican

    3. Daisy's first interview was granted earlier today to Hannity. All she did was rail against immigrant bigfoots moving in and hogging all of the sightings. She's also pissed about the fiscal cliff deal.

  28. Did I miss this giant press conference....or did it not happen???

    1. it is NOT a press conference.. its a press release, lindsay just admitted he got it wrong..

  29. Lon Strickler Dammit Lindsay...stop jumping the gun with your BS. I talked to people within the study today and there was no word about a press conference...sheesh

    1. Robert Lindsay Press release, Lonny. Not press conference. And there was supposed to be a press release about the Ketchum study today, fact.

    2. Well, I spoke to My People and they are speaking to their people. So there.

    3. Where are you and Lindsay getting this info? Is there some super-secret squatchy insider mailing list? I want IN.


    5. Lon needs to change his name to Ion.

      Ion Strickler sounds more supervillainy.

  30. You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.

    Except me. I get to be as ignorant as I want

    Every time you see a post by DWA, you're seeing a misinformed individual waving his freak flag like it's Woodstock.

  31. There is no 'squatch, no DNA, no 2013, no January, no Bigfoot Evidence Blog, no press release, no journal.

    There is only me.

    And I, sirs, am a girl.

    I am also highly educated.

    Watch out.

    1. No January --well there goes my birthday.
      Better than droid leaving out December--

    2. Are you a hottie Bigfoot is Bullshit?

    3. If you don't believe in bigfoot why I the fuck are you on here, you are probly some fat ass, bitch that can't get a man and Oprah gone off for the day,

    4. Maybe they just like laughing at the idiot believers and all the trolls on here?

    5. BIB is just an immature teen with a cell phone, his parents pay for. (not a girl, wishes he was)

  32. Nothing on the news about it so far!

    1. This may be another Lindsay dead end.

    2. Big bad gov'ment got the fix in

    3. If Dick Cheney was still in government I would at least consider it.

    4. I am beginning to think Lindsay is what the nuts in the NWO conspiracy call a "disinformation agent".

  33. Replies
    1. In these difficult, testing times the poop in a jar guy swoops in to save us all. Praise be.


    2. Thank God, the poop master is back, the Paganini of poop

  34. Robin Forestpeople just posted some crazy babble about a press conference or something today. Is she drunk? Anybody know what she's talking about?

  35. No news conference - no press release - no vindication - no nothing.


    Mulder (keeper of the faith)

  36. Glad to see I didn't miss the PRESS RELEASE!


    1. Probably writing dramatic five post statements on Facebook about how he doesn't want to join the hate and drama of Bigfoot groups.

    2. I'm a little fuckin GOSSIP BITCH FUCKIN PUSSY

    3. I forgot to sign his name but you guys get the point

  38. How come Meldrum hasn't outed this hoax?

  39. I'm handicrapable! I mean capable!


    Whoops! She forgot and swallowed. No press conference tomorrow.

  41. RL is full of horseshit, he'll blame this on his source again. I just went to his blog and he states he has an IQ of 150. Pretty sure he's actually dyslexic and the score was 51.

  42. Tick, tick, tick.

    Look at watch.

    Tick, tick, tick.

    Look at watch, again.

    Tick, tick, tick.

    Did Lindsay get snookered again?

    Tick, tick, tick.

    Now he is buying into the Dyer kill story, too.

    Tick, tick, tick.

    Lucky his reputation does not depend on him being actually right, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

    Tick, tick, tick.

    Lindsay, is 0 fer 1 today though.

    Tick, tick, tick.

  43. And the neverending quest for more clicks coninues...

    Is Lindsey ever right about anything?

  44. To hell with the study. What about the HD video she's always talking about. When? When? When...?

  45. Why is anyone listening to this Lindsay guy? Anyone remember this old gem from this very site?

    "Our old friend, Robert Lindsay just got released from Bigfoot prison and he's now back with a vengeance. In Lindsay's "Bigfoot News April 16, 2012", he predicts that the Ketchum Bigfoot DNA study is wrapping up and will be released at the end of this month. If it's not released by May 1st, he tells us to just forget about it because it's never going to happen."

  46. Another bullseye for Robert "Sniper" Lindsay!!!!

  47. I bet if Sasquatch is real and it is finally discovered and acknowledged by science one day, it won't be because of Melba Ketcum or any of these other narcissistic clowns running around the woods or conspiracy hounds like Robert Lindsay. They all want to be the ones to break the big news, but looks like they forgot to bring the proof. All they are left with is promises and rumors and talk. And you people are all hanging on every turn with baited breath. You people are the reason they live to hoax.

  48. What a huge waste of time!

  49. so where is the press release?


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