Watch this: The Bigfoot Report - Team Quantra Captures Live Bigfoot (Updated)

Ed Smith and D.W.Lee of the MABRC ( reports on Team Quantra's Bigfoot Capture. Includes details of trapping and study plans. Updates are being released in the MABRC forum:


  1. First...aha! On the biggest night ever! I AM LEGEND!!

  2. Isn't this D.W. guy less than reliable?

    1. He's less than smart if that's what you mean.

    2. He is a slippery one. It would be nice to hear from someone on the team. All we know about them is that Ed Smith(whoever that is) used to be a member...

    3. In any event, not the type of guy to put this much faith in.

    4. Traps never worked before and these traps never work still as no bigfoot's dumb enough to step into one, they aren't bear-like intelligent you know they're people like you and I only another type so we're never ever gonna prove them via traps. No way Jose. Most likely they even watched them setting it up, dumb dumber footers.

  3. I wonder if Daisy can "mind rape" her way out of this.

    1. No, but she can open the cage with her telekinesis abilities and escape, which she probably already did.

  4. The Bigfoot community is dumb huh

    1. The Bigfoot community is out to make a buck on the backs those that believe in a mythical creature. PROOF PROOF PROOF!!!!

    2. The Bigfoot community's dumb?

      The Bigfoot community's out to make a buck?

      Bigfoot's mythical?

      Yet you hang out making comments on Bigfoot websites?

  5. So we now have 6 articles about a claim with zero evidence. Will you footers ever learn?

    1. Well considering we don't make the posts Shawn does and is backed by team tazer which is from your side of the fence so how is when will you footers ever learn

    2. Obviously the fakers are all from within the socalled community, best thing to do if interested in this subject is not to join any group (they're all monitored and reporting events back to someone), you wanna find bigfoot go out with someone you know you can trust like a friend or family member not a large group you won't find shit that way.

  6. They started with the Horizon project. Built 36 ft angle iron towers that held 160k thermal camera, the same that you see mounted under helicopters.
    The camera's were remotely manned from command trailers. ( hence the claim of Ed of having over 50 video's of thermal images of squatch)
    They had ground sensors on locations and triangulated recording towers to pinpoint tree knock and vocalization locations exactly.
    They would have multiple points of information come in on each sighting. ie ground sensors running through a computer saying the target was bipedal, Thermal films, some at the locations of tree knocks. some walking thru briars, retrieve hair samples from filmed locations, some briars produced some tissue samples. Some film of rock target threw a stone the size of a grapefruit almost the length of a football field.
    One location of a bigfoot tearing into the back of a metal barn upon investigation obtained blood and tissue snagged on a screw.
    A pig carcase with a head torn off ( not cut) and 12 feet up in a tree yeilded valuable evidence, foot tracks, hair and bite marks on the pig hide from a non-snouted animal.
    These are just a few of the experiences of the 12 year quest.
    Elaborate tissue traps were utilized, involving spinning small chains with trebble hooks attached on the ends, triggered by a pressureplate with a close up face shot photo to go with the tissue. The plate was triggered by an excess of 300 lbs of weight to make it work.
    This same pressure plate was used in the trap set up.
    There are years and years of data from experiments like a camper with a crying baby inside ( recording) on a timed set up.
    Ground sensors set up around fake campsites to monitor their approach. Stick throwing, rock throwing, all data documented and attempts to replicate findings. Find a pattern of behavior.

    1. 160k thermal cameras, 36 ft angle iron towers, ground sensors, pressureplate traps, fake campsites. Who provided all this money for these contraptions? I would also like to know, did Bigfoot leap the tower in a single bound?

      Mark B.

  7. release a photo or video otherwise it's just more B.S. No wonder people make fun of the community , it's even worse then lying politicians.

    1. At least a politician would have given us a picture of a man in a gorilla suit

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I believe in BigFoot,but even I have to agree with you. It's no wonder folks make fun of "The BigFoot Community". I'd also agree that this is Bullshit! Better yet "Squatch-Shit" & it's smelling awfully Squatchity rite now.

      If given thee opportunity,I'd like to ask "Former Member" Ed Smith as well as Team Tazer,why this statement was ever considered for public airing ? When each know,there's already all sorts of quacks out there making these exact types of claims all-day long & that it's really not helping the issue.

      Ed Smith,Team Tazer & Anonymous each know that extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. So,Kick-Monkey ?
      Or keep quiet till you can.Because,your doing thee entire BigFoot Community a great disservice otherwise.

      Another thing I can't help but wonder,is why(Anonymous)would make an outlandish claim like "160K FLIRS".Was that a typo?Because that's freakin crazy! Do you realize how much 160,000 Flir cameras would cost?

      On thee other hand,I hope "The Horizon Project" can & does bring the extraordinary proof to the table.

    4. Excuse Me ?
      In closing,I meant to say:

      "I hope "Team Quantra" can & does bring the extraordinary proof to the table"

  8. Sounds like viable investigative research. Now if we can see the subject please. Mug shot or a film, live video feed!

  9. Dumb as looney toons at it again. I swear you're all brain-dead.

    1. Stop being suckered then and take your own advice which you don't really mean of course.

  10. They're already backpedaling over at MABRC.

    They keep reiterating "maybe and "if".

    LMFAO, Looney toons, all of you schmucks.

  11. I can't believe some people are taking this seriously. Come on people..GA hoax, Sierra Kills, Ketchum etc? You just keep going for the bait and then crying when you look like fools. PT Barnum was right!

    1. Well fuck off then closet geek no sense in complaining about footery and keep turning up dummy.

  12. This was posted on MABRC blog:

    It appears that an unprecedented event is in motion, having been on the inside of this operation and now observing from the outside is a defiant change.

    So here is what I know: "Daisy" has been moved to a examination area about 12 miles from the capture site at 3:17 this morning after being properly sedated. The capture site and examination area are on private property leased and or owned in order to conduct research and operations of this type. This was confirmed by a source in the Quantra Group.

    Here is what I don't know: The weight height hair color gender or location of capture. Or the health of the specimen.
    Nor the actions leading up to the capture of the specimen.

    Here is what I'm speculating: the examination team is continuing to assemble, examination should take 72 hours.

    If they go by the plan then a decision about release or storage in a repository will be made with in 48 hours after the examination is completed.

    If release is chosen then a press release should be forth coming after the examination is competed, if the specimen is sent to the repository then a press and information release would happen with in 30 to 90 days thats by the operations plan.

    Reasons for moving the specimen to a repository include health issues, prolonged examination and on the darker side private investment group interests.

    For clarity, the Original six was never part of the MABRC and the Original six ceased operations completely. Quantra was formed with elements of the O-6, new members, ownership and management. I'm posting this due to inaccurate reporting by some Internet news shows.

    I would like to thank DW for posting information as I have been able to obtain it. I was out of town and unable to post my self.

    There is an old Army saying "once the first round is fired all plans go out the window" I commend the Quantra Group for maintaining operational focus, I guess my advise on hiring ex-military operators was heeded.

    In my opinion, there should be a press release within 48 hours if we get it I would be surprised, it seems they are playing this to the ink as it were.

    I will be in touch.

    Ed Smith

    1. Sorry that should be forum, not blog.

    2. Sorry I take back any posts of these guys playing any gi joe or anything else again I'm very sorry I didn't understand these men were former military

    3. All fucking lies, dig that calm writing style on something as big as this. LOL

    4. well he probably got fired because he couldn't spell

    5. ketchum has fizzled so now this....another foray into true believers gullibility. ralphie boy predicts that this too is a hoax. he was right about the bigfoot in a freezer, he was right about ketchum, and he is right about this too.

  13. more bullshit, show the proof!

    Lies Lies Lies!

    30 to 90 days of course...

  14. Fox, the Bigfoot that recently died, his mate was named Daisy... & if they have a Bigfoot the Government will do everything they can to make sure Daisy goes missing, because of the Ancient Alien Government tie. They would be letting to much information out to let this happen. Watch it will be reported Meaning Daisy, Stolen or missing...

    1. Yeah man it's pretty gullible to think we're the only planet with life in the universe so why not.

      Our main problem is people are too complacent they prefer dumb tv shows to ever pay too much attention to the truth and what's really going on around them, that's how you can get away with all these bigger things and conspiracies when all they have to do is - you guessed it - say nothing.

      When something's not made official it just didn't happen or isn't real, they know we're both scared and gullible thus probably the easiest race around to fool at least the other animal species have a warning system that'll alert them to any danger, we obviously don't.

      And that's how it's always been ever since the ETs first created us and placed us here, that is if you can wrap the old box around that concept.

  15. 72 hours? Can't you just walk up to it ang "yep,It's a bigfoot!Now,smile for the camera Daisy".

  16. wow another carzy story on bigfoot evidence. there are 5 posts referribgf to the same srory with not one shred of evidence, no photo etc... if they had a live bigfoot or dead, we would hacve seen it by now nd would be worldwide nes. It wouldnt be some blog on a bigfoot site. Another stupid story that will come to nothing. as the smeja/hetchum report wont either

    If there were 20ft 800pd apemen walking about a continent like North America with their families wed know. end of

    panad and gorilas are held up by believers as they proof large animals can go undetected for years. Yes in remote chinese and African countries 100years ago,as soon as the wetern world sent a couple of teams to find out they caught them,filmed them etc..witout an issue and that was 150years ago. so if an animal twice the size was in a country like the USSA wed know. we livein a sophistecated world of heat seeking,trail cams[even cell phones on everyome] etc... and we have zip apart from a 50year old hoaxed pattersson film.

    it isnt there sadly. move on

    1. Russia: 1.87 billion acres of forest
      Canada: 1.3 billion acres of forest
      U.S.: 736,681,000 acres of forest

      How many Bigfoot researchers are there to cover all of this forested land? How many people are actively looking for Bigfoot? Do the math.

      "if they had a live bigfoot or dead, we would hacve seen it by now nd would be worldwide nes."

      You know this as fact? You have no idea how groups or individuals will act.

      "we livein a sophistecated world of heat seeking,trail cams[even cell phones on everyome]"

      How many people utilize "heat seeking" or trail cams for the purpose of locating a Bigfoot?

      The initial statements were made on a forum by Ed Smith, and picked up by other forums and blogs. I highly doubt mainstream media monitor online forums or blogs.

      "it isnt there sadly. move on"

      I guess this means we won't be seeing you anymore.Take care.

    2. Sorry 6:36 but you're one of the REALLY gullible suckers if you think it's only true if it's on the news. lol

  17. This is the part that I find disturbing:

    "Reasons for moving the specimen to a repository include health issues, prolonged examination and on the darker side private investment group interests."

    IF a Sasquatch has been capture live, I can't see them releasing it. "Daisy" is already being talked about as some commodity for possible investment. "Daisy" is a living, breathing being, not some parcel of land.
    My opinion is based on the possibility the story is true.

    I understand that people have invested their own money in a project like this, but if the Sasquatch is held, then this was done for all the wrong reasons.
    "Daisy" should be examined, sufficient documentation obtained, then the Sasquatch needs to be released.
    Again, these are my opinions based on the story being true.

    1. I bet you it's not true. What we fail to understand again and again is that the bigfoot species, whatever they are, obviously is a very smart bunch and would not let itself get captured.
      Too big and strong for that it's been tried dozens of times over the centuries and even when shot at they escape so we're truly underestimating them and their strengths.
      Basically there seems to be a good reason every time that it's simply an extraordinarily unique species even our weapons and traps are useless against. Their survival instinct is incredible and nothing strange when you consider how they surely must feel about us, having observed our violent nature.
      DNA and video remains the best method to prove they exist, authorities already know obviously, but for the rest of us capture is not an option worth pursuing as it never works.

  18. So they got a cage/box big enough and strong enough to hold a bigfoot out into the woods and got what is supposed to be the most elusive animal on earth to go inside it......HUH?
    If you're gonna lie to me, at least make sound realistic.
    This is some shit a little kid would make up.

    Sounds like the beginning to Guy Edwards' "5 stages to getting hoaxed."
    Next is more information slowly leaked to prolong the story.
    Then the announcement of a press conference. Followed by a week of waiting.
    Then finally a press conference.
    And stage 5: You Are Hoaxed!

  19. I totally agree with Single Malt. Its soo funny to read these sites... Really, you built a box that could hold a Bigfoot that could rip the head off a pig and it contained that animal. Omg this is sooo damn funny but insulting at the same time.

    Personally, I have come the the determination, all these so call Bigfoot hunters and sites are just out to make a buck. Its the way they put food on their tables and make a living. Its become a very lucrative to make a living off others naive ideas about a ape like beast living in the woods behind their house.

    So if this is the biggest best thing going right now, where is the HD video, pictures and the photos of the contraption that captured the animal. There is no reason not to provide this PROOF to the public. Public recognition is where the really money is and it would alleviate government intervention. The last proof we were given from the Sierra Kills was a "poached" bear steak.

    In all the years that people have been hunting in the forest here in Washington, NO ONE has shot a Bigfoot on purpose or on accident. I find it hard to believe that not a soul has has made that accidental snap shot in the brush, at a hairy animal, when deer hunting. Really, I mean REALLY!!! Come on hunters are shot every year wearing bright ORANGE.!!

    Mark B.

    1. I've come to the conclusion you're an idiot like all the other kooks thinking this is an animal. lmao

    2. Just do the research bigfoot has been shot in the past. "in history"as i have found about three. Also skat has been found nests,deer kills,over hundreds of sightings for over hunreds of years before people called them sasquatch, bigfoot, yetti so on...Please dont take this Blog as your Proof. like I said do the research its out there. Go to the library, rent or buy docs take the time you might just change your mind. Get out there camp in the woods, hike, back pack.

  20. Matt MoneyMaker and Cliff Barackman are saying it's a bear... Loren Colman is saying it's a homeless person is what they have captured. Move along people, nothing to see here.

    1. Well don't trust the BFRO is all I'm saying.

  21. Ahhh... We The People... it's amazing how fast we turn on one another when we cant have what we want RIGHT NOW!!! I mean if we want proof isn't it worth waiting for good and proper analysis of any specimens? (not that i approve of a capture)

  22. Kool Breeze penis = 11-1/4"

  23. Where is Mucklegrunt and that pesky taterhole of his when you need it

  24. As someone who believes there likely is an unknown primate out there (thousands of eyewitnesses - including multiple, reliable witnesses such as police officers and scientists - are not all lying), I think this is a hoax. As someone said, it would take very little to prove that they did have some money invested in this, and if they really were after money, showing the world the real thing would have news organizations the world over begging them for an exclusive, blank checks in hand. I call BS.

  25. I was once raped by a sasquatch. Theyre fucking perverts.

  26. I caught a bigfoot. Probably just gonna catch and release. I caught him by the chode. He'll be ok though. They dont need the gooch to survive.

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